Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 881: Overwhelm people with force!

The banquet lasted for four or five days, and it was not about eating and drinking. During the period, many performances were prepared.

Jiang Heng's return this time can be regarded as an eye-opener for a while, and he has seen many performances in this world.

Similarly, the last two days were also the days for Jiang Heng to preach and discuss the Dao. With Jiang Heng's current cultivation base, he could casually point out a few words to all the domain masters present, which would be a great insight, and would be of great benefit to practice.

And all the domain masters present also presented a generous gift before leaving, which is also a kind of expression.

After all, Jiang Heng will be the co-owner of all of them in the future.

Even though all the domain lords in Jiang Heng's current territory belong to the people of the Great Zhou Empire, the lords are the local officials here.

If Ruo was not incorporated into the empire, Jiang Heng's current status was just like their emperor.

With a new emperor, how dare these people not prepare a generous gift? If some people don't give it away, they are also afraid that Jiang Heng will punish them afterwards.

Therefore, the three sisters of Sanhua who were responsible for recording the gifts were completely busy and crazy. They couldn't count the countless treasure resources at once. In the end, they simply didn't bother to count them, and put them all in the port warehouse for later.

And after the banquet, there was such a group of people who did not leave, not because they did not want to leave, but because the lord had an order to discuss important matters later, so they could not leave.

In an independent living room, there are about a dozen people sitting or standing in the room at this time, and these ten people are divided into four small groups, which can be described as distinct.

"I don't know what's the matter with the lord who exchanged me alone this time?"

At this moment, an old man spoke with some concern.

"How do you know that? How can I figure out how unpredictable the lord is?" Another small group of people responded.

After such a conversation, the group of people fell silent again. Obviously, they were four small groups, and they seemed to be unfamiliar with each other.

"I remember that some of you seem to be members of the Mingyue Imperial Family?" Someone spoke at this moment.

Hearing this voice, a group of people in white robes moved a little bit, and they all looked over.

"That's right, we are indeed members of the Mingyue royal family! It's just that you are..." someone in the white-robed crowd said.

"Oh, we belong to the Hunter Alliance!"

The person who spoke earlier also responded with a smile.

It’s just that he was a little stunned when he opened his mouth. Looking at the group of people around him, he thought for a while and hesitated: “Are the forces present at the scene the most influential forces in their respective supergalactic clusters?”

This person also has considerations for saying this.

Because the former Mingyue royal family was the main speaker of a super galaxy cluster, and its fallen ancestor was once one of the demigod councilors of the Hundred Nations Alliance. Although the ancestors have fallen now, the Mingyue royal family still has the absolute right to speak in this super galaxy cluster, after all, the foundation remains the same.

And their Hunter Alliance is also the main talker of their own super galaxy cluster, and there used to be a demigod ancestor sitting in town, but it was a pity that they fell in the dominance raid back then.

And hearing that person's inquiry, the other two groups of people also nodded unconsciously.

"We, the members of Huoyun Palace, are indeed the biggest force in this super galaxy cluster!"

"Our Longxiang sect is also the biggest force in this super galaxy cluster!"

Once a group of people communicate like this, everyone will understand.

"It seems that the lord asked me to wait and discuss this may not be an easy matter!" An old man of Longxiang Sect sighed.

"In any case, the lord was kindly thinking about the next thing before, so it shouldn't be a bad thing."

Several forces have their own guesses, but they are not roundworms in Jiang Heng's belly after all, and they cannot accurately grasp Jiang Heng's mind.

About a quarter of an hour later, when everyone was chatting and getting closer, someone suddenly seemed to notice something, and the audience fell into silence the next moment.

Because at some point, a figure had appeared in the house, and none of them had noticed anything unusual before, as if this person appeared here out of thin air.

"It seems that you all understand each other."

Jiang Heng looked at the crowd with a smile, and without waiting for others to say anything, Jiang Heng sat on the main seat like a big horse with a golden sword.

Following Jiang Heng's sitting down, everyone relaxed their hearts a little bit, but they were still unavoidably nervous.

Because with Jiang Heng's appearance, a very strong coercion has slowly radiated from Jiang Heng's body.

Quite a few people in poor realms were covered in cold sweat and their backs were bent, and those who had reached the peak domain master realm also felt uncomfortable, their faces were pale, and their whole bodies trembled uncontrollably, like a mouse seeing a cat.

"Everyone sit down!"

Following Jiang Heng's words, everyone felt the coercion around them dissipate, and they relaxed.

It's just that the timid still dare not make the slightest move, after all, maybe it's just a polite way to ask you to sit?

If this is really sitting, will it die?

Many domain masters dare not move, after all, many demigods have perverse and unpredictable personalities. The ghost knows if there will be a violent murder in the next moment.

The bold ones really sat down, they didn't care so much, since the lord had ordered them to do so.

Jiang Heng saw the changes in everyone's expressions, and ignored their thoughts at the moment.

"I believe everyone knows that you are one of the most influential forces in several super galaxy clusters under the rule of this seat. And today, this seat has no other meaning in calling you here, that is to talk to you."

Hearing Jiang Heng's words, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Some people thought before, could this conversation be a pig killing meeting? The purpose is to kill all these outstanding forces?

But Jiang Heng's attitude is clear when he said this, they need them!

"The lord is being polite. I will be loyal to serve the lord in the future!" A dignified and generous middle-aged beautiful woman of the Mingyue royal family quickly saluted.

"That's right! Since we are already the subjects under the Lord Lord's rule, we will definitely do our due duty!"

No one is a fool, and soon other forces also expressed their opinions, and all of them seemed loyal, at least on the surface.

Jiang Heng glanced at them, but didn't take their words seriously.

Saying it is one thing, but doing it is another.

Looking around, he finally landed on the beautiful woman of Ming Yuezong.

"You should be the bloodline descendant of the Moon Demigod, right?"

Jiang Heng spoke lightly, without the slightest emotional change in his tone.

"My lord, my concubine is the 1,500th generation grandson of my ancestor and the current empress of the Mingyue Empire. My concubine's name is Mingshuang."

The beautiful woman hurriedly saluted again, she didn't dare to raise her head, she just lowered her head, showing a very respectful and humble attitude.

"I have heard about the deeds of Senior Mingyue, and he is a senior worthy of admiration. I heard that when the Hegemony raided the Hundred Nations Council, your ancestor blew himself up and killed a Hegemony demigod when he was caught off guard. That's very good! "

Jiang Heng gave a sigh of admiration, showing admiration.

However, Mingshuang didn't feel that the lord in front of her really admired her ancestor, she hurriedly said: "The deeds of the ancestor are naturally not comparable to the adults, and the adults have killed several demigods in the domain, and the adults are truly worthy of admiration people!"

The two were flattering each other here, but neither of them took the other's words seriously.

"I still value your Mingyue Empire more. You should control the entire Virgo II supercluster now, right?" Jiang Heng changed the topic and got straight to the point.

Mingshuang's heart suddenly became heavy, and she knew that the next step might be the time to decide the future fate of the Mingyue Empire.

"Yes... yes, there is indeed some right to speak in the local area, but if your lord wants to take over, my Mingyue royal family will definitely support it!"

Hearing these words, and looking at the woman with her head hanging in front of her, Jiang Heng knew that she was a smart person.

"Forget it, as before, you continue to manage the super galaxy cluster you are in. But after three years, I need all the local domain masters in the entire super galaxy cluster to make a detailed list. There must be no delay, no evasion, and no deviations in this matter. , otherwise.....severe punishment!"

Jiang Heng's tone was serious.

"It must be done!" Mingshuang quickly agreed, although this matter is somewhat difficult, but at this moment she cannot let her shirk it.

Although this may expose the hidden strength of the local area, Mingshuang knows that if he does not do this, the Mingyue Empire may cease to exist in the future.

"By the way, the Mingyue demigod has fallen. I'm afraid your Mingyue royal family's martial arts will be discontinued. How about this, I can't bear to see your Mingyue clan's martial arts be interrupted. Although I am not a demigod now, but in the realm of the domain master Level comprehension is not too much to think about, it is still possible to teach you, but I don’t know what you think Mingshuang?"

Jiang Heng's words had an obvious questioning meaning, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Jiang Heng had ulterior motives.

But Mingshuang is a smart person, she just thought about it for a while and understood that this matter cannot be shirked.

"Everything is under the orders of the adults, not to mention that many juniors of my Mingyue clan also need to be taught by you, a master of martial arts."

Sure enough, Mingshuang almost agreed after a little thought.

Jiang Heng nodded, then looked at the other people present, and said with a smile: "You might as well come along, anyway, teaching one person is teaching, and the same is true for a group of people!"

This made it impossible for everyone to refute. They had no choice but to compromise now, and a group of people had no choice but to agree.

After some beatings, Jiang Heng naturally didn't really want to do anything to this group of people. He has limited energy now, and wanting to bring all the forces under his strict control is not the way of a smart person, but a fool's way.

Jiang Heng is very clear about what he wants to do. He only needs to control these big forces, and at the same time, he must delegate power to these people. He only needs to ask these people about everything, and if something goes wrong, he will only take these people try to ask.

"You are all one of the most powerful forces in your respective supergalactic clusters. Let's put it this way, I didn't come here today to seize power. It was the same before. Of course, I have to make three chapters with you!"

Jiang Heng no longer concealed what he meant directly.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Please also ask for your famous words!" Mingshuang spoke first.

"First, every hundred years in the future, you will have to hand over 30% of the profits earned by your forces to this seat. These profits include all profitable industries that your forces are involved in!"

Jiang Heng first said the first point, which everyone has guessed for a long time. After all, it is a necessary process to pay tribute to the boss. Everyone nodded and had no objection to this.

"Secondly, in the future, my territory will promulgate new imperial laws and regulations. At the same time, this seat will also set up a lord's mansion. In the future, your supergalaxy cluster will set up an administrative area. Each of your forces can choose one person to serve as an administrative area official. After all, the Lord's Mansion will only communicate with the officials of the administrative district, and these people are your mouthpieces, and the Lord's Mansion is also the mouthpiece of this seat."

Everyone understands this point after a little thought, which means that in the future, they can only send representatives from various parties to negotiate with Jiang Heng's representatives, which means that these super galaxy clusters will gradually move towards unity and order in the future .

Everyone has no objection to this, anyway, now they are the fish on the chopping board, and they will listen to what Jiang Heng says.

Ever since they knew that this young and outrageously strong domain master had beheaded several hegemonic demigods, they knew their position very well, and they also knew that it was best to behave with their tails between their legs in front of this murderous god.

"The third!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Heng paused for a moment and glanced around with a smile, but for some reason, his gaze made everyone a little nervous, and he always felt that the next thing was not very good.

"I need you to hand over all the martial arts and classics of your respective forces, as well as the treasures left by some of you demigods!"

Jiang Heng's words were understated, but what fell on everyone's ears was no less than a drop of hot oil falling into a lake and turning the world upside down.

" lord, martial arts and classics are the foundation of our clan. It's not that I don't want to hand them over, but..."

Someone immediately refuted that this matter is too big.

The key point is that every point of the third item is very important. Martial arts classics are the root of their foothold. According to the ancestor's precepts, it is a big rebellion. As for the treasures left by the demigods.

Everyone seemed very depressed about this, and it was clear that they were questioning them, "Ah, you must have hidden some hole cards left by your ancestors in your hands, and now I hand them all over."

These made everyone feel as uncomfortable as if they had eaten shit. This was to show all their trump cards and completely blocked their alienation.

And Jiang Heng just watched quietly, and didn't say much, but the faint coercion on his body has escaped The surging and domineering martial arts will wash over everyone's heart will.

"My... my lord! This matter... this matter is very important, I... I still need time to think about it..."

Being a little out of breath, an old man from the Longxiang sect still resisted the momentum and begged tremblingly.

However, at the next moment, a cold snort came from Jiang Heng's mouth, accompanied by a more majestic coercion, the old man suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body quickly became weak.

"Hmph! No need to think about it! I'm just notifying you today, if you don't agree. I don't mind changing another force to take charge of your super galaxy cluster!"

Jiang Heng is extremely domineering, he doesn't care what these people think, strength already determines everything.

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