Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 915: time is a good thing

Whoosh whoosh!

Two tapered spears flew towards Fu Gang, sending out screams.

Seeing this, even Fu Gang's complexion changed drastically. Just as he was about to make a move, two spiked spears formed by the swarm had already poked towards him.

clang clang clang!

The sound of dense metal and iron clashing resounded through the invisible force field barrier formed around Fu Gang's armor.

The spikes of the swarm continuously collided with the barrier, and countless cone-shaped worms were exploded by the collision at every moment, but they hit the barrier one after another like lunatics who were not afraid of death at all.

The force field barrier was only slightly swaying at first, but soon everyone discovered that these cone-shaped bugs were only attacking the same area of ​​the barrier.

As hundreds of millions of cone-shaped worms concentrated on attacking the same place, the indestructible force field barrier was finally pierced by a little bit of broken surface.

Although it was only a small gap with a diameter of ten meters, these bugs seemed to have received some kind of centralized command and began to rapidly expand the gap.

At the same time, countless cone-shaped worms drilled in along the gap.

After these bugs got into the force field barrier, they were not in a hurry to attack Fu Gang's body, but attached to the force field barrier inside and began to bite.

This situation lasted for less than one or two breaths, and the force field was finally broken under the continuous expansion of gaps and gnawing by a large number of cone-shaped worms.


The swarm of insects was no longer hindered, like locusts, one by one, began to bite on Fu Gang's armor and exposed parts of his skin.

The situation was suddenly the same as before when devouring the demigod, the gnawing speed of a single bug was extremely slow. Maybe even Fu Gang's skin couldn't be bitten through after biting for a long time.

But I can't bear too many bugs.

There was a moment of panic in Fu Gang's eyes when he saw this, but he quickly calmed down.

Even Jiang Heng was ready to help when he saw this, but he stopped after thinking about it.

"These bugs are looking for death!"

The mountains in the distance sneered and shook their heads.

"How can the skin and flesh of the divine life be so easy to devour!"

Even Hans nodded, which is not difficult to understand.

There is only one possibility for mortal creatures to devour the body of a demigod, and that is distortion!

Even Fu Gang thought so, he didn't care about the bugs already attached to his body at this moment, but concentrated on dealing with the main force of the massive bug swarm rushing in front of him.

But soon a sharp stabbing pain hit, which made Fu Gang look at the source of the pain from the corner of his eye.

Just one glance is a sudden shrinking of the pupils.

I saw a bug whose shape was completely different from other bugs lying there.

Its carapace is no longer dark brown but blood red, and at the same time, the lower limbs are no longer the eight-legged ordinary insects but have become densely packed with dozens of hundreds of legs, and its mouthparts have also become sharper and sharper. Sharp, and those compound eyes are no longer green but scarlet.

Just when Fu Gang was thinking about when this weird bug approached.

From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at another place, and saw that an ordinary dark brown beetle near his neck began to distort in shape, and its legs began to shoot out continuously. At the same time, the carapace on the surface of the body began to quickly render a scarlet Yes, the original green awn has gradually turned into a red awn?

"Is this distortion? The distortion makes them become more terrifying monsters?"

At this moment, Fu Gang couldn't help but feel a biting chill in his heart.

Jiang Heng, who was always paying attention to Fu Gang's situation, also noticed this scene, and his eyelids twitched wildly.

"This is adaptation! Unimaginable horror adaptability! Are they adapting to distortion?"

Jiang Heng felt that this idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

It seems that the distortion is not harmful to these bugs, instead they are adapting to the distortion, gradually converting the distortion into a kind of evolution. Just like the evolution after they devoured the demigod before!

"Eat more! Eat more! Children eat more! Maybe a few powerful apostle-level heirs will be born soon!" The Soul Eater Queen in the distance couldn't help but let out a charming smile, she seemed extremely satisfied with this.

Without her ordering, the insect swarm seemed to have gone mad and fell into a kind of extreme hunger, but all the insects with abnormal reactions became more bloodthirsty and tyrannical than before.

It started flying like a locust, trying to eat away the huge and powerful **** in front of him.

Fu Gang's expression was no longer calm and calm as before, replaced by a dignified face, the armor on his body was frantically flowing with light, and with the light running, an invisible shock wave gushed out from the bright light armor and hit these insects.

Many insects were directly crushed into blood foam by this impact, but more of them continued to rush over and bite. Those that were not crushed were obviously those weird insects that had been deformed.

It seems that their bodies have become much stronger than ordinary bugs.

Soon the armor's self-defense function was useless, and as more and more insects gnawed, the light on the surface of the bright light armor on the surface of Fu Gang's body dimmed.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng frowned, and just as he was about to make a move, Da Shan, who was not far away, sneered.

"It's better for this fellow Taoist not to interfere, otherwise I won't guarantee that any unpleasant things will happen."

Jiang Heng glanced at the other party, and seeing that both of them were staring at him all the time, he knew that they had been wary of him.

But after seeing Fu Gang's situation, Jiang Heng no longer hesitated and disappeared in place in an instant.

"How dare!"

Seeing that the guy with the eyes of the sky really dared to make a move, the mountain suddenly became furious, and a nebula surged rapidly behind him, and in an instant, a phantom of a mountain was suspended above his head.

A surging force swept across in an instant, like a suppressive force that reduced the activity frequency of everything within a few light-years of this place by at least 30%.


Dashan's eyebrows were the same, because he didn't capture the opponent's trajectory!

"Be careful!" Hans on the side shouted as if he had noticed something.

Hearing that Dashan also sensed something and was about to turn around, but the next moment he felt numb all over his body.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared behind him without any warning, and even though he slashed out without any flash of the blade, Dashan's burly figure was suddenly split into two.

Before Dashan could react, several body-shattering sounds came, and Dashan's figure was quickly dismembered into tens or hundreds of pieces.

"Space cutting? You are the law of space!"

Feeling his dismembered body and the very obvious breath of space, Da Shan was a little stunned for a moment.

However, he was also slightly absent-minded, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his dismembered mouth.

Jiang Heng didn't respond in the slightest, he just stretched out his hand and pointed towards the other party, and in an instant, the dozens of big mountain pieces of meat disappeared quickly.

"Move it? But what's the use of moving my body? It might be useful for other people, but it doesn't work for me!"

Dashan laughed loudly, and the pieces of meat that had been directly removed were wriggling rapidly. In just a short while, dozens of hundreds of Dashans had already appeared.

Each of them actually has the powerful aura of Dashan itself!

"I still have to thank you, my name is Dashan, but the law I master is not the earth movement, but the original energy of one of the energy paths!" A sneering smile appeared on Dashan's face.

"Everything in the world contains original energy. I can unleash the most terrifying power with the smallest cost. Similarly, I can quickly recover my strength with the smallest energy. My power is endless!"

Between the words, I saw the phantom of the law on the top of the mountain slowly changing until it disappeared.

However, this does not mean that his phantom of the law does not exist, but has become an extremely subtle manifestation of power that cannot be detected by the naked eye. If you scan carefully with your divine sense, you can still detect the extremely terrifying power contained in it.

"Captain help me catch this kid, I want to wipe him out completely, so that there is nothing left of his physical body!"

Da Shan laughed maniacally, as if this was his true face, and the simple and straightforward appearance before was always his disguise.

No need for him to say that Hans has already made a move, Jiang Heng only felt that his spirit was instantly entangled and imprisoned by dense invisible silk threads, and his body movements and even his thinking began to stagnate and slow like a mud cow.

not good!

Jiang Heng cursed secretly in his heart, and glanced at Fu Gang in the distance, amazed that the other party could still display such strength under such layers of restraint.

Right now, he only felt that he was being sealed by layers of ice that was slowly and continuously solidifying.


Suddenly, a crack opened above the horizontal river.

Seeing this, Hans sneered endlessly: "It's useless, even if you drag the river, it's useless. What I restrict is your spirit, not your body and laws."

Indeed, this method at the soul level is simply unsolvable. If he is not good at the method of the soul, or the strength of the soul is much higher than that of the opponent, Jiang Heng has no resistance at all.

Not to mention that Hans's cultivation base is extremely high, he has long been at the median level of the fifth level, and the strength of his soul crushes Jiang Heng.

If Hans hadn't been confused by Jiang Heng's superficial first-order realm at the beginning, and thus put all his energy on Fu Gang, I'm afraid that Jiang Heng and Hans' soul gap would have reduced him to the opponent's puppet now.

"Fellow Daoist is still honest..."

Only halfway through the words, Hans' voice stopped abruptly.

However, everything within a radius of tens of light years was plunged into gray and white.

"Is this what it feels like to really manipulate time?"

Jiang Heng thought in his heart that he didn't simply pull the long river of the road just now, but used the long river of Qi Dao to draw the long river of time for his grafting, thus mobilizing the power of the long river of time.

Strictly speaking, Jiang Heng is not a fellow practitioner of the Three Laws, but a fellow practitioner of the Four Laws.

The body shape and the spirit regained their mobility, and Jiang Heng glimpsed the situation inside the spirit, and there were indeed many silk threads intertwined with his spirit.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng drove more gray and **** of time to attach to his soul, and in an instant, those entangled silk threads began to flow back in time rapidly.

The visual feeling is that these silk threads are flowing back rapidly, and they are quickly separated from their own soul.

"As expected of a top-notch law, it has infinite uses!"

Jiang Heng expressed his sincere emotion, at least this point is far from being achieved by Space Dao.

"But the law of grafting others is really easy to use. This is equivalent to bridging a port on other servers, and I use the power of time with demigod level authority in the realm of Qi Dao demigod.

So I also belong to a time demigod now?

It looks like I have to pay more attention to the airway in the future! "

Jiang Heng was extremely satisfied. This was also the strategy he had been contemplating to deal with the Exorcism Line in the past few days, but after thinking hard for a long time, he could only focus on the Avenue of Time, and thus came to this unexpected change that he did not expect.

Glancing at all the stagnant people around him, Jiang Heng came directly in front of Fu Gang, crushed the swarm of insects on the opponent's body, stretched out his hand to press the opponent's body, and at the same time made dazzling gray light bloom from the palm of his hand in the same way, and the gray light poured in , and soon as before, the exorcising line quickly separated from Fu Gang.

It's just that this time the silence was slightly unstable, and his complexion turned pale.

"It seems that it is too reluctant to drag a number of demigods whose level is higher than your own into a time-freeze state at once."

As soon as the voice finished speaking, the flow of time returned to normal, Jiang Heng gasped for breath, and everyone was confused for a moment.

"How could it be? My exorcism line? How did you get rid of my control in an instant? It's impossible!"

When the flow of time was normal, Hans was completely stunned after discovering the abnormality of his exorcism line. It should be said that he was a little hysterical, and his previous calm appearance was completely gone!

"Heh, my delicious and attractive captain, haven't you noticed? There is still a lot of remnants of time power here, and this guy actually knows the law of time!

I am more and more curious and eager for him now. The voice of the Soul Eater Queen made Hans, who had lost his size, react.

It is true that there is still a lot of time breath around at this time, which cannot be fooled.

"Law of Time?! No, it is impossible for you to master so many laws at the same time. So you not only have a semi-artifact of the law of space, but also a treasure of time!"

Every time Hans said a word, his breathing became heavy, and his eyes burst out with an unconcealable greed.

No one can resist the treasures of the top laws, even Fu Gang has a momentary greed that shouldn't be there, but he soon regains his rationality.

Fu Gang's breath surged, and without the restraint of the God Exorcism Line, he completely exploded with all his strength, and the monstrous power was released, and the surrounding insects began to burst into pieces.

"Let's go together! Soul Eater, you want to entangle that reckless man, Dashan, you and I will kill this hateful guy first!"

Hans gritted his teeth fiercely, and saw that he reached out and pulled out a strange semi-artifact that looked like a censer.

At the same time, the mountain on the side also rushed towards Jiangheng. At this moment, nearly a hundred incarnations of Dashan rushed towards Jiangheng.

Jiang Heng had expected this for a long time, without the shackles of the exorcism line, although the strength has returned to the peak, but the two guys in front of him are clearly not easy to mess The figure swells rapidly, and the golden light on the body surface suddenly appears. Completed the transformation of Faxiang Tiandi and Fanwu Holy Body into a ferocious monster with golden light.

The behemoth rushed forward so that one of the incarnations of the mountain could pounce.

Fighting with fist and fist, Jiang Heng couldn't help but backed away with just one blow.

The terrifying explosion erupted in the gap between the two colliding, Jiang Heng quickly stabilized his figure and cursed inwardly.

This so-called primordial energy really lives up to its name, and it can actually manipulate matter at the atomic level.

It can explode with a force comparable to that of a star explosion through the collision of atoms.

Of course, star explosions are nothing to demigods at all, but they can't stand the opponent's manipulation of too much atomic energy, and each punch contains an incomparably massive explosion of atomic energy.

With just one punch, Jiang Heng couldn't help his blood surging.


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