Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 812: The harbinger of doom

Remember [New] in a second! "It turns out that you are a purifier!"

Jiang Heng couldn't help yelling softly, but the other party didn't respond at all, and still just muttered silently.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng shrugged indifferently. Since the other party was just a training machine with no emotions, he didn't have to worry about it.

"So Qi Dao is an auxiliary plug-in? But it only improves Qi Dao cultivation, which is more healthy."

Jiang Heng has a basic understanding of Qi Dao. After all, he doesn't need to do anything to increase his realm. Isn't this a good thing to keep in good health?

Others want to live longer and have to work hard to break through the realm to gain more lifespan. Qi Dao is good, and they can break through without practicing while lying down, and their lifespan may skyrocket after a night of sleep.

"And it also completely opened up all my acupuncture points. Although the energy storage capacity of the internal organs has not increased, the quality has improved a lot."

Jiang Heng murmured silently, and at the same time vaguely felt that the little child made up of energy in his dantian might be the biggest benefit brought by the airway. Not just an auxiliary cultivation cheat, but also an aggregated existence composed of high-density energy.

Jiang Heng began to study this thing carefully, and found that this thing is indeed very interesting, and its nature is even somewhat similar to his own one-cleaning three-qi.

"I don't know if this thing can be used in combination with the method of incarnation."

Jiang Heng carefully considered the possibility.

However, he didn't know that there was already a commotion outside the Sutra Pavilion at this time.

As the sky anomaly gradually dissipated, everyone found that there was no abnormality, and they couldn't help being curious. They wondered what the situation was, why did they look like they were about to break through the tribulation, but they disappeared in an instant? Can a breakthrough be so casual?

The three Xing Yunzong elders also had this doubt, and they all knew that it was Jiang Heng, the little master uncle, who made it.

But with such a big momentum just now, but it ended so quickly, it always feels like an anticlimax.

"Can the two of you see what this trick is?" Tian Xingzi frowned and looked at the completely dissipated celestial phenomenon in the sky, a little puzzled and suspicious.

"You don't know this and you expect us to know?" Xuan Xingzi said angrily.

"But speaking of it, our little master uncle is really amazing, even we can't understand what we have come up with now!" Di Xingzi couldn't stop talking.

Hearing that the elders also nodded in agreement, they had to accept it.

At the same time, in the cave, where the demigod Xingyun resides.

"Master Hou, can you see whether my apprentice has succeeded in clearing the way?" Xing Yun looked at the severed arm in front of him with a half-hearted expression.

Hearing that, Tongtian was a little dissatisfied and hummed: "How did I know that the scene that the Pathfinder saw when he entered the Dao Changhe for the first time was different from what we saw, and there is naturally the will of the universe guiding him what to do.

According to the general situation, since clearing the way can lead to the point where a long river comes over, it means that the success rate of this person clearing the way is extremely high. Of course, this marquis has also heard a rumor that although there are more and more avenues between heaven and earth, they also have disadvantages, and the disadvantages are extremely serious. "

"Disadvantages? What are the disadvantages? I have also heard some advantages of more and more avenues. It is said that more avenues mean that the universe is stronger. Isn't this a good thing?" Xing Yun was puzzled.

"Oh, of course it can strengthen this world, but I have heard other rumors." Tong Tianhou chuckled, and immediately said seriously: "If you think about it, you also know that the way of the world is evolved with the help of the body. .”

"That's right! Anyone who has entered the Dao Changhe with a demigod knows that all the laws come from the Dao of the flesh. The backbone of the human being is the foundation, otherwise all laws are rootless."

Xingyun demigod nodded, this is common sense among the half-body, and even many experienced domain masters know it.

"Then you know that there is a limit to the main road of the flesh body!"

"Is there a limit..." Hearing that Xingyun demigod pondered for a while, he nodded after thinking for a while and said: "There is indeed a limit, but right now the avenue of the flesh body is still the main branch and the source of all laws. It can stand still for hundreds of millions of years.”

"You're thinking about it wrong!" Wen Yantongtian shook his head with a sneer, and was noncommittal about Xingyun's demigod's opinion.

"This Marquis has lived for nearly 30 million years. Do you know how wide the bodily avenue was at that time?"

"I only know that when I broke through to the demigod 400,000 years ago, the width of the body avenue was nearly three kilometers. It doesn't seem to have changed much now, right?" Xingyun demigod frowned.

"Heh! Then let me tell you how wide the avenue and river I saw nearly 30 million years ago is as wide as 10,000 meters!" Tong Tianhou said in a low voice with a solemn expression.

"How is this possible?!"

Hearing this, Xingyun's demigod couldn't help exclaiming.

"Nothing is impossible. My lord has also told me about such anecdote. He said that the body avenue in the old Zhou Empire was 50,000 meters wide, and especially in the late ancient gods period, it was 100,000 meters wide. Back then, it would have taken us a long time to run from one side to the other even if we were running wildly in the Avenue of the Flesh. Now it only takes a moment."

Tong Tianhou frightened people to death as soon as he spoke, Xing Yun's face was solemn, and his heart was already extremely restless. He had already imagined a dire consequence.

"If this continues, doesn't it mean that the great river is about to collapse?"

Xingyun murmured demigodly, he couldn't imagine what kind of scene it was.

"Almost. His Majesty the Valkyrie has long predicted that the road of fleshly body will eventually collapse one day in the future. At that time, he will face two situations."

"Which two situations?" Demigod Xingyun asked eagerly.

"First, that is the collapse of the Dao. All the demigods and true gods will collapse, and we will bear the brunt of the fleshly Dao. At that time, the realm will fall, and the demigods and even the true gods will directly fall into the domain of the domain master."

"Secondly, it is also the collapse of the Dao, but each branch of the Dao is separate and self-contained. Maybe the road ahead is cut off and difficult, but it will not cause the realm to fall. But the situation of our fleshly Dao under this condition is also not optimistic, because we The power itself comes from the bodily avenue.

However, it is said that His Majesty the Valkyrie has been researching how to avoid this catastrophe with our physical bodies. "

Listening to Tong Tianhou's narration, Xingyun's demigod's chest heaved violently, which was obviously a little startled.

"His Majesty the Valkyrie is so powerful to suppress the current world, there must be a way!" the demigod Xingyun couldn't help but said.

Tong Tianhou sighed softly: "I naturally believe in His Majesty the God of War, there have been internal rumors that His Majesty the God of War intends to reopen the way of the body."

"Reopen the path of the flesh body? What does this mean?"

Demigod Xingyun is a little puzzled, the uniqueness of the Dao is the law of the universe.

"It is said that His Majesty the Valkyrie intends to use his control over the avenue and river to split the avenue of flesh, just like splitting the trunk of a big tree.

It's just that this is very difficult, and a little carelessness will lead to the collapse of the physical body ahead of time, and the catastrophe will come early! "

"The difficulty is unimaginable, and how can we avoid the universal law of the uniqueness of the Dao? Everyone knows that there can only be one kind of Dao in the long river of Dao, and it is impossible for two of the same Dao to appear!" Xingyun half-godly frowned and said in puzzlement.

"His Majesty the Valkyrie naturally has a plan. It seems that he is trying to find a way to transform the split body avenue into a new one. I don't know how to implement it."

Tong Tianhou didn't know much about this, and he was already well-informed to know so much.

"I can't imagine that a catastrophe is approaching before I know it. Marquis, do you think the recent conflict between the empire and the temples is also related to this catastrophe?" The demigod Xingyun looked at the broken arm and vaguely felt that there was something big in it. have content.

"Hmph! You don't know? I'll tell you clearly, once the body road collapses, my empire will be the most affected by it, but the temples will not be small.

But they want to fight, they want to swallow my Great Zhou Empire in one fell swoop when the physical avenue is gradually weakening! "

"How is this possible!" Hearing this, Xingyun demigod immediately shook his head and vetoed it.

Just kidding, how can the Great Zhou Empire stand in the universe for so many years that the temples can swallow it.

"Do you think it's impossible? You and I may not have noticed it. This is because the avenue of the flesh body is extremely huge. Although it is now sluggish, it is still an extremely majestic trunk compared to other avenues.

But what about the Martial God who has mastered the avenue of the flesh?

The sluggishness of the bodily avenue has the greatest impact on the Valkyrie, which is why the few mouse-like true gods in the temple of the gods dare to jump out to make trouble at this time. They found that the strength under the crown of the Valkyrie was not as good as the peak.

The weaker the physical body, the weaker the Valkyrie is, and they can't hide this from them! "

Xing Yun was sweating coldly at Tong Tianhou's words, but he thought of something, and couldn't help but retort: ​​"But why did they do this? Since the root of the catastrophe is the collapse of the physical body.

At that time, their avenues will only be the branches of my physical avenue, and they will also be affected. It would be unwise to fight each other now, right? But don't forget that the one from the Super Dimensional God Kingdom is eyeing him like a tiger! "

This is also the most puzzling thing about the demigod Xingyun. The collapse of the Dao has very little impact on the person in the super-dimensional kingdom. If this is the case, wouldn't it be beneficial for Da Zhou and the temples to fight each other now?

"You mean to say that Dazhou and the temples should cooperate with each other to destroy the super-dimensional kingdom first?" Tongtianhou asked with a chuckle.

"Shouldn't it be like this?" Xingyun said in a low voice.

"Hehe, you still think this great catastrophe is too simple. It is true that the more roads there are, the more stable the world will be. Can it stay stable?"

"You mean this catastrophe is a catastrophe that will destroy the world?" Xingyun half-god was startled when he heard it, and then he was a little annoyed: "If that's the case, why don't you fight, let's all die together!"

"Destroying the world doesn't count. I remember that old guy Guan Tianhou said that before the general Dao collapses, there will be a reaction between the cosmic dimensions first, and then there will be creatures from the outer universe flooding into the cosmic dimension space. Then With the influx and encroachment of these extraterrestrial creatures, this universe gradually collapses.

According to the old guy's prediction, after the Dao collapses, the territory of this universe will shrink by four-fifths, and some remnants of the Dao will still maintain the firmness of this universe.

Just because of the influx of extraterrestrial beings, for them, our collapsing universe is more like a good meal, and those of us who grow in it are part of the good meal.

The final situation may be that the creatures from the outer universe cannibalize all the living beings and all energy bodies in the universe, and finally devour the origin of the Dao of the universe. So it seems that it is still an extinct world. "

Tong Tianhou nodded his broken arm slightly, which seemed to agree with Xingyun's demigod statement.

"Senior Guantianhou of Guantianjian, did he really say that?" The demigod Xingyun also knew about this old senior, and it was said that the laws he mastered were extremely mysterious, and he was suspected to have the effect of foresight.

"That's the case, since this old guy speaks, it means that the most dangerous person is the one from the super-dimensional kingdom of God. His kingdom of God has always been within the space at the edge of the universe. Before the catastrophe comes, he should be the most The unknown existence of the outer universe has a headache.

Thinking about it this way, the decision-making of my empire and the temples can be understood. Now the two sides are raising Gu, whoever devours the opponent's laws and resources first will gain a chance of survival in the subsequent catastrophe. " Tongtian said with great interest.

The demigod Xingyun was a little distracted when he heard it, and couldn't help sighing softly: "Is there really hope? Once the Dao collapses and the realm of all warriors falls, how can we fight against unknown creatures in the outer universe?"

"Naturally, this is also the reason why the two sides have to fight. Since the Dao of the flesh is overwhelmed, the killing of both sides can be delayed by killing more demigods. Even as long as the two sides maintain a certain amount of fighting every once in a while, the speed can still be slowed down."

Tong Tianhou thought it didn't He was dead anyway, no matter the flood outside.

"That's right on point!" Wen Yan Xingyun couldn't help but nodded half-heartedly.

Indeed, there are many reasons why the Dao of the Flesh Body is overwhelmed, the main one being that there are too many practitioners of the Flesh Body, and there are too many Daoes of the Flesh Body. And other avenue practitioners are also increasing year by year, which intensifies the speed at which the branch avenue absorbs the flesh avenue.

And the frequency of the pathfinders appearing more and more, the more the paths are opened, the more physical avenues will be diverted, which is also a point that weakens the physical avenue.

It is also very simple to solve this problem, that is, to die more demigods, and for the fallen demigods, their own laws will naturally return to the long river of the road, so that the stability of the long river of the road will naturally be maintained.

From this point of view, it seems inevitable that a war will break out between the two sides.

It's like the population is skyrocketing and the planet's own capacity is limited, so either family planning is carried out, or a war breaks out due to resource conflicts.

Just like the various chaos and wars caused by land annexation at the end of many primitive ancient dynasties, after a series of sharp population declines, some land conflicts were naturally resolved, and peace was maintained for a period of time afterwards.

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