Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 811: you pry him i pry you

Remember [New] in a second! "So this is why the Dao of the Flesh Body is several times thicker than other Dao? The source of everything is the Dao of the Flesh Body."

Jiang Heng looked at the main trunk of the bodily avenue that spread far away and could not see the end, lost in thought.

"As expected of the strongest person who opened up this universe, it turns out that the source of all avenues comes from the avenue of flesh, but isn't everyone poaching the corner of that strongest person?"

Thinking of the weirdness on Jiang Heng's face here, although the idea is weird, the facts before his eyes are the same, what the **** is really poaching the corner of the bodily avenue.

"Then where should I put my Qi Road?" Jiang Heng glanced at the countless branches in front of him, and the density was almost all over the surface of the main road, making it impossible for people to intervene.

With the comprehension of Qi Dao, Jiang Heng vaguely felt that the key to clearing the way is to find a place near the main road, Changhe, and then use the power of the main road to derive his own Qi Dao.

Just like everyone else, they were prying around the corners of other people's walls anyway, so Jiang Heng didn't feel any psychological burden.

"I don't know if the most powerful man is still alive?" Jiang Heng was thinking in his heart, but he estimated that he had already fallen with a high probability. Even if he hadn't fallen, he would have left the world he opened up long ago. Otherwise, he could still watch a group of ants prying his corner?

Not to mention, after seeing how long his physical body was, so long that he couldn't see the end at a glance, Jiang Heng knew that even some true gods were just bigger ants in front of such existences.

"Let's find a gap as soon as possible and open the way honestly!"

Jiang Heng shook his head and began to search carefully. I have to say that there are really no gaps now. Jiang Heng searched a large circle, but there is no empty space.

This is like starting a business. The predecessors have created opportunities in all walks of life to a certain scale, and there are really not many opportunities left to future generations.

"When did we have to find out?" Jiang Heng asked wonderingly, wiping the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead.

"I don't have much time!" Jiang Heng glanced at the strange thin air film on his body, and Jiang Heng couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

There is really no gap in the near side, which made Jiang Heng look at the far side of the Boulevard of the Body, where there are also dense branches, but maybe there are more?

"Then go and have a look, anyway, I am also the one who has entered the Great Dao River just at the realm of the domain master."

Jiang Heng's heart skipped a beat, and he walked quickly along the main road and the long river to the distance.

The rules here are very strange. Jiang Heng found that he could not use the teleportation ability of the conscious body at all, and could only walk forward like ordinary people.

A cold feeling ran down the legs.

"The regular water of the Daochang River is quite cool!" Jiang Heng felt quite novel about this experience, sighed and walked forward again.

The branches seen along the way are thick and thin, and the thin ones look as thick as an arm, but the thick ones are nearly hundreds of meters wide, and their thickness has even reached one-tenth of the main trunk, occupying several times On ordinary branches.

"Does this thickness represent the strength of the Dao? Does the thicker the Dao rule, the higher the level?"

Jiang Heng murmured, his intuition told him that it should be close to each other.

"I don't know if it can be continued directly on these thick branches. In this way, I will pry the corner of the wall when others pry the corner of the bodily avenue."

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng became a little interested, maybe it would be fun.

Looking around at a branch nearly 100 meters wide in front of him, Jiang Heng shook his head after thinking about it, and decided to continue walking in, maybe there might be even thicker thighs.

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng continued to walk forward, passing many branches of different thicknesses along the way, but it was a pity that they were either similar to the previous ones, or worse than the previous ones.

"I'm afraid this thing won't be able to hold on anymore." Jiang Heng frowned as he watched the air film getting thinner and thinner.

At this moment, Jiang Heng could feel the river water between his legs getting more and more bone-piercing, and now it was like ice water with a soul-piercing chill.

Feeling these changes, Jiang Heng accelerated his pace.

Continuing to go deeper into Jiangheng, you can also feel that there are some unusual things in this long river.

"What is spying on me?"

When Jiang Heng walked to one of the branches, this idea suddenly came to Jiang Heng, but he looked around and saw no one else, so Jiang Heng shook his head and ignored it, and just continued walking.

However, at a place that Jiang Heng didn't know just now, a mid-level demigod who had been in seclusion for hundreds of thousands of years suddenly opened his eyes, with confusion and suspicion on his face.

"Just now, why did I feel that someone was wandering near my avenue and long river?"

"Could it be my illusion? No! No! My Dao perception power is pretty good and there is absolutely no possibility of mistakes."

Thinking of this, the demigod closed his eyes again, and his soul had already left his body. When he reappeared, he just appeared on the branch that Jiang Heng passed by just now.

Is it possible to use it? Is it possible to use it??????

The demigod looked around and didn't notice anything unusual, and then looked along the branch where he was, and also didn't find any other Dao spirits appearing, so he was relieved.

"It's strange, no one with any intentions came to visit. Could it be that someone wants to plot against me?" The demigod muttered to himself, obviously taking this matter seriously.

"The limit of spiritual consciousness in the long river of Laoshizi Avenue is too severe. If it exceeds ten meters, it will be blacked out at a glance. Maybe that fool who doesn't know the way came to visit me."

After noticing that there was nothing unusual, the demigod spirit disappeared again, and when he reappeared, he had already returned to his physical body.

Jiang Heng didn't know that it was just because he stopped on a certain branch for a while that he attracted such attention.

At the same time, he didn't find the difference between himself and others. The ordinary demigod entered it, and the biggest limitation was the maximum range of perception.

The maximum perception of ordinary low-level demigods here is only within three meters, and the perception beyond three meters is pitch black. The median demigod is five meters, and the high demigod is ten meters.

As for the true god, because he has completely monopolized his branch, he has a 100% vision on his own branch.

Of course, except for those who open the way like Jiang Heng, the openers themselves have 100% vision when entering it for the first time, and they can see as long as they can see. But after clearing the way and entering it again, the vision is restricted by it like an ordinary demigod.

"Hey! This one is thick enough for thighs!"

Jiang Heng's steps suddenly stopped, and his eyes lit up when he looked at a certain place.

At a distance of about 50 meters from Jiang Heng, a branch with a width of 500 meters and also invisible at a glance came into view. This kind of branch was the longest one Jiang Heng entered here.

Seeing this branch, Jiang Heng couldn't move his legs.

"It's him!"

Jiang Heng grinned, and strode up to Zhigan without caring about concealment.

Stretch your neck and look towards the end of the branch, tsk tsk, you really can't see the edge at first glance, but you can clearly see that the branches get thinner as you go to the end.

"Good guy, how many corners of the wall have you pried!"

Jiang Heng not only sighed secretly, but this one branch alone has countless other branches on top.

"Then go and have a look?"

Jiang Heng looked to see that there was still no gap on the main trunk in the distance, and then saw that the air film on his body was so thin that it was almost invisible.

"No way, it's just you, who told you to be unlucky!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Heng walked along this branch without any hesitation.

"It can't be too close to the main trunk, but it can't be too far either. It's good in the middle, and it might be interesting to cut off the flow in the middle of this avenue!"

Jiang Heng felt that he was still too bad, but he couldn't help laughing in his heart.

Feeling the thinning air film on his body surface, Jiang Heng ran wildly.

At the same time, there was also a demigod on the other side who frowned slightly.

This is a special dimension different from the main universe. In this special dimension, all time flows seem to be suspended.

A handsome young man in a white robe frowned, and his pupils swirled slowly like a whirlpool.

Wisps of time laws are circulating around him, so that all the years will not have the slightest influence on him.

"Why are there so many irregularities on the avenue? Could it be that you think I have a good temper when you make such a big commotion?"

Dao Yan frowned and murmured: "But it's not right, if other people of the same way would not run so wildly on the Dao Changhe, could it be that something happened in Da Dao Chang River?"

Thinking of this, Dao Yan couldn't sit still, he is a high-ranking demigod of time, and has a great right to speak in this Tao. But because he is not a true god, he has no choice but to tolerate some people who also practice the Dao of Time to borrow the power of this long river of time.

But borrowing does not mean that you can do anything wrong in it. After all, if you have nothing to do, you will not easily escape into the long river. It is relatively dangerous there, and there are too many unpredictable factors in it.

"Let's go for a while!" Dao Yan shook his head slightly.

The spirit came out of the body quietly, and when it reappeared, it was already standing on the familiar branch of the long river of time.

Dao Yan was very displeased with this extremely obstructed vision, which was also the reason why many demigods often traveled to and from the avenues and rivers.

The field of vision is too limited, and the ghost knows what is hidden in the dark place farther away.

If the soul is destroyed here, it will really be over.

"Huh! Someone is really running here?!" Dao Yan was a little dazed. The originally calm river under his feet had indeed become a lot more turbulent. This was obviously the result of someone moving wantonly here.

"Hmph! I want to see who it is!"

With a cold snort, Dao Yan began to walk towards the end of the branch along the rushing river, and his intuition told him that the other party seemed to be far away.

It's just that the speed at which he moved slowly and cautiously was not as fast as Jiang Heng's feet were running wildly.

After about a while, Jiang Heng finally reached the middle distance of the branch.

"It's here!"

Jiang Heng's eyes were shining brightly, feeling the airway seeds in his body, like an action engraved into the bone marrow, Jiang Heng held down the edge of the branch with one hand, and then pressed lightly.

Immediately, Jiang Heng felt that his airway had found the source of water as if the seeds had taken root, and began to draw water continuously.

After finishing all this, Jiang Heng nodded in satisfaction.

"It's just that the absorption is too slow, but the airway is still weak at the moment, maybe in the future when the airway is stronger, it will be able to pry more corners."

Jiang Heng nodded in satisfaction seeing that there was no change on the unknown branch.

Anyway, the seeds have already been buried, so the next thing is just to wait quietly.

After doing all this, Jiang Heng felt a pulling force seemed to pull him away from this place.

Without any resistance, Jiang Heng only felt that the soul body was lightly wrapped in the air film and quickly separated from this special world.

At the same time, Dao Yan, who was going up along the river, suddenly stopped.

"Still moving? Or has he returned to his physical body?"

Looking at the long river of time that is no longer rushing, Dao Yan is very suspicious, what is going on with the other party? Why are you practicing running here?

"Is there such a strange person in this world? Is it the same person? It can't be that people from other avenues came to visit us, right?"

Dao Yan frowned and couldn't figure it out, but he felt it carefully, and there was no abnormality in the long river of time, which made him even more confused, what the **** was going on.

He would never have imagined that they had been prying the corner of the boulevard of the flesh together for so many years, and someone would come to pry their corner one day.

Dao Yan didn't notice anything unusual, and Dao Yan's spirit faded away and began to leave this place.

It is unavoidable to feel uneasy in the long road with obstructed vision, and it is safer to return to the physical body.

As for Jiang Heng's behavior of prying the corner of the wall, because it was too insignificant compared to the scale of the entire time, Dao Yan didn't even feel the slightest bit.

Returning to the physical body and opening his eyes again, the first feeling is that a brand new force of law is quietly flowing in his body.

"This is Qi Dao? It is a good ability to control all gaseous objects in the world. The strength of Qi Jin has also increased a lot."

It's just that Jiang Heng is not too satisfied with the current state of Qi Dao, and his state is only at the beginning level of the Lord of the Galaxy.

"Forget it, slowly pry the corner of the wall to cultivate it!"

Without too much entanglement in the airway Jiang Heng began to carefully explore the changes brought about by the airway.

"Fuck, what is this?"

Seeing a strange and blurred figure appearing in his dantian, Jiang Heng felt particularly horrified, but upon closer inspection, he found that it was clearly the appearance of a child, and the face was somewhat similar to his own.

"He seems to be me? Is this the airway conceived by itself?"

Jiang Heng was a little confused. After all, Qi Dao belongs to the newly opened avenue, and there is no trace at all. The world does not know what different methods will appear in this Dao.

The childish child doesn't seem to have much sanity, but just stays in the dantian like a fool, constantly absorbing the energy in Jiang Heng's body.

Seeing that this thing doesn't seem to do much harm, Jiang Heng simply wasn't in a hurry to observe carefully what changes this villain would bring to him.

It took an hour to look at it, but I saw that the little child seemed to breathe once following Jiang Heng's cycle. Every time he breathed out, he would absorb the majestic energy in Jiang Heng's body, but the breath he exhaled again Strength becomes stronger and tougher.

This was like a process of purification and strengthening, Jiang Heng couldn't help but secretly marvel in his heart.

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