Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 932: Southern King's Choice

"Okay, come with us!"

"Go? Where are you going?" Old Merck asked in a panic.

"Where else can I go, of course I will bring you to meet the manager here!" Fu Gang sneered, if it is not surprising, this old Merck will definitely go to a military court and be sanctioned by the high-level military.

This is now, if this is the past, this kind of matter would be handed over to the royal court for trial, and the prince would kill such corrupt elements without saying a single word!

Today's military tribunal is the result of a tripartite meeting between the top executives of the legion, the executive hall, and the standing army. Considering the old Merck's cultivation, there is a high probability that the other party will be directly demoted to three ranks and will be severely punished. It's been a long time since I served in Gaowei Prison.

"I... can I go later?" Old Merck begged.

"Do you still dare to negotiate terms?" Fu Gang raised his brows slightly, and his tone was a bit harsh.

"Do you have any cigarettes? I want to smoke one last." Old Merck's old face was wrinkled into a chrysanthemum shape.

He is very clear about his fate, he will definitely serve his sentence, and most of his family's property will be confiscated. Although his family members will not be executed all over the house, most of them will definitely lose their various rights and interests.

It can be said that what his family ate before, they had to spit it out this time.


Fu Gang snorted coldly, but still took out a cigarette casually. He didn't even have the habit of smoking. These were just prepared by Liu Que. Liu Que was an old smoker in the team.

He took a deep breath from the cigarette, and as the neurotoxins in the cigarette slowly seeped into his mind, Old Merck's nervousness and fear gradually calmed down.

After smoking a cigarette, he got up and tidied up his military uniform, and tidied up his messy hair with saliva, trying to make himself appear as gentlemanly as possible.

Back on the giant ship, Old Merck was directly handed over to Centurion Tian.

Seeing old Merck, Centurion Tian was stunned, but he didn't expect to be rewarded.

"Okay, leave him to me. Later, I will ask the commander-in-chief for your credit. Then you can rest. I don't think it will take long for the fleet to pull anchor and set sail."

After Centurion Tian gave an order, he was delighted to be escorted by the sad-faced old Merck to the main ship of the commander-in-chief.

This is a great achievement.

"Captain, we are working for the legion for nothing. We are not in the same system as them, and it will not be our turn to share the credit in the end." Liu Que curled her lips a little annoyed.

"It's okay! It's not easy to get credit. Besides, we just searched with the legion and earned a lot of corpses and debris. These alone can make us a lot of money."

"That's true." Liu Que nodded. They had indeed collected a lot of demigod remains and demigod artifact fragments just now, and the value of these extractions was quite high.

If they didn't follow the legion, they wouldn't be able to reap such benefits. After all, wouldn't the legion of these good things be good for their own people?

Jiang Heng has no objection to this, anyway, he has also collected a lot of corpses and debris, not to mention that when searching, he also used his space ability to find a lot of gaps in the secret realm of the cave from the remains of the battlefield, and scraped out a lot of hidden treasures from inside.

Coupled with the huge amount of wealth obtained in the battle of hegemony in the past, Jiang Heng's net worth is not inferior to that of the average fourth-order demigod.

At this time, the search team had received the order and began to return one by one.

However, at this moment, not far from the giant ship where Jiang Heng and others were located, a giant ship's barrier suddenly shook.

Before everyone could react, dense shocks appeared overwhelmingly.

The sudden scene stunned many soldiers in the ship, and many teams that were still returning home were even more confused, because they didn't see any enemy troops with their spiritual sense or even with their naked eyes.

I just felt the strange shaking of the giant ship barrier on the periphery, as if it was being impacted by countless invisible and intensive impacts.

"Alert! Alert!"

The centurion in each giant ship began to yell, and the harsh sirens resounded in the ship.

Many patrol teams began to speed up and return.

However, soon several teams were attacked by unknown circumstances, dense air-breaking sounds sounded, and patrol frigates were directly penetrated by invisible forces.


A sound of violent explosions resounded throughout, and explosions were everywhere in the field of vision in the blink of an eye.

Because there are not many people in the patrolling team, they can only form a small joint attack battle formation with a few people.

However, the invisible power and undetectable strange enemies still caught them off guard.

"Find these **** rats for me, I want to see what the **** it is!"

Centurion Tian just came back at this time with a look of dismay. This was completely bewildered, the battle had already started, and as a result, they didn't even know what the enemy looked like.

Some investigative demigods began to quickly concentrate their perceptions.

"Directly ahead, about 100 units of targets are approaching rapidly!"

A detective demigod shouted loudly.

"Railgun loaded! Boom me!"

The rail gun has the fastest loading speed. Just the moment the order is issued, the rail system installed in the ship runs quickly, and the shells are quickly ejected from the barrel at an extremely terrifying speed.

This kind of rail gun fired ten volleys at a time, and quickly blasted towards the designated area in a dense posture.

Just when everyone thought it was just fired into the air, the shell seemed to hit some kind of obstacle suddenly and exploded violently on the way.

Almost nine of the ten shells hit.

The explosion directly exposed the hidden enemies.

Nearly a hundred flying objects were affected by the explosion. These flying objects are extremely smooth throughout, with various colors of light shining on their surfaces.

It seems that the environmental simulation system on the surface of the flying object was affected by the explosion and failed, causing these flying objects to be directly exposed to the naked eye.

"It finally appeared, let me continue!"

Centurion Tian shouted, hearing this, the few investigative demigods in the ship continued to work.

At the same time, almost all the scout demigods in the giant ship began to search.

"It seems that the Legion has indeed listened to our suggestions." Jiang Heng nodded slightly as he watched everything quickly enter an orderly state.

"Hmph! It's not a legion if you don't listen to our advice. I hope you can win."

Fu Gang sighed, now he doesn't know how many enemies still exist here,

Fortunately, the battle lasted only an hour, and the opponent's attack frequency began to decline sharply.

"It seems that the omnic legion left here is just a small group of troops, and the main force should have continued to advance to the hinterland of our southern border."

Jiang Heng sensed with his Qi machine, and found that the nearby enemy troops were indeed decreasing, and there was no sign of continuing to replenish them.

This small-scale encounter finally lasted for two hours before it ended, leaving a lot of metal wreckage in the void.

"All centurions check their casualties!"

As the battle here came to an end, after cleaning the battlefield, they continued to advance towards the hinterland of the southern border.

At the same time, in the Tiannan City Prince's Mansion, almost all the high-level people in the southern border who could gather this time gathered here.

In addition to several princes, there are also a lot of the highest consuls of the main city of the southern border and even the three demigods of the Heavenly Realm, gathered here.

"Everyone! Tell me what's going on here?"

Nan Wang did not sit on the throne, but walked slowly among the crowd.

He glanced coldly at everyone present.

"Within five days, we lost three main cities in the southern border, a main army was completely wiped out, and dozens of standing divisions were completely wiped out. What do you think this king should do?"

Facing Nan Wang's cold questioning, all the officials in the southern border bowed their heads and remained silent.

After a while, the wise old man spoke, he stepped forward and cupped his hands a little bit ashamedly said: "My lord, the main fault of this matter is the old man, it is the old man's incompetence that did not deduce all this in advance, which caused such a catastrophe. Please punish me, my lord!"

Nan Wang just listened indifferently and glanced at the others.

"You are at fault for this matter, but others are also at fault!"

"It is true that my southern border has not experienced a large-scale battle in the past two million years, but it is not so corrupt!

Dozens of divisions were wiped out in an instant. Those who didn't know thought that you had encountered a joint attack by dozens of high-ranking powers. "

As Nan Wang said, he glared fiercely at the representative official of the standing army.

The generals of the standing army who can come here are naturally the top of the high-level, with at least a sixth-level cultivation, and one of them is even a seventh-level.

However, at this moment, each of these people was trembling and did not dare to let out a breath.

"And you! The governing hall! Although this matter has nothing to do with you, but your resource mobilization these days is too slow, I need to go ten times faster! I don't want to hear any reason!

This time, the Chaowei Divine Kingdom obviously doesn't want to continue to grind. They really want to live in my main universe. "

Nan Wang said coldly.

"Returning to the lord, there is a high probability that the super-dimensional kingdom of God invaded our southern border to occupy a piece of territory in the main universe. This may be related to the catastrophe that followed. The earliest catastrophe affected the high-dimensional world, so the super-dimensional kingdom of God is the first One can't sit still."

The old man of Tianjidao made an analysis in a deep voice.

"That's right! Since they want to play for real, the king will naturally accompany them! The order continues, and all the standing army divisions will enter a state of first-level combat readiness, and at the same time gather the standing divisions in the peripheral areas.

In addition, gather 100 to 200 full-scale divisions to build a defense line near the Tianhai Fortress. In addition, you in the Law Enforcement Office will issue a recruitment order to recruit all demigods of all investigative laws in the territory to join the army. This is compulsory, and those who violate the order will be executed! "


Officials from the Law Enforcement Office and the Standing Army clasped their hands together and agreed.

"Go down first!"

The prince waved his hand to signal for the two parties to retreat first.

After the people who were supposed to leave retreated, Nan Wang looked at the Hou Ye.

"My lord, is it our turn to play now?" Marquis Ji Wu looked excited.

All the princes also showed signs of emotion. They had proposed to play before, but the situation was special at that time, but now it is different. They are all playing for real, which makes them such princes not sit still. Can live.

"Jiwu Jiying listening order!" Nan Wang said in a low voice as he glanced at these guys indifferently.

"The end is here!"

Jiwu Jiying hurriedly got out of line and knelt on the ground with an excited face, enjoying the envious and envious eyes of his colleagues around him.

"The king ordered you two to lead the troops to the border of Rosyth to join the nearby legions, and concentrate our forces to suppress the follow-up main force of the omnic legion here!"


What's going on?

Isn't it launching a general attack to completely destroy the channel connecting the super-dimensional kingdom of God to the main universe?

Ji Wu Ji Ying was stunned.

"My lord, isn't this... not annihilating the main force of the enemy army here?"

Ji Wu pouted his neck and said.

"Do you have the ability to do it?" Nan Wang glanced at him as if.

"Just three days ago, the old man calculated that two god-level omnic life forms came through the channel! And the follow-up is still increasing." The old man Tianjidao hurriedly added at this time.


Jiwu Jiying frowned, his face was a little stiff.

The **** seat level is a realm of the super-dimensional divine kingdom omnic life powerhouse. It corresponds to the high class of demigods.

However, the number of gods is extremely limited, and not losing one is a great loss to the super-dimensional kingdom of God.

This is not only the precious materials of the body, but also the loss of mechanical laws.

Because the birth of every god-level omnic life can only be made by the rich and powerful law of the true mechanical god, otherwise it is just an ordinary omnic life form composed of a mechanical body.

"Returning to the prince, I and Ji Yinghou can contain the opponent's god-level powerhouse. We believe that we can annihilate the main force of the enemy army here by concentrating the strength of several legions!"

Marquis Jiwu was a little unwilling.

"Needless to say, the war can be carried out gradually, but you this king can't afford to lose it. It's okay to delay it for a while, just let everyone in the legion go through a tempering of blood and fire!"

Nan Wang shook his head, these words fell into the ears of several Hou Ye and they were all deeply moved.

They all followed the prince from birth to death in the early Knowing that the prince must speak from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, let's do it! It's all gone." Said Nan Wang and waved his hand.

"My lord, what about the low-ranking people?" Seeing this, Ji Yuanhou couldn't help but speak.

Nan Wang never gave any instructions to the rest of them, which made them a little confused.

"Oh, you guys naturally have arrangements. Now that the super-dimensional kingdom of God is making a big attack, I believe that the temples of the gods will definitely not miss this good opportunity, and Jiyuan will use you at that time. It's just that at that time, the king hoped that It can frighten all parties at once!"

Hearing this, Ji Yuanhou suddenly came to his senses, and immediately saluted solemnly: "The final general will live up to the prince's trust!"

"Okay, I'm tired too. During the recent troubled season, everyone will work harder. When things settle down, I will allow you to compete with me personally."

Nan Wang waved his hands as he spoke, then turned and left slowly.

After Nan Wang disappeared from everyone's sight, a certain kind of officials breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately became excited again.

"Haha! I thought that this time, the Chaowei Divine Kingdom would shrink back after being hit with a stick like before. I didn't expect this time to be fat."

"Yeah, but it's not my turn to do such a good thing. Jiwu Jiying, you two guys are really lucky."

All the princes were so excited.

In contrast, the old man Tianji Dao and his two apprentices had a bitter face, and countless nebulae representing the laws of deduction of heaven flickered behind them.

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