Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 897: Gravediggers of the Avenue of Time

time? !

"This is the power of time! How can this happen?"

Jiang Heng's eyes widened, and his heart beat uncontrollably at this moment.

The next moment he raised his head suddenly, and looked at the phantom of the avenue drawn by him again.

His eyes were narrowed slightly, and his eyes were fixed on him.

Different from others, this is the phantom of the avenue drawn by him, so he looks more carefully.

His gaze finally locked on the end of the long river of airway, and the end is not linked to the main body of the long river of avenues, but the long river of time!

Jiang Heng recalled that when he first opened up the Qi Dao, he did play tricks, that is, he did not open up branches in the main body of the Dao Changhe, but opened up branches on top of the branches.

This is like drainage and grafting, Jiang Heng directly opened up his own airway on the long river of time.

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Although there are not many big bosses who seem to have mastered the power of time, all of them are super powerful.

It is indeed too much to steal the power to intercept others in this way.

Not daring to pull the phantom of the long river, Jiang Heng waved his hand to dissipate the pulling force, and the phantom of the road also disappeared.

Jiang Heng couldn't help but chuckle in his heart. He didn't expect that he just wanted to steal other people's Dao Changhe, and the situation of intercepting the flow made the practitioners of this Dao feel extremely uncomfortable.

But I didn't expect that it was not only the pure power of the Dao law that intercepted the flow, but even the characteristics of the other party's Dao Changhe were stolen.

"It turns out that the long river of avenues stolen before is the long river of time, so it's interesting."

Jiang Heng thought to himself, before he wondered what kind of law power such a branch extending from the main trunk was, but now it is really a surprise.

Time and space are both one of the top laws, and now I am both time and space.

It is almost impossible for this kind of top avenue to be mastered by the same person, but now I own it.

Jiang Heng doesn't know exactly how powerful the combined power of these two top avenues is, but after a little thought, he knows it's not as simple as one plus one.

However, just after Jiang Hengqi ignited the divine fire and stepped into the demigod, at the same time he was far away in a material-rich super galaxy cluster.

This is a sphere of influence called Yunshang Immortal Palace, ruled by a high-ranking demigod named Yun Daoren.

And this one belongs to the temple of the gods, but today he politely bowed his hands to another young and handsome man with a handsome face and smiled.

"Senior Shi Yu, why don't you continue to stay in the mansion, and I would like to kindly invite you to let the senior enjoy the beauty of my fairy palace."

Taoist Yun is a high-ranking demigod with white hair and immortal spirit, but today he seems very humble, even a little reserved.

Shi Yu waved his hand but said indifferently: "No need, I have recovered a lot of strength today, and there are still some things that need to be returned to the main hall."

Shi Yu has been very depressed since Jian Wushen suffered a dark loss, and he has spent even more painstaking efforts to unseal the power of the inner law.

However, facing a forbidden power left by an ancient true god, Shi Yu's tricks are useless at all.

After thinking about it for a while, he decided to go back and ask the three true gods to help, maybe he could break the ban ahead of time.

It's just that he was about to open the time channel to leave this place when he suddenly stopped.

His complexion became even more ugly in an instant.

"How come? Why is the power of the Great Dao less out of thin air?"

Shi Yu frowned. As a high-ranking eighth-rank demigod of Time One, his control over Dao Changhe already accounted for a large proportion.

It's like all time cultivators are sharing a cake at the same time, only Shi Yu occupies the biggest head.

It is also because he occupies the largest share that he is particularly sensitive to Dao Changhe.

The soul directly entered the avenue and the long river, and the mind penetrated into it and began to investigate carefully.

What greets the eyes is a pitch-black world, and only within a hundred meters can one see things clearly. This is the disadvantage of practicing the Dao of others.

Someone like Jiang Heng who has opened up his own airway can see the entire avenue at a glance, without any blind spots in his vision.

Walking along the avenue and long river representing time, Shi Yu frowned even deeper after a while.

There were not many abnormalities at all. Of course, there is one thing if there is no abnormality, that is, the avenue seems to be slightly thinner.

The width of the long river seems to be much thinner.

If the middle and low-level demigods who practiced the Dao of Time would definitely not be able to detect this, Shi Yu still keenly grasped this point.

It can be caught, it can be caught, but there is no abnormality at all, which is very depressing.

It's just that in the area he walked through, there was a small branch under the edge that he didn't detect at all.

This branch is still very slender, more like a small water pipe, inconspicuous compared to the long river of time. It is precisely because of this that Shi Yu was deceived.

Speaking of the other side, after the Qi Dao stepped into the demigod, many people watching this place couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But what was more surprising was that Jiang Heng could step into the demigod in one fell swoop under the double catastrophe.

"The next thing is to look at the inner demon tribulation of the physical body. As long as he overcomes it, this kid will really become a dragon, and his future is limitless." Xuan Guizi couldn't help but marvel.

Seeing the whole process of Jiang Heng's breakthrough, he felt terrified.

Lin Yanwei, who had just breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, raised her breath again.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Don't worry, I think this kid has a firm mind. I heard that he has experienced nine mysteries and nine transformations before, and he has just experienced a heart demon tribulation. That being the case, the mere demigod heart demon tribulation can no longer shake his mind at all!"

As if confirming his words, as another wisp of black smoke gushed out, Jiang Heng's spirit rushed out of his body again and directly inhaled the black smoke into his body.


Like a world-destroying thunderbolt exploded in Jiang Heng's Sea of ​​Consciousness, followed by the soul as if swallowing a great tonic, the body of the soul ushered in a complete transformation, and at the same time the border of the Sea of ​​Consciousness was rapidly expanding.

Thousands of feet! lofty!

At the same time, there was only one flame rising in the originally pitch-black sea of ​​consciousness, but now another flame was rising, and the two flames quickly attracted each other and merged together, forming a huge torch.

This torch was not fixed in place, but was slowly lifted into the sky above the Sea of ​​Consciousness before it floated quietly. From a distance, it looked like a tiny scorching sun, but the current flame was still too small, and the light emitted was even Neither can completely illuminate the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

Feeling so far, Jiang Heng felt relieved.

"Break through realms one after another in one breath, and now my soul has stepped into the lower third-order level!"

And this is not a third-order soul for the first time, but a third-order soul with an extremely solid foundation.

"It's just that the two divine fires converged and turned into a small sun? Could it be possible that the sea of ​​consciousness can evolve into a world in the future?"

Jiang Heng felt that it was quite novel, and this did not appear in other demigods, because it is extremely rare for both of them to step into the level of demigods with double cultivation. Even in the Great Zhou Empire, there are not many such existences.

"Maybe in the future, when you enter the core area of ​​the Great Zhou Empire, you can borrow relevant classics and look them up."

Jiang Heng thought to himself, while the changes in his physical body continued.

Every muscle is undergoing divine life form transformation.

If the deification transformation of the domain master level is a preparation for stepping into a demigod, then after stepping into a demigod, the foundation laid by the physical body before will be magnified by hundreds of times or a thousand times. It is a release of potential.

Apart from the muscles of the body, the first thing to change is the heart. The heart is like a smoldering sun, continuously swallowing a large amount of energy and blood that contains terrifying power.

Every beating is like a dull thunder exploding, and there is a majestic energy and source of energy surging all the time.

Every bone is also getting stronger.

This change lasted for nearly an hour, and Jiang Heng spent this hour in a feeling of numbness all over his body, and every inch of his skin had a wonderful and refreshing feeling.

What made Jiang Heng a little depressed was that the bones seemed to be growing crazily.

The original bones seem to be compressed to the limit after stepping into the demigod, and can only be forced to expand. The strengthening of the bones will naturally drive the growth of the muscles, skin and various parts of the body.

In just a moment, Jiang Heng's figure has grown to a thousand meters, and then ten thousand meters! One hundred thousand meters, one million meters!

It didn't stop until a million meters.

At this moment, Jiang Heng is like a terrifying **** exuding divine power. The clothes on his body have long been torn apart under the swelling of his body. It was found in the secret realm of the cave left by the previous overlord.

This set of treasure armor is even slightly inferior to Jiang Heng's physical body at the moment, but the advantage is that it can be enlarged or reduced according to the owner.

At this moment, Jiang Heng's demigod body was completely revealed in front of the world.

The exposed arms and feet are full of violent beauty, and the proportion of muscle bulges is just right. What is more mysterious is that there are hideous blood-colored textures floating on the surface of the flesh, and among these textures are many stars shining with scarlet light. Hook up.

These are really acupoints spewing out surging divine power.

It's just that Jiang Heng's physical body is different from the ordinary physical body and demigods. What spews out from the orifices is not only the power of the physical body, but also the terrifying energy of the air.

From a distance, Jiang Heng's shape looks like a terrifying humanoid steam giant, every time he moves, majestic energy and scarlet light spew out from each orifice. It seems that a layer of energy tide is blowing up around the physical body in an instant.

On the other hand, there are two halos floating behind Jiang Heng's head, one is the aura of air path composed of air currents exuding shimmering white light, and the other is the aura of the body path composed of countless scarlet stars.

One big and one small, the ring of the airway wrapped by the ring of the physical body looks even more miraculous.

"Good boy! I'm afraid this body is no less than an ordinary low-ranking first- and second-order semi-sacred weapon!"

Xuan Guizi was amazed, this kind of physical body was already comparable to his middle-level body.

And he is originally a giant beast with a strong body, and he should be born to crush ordinary groups, but at this moment, he also looks discolored in front of Jiang Heng.

At the same time, the countless exclamations of the ruling hall also resounded in the ruling hall.

"Really let him successfully cross the tribulation?"

"Even if this person is placed in the central imperial capital, I'm afraid he is one of the top talents!"

"More than that! I think it is comparable to some heirs of princes and even members of the royal family!"

Countless exclamations came from the mouths of these well-informed and ordinary consuls. They had seen a lot of the market, so they couldn't help but marvel at this moment.

"Sir! The energy level index is still rising!"

The young female consul spoke quickly.

"How much?" Eva was also surprised before, but she quickly calmed down and asked softly when her brain was dominated by rationality.

"It has reached 8 million energy levels, now it is 8.5 million, and the final energy level assessment is 9 million! My God!"

Speaking of which, the little girl couldn't help covering her little mouth and was very shocked, because this is just the explosive data of a new demigod who just broke through the demigod!

"Nine million?"

Eva was not surprised at all, she nodded.

"I see, remember to record all the data!"

She just ordered lightly.

But the little girl obviously didn't have such a big heart, and her face was flushed with excitement.

"Sir, that's really great. I didn't expect you, sir, to discover such a genius as soon as you took over this wild land!"

For the Great Zhou Empire, the hundreds of countries and hegemony located at the edge of the universe can only be described as wild lands.

"That's right! Such a genius is extremely rare even in the central imperial capital. So hurry up and sort out the data, I need to tell the prince everything about today within three days!"

Eva's expression darkened as she spoke. She looked at the excited little girl and was speechless.

Now that you know the importance of this genius, why don't you tell the prince quickly, do you really think that this barren land doesn't have the eyes and ears of the central imperial capital?

You must know that these geniuses are not born wherever they are born. Once the central imperial capital finds a good seedling in advance and asks the local consul and even the princes behind them, do the princes dare to refuse?

Only those thick-skinned guys in the central imperial capital would be embarrassed to ask for it if it was actually included in the prince's pocket in advance.


Eva frowned looking at Jiang Heng's terrifying body in the picture and fell into deep thought.

"Such a genius, I'm afraid that even the guys from the imperial capital will try their best to ask for it even if they don't have the shame?"

At this time, Jiang Heng didn't know that his breakthrough would cause such a big commotion.

He is just a little distressed now.

"How do I get smaller now?"

This time the physical body has become bigger, not because of the physical body secrets such as Faxiang Tiandi, but because the physical body is actually so huge.

However, every inch of bone has been compressed to the limit, and it is really not a simple problem to shrink.

"Boy, restrain the power of the law and condense most of the power of the law into the divine ring behind you!"

It seemed that Jiang Heng was in distress at the Xuan Guizi hurriedly transmitted his voice.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng also hurriedly tried, and waves of law power poured into the double rings behind him.

As the double rings on the back became brighter and brighter, the size of the physical body also shrunk rapidly, and it took only a moment for the physical body to return to normal again.

It's just that the two halos on the back are really dazzling, as conspicuous as possible.

"Using the power of the soul to wrap the divine ring to cover the light from escaping, it is too conspicuous now!" Xuan Guizi said again.

Hearing the words, Jiang Heng immediately understood, wisps of the power of the soul radiated out, as if adding a blindfold to the halo, and soon the light at the back of his head dimmed, returning to the normal twilight state.

In this way, Jiang Heng breathed a sigh of relief, and he couldn't help feeling that his master still had foresight. If it wasn't for the guidance of the senior Xuan Guizi, Jiang Heng would really walk around with two halos like little suns.


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