Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 882: Comprehension (on)

Seeing that Jiang Heng's attitude was so resolute and domineering, no one dared to respond.

Only Mingshuang glanced at everyone with a sneer on her face.

"My lord! I am willing to obey my lord's orders, and the martial arts classics and things left by my ancestors will be delivered within one month!"

Mingshuang stood firmly on Jiang Heng's side as soon as she cupped her hands. She was very smart, even though there were elders in the clan behind her who tried to stop her, they still refused to turn back.

She was betting, betting on Jiang Heng with the entire ethnic group.

Of course, this kind of behavior of hers is also a helpless move. After all, the general trend is the trend of the times. As for other people, they also know it, but it is still a little unacceptable for a while.

And this is where Mingshuang is so clever. Since she will agree to it in the end, it is better to express her position directly at the beginning, so as to win favor in front of Jiang Heng and gain more benefits in the future.

Indeed, the woman Mingshuang made Jiang Heng nod in satisfaction.

He will not be stingy with wise people.

"You are very smart, do you know if you can be the first lord in charge of the lord's mansion?" Jiang Heng said lightly.

"The concubine will naturally manage this super galaxy cluster diligently."

It's just that as soon as he finished speaking, Mingshuang felt that something was wrong.

She raised her head and looked at Jiang Heng in surprise, just now she felt that she had heard something wrong,

"My lord, just now you said that you want me to be the head of the lord's mansion?" Mingshuang asked as if wanting to confirm again.

"That's right! In the future, I won't let someone under my command be the head of the lord's mansion, but I will choose from several of you every ten thousand years." Jiang Heng said again with a smile.

As soon as this remark came out, the other major forces that were still struggling with the previous matters became a little jealous.

If it was said that Jiang Heng's conditions made them uncomfortable before, then this is simply giving benefits now, no! It's a huge benefit coming.

This is the chief executive of several super galaxy clusters. Needless to say, such a position has absolute authority. It is nothing to seek some benefits for one's own group at that time, right?

But now everyone didn't dare to say anything more, who told them that they were short-sighted just now, and now Jiang Heng only said this to Mingshuang, and his attitude was very clear.

Mingshuang must be the first manager!

"Everything depends on the orders of the adults, but I don't know what the manager needs to be responsible for, and I don't know if I will not do well in the future!" Mingshuang's euphemistic tone is also testing Jiang Heng, wanting to know how much authority the manager has.

"The position of the chief executive is not trivial, and you all know that I am a martial arts practitioner, and most of my time will only be used for cultivation, so many big and small matters can only be entrusted to other people.

Therefore, the responsibility of the general manager is very heavy. Not only do you need to control all the big and small affairs in the territory, but you also have to replace the envoys sent by the empire. Many external entertainments also need to be arranged by the general manager, so your responsibility will be very heavy. Do you have the confidence to be qualified for this position? "

Jiang Heng looked at Mingshuang in front of him, his words were really not a lie to lie to them, he really planned to let an outsider take charge of the overall situation.

It's just that this is also a test, if the Mingshuang in front of him is using the public to seek personal gain, then Jiang Heng doesn't mind changing another one, anyway, all the power of interpretation rests with him, and whoever should be allowed to go up can go up.

The reason for choosing an outsider is also to transfer the conflicts of other forces towards him to the Mingyue royal family.

It can also be regarded as letting outsiders restrict outsiders.

Mingshuang has already started to think quickly, and she naturally thought of Jiang Heng's purpose, but after considering the benefits, she doesn't mind being a knife in Jiang Heng's hand.

"My lord, I'm not talented, but I'm still willing to give it a try!"

"Well, after one month, after the establishment of the Lord's Mansion, you will come to take office. At that time, everything must obey the orders of the Lord's Mansion. Your orders are my orders, and anyone who dares to disobey will be executed!"

Jiang Heng's words once again made the rest of the forces even more depressed. He didn't expect the power of the general manager to be so great, and he didn't expect Jiang Heng to dare to give Mingshuang such great power. Isn't he afraid of backlash?

Oh! By the way, they are really not afraid of backlash. After all, he is the lord recognized by the empire right now. Even if they have the strength to kill Jiang Heng, they must consider the laws of the empire, unless they can overthrow the entire Great Zhou Empire.

If you don't have this strength, then wash up and sleep.

An internal meeting ended very concisely and clearly. As soon as Jiang Heng left, the meeting room immediately fell into a burst of discussion.

The four forces are all grouping together to discuss the countermeasures and what to do afterwards.

But soon, the powerful and smiling Chao Mingshuang made friends with Mingshuang. Everyone is not stupid. Since Mingshuang will be the head of the lord's mansion in the future, it is natural to curry favor with this powerful figure in advance.

After dealing with this group of people, Mingshuang also had to face her own family members.

"Mingshuang, you are a member of the direct line of the Mingyue royal family. When you become the chief executive in the future, you must seek the best interests of the clan!" A clan elder said proudly that his family members were able to obtain such authority , their Mingyue Royal Family will soar into the sky in the future.

"Yes, yes, yes! We must take good care of our own people in the future."

Listening to these noisy voices, Ming Shuangliu frowned, she glanced at everyone, and then sighed after a while.

"Clan elders, I'm afraid that Mingshuang will disappoint everyone in this matter. Not only will I not take care of my own ethnic group in the future, I have not specifically targeted the ethnic group. I need to remind you of this matter, and I ask all the elders to support !"

Mingshuang's words made all the clan elders look ugly.

"Mingshuang, what do you mean by that? We grew up watching you!" Immediately, a clan elder pointed at Mingshuang's nose and scolded.

"Yes! Without the support of us old men, how could a woman like you become the first empress of the Mingyue Empire?"

"That's right! Wouldn't you chill me and the entire ethnic group by doing this?"

Hearing these verbal criticisms, Mingshuang was not angry but just sighed helplessly: "Clan elders, please forgive me for this matter. The lord of this position can be so generous to give it to the concubine. , I believe that I will never want to see what happens next."

Mingshuang is also helpless, why is this group of people so short-sighted? If they really do what they say, then Jiang Heng will definitely not let them go.

Hearing this, some clan elders were ready to scold loudly, but at this moment, one of the oldest gray-robed elders coughed lightly, and all the Mingyue clan elders shut up after hearing the sound.

This is the most prestigious old man in their clan.

"Mingshuang, you did a good job. In the future, you will indeed treat the ethnic group strictly, not only to us, but to everyone equally. You only need to remember one thing in the future. You are the sword of the lord. Everything about you He gave it."

The clan elder spoke tremblingly. What he said made the clan elders a little puzzled.

"Old patriarch, how could you do this, this...wouldn't this be a waste of this great opportunity?" Some people were puzzled.


The old man slammed his cane fiercely and then cursed: "You know what, you just want to mess around when they delegated power to us. If this power falls to our Mingyue clan, it will always belong to our clan, right?

A group of short-sighted things, if you really dare to do this, believe it or not, Shuang'er will not be in charge for a year, and even our Mingyue clan will face extinction! "

The old man's expression of hatred for iron and steel made a group of clan elders a little afraid to speak, who told them that they were a generation older than them.

Strictly speaking, this old man in front of him would call him a little ancestor.

Because he is the last and only surviving heir born tens of thousands of years ago by the demigod Mingyue.

It has to be said that the moon demigod is still growing old and strong, and the demigod Mingyue was an old demigod who lived for nearly 1.2 million years before his fall.

It stands to reason that such an age is already extremely old for a low-level demigod, not to mention the existence of fertility barriers with ordinary mortals, even if there is no such thing, it is difficult to have children. But it happened that he was old and strong, and he really gave birth to such an heir with a woman who was a peak domain lord.

It's just that the Mingyue demigod has fallen, and the entire Mingyue royal family is still alive with this young ancestor, who is the ancestor of all Mingyue clan members.

There's no way the family's seniority is too high!

Even if some people in the clan are older than this old man, they still have to call this person an old ancestor.

"Thank you, ancestor, for explaining it to me. Indeed, what I just said is very clear. I can't go too far in this matter. I need to let the lord see the determination and sincerity of me and our clan."

Ming Shuang nodded gratefully to the old man and explained again.

"Since that's the case, I'll support you, and hope that you can remember our ethnic group in the future, Miss Shuang. We are old, and some things have not been turned around for a while." A clan elder sighed.

They were too anxious just now, after all, they still wanted to see the group grow stronger day by day.

Time passed day by day like this, and before I knew it, three years passed in a flash.

Since the appointed manager took office, Jiang Heng would often sit in the lord's mansion at Sanhua Port at first, but after a long time, seeing that everything was under the management of Mingshuang, Jiang Heng simply stopped at Sanhua Port. stay.

Green water and green mountains, the spring sun shines on the cold lake surface, making the lake surface warm. Jiang Heng lies quietly in the boat on a small boat, basking in the sun, next to Lin Yanwei who is reading a book.

From a distance, it looks like a beautiful picture scroll in the rivers and lakes.

Returning to the reconstructed Qinglan Realm, Jiang Heng relaxed for a while, and went to the mountains or played in the water every day.

They didn't bring other people with them, but the husband and wife traveled on this planet full of vitality like ordinary mortals.

"Both guests, the Surabaya Wharf is ahead, but you two should be careful when going there."

The person who punted the boat was an old man over half white, who looked about fifty or sixty years old, and was wearing short hexagrams. He came out to work at this age, so it was obvious that his family was not particularly rich.

"Why? Could it be that there are strong people at the Surabaya Wharf?" Lin Yanwei put down the book in her hand and smiled.

"That's not true, it's just that the Surabaya Wharf is owned by the Canglang Gang. If the guests disembark, if they don't give some money, they may cause some trouble!"

The boatman kindly reminded him that he was quite afraid of the Canglang gang in his words.

"Canglang Gang?"

Jiang Heng, who was basking in the sun with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, muttering, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

When the boatman walked towards the bow, Lin Yanwei smiled and said: "Why is there something wrong with the Canglang Gang?"

"That's not true, it just reminds me of some past events."

Jiang Heng shook his head, he just thought of the old gang leader Fu back then.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the Canglang Gang appeared in the brand new Qinglan Realm by chance.

I don't know if there is a Fu family in this Canglang Gang.

It didn't take long for the ship to dock slowly at the pier.

After Jiang Heng and his wife gave the silver, they went to the pier. The place was quite prosperous, and there were many merchant ships and cargo ships docked nearby, and they could also see dock workers and some customers coming and going.

Watching this scene, Jiang Heng couldn't help showing a knowing smile.

"Why are you laughing, Husband?" Lin Yanwei asked suspiciously, she found that Husband seems to like to wander around such an ordinary, low-level world.

"Do you still remember what I said about my rise?" Jiang Heng didn't look at Lin Yanwei, but just looked at the scenes around him and said indifferently.

Lin Yanwei thought for a while and nodded, "Remember, you said that you were originally just a rich kid from an ordinary planet that didn't step into space.

The reason why one can step out of the planet step by step and become a strong person step by step, the initial experience is very important. So this is the little bit of what you have experienced, husband? "

"Almost, I used to be the same as this group of people. I was just an ordinary mortal at the lowest level. Such an existence could easily overwhelm all the creatures here in the universe by any high-level warrior. But I think they may be It is the most real life."

Jiang Heng sighed.

Listening to what her man said, although Lin Yanwei felt a little incomprehensible.

After all, these people in front of her are extremely Maybe she can die at will with one breath, but she also feels that what her husband said must be reasonable.

"Sometimes I feel that becoming a martial artist really gives me great freedom and freedom?" Jiang Heng said and then shook his head mockingly, "But does it mean that the more you know, the more you will be restrained?"

"Husband, is it because you think too much? I think we are doing well now, but you are busy. Sometimes I worry that I won't be able to catch up with you."

Lin Yanwei's tone was a little low, but Jiang Heng's ears were moved by what he heard, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at his wife.

"Don't worry, I will take you with me in the future." Jiang Heng sighed softly, then held his wife's hand tightly, and said softly: "Maybe I will step into the demigod realm in the future, but I will also take you Bring into that realm, trust me!"

The years are long, and there must be someone who is always by his side. Wouldn't it be too lonely to walk alone?

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