Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 914: swarm

Therefore, over the years, the three major forces have always wiped out the Zerg as soon as they are discovered.

Even though the super-dimensional kingdom of the gods borrowed the Zerg model, the speed of the explosion of the super-dimensional kingdom of the gods was not as fast as that of the Zerg.

But now they can see a living Zerg with their own eyes. How can this not make Fu Gang and Jiang Heng extremely shocked.

That's all, but the records of the Zerg are too far away.

This made it difficult for Fu Gang to think of a way to deal with the monster in front of him.

"Forget it, I want to create opportunities even if I die!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Fu Gang stopped hesitating, and his figure swelled rapidly as if inflated with air.

It is indeed the world of conventional secret arts and methods of the demigods of the body and the Tao!

The muscles on the surface of the body bulged up one by one, and Fu Gang's body was covered with a layer of extremely powerful bright light armor. The bright light showed that this set of armor was extremely hard, and as the armor emerged, dense streamlined luster appeared on the surface of the armor, like Countless signal streams are circulating.

It was suddenly driven by countless inscriptions.

At the same time, there is an exaggerated and huge metal relief bow with exaggerated shape and a quiver on the back of the armor.

"Fix the army!"

With a burst of shouting like the impact of a torrent of bells, dazzling golden light burst out from Fu Gang's body, and the nebula behind him surged rapidly and turned into an even bigger phantom of a giant.

Jiang Heng's eyes narrowed slightly. This was the first time he had seen the demigod powerhouse of the three major powers explode at full strength, so he was naturally very concerned.

"Hey, it's still a character who has cultivated the physical body into the incarnation of the law." Seeing this scene in the distance, Dashan couldn't help murmuring softly, and a stern look appeared on his face.

And Jiang Heng also listened to the other party's words, and suddenly a message about it emerged in his heart.

The so-called incarnation of the law can only be tempered at the middle level of the physical body. It does not belong to any kind of countless mystic techniques or even supernatural powers. It is just a product of the embodiment of the law. Self comprehension.

This has the same effect as the weapon-type law powerhouse who integrates the law into the natal magic weapon.

I saw a larger figure of a giant appearing behind the giant in armor, who was already huge, like a true **** looking down on the common people with indifferent eyes.

Fu Gang frowned, and immediately reached into the void with his big hand, stretched out his hand and pulled it, and suddenly a giant Fang Tian painting halberd was pulled out of the void, and the surrounding space burst into howls of overwhelmed.

"Breaking the military!"

With a loud shout, Fu Gang's huge body was like a huge bow stretched to the limit, and his arms were like a bowstring ready to be fired. The next moment, his body was like a big bow ejected, and he swung his waist and his big hands even more violently. In the next moment, Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand was like a thorn holding up the sky, trying to pierce everything in the world.


The rolling tremors resounded within dozens of light-years around, and the halberd turned into an arc of light carrying terrifying power. It seemed that there were waves of power advancing at the tail, and the speed continued to soar.

He actually wanted to punch through this giant worm with one move!

However, this was not over yet, the phantom behind Fu Gang also moved, and the inscriptions on the bright light armor on Fu Gang's body flickered, and then three arrows popped out from the quiver on the back of the armor.

Seeing the rule, the phantom reached out with a big hand, grabbed the three ejected arrows with one hand, and grabbed the exaggerated and huge metal embossed giant bow hanging behind the armor with the other.

Almost instantly, Law Phantom quickly drew the bow to the full moon with the bow in one hand and an arrow in the other. Law Phantom narrowed his eyes and quickly locked on to the target. As soon as he sent his fingers, the arrow flew out quickly and drew three dazzling rays of light in midair. , It was actually three arrows in one shot, and each arrow was so fast that it was incredible, as if flying through time and flying towards the giant insect at different angles.

Fu Gang's halberd throwing and archery seemed complicated, but it didn't even take a moment to complete it in one go.

This also surprised Hans and Dashan on the opposite side. They didn't expect that a mere middle-ranked fourth-order demigod with a physical body could burst out such power in an instant under the influence of the god-expelling line.

Jiang Heng also frowned, silently estimating in his heart that if he encountered this series of killing methods, he would definitely die without the help of space teleportation!

And at this moment, the cumbersome looking giant insect also moved.

I saw a coquettish purple light suddenly burst out from her countless compound eyes, and when the purple light emerged, I saw a slight tremor in the void above her head.

"Space changes? Something seems to be approaching?" Jiang Heng has a keen sense of space, looking at the void above the other party, he only feels that the void is shaking abnormally, and it seems that something is about to break out of the void in the void.


Soon Jiang Heng's guess was verified, and a huge space vortex with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters emerged.

"This worm is good at space means?" Jiang Heng was taken aback, but the speed of opening the space channel was too slow. I'm afraid that the giant worm would be pierced by the halberd and arrows before it could escape through the channel!

"Huh? What's the sound?"

Suddenly, Jiang Heng vaguely heard countless rustling sounds coming from the passage.

Looking at the passage, it was pitch black and it was impossible to see what was there.

Squeak squeak!

Soon, a dark brown wave poured out from the passage, and the monstrous wave rushed out like a torrent, like waves of indefatigable waves slamming in the direction of the halberd and arrows.


The halberd was the first to chisel into the wave, and then the terrifying kinetic energy brought by the halberd and the power erupted by Fu Gang's full-strength blow were like a giant super galaxy explosion that crushed the wave!

Only then did everyone notice what these dark brown waves were!

This turned out to be a dark brown wave composed of countless Zerg, because the numbers are densely packed together, it is like a continuous wave that cannot be seen.

The projected halberd broke the army just as Fu Gang said earlier!

With an unstoppable force, it is digging into the endless wave of Zerg, countless bugs are smashed into a green blood mist under this terrifying force, and then they are scorched by the high temperature carried by the giant halberd at high speed. .

From a distance, it looks like a sea of ​​flames that is rapidly spreading towards the channel is rapidly advancing towards the dark brown wave.

Countless Zerg hissed and wailed. The halberd is still as powerful as a broken bamboo.

But soon everyone found that there were many giant bugs with metallic carapaces emerging from the waves, blocking the halberd. After piercing through tens of thousands of giant beetles, the momentum of the halberd slowed down quickly, as if stuck in a quagmire.

Fortunately, at this moment, the three arrows that followed were like meteors and smashed into the swarm of insects again. The three arrows smashed into the swarm of insects that once again erupted with terrifying light and heat.

The halberds and arrows were connected to each other, and just one of them couldn't breathe, and the seemingly endless swarm of insects gushing out of the passage quickly dropped by more than 80%.

Seeing this scene, the people who watched the battle from both sides held their breaths. None of them expected that such a situation would happen in the first battle.

Jiang Heng didn't expect that one of the opponents was a Zerg demigod, and Hans and Dashan also didn't expect that the Queen of Soul Eater was hiding such a terrifying and terrifying army.

These bugs are not fragile creatures. Even at worst, these Zerg races are comparable to the existence of the master of the galaxy, and some giant beetles are even comparable to the peak domain master.

However, these numbers are simply incalculable, and the Zerg are still pouring out of the passage.

In the end, the halberd and arrows were completely exhausted at a distance of nearly a thousand meters from the Queen of Soul Eaters.

The halberd and the three arrows finally fell into the carapaces of several giant beetles, but soon the other beetles nearby saw this and quickly attached to the giant halberd and arrows and began to bite quickly.

One layer after another, there are too many of these Zergs, and the halberd arrows that lose their strength in the blink of an eye are completely wrapped by the Zergs, which has become a delicious meal for the Zergs.

This also made everyone's scalp tingle, they didn't expect these worms, which are nothing to demigods, to be able to eat demigods!

That's right!

Fu Gang's halberd is a third-tier semi-sacred weapon, and even the three arrows are made of low-tier first-tier semi-sacred weapons.

It is reasonable to say that these hard semi-artifacts will not lose even a little bit of strength even if they exhaust their whole body with the strength of the domain master. But in the mouths of these worms, they became a delicious meal.

Even if the efficiency of these bugs to eat the semi-artifact alone is appallingly low, they can't bear the fact that there are too many of these bugs.

Soon Fu Gang's expression became extremely ugly, and he sensed that his semi-artifact was completely gone.

How long has it been?

However, this is not the scariest thing for everyone. What really scares everyone is after these bugs devoured those semi-artifacts.

The carapaces of the devoured bugs began to show a light golden luster quickly, and the size of these bugs became stronger, especially their mouthparts exuded a strong luster, and these bugs all exuded peak-level The breath of the Lord, and even a few of them seem to have the divine breath of a low-level demigod.

"This mutation ability is too fast!"

Jiang Heng saw his heart beating, not to mention him, even Hans and Dashan, who were teammates with Queen Soul Eater, also frowned.

"I'm sorry my kids are starving, but they've had something to fill their stomachs now and they're crankier, and they're telling me they want to eat you!"

The Queen of Soul Eater, who looked like a huge worm, spoke out, and looked at Fu Gang with countless compound eyes.

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, no matter whether it was the mutated or not mutated bugs, they all looked at Fu Gang's place in unison.

The next moment, the swarm squirmed again, and the terrifying wave continued to sweep towards Fu Gang.

The neighing sounds of countless insects are like the screams of ocean waves. Even in a vacuum environment with almost no sound transmission, the combination of the neighing sounds of these insects can form a wave like the screaming of the soul.


Fu Gang's soul, which bears the brunt of the impact, was the first to be impacted. Rao, his middle-level soul was also froze at the moment. It was just this moment, and the front wave of the swarm captured Fu Gang's extremely huge body. Mingguang Kai had intimate contact.

However, the demigods, especially the demigods that have lost their master's control, can see that the swarms of insects hit an invisible barrier, and soon the insects that hit first were blocked by the barrier, but they could not resist the attack behind them. The force of a partner pushing behind.

This also directly caused a bunch of bugs to be crushed and exploded after hitting the barrier.

"Mayfly shakes the tree!"

Fu Gang snorted coldly, and after stabilizing his soul, he punched forward with his big hand. The power of the fist of a strong physical body was so terrifying, and soon millions of insects exploded into blood mist.

However, it's not over yet, the strong in the physical body are not comparable to the system of the temples, and they have never been afraid of anyone who wants to compare and consume them.

The first punch was like a signal, and soon the fists were like the wind, and the dense and stormy fist shadows blasted out like a wave far superior to the swarm.

Flesh Dao Wufu has never been afraid of cluster consumption attacks.

Jiang Heng couldn't help but nodded secretly. It is said that during the war between the empire and the super-dimensional kingdom of God, when facing the explosive attack of the super-dimensional kingdom of God. No legion of any law will work, only the legion of the physical Tao system will work the most.

Therefore, every time as long as the super-dimensional kingdom of God launches a group battle, it is the physical Tao system legion that is at the front.

At this time, as long as the super-dimensional kingdom of God is not afraid of consumption, then the physical martial arts are really not afraid, and the physical martial arts can fight tirelessly for tens of thousands of years simply by using physical power.

This is not a lie, especially the demigods of the flesh body lead the way, and the flesh body is like a tireless war machine.

This is unmatched by other avenues.

This is like Mages and warriors. Even if the demigods of Law and Dao have Dao traction, it is equivalent to blessing a blue buff, but these temple systems consume the power of law much faster than physical Tao warriors.

Unless the flesh body Dao martial arts perform some desperate physical body Dao secret arts, as long as the body does not collapse, they will be invincible in battery life.

This is the case at the moment, Fu Gang is not afraid at all, just a set of basic boxing techniques open and close, and the swarms of insects that are constantly being wiped out with the high-frequency attacks of physical martial arts close combat.

Seeing this, even Hans and Dashan frowned. Before, they thought that the Soul Eater Queen was invincible at the same level, but now it seems that this defect seems to be too obvious. The martial artist in the physical body restrained her too much.

"May the Queen help?" Da Shan couldn't help but voice transmission.

He is also out of good intentions, after all, they are all robes.

However, the Soul Eater Queen sneered: "No need! He is my prey, unless you want to **** my prey!"

These words made Dashan choked with He didn't say anything at all, just crossed his arms and looked like he was watching the show.

However, at this moment, everyone keenly noticed that there seemed to be some changes in the rear of the swarm. Some insects with special shapes began to actively leave the swarm and formed two small swarms on the two flanks.

This scene made everyone slightly confused.

Jiang Heng looked at these bugs thoughtfully.

Without exception, these bugs are all cone-shaped beetles, like small diamond-shaped awls.

Seeing these insects gather quickly, they are not other insects, and there is no gap between them. Soon when the two swarms of insects are assembled, everyone can't help but gasp.

As the swarm condensed, what caught the eye was no longer two swarms of insects, but two giant dark brown diamond-shaped spikes with metallic luster.

They actually formed two giant spiked spears with countless bugs!



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