Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 896: Jin demigod

"The body magic is coming!"

At this time, the fissures in the physical body also changed, and the original light began to turn into a red light like blood, and the light was as red as blood.

Immediately afterwards, countless **** water poured across the river like rain.

The blood was like some high-concentration sulfuric acid, and Jiang Heng's body, which looked like the strongest iron in the world, melted like snow water.

Every drop of blood that falls on the body surface will cause a burst of thick blue smoke to rise, and at the same time, a ferocious stinky blood hole will be corroded on the flesh and blood.

Heart-piercing growls uttered from Jiang Heng's mouth, and in just a few breaths, Jiang Heng became unrecognizable like a hideous body with **** bones and viscera visible.

The hairs that were comparable to domain master level weapons were directly corroded at this moment.

With a big wave of his hand, Jiang Heng quickly sacrificed a piece of body protection treasure, all kinds of protective equipment and armor were placed on top of his head, trying to prevent this terrible substance from touching the body.

However, this seemed to be just the beginning, and the blood rain slowly stopped, just as Jiang Heng hurriedly took the elixir to make his body recover quickly.

The crack above changed again, and thick blood mist sprayed out of the crack.

"not good!"

Seeing this as a lesson learned from the past, Jiang Heng no longer dared to be negligent, and quickly threw out several isolation arrays to isolate the surrounding air.

However, the strange thing is that these blood mist ignored these isolation formations and directly penetrated into the formations. At the same time, as if attracted by Jiang Heng's physical body, they poured into the body along the pores.

"This catastrophe is not easy to survive!"

Seeing this, Xuan Guizi in the distance couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Senior, do you know the key to this catastrophe?" Lin Yanwei asked anxiously.

"So what if I know? Forget it, I'll tell you."

Xuanguizi sighed, thought for a while and said:

"The so-called calamity of laws is the punishment of heaven from the Dao level. Every person who crosses the tribulation has a different Dao, so they will suffer different disasters at this stage.

For example, the law of life of the old man experienced a sharp decrease in lifespan at the beginning. If it weren't for the fact that the old man's race is special and has a long lifespan, I'm afraid I would have turned into a cup of loess at the very beginning of the law of calamity.

If so, I also used a precious life-death reversal pill at that time. This life-death reversal pill was refined by the old man in advance according to an ancient formula with the huge life law power in his body.

Although this elixir can't increase my lifespan, it can store a large amount of life energy in my body for a short time.

It was also with this elixir as an offset that he survived the first wave of law calamity. "

Xuan Guizi could not help but sigh when recalling the past.

"Senior said it was only the first wave. Could it be that there will be a second wave and a third wave?" Lin Yanwei became even more worried when she heard this.

"That's right! There are indeed three waves of law calamity, just like Jiang Heng's physical calamity. Most of the physical law calamities are the same. The first wave is the corruption of the physical body. This is the dirty calamity!

He has already survived this calamity, but the second wave is due to physical weakness, and this calamity is a decadent calamity. The first two are just a foreshadowing for the martial arts in the physical body, and the third calamity is the decline calamity!

These three steps respectively removed the resilience, the endless power, and the decay and aging of the physical body that a physical martial artist was most proud of.

Especially the third calamity is the most deadly. This stage often lasts for a long time, and once it is not survived, it will die. The soul will be permanently bound in the decayed body, unable to take it away, unable to be reincarnated, and can only wait for the soul to dissipate. "

As Xuan Guizi stated his interests, Jiang Heng's decadence has reached a critical moment.

"My power is running out fast!"

Jiang Heng frowned, for a martial artist with a physical body, strength is the foundation of self-confidence and confidence.

However, this feeling of power rushing made any physical warrior feel a little panic and uneasiness for no reason.

Jiang Heng also had this uneasy thought at the first moment, but soon this thought was hit by bursts of severe pain.

"What's going on? Why do I feel so much heavier?"

At this moment, Jiang Heng felt as if his whole body was filled with lead, and every breath became extremely difficult, and his whole body was directly passively suspended in a vacuum environment.

The strength in his body can't keep him standing still in the void, so he can only take advantage of it with his hands. This feeling is more uncomfortable than falling into the deep sea and bearing a gravity field tens of thousands of times.

It was as if the body had suddenly become the most terrifying burden.

Click click click!

There was a series of cracking sounds, and the bones could not bear the burden of the physical body and began to show signs of shattering.

Taking a closer look at Jiang Heng was even more shocking.

I saw my skin began to fall off little by little, and the muscles that represented strength fell off piece by piece like fat.

It took only a moment for Jiang Heng to lie on the ground and tried to stand up, but his bones only moved up slightly.

From a distance, it looks like the bones have been pulled out of the flesh, like a layer of clothes has been taken off.

This scene looked extremely terrifying and infiltrating, and it definitely belonged to a scene that could cause nightmares just by looking at it.

"Hey! Something's wrong!"

Seeing Xuan Guizi in the distance couldn't help frowning, a little strange.

"Senior, what's going on here? How could this second wave be so terrifying?" Lin Yanwei couldn't help crying silently while watching this scene, covering her lips.

"I didn't know it would be so scary. It stands to reason that under normal circumstances, it's just a weak body. How did it become so scary with Jiang Heng?"

Xuan Guizi vaguely guessed that this might have something to do with Jiang Heng's talent and strength.

The power of the demigod calamity is not constant, but the intensity of the catastrophe is increased according to the strength of the victim's natural strength.

This is also why some people who have mastered the double law often prepare to break through the second avenue soon after breaking through the first avenue.

Because the difficulty of Heavenly Tribulation will not be constant just because you are a high-ranking demigod, and even if you are a high-ranking demigod crossing the Half-God's Tribulation, you will also face extremely terrifying catastrophe.

"There is a situation! What's going on here?"

Suddenly Xuan Guizi frowned.

However, Jiang Heng, who had been separated from his flesh and blood, was actually recovering a little bit at this moment.

The flesh and blood began to reorganize a little bit. Although the process was relatively slow, it was getting better little by little.

At this moment, Jiang Heng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Naturally, this is not because the power of the Heavenly Tribulation has been reduced, but because it has just tried to use the power of Qi Jin to open a fine net with Qi Jin, pulling and reshaping the flesh and blood little by little.

It has to be said that the magical effect of Qi Jin is really infinite, and this kind of extremely subtle power can accomplish many incredible things.

At this time, the vigor is surging, and every cell is reconnected when the big net is opened.

After only a few breaths, the flesh and blood were reshaped again, but it still didn't work if he just wanted to move, but Jiang Heng could only use Qi Jin to take out a pill from the storage space.

It was a black thing, it was the mud ball of Xuanguizi.

Regardless of nausea, he swallowed it directly into his stomach.

Surging power of life poured into the limbs and bones. At this moment, Jiang Heng finally regained some strength, but the strength would still be blown out just as soon as it was born.

But Jiang Heng still ignored the consumed pills one by one until the time passed.

"It's finally over!"

After ten breaths, Jiang Heng breathed out, and sat down on the void, panting like a drowning person, and his strength began to recover slowly.

"This feeling is really uncomfortable. It's like fighting tirelessly for hundreds of years. I really don't have the strength to move my fingers now!"

Jiang Heng was lying on his back directly on the void again, at this moment he just wanted to have a good sleep.

However, the power in the crack has been brewing again.

But something is gestating on the other side of the airway.

"Not good! The Heart Demon Tribulation of Qi Dao Heavenly Tribulation is here!"

Jiang Heng was startled, the Law Tribulation of Qi Dao had been passed, so what was brewing now was naturally the Heart Demon Tribulation.

However, there was a wave of ups and downs, and before Jiang Heng could react, the next moment he felt that his plump muscles began to wither rapidly.

In just a few breaths, Jiang Heng's originally young, tall and tall figure turned into a very old man in a blink of an eye.

Every muscle became extremely slack, and the divine brilliance on the body surface was dimming and withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Time passed quickly, Jiang Heng gritted his teeth and took the elixir crazily again, swallowing the elixir containing huge life functions one by one.

But even so, the physical body is still drying up at a rapid rate, the skin collapses rapidly, and soon becomes a skinny appearance with sunken eye sockets and skin clinging to the bones.

It seems that it will fall apart when the wind blows.

At the same time, a wisp of black smoke flew out of the crack in the airway, and the black smoke penetrated into Jiang Heng's eyebrows at an extremely fast speed.

Surprisingly, the heart demon robbery also broke out suddenly.

At this moment Jiang Heng was suffering both physically and mentally.

Time passed by little by little, and those who watched the process of crossing the catastrophe around and even from afar couldn't help but sweat for Jiang Heng.

This kind of dangerous doom is definitely something they have never seen before.

Even Eva, who had seen too many demigods in the core area of ​​Nanwang's ruled area, couldn't help being slightly moved at this moment.

"It's a pity for this person. I'm afraid this kind of catastrophe is enough to be included in the annals of our Great Zhou Empire." The young female consul with glasses couldn't help but sigh.

There was regret for Jiang Heng in his tone.

"Who says it's not? I haven't seen anyone who dares to be promoted to a demigod at the same time. If he doesn't die, who will die?"

On the other side, there was also a consul who shook his head, feeling a little brain-dead about it.

Eva just watched quietly, but the disappointment in her eyes still could not be hidden, she looked and finally looked away.

"Close it, don't continue to pay attention to this matter, everything is already a foregone conclusion!"

Eva ordered softly, since it is so natural, there is no need to continue to consume the energy of the Eye of Punishment. After all, this thing is a big gold swallower, and it will consume a lot of energy every now and then.

"Hey! How did this work?"

At this moment, a light hey attracted everyone's attention.

Eva raised her brows slightly, but she still couldn't help turning her head to look, but she was stunned again after just one glance.

Why do you say again?

It seems that this Jiang Heng has given her enough surprises today.

In the picture, the surface of Jiang Heng's physical body quickly recovered as if it was inflated, and a black smoke escaped screaming from between his eyebrows, and was about to escape back into the crack.

But Jiang Heng's soul was separated from his body, and he directly sucked the black smoke into his soul with a big mouthful.

As the inner demon was beheaded, the remaining essence was absorbed by oneself.

Jiang Heng only felt that his soul had completely transformed into a divine soul, and there seemed to be cracks appearing on the surface of the soul body, which seemed to be supported by eating.

The cracks on the soul body did not make Jiang Heng feel pain, but only a sense of comfort, as if the next time the outer layer of the soul is removed, his soul state may step into the next state.

"Is this the lower first-order spirit body?"

Jiang Heng's spirit moved around for a while, he had a feeling that as long as he moved his mind, he would chop out a space-cutting blade that could cut the soul.

At the same time, it can also shoot out a series of vigor that is enough to penetrate the soul body.

"After the soul body has completely transformed into a divine soul, it is true that I can use some of the power of the law. It's just that using such a method currently consumes a lot of energy for me. About three or four times is the limit."

Jiang Heng felt a little regretful, but he didn't know that ordinary low-ranking first-level souls could not use their souls to use law methods at this stage.

The reason why Jiang Heng was able to do it was that his soul body was comparable to that of a divine soul when he was at the domain master level. Now that he has stepped into the divine soul body, his natural foundation is far superior to that of the same level, and even faintly surpasses some low-ranking second-level powerhouses. .


Just as Jiang Heng was thinking, a ray of gas gushed out from the crack in the airway, as if he was ascending to attract the rays of the sun to shine on Jiang Heng.

In an instant, Jiang Heng's physical body began to become crystal clear, and some bodies in his body that were not fully deified began to be completely deified.

Wisps of divine brilliance floated behind Jiang Heng's head, and slowly, countless airflows gathered to form a cyclone phantom behind his head.

Different from the symbol of general demigod powerhouses, Jiang Heng's air path divine biological characteristic is a cyclone.

At the same time, the consciousness sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, and a ray of flame emerged from the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness. At first, it was just a faint spot of light, but immediately after that, streams of air flowed in, as if power had been injected into the spot, and a ray of flame rose instantly out.

As the flames emerged, Jiang Heng unconsciously raised his head in an instant, looking up at the void above his head.

At this moment, he could somehow feel that he had a close connection with the long river of Qi Dao.

"Give it to me!"

With a wave of Jiang Heng's hand, the void suddenly twisted, and then another crack appeared in the void above.

This is not a crack in the sky, but the projection of the Dao, which is one of the symbolic means of the demigod.

I saw a blurry avenue and long river rushing inside that crack, like a magnificent Milky Way.

I just don’t know why The crowd always feel that this long river seems to have a branch, or this thing is a branch of someone else, in short, it’s a bit weird.

"Hey! What's going on here!"

Almost at the moment when he was pulling the long river, Jiang Heng was taken aback, and looked down at his palm.

With a little force on the palm, a group of gray light appeared in the palm immediately after.

Looking at this mass of things, Jiang Heng thought for a while and tore off one of his hairs, and then let it go on the top of his palm.

I saw that the hair fell slowly at a uniform speed at first, but when it fell into the range covered by the gray light, it seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and the speed suddenly dropped.

To the naked eye, it looks more like a pause, but when Jiang Heng glanced at it, the hair is indeed still falling, but the falling speed is tens of thousands of times slower than the original speed, which makes it look like a pause to the naked eye. same.


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