Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 898: Alarmed by all parties

It's just that even if the light is subdued, Jiang Heng already has divine radiance at this moment, and if he is below a demigod, he will have serious distortion if he looks directly at it.

Of course, this depends on whether Jiang Heng can use his divine sense to further hide the Yi breath, otherwise, if he releases a little bit of demigod, it will be distorted.

"Now that I have stepped into the realm of demigods with the double law, it seems that the pheromone contained in it is even more terrifying. As a result, it is easier for people below demigods to deform me than others."

Jiang Heng secretly remembered that after waking up in his heart, he must always keep the cover of the power of divinity in crowded places, otherwise a little carelessness may cause a massive outbreak of group distortion.

"Now that you have stepped into the demigod level, this old man has to call you Your Excellency as a Taoist friend."

Xuan Guizi smiled and cupped his hands towards Jiang Heng.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng hurriedly cupped his hands and saluted in return.

The so-called Taoist friends are, of course, the titles of those who have officially stepped into the Dao.

Although the domain master level is also habitually like this, but the domain master is also like this in a small range.

Only demigods are more recognized as such.

"Fellow Daoist Xuan Guizi is polite, please point out to each other in the future!" Jiang Heng quickly straightened his posture, he is now in the realm of a demigod.

As long as people at this level are not facing high positions, they are often peers.

As for the high position, generally speaking, one should call him Venerable!

Of course, if the other party has a self-proclaimed name, it can also be called by the other party's title.

"It's easy to say, since you have already stepped into the demigod level, you will be able to stand on your own in the future. Of course, I didn't say this, but your master said it."

Xuan Guizi laughed.

Jiang Heng cupped his hands again, "I will never forget the kindness of Master and Senior, and I will remember it even if I achieve something in the future."

This is Jiang Heng's attitude, and he could not do without their help to lay such a foundation before the demigods.

"Okay, you have stepped into the demigod, then I am going to say goodbye."

Xuan Guizi pretended to be going away, and he was going back to Xingyunzong to continue to sleep in the treasure house.

"Seniors don't stay too much, and I will treat seniors a lot!"

The other party came all the way to help, and I really feel a little sorry for not thanking him well.

"There's no need to do that. You can just send some good wine to the old man in the future. Oh, by the way, all parties in the empire will pay attention to you when you step into the demigod. The disturbance you caused this time is not small. Although your master wants to Let you enter Nan Wang's command and even his champion three.

But he also said that your achievements are limitless, even if you go to the Imperial Central Army, he will only be proud of you. "

"Imperial Central Army?"

Jiang Heng has heard of this name, the so-called Imperial Central Army is the most elite core battle group of the empire.

The emperor has the direct control right, and there are three generals in his battle group, all of them are high-ranking, and they command three legions of 50,000 each.

Within the central battle group, every ordinary soldier has a low-level second- and third-tier realm, and the ten commander has a middle-rank realm.

Some commanders even exist at the peak of the median, and the members of the central battle group can't usually reason about it.

Its strength must be judged according to the previous level, and the soldiers of the Central Army are all proficient in battle formations of ten, hundreds or even ten thousand people. The combination is enough to kill the Quartet and deter the heroes.

Moreover, Jiang Heng has also heard some news about the central imperial capital of the empire. He heard that in addition to the central army, there are only ordinary security subordinates and royal family troops there.

The royal family and the military outsiders don't know the specific strength, and the security attributes are completely in charge of some low-level demigods, equivalent to local sheriffs, and their combat power is fragmented.

In addition, the royal family does not seem to have any plans to continue to expand the army, which shows that the central imperial capital is very confident in the only central army that can fight.

It also confirmed the strength of the central army from the side, and such a central army is enough to deter the four kings.

Jiang Heng was thinking a little bit in his heart, he naturally wanted to join the three championships under Nan Wang's command, but he was thinking about what his other master, Tong Tianhou, had asked him for.

"All-weather allows me to become a high-level empire as much as possible, so that I have the opportunity to help him kill his enemies."

Jiang Heng thought of the enemies of his cheap master, just the former mistress was extremely difficult to deal with. Today's Imperial High Priest.

This is an existence that can't stand aloof in the face of the emperor.

Without thinking too much, Jiang Heng decided to take one step at a time.

Xuan Guizi's attitude was firm, Jiang Heng repeatedly persuaded the other party to leave and still insisted on leaving, saying goodbye to Xuan Guizi, Jiang Heng took Lin Yanwei and left here directly.

With Jiang Heng's departure, this star field fell into peace again.

It's just that everything that happened here during this time is destined not to be quiet.

At the same time, spies from various parties hiding in the territory of Hundred Nations quickly passed everything observed here to the forces behind.

Apart from the consul Yin Wa who was already in charge of this place, the first one to know about the situation here was not other forces of the Great Zhou Empire, but Wanbaozhai.

In the spiritual world—

In the ground-level branch of Tianren City, the pavilion master who once had a relationship with Jiang Heng was looking at the news just received with a sad face.

In front of this old lady-like Pavilion Master, there was a domain master half kneeling respectfully. What this person was reporting at this time was the details of Jiang Heng's breakthrough.

"Pavilion Master, my subordinates make an assessment based on the vision after this person's breakthrough and before. This person should have princely qualifications!"

Speaking of the figure covered in black robes, he hesitated and said: "Maybe the Pavilion Master and I can win over one or two, and this kind of arrogance has appeared in the main world where our Tianren City is positioned..."

Before he finished speaking, the old woman let out a cold snort, and the majestic pressure of the sixth-order demigod soul came oppressively.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"Subordinates dare not!"

"get out!"

The old woman waved her hand, and the black-robed man, whose soul had been somewhat disintegrated, flew out directly.

When the other party's breath faded away, the old woman's face immediately became gloomy.

"This is really not good news. I didn't expect that the owner of the pavilion would make such a mistake!"

The old woman was very remorseful, but she knew that she had given Jiang Heng many treasures and resources on the surface, but it was all a conspiracy, and the purpose was to take away his body so that she could return to the Lord as a living person cosmic world.

In fact, he is not alone in doing such a thing. Many strong people who have lived in the spiritual world all year round are trying to return to the main universe.

After all, the spiritual world seems to be no different from the main universe, it is still a vast world.

But only an old woman who exists like this knows how boring this place is, and living in the spiritual world with a spirit attitude does not mean eternal life.

In fact, the years can still gradually dissipate their souls, this kind of dissipation is real death.

And returning to the main universe plane, she still has at least one life, which also means that she has the possibility to go further.

But in the spiritual world, lacking the connection and perception of the physical body to the long river, it is thousands of times more difficult for the soul to go further than for a living person.

Especially in the realm of the old woman, devouring the power of other people's souls can only be regarded as eating and eating, and it is useless to the growth of the soul, unless she can devour the souls of a higher-level powerhouse, but how can she match at that level?

"Forget it, even if this son becomes a demigod, with his living body, he can only enter the spiritual world as a divine soul, and he can't do anything to me when he gets here!"

She said it nonchalantly, but the old woman's pacing movements still revealed her inner unrest.

This is not Jiang Heng's current cultivation level, but that she knows that this kind of arrogance will definitely improve rapidly in the future, and I am afraid that it will not be long before the opponent's strength increases faster than she imagined.

"It's a blessing or a curse, it's a disaster that can't be avoided!~"

With a soft sigh, the old woman simply lay flat. Don't think about it.

At the same time, what happened outside the Virgo supercluster was quickly transmitted to all parties.

Of course, there are still a few forces that can place eyeliner in many super galaxy clusters, but the three major forces in the universe are definitely on this list.

Almost at the moment Wanbaozhai heard the news, it was far away in the southern part of the empire in a cave-like secret realm the size of a galaxy.

In a classical palace, a man with long hair and shawls, a middle-aged man with a stern face, and a majestic and slightly handsome face has also received this message.

At this time, there are still several virtual projections in the hall, and a remote meeting is going on here.

As the stern and majestic middle-aged man in the first seat paused slightly, those who were reporting on various matters in the meeting stopped and all looked at the figure in the first seat in unison.

After waiting for about a stick of incense, the middle-aged man was still reading the information he just sent, which made the surrounding remote projections suspicious.

Everyone didn't know what information could make the prince stop the military plane.

"Okay, today's meeting will be put on hold for now, and everything will be carried out as I said before, and the meeting will be over!"

After a while, the middle-aged man waved his hand directly to end the meeting.

Seeing this, everyone didn't dare to object, and nodded their heads one after another, and immediately the phantoms faded away.

With only the middle-aged man left in the huge hall, he couldn't help grinning when he looked at the information he got in his hand.

"Come on!"

He whispered casually, and soon another ray of golden light poured in from outside, and the golden light quickly gathered into a figure half-kneeling on the ground, it was a burly guard in golden armor.

"Tell General Huo to mention a young general named Xingyun under him. In addition, give Xingyun a hundred super galaxy clusters as territories."

The personal guard waited until he saw the other party waving his hand before leaving.

But soon another projection appeared on the side of the hall, and it was a long-range projection.

"My lord!"

The other party first bowed deeply to the middle-aged man respectfully, "My lord, how do you deal with that man?"

"Regardless of everything, you can negotiate with me. I only want people! This king can satisfy the other party whatever they want. Tell him, this king can help him step into a high position at all costs, and all I need is loyalty! Okay, let's go!" Let's do it!"

The middle-aged man acted resolutely, and waved his hand after speaking, and the other party quickly dissipated without leaving the water after receiving the order.

This situation also appeared in the central imperial capital.

It's just that compared to where King Nan is, it was three days after this news appeared on the stage of His Majesty the Great Zhou Emperor.

Unlike ordinary dynasties, the Great Zhou Empire did not hold court meetings frequently, but held them every thousand years.

This is due to the fact that the Great Zhou Empire itself is already a universe-level kingdom of God, and most of the people under its rule are extraordinary existences.

Some small matters located in the various departments of the imperial capital can be properly handled. Even if some urgent matters are encountered, they will only be sent to the hands of His Majesty the Emperor, and there will be no court meeting immediately during the period.

Of course, the matter is very big, and the emperor will personally call the leaders of relevant departments to discuss it.

Such as Jiang Heng's matter, in the eyes of Nan Wang, it is already a very important matter, but in the eyes of the emperor, it is only a slightly important matter, nothing more.

The middle-aged man with a stalwart like a **** behind him exudes brilliance and quickly retrieves many important things that have been sent recently.

In fact, there are not so many things, after all, there are very few things that can be sent to the emperor for viewing.

As a powerful high-ranking demigod, he quickly recorded this information in his mind with just a slight sweep of his divine sense.

"There is nothing too urgent recently, I will only say three points.

First, pay attention to the sudden occurrence of suspected abnormal energy fluctuations in the territory of hundreds of countries recently. "

Hearing this, a projection quickly said: "Your Majesty, I am already investigating this matter. This matter is indeed strange. According to intelligence reports, it is suspected that Jian Wushen, a peripheral member of the empire, was involved in it. Later, he observed Jian Wushen's fall. Another person named Ba Yu Nearly a hundred and a half gods were also killed in an instant, and the difference between the two deaths was extremely short, which seems to have a great relationship with this matter."

Listening to the projection's response, the figure on the throne didn't change any expression, just nodded lightly.

"The matter continues to be followed.

Second, recently I feel that the Great Dao Changhe is about to collapse, and you will find the traces of the ancestors as soon as possible. This matter is the first and I hope you will contribute more! "


Hearing this, all the projectionists agreed one after another.

"Thirdly, this place of power called Baiguo seems to be quite unusual I heard that there is a Tianjiao who seems to have the qualifications of a prince, try to win him over, and leave this matter to you in the Central Army Take responsibility. The Hundred Kingdoms are now included in our empire by the King of the South.

Whether you can **** this person from Nanwang depends on your ability! "

Hearing this, three of the projections couldn't help but look at each other very quickly, each with a bit of surprise in their eyes, and immediately became tense.

Seeing this, the rest of the projectionists didn't take it seriously. They had seen this kind of situation a lot. Every time there was a Tianjiao, the three central army generals would fight.


The decree has been conveyed, and the emperor has no interest in continuing to communicate. With a wave of his hand, many projections dimmed.

When the main hall was silent, there was an exquisite floating sculpture on the top of the main hall. The floating sculpture was not a dragon or phoenix, but a monstrous and unspeakable statue of a strange beast.

However, at this moment, the floating wither became active little by little, and the golden floating withered, which had been alive for a while, floated down in the hall and bowed deeply to the figure on the emperor's seat.

Seeing the figure on the emperor's throne, he didn't care at all.

"Tell me, why did you wake up for no reason?"

"Your Majesty! I feel that the master's breath is approaching. I feel that the master may return to the imperial capital in the near future!"

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