Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 899: Dark City

"Oh? Since you said yes, there is nothing wrong!"

Hearing that the figure on the throne showed a slight emotional change for the first time, he slowly got up from the throne.

He stood up as if countless divine lights were rising slowly, and the terrifying power of divinity lingered behind him like the first ray of light created by the Creator God.

"You must not tell the second person about this matter. The return of the ancestor must be concealed from everyone."

"Your Majesty, I am a monster that my master inadvertently enlightened back then, and I am only loyal to my master and the royal family!"

The ferocious beast expressed its attitude, and after saying that, his figure turned into a relief and attached to the hall again.

Seeing that His Majesty the Emperor sat back on the throne again, but this time he was lost in thought, his eyes flickered slightly, no one knew what he was thinking at the moment.

In the Temple of the Gods, this news also caused a small-scale sensation.

Eleven figures stood still on a sacred mountain suspended in the void.

This mountain exudes divine light as if it contains the power of many Dao laws. From a distance, the sacred mountain exudes bright colorful brilliance.

There are twelve temples standing around the mountain, each of which is magnificent and sacred, as if this is the residence of the twelve gods.

And there is a name known to all the temples, the Twelve Temples!

This place is the residence of the twelve gods of the temple of the gods, and it is also the place where the highest decision-making of the temple of the gods is second only to the true god.

Each of the twelve gods is an existence that is close to the apex of a demigod, and any one of them will be a super strong one when they go out.

But today, eleven of the Palace Masters gathered in the Twelve Divine Palaces.

"It seems that Shi Yu is not there?"

A palace lord with azure blue water vapor brewing behind his back chuckled with a sarcasm in his tone.

"I heard that this guy is free enough to deal with some affiliated forces of the empire in the dark. This kind of thing needs him to do it himself. It really embarrasses us in the Twelve Gods!" The popularity of the palace is quite poor.

"Okay, aren't you just jealous when you see Shi Yu mastering the top road? Let me see that I can burn you to death with a single hand of jealousy!"

At this moment, a woman with an evil face smiled lightly, and behind her was a cloud of purple mist flickering.

"You poisonous woman, if you talk to this old guy like Shi Yu, is it because you have a leg because of your tender skin?"

Some people ridiculed that they could not get used to Shi Yu for a long time. This guy is very old, but he just masters the way of time and pretends to be a young man with delicate skin and tender flesh. It is really disgusting.

"Okay, you guys still don't want to argue, if the three palace masters get angry, I'm afraid everyone will have a hard time!"

At this moment, a cold drink sounded.

Almost instantly everyone shut up, and everyone looked at one of the unremarkable people.

It was a black and white silhouette floating behind him, wearing a black and white Taoist robe, even the hair and skin were black and white.

This person's face is old and ordinary, but the black and white skin is so distinct that it makes people feel a little shuddering.

This figure exuded a faint aura, and looked like a banished immortal, but everyone present knew that although the figure in front of him was the last one in the Twelve Divine Palaces, his strength was unfathomable.

Especially when this person first arrived, he was able to overwhelm the No. 1 Palace Master of Guangshen Palace with just one move!

With a magical black-and-white picture method, even if the opponent shines brightly, he can't break through the defense at all.

However, this person usually keeps a low profile and only occasionally speaks out, but every time he speaks, the scene is like this.

"Daorist Heihei, what you said makes sense, let's discuss the current major issues right now!" The Palace Master of the God of Light smiled and said haha, his eyes just quickly glanced at Taoist Heihei and he didn't dare to look more.

"At present, our most important task is to carry out a series of actions against the Great Zhou Empire. For this reason, the three palace masters have issued a death order. What do you think about this?"

Saying that, Palace Master Guang looked around at everyone.

"Is it finally time to fight face-to-face with those hypocrites of Da Zhou? I have endured it for many years." The burly palace master with the blue water behind him smiled grimly, and the water vapor behind him continued to swell and surge as if it was constantly accumulating. with terror.

"If you want to attack the Great Zhou, you can't be reckless. Although our respective holy legions are extremely powerful, they are equivalent to the strength of the Great Zhou King. Don't forget that there is a powerful central army in the Great Zhou! If you don't solve the central army, Just the combination of the central army's battle array with the artifact and the god-level array is enough to rival a true god."

But seeing the palace lord who was exuding a purple cloud and looking evil, said with a smile like a flower.

"Although I have no intention of slandering the three hall masters, everyone knows that the Martial God of the Great Zhou Dynasty is comparable to two or even three true gods. To deal with the Martial God, the three hall masters of my temple must fight together. If the other party has another true **** , May I ask how should I deal with it?"

These words were not alarmist. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay when they heard the words. Everyone knew very well how big the difference between the true **** level and the demigod level was.

If it is said that the previous realm can still rely on supernatural powers, demi-artifacts, and even the strength of laws to make up for the gap in the realm, but it is not an exaggeration to describe the gap between the true **** and the ninth-level high-ranking demigod.

It can even be said that as long as the true **** locks on a certain high-ranking powerhouse, even if the opponent is a top law who is good at escaping, it is difficult to have a chance of surviving, and the escape rate is less than 1%.

This is true of those who are so good at escaping, those who are not good at escaping at all, even if they gather ten high-ranking ninth-level demigods, it is not enough for a true **** to kill.

Unless there are ten more and form a joint attack battle, it is possible to compete against the true god.

In addition to the strength of its own legion, the Central Army of the Great Zhou Empire also has a method that is not known to ordinary people.

That is to form a special composite large formation, with three masters each holding a divine weapon and a divine weapon-level formation plate, it is enough to burst out with a true god-level combat power.

"So if we want to destroy the Great Zhou Empire in one fell swoop, the first thing we need to do is to destroy this central army!" The voice of the black and white Taoist sounded.

This time, someone immediately retorted: "The black and white Taoist matter is easier said than done!

The Central Army is the core force of the Great Zhou Empire, and the central imperial capital is in the hinterland of the Great Zhou Empire. Unless the four kings sitting in all directions are blind, how can I destroy the Central Army?

And even if the Four Kings don't take action against us, the price we need to pay to destroy this central army is probably beyond imagination. If the central army is destroyed by then, we're afraid that our vitality will be greatly injured, right? "

The person who spoke was still the charming female Palace Mistress. Others were afraid of black and white Taoists, but she didn't take it seriously in her heart. After all, this was the place where the three Palace Masters were watching.

Her words were also very reasonable. Upon hearing this, all the palace masters nodded their heads.

"It is too difficult to destroy the Central Army, it is absolutely impossible!"

Many people shook their heads, thinking with their butts, they knew that this plan was not feasible!

"How do you know it's impossible if you haven't tried it?" The black and white Taoist just said indifferently.

"Then what is the opinion of the master of the black and white palace?" the master of the light palace frowned and said in a low voice.

"Sometimes we don't need to completely eliminate a powerful enemy, we just need to let it have no time to take care of us. Aren't the four kings always ready to move? Then we will give them a chance. As long as the four kings are in turmoil, what do you think the central government will do? How will the emperor make decisions?"

The words of the black and white Taoist were like a thunderbolt piercing the dark sky, making everyone suddenly wake up.

"You mean to stir up conflicts within the Great Zhou Empire. As long as the four kings are in chaos, the most elite direct force of the central imperial capital will be the central army. In this way, the central army can only be sent to suppress the Quartet, so the central gate is empty! "

Palace Master Guang quickly reacted, looking at the black and white Taoist with a trace of fear for some reason.

Such a poisonous scheme, I never expected that this black and white Taoist would come up with such a poisonous scheme in a flash of his brain in a usually taciturn way!

After some discussions, the ten palace masters finally agreed with the black and white palace master's plan.

"In addition to dealing with the Great Zhou Empire, the three palace masters are also quite afraid of the super-dimensional kingdom of God. Have you ever thought that we will suffer from the enemy?"

A relatively low-key eighth house lord thought about it and said.

"The super-dimensional kingdom of God is indeed eye-catching, and their homeland is not on the main universe plane. They are like a vicious jackal waiting for us to lose to Da Zhou!"

Everyone is not stupid and knows the dangers of the super-dimensional kingdom of God.

"I don't know if the three palace masters had any ideas before? After all, once we officially start a war with Da Zhou, it will not only be a small-scale war, but a full-scale war!"

The third palace lord looked at the first light palace lord in a deep voice.

"The three Palace Masters already have the means to deal with it, so we don't need to worry about this matter!" Palace Master Guang said calmly.

When he said this, everyone looked at each other, and vaguely felt that it was not easy. After all, he could deal with the attack of the entire super-dimensional kingdom of God, which showed that this method was beyond the limit of what they could know. It was impossible for the three palace masters to tell them revealed.

"So I can rest assured!"

"By the way, I have intelligence reports from my subordinates. One of the peripheral forces of our temple that Shi Yu assisted recently has been destroyed, and there is even a prince-level Tianjiao in the local area. I don't know if you know about this."

The speaker is still the previous female palace lord. She is not strong in frontal fighting, and the laws of **** she masters are the best at collecting intelligence. Therefore, she is responsible for many intelligence tasks in the temples.

"Shi Yu? What happened to him? Could it be that he failed this time?"

The rough blue palace lord from before raised his brows and then sneered.

"Hmph! It's just that Senior Shi Yu didn't expect that Jian Wushen would make a sudden attack, and he missed it unexpectedly. And the reason for this matter is very tortuous. The abnormal energy fluctuations that the three palace masters sensed some time ago also came from That area can attract the attention of the three palace masters, and senior Shi Yu cannot be blamed for this matter!"

The female palace lord defended Shi Yu again.

Seeing this, the corners of everyone's mouths twitched, thinking that if you, an old woman, didn't have an affair with that old monster Shi Yu, who would believe it!

"The master of the palace has already explained this matter. It is true that Shi Yu is no longer guilty of the failure of the mission, but Shi Yu was embarrassed by the brat Jian Wushen at first. This matter has damaged the dignity of my Twelve Gods, so According to the order of the Palace Master, Shi Yu will be deprived of the position of Palace Master for the time being, and Li Xiao, the head disciple of the Hall Master, will be the Temporary Palace Master of the Palace of Time!"

The words of Palace Master Guang are equivalent to an imperial decree. With the order of Palace Master, this matter cannot be changed.

"It turns out that Shi Yu was beaten up by the little boy Jian Wushen? He simply embarrassed us for the Twelve Gods!"

The big blue man spoke again, he had long disliked Shi Yu, and this time he would try his best to bury him.

Seeing this, the rest of the people did not say anything on the surface, but they also acquiesced in their hearts. After all, everyone has heard of Jian Wushen. He is neutral on the surface, but there are casual cultivators who are close to the Great Zhou Empire.

It has only risen for hundreds of thousands of years, and such an existence is indeed a baby in the eyes of their long-established palace masters.

"As for the so-called prince-level Tianjiao! This person will become a big problem for my temple in the future! This kind of Tianjiao often represents luck and blessings. To deal with this kind of person, you need to do your best! I don't know if anyone is willing Take this task and cut the weeds and roots ahead of time!"

However, after a while, everyone spoke up.

"Actually, I don't need to wait to take action! Since this person has the potential of a prince, he must have already attracted the attention of many forces in the Great Zhou Empire. To deal with this person, we can hand it over to the guy in the city of the dark region!" The black and white Taoist suggested.

"The city of the dark domain? Are they willing to take on this mission?" Everyone was a little suspicious when they heard this.

The City of the Dark Realm is actually a loose cultivator organization, but unlike other casual cultivators, they are a group of assassination organizations that believe in the extreme doctrine of the jungle.

"Why don't you pick it up? The city of the dark domain will do things as long as you give us money! What we give is rich enough and they will make a move. Besides, the city lord of the city of the dark domain is a high-ranking ninth-ranker, and the three deputy city lords are also high-ranking Level. There are no less than a thousand god-level killers under his command.

Besides, it is good for them to succeed, as this will anger the Great Zhou Empire. We can also be regarded as indirectly causing trouble for Da Zhou.

It doesn't matter if you fail, Da Zhou will only target the dark city.

It would take a lot of money to annihilate this group of guys living in the dark matter plane. "

A few days later, in the deep world of the dark matter plane, a huge black island hangs above the sky.

The city of the dark domain, it is said to be a city, but it is actually a dark world full of all kinds of things that the world doesn't know.

If outsiders want to enter here without someone to guide them, a series of warnings will be issued, and this suspended island will be moved to other areas of the dark matter plane in an instant according to the situation.

The city of the dark domain has no specific location at all, and its existence looks like a ghost city that exists in legends to many ordinary demigod powerhouses.

However, the city of the dark domain has set up many hidden reception places on the main universe plane, the purpose of which is to accept jobs.

All kinds of tasks are assassination missions, but only for domain masters and But today, a special guest came to the dark matter plane, which is very unusual, because Ordinary guests are not allowed to enter the dark city to release tasks.

"I didn't expect this to be the city of the dark domain. I only heard about it before, but today I saw it with my own eyes!"

A coquettish woman in a revealing waistband is smiling and talking, and behind her is a cloud of purple clouds rolling and floating.

It is the lord of the ninth house, the female lord who masters the avenue of lust.

"Hehe, you are joking, you are the eyes and ears of the gods in the world, I am afraid that there are many Anzi under your command who are planted in my dark city?"

The old man in black robe who followed the ninth palace lord smiled sinisterly. Hearing this, the ninth palace lord didn't take it seriously. She knew very well that an organization like the City of Darkness wouldn't do assassination if it couldn't do intelligence work.

"Your Excellency, the deputy city lord, must know what the palace lord is going to do this time?" Ninth Princess smiled like a flower.


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