Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 933: war

After the prince left, even the several Hou Ye left one after another. Recently, these elderly Hou Ye have been busy, so they must not be excited at this time.

Only the three demigods of Tianji Dao had sad expressions on their faces.

"Master, what should we do next?"

"Yes, teacher, now we can't deduce what the other party will do next. This kind of situation has never happened before. It seems that they can predict our prediction in advance."

The two disciples looked depressed.

If Tianjidao is compared to a chess player, they will find that every move they make is wrong no matter what, and the mistakes are extraordinarily outrageous. On the contrary, every move of the opponent is correct. This is very uncomfortable.

The old man Tianji quickly connected his hands in the void, as if there was an abacus in the void that ordinary people couldn't see, and it was flipping something rapidly.

"There is only one possibility, and that is that the opponent's power of deduction is far superior to ours, which makes it impossible for us to fight back."

The old man Tianji sighed, his old face became more vicissitudes.

"How could this be?" A disciple was a little surprised.

"It's nothing impossible. It's not unreasonable for the super-dimensional kingdom of God to stand upright in the world for so many years and compete with our great Zhou temples." Old Man Tianji shook his head.

"Then what should we do? Isn't it certain that we will lose in this battle in the southern border?"

"Who said that wars are won by deduction? Don't forget that everything has reached a high level, and the simulation of it by deduction is extremely limited."

Old Man Tianji laughed instead.

"Don't worry, the sky will fall and the princes and lords will support it. We just have a little power of deduction, and don't take ourselves seriously. We just do our job well and don't let the other party lead us by the nose too much."

Old Man Tianji smiled and waved his hands, and stepped out of the hall.

Seeing the two students looking at each other, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Both of them were brought out by the old man Tianji, so it seems that his master's expression seems to be fake.

At the same time, as the fleet left the Tianhe Fortress, everyone resumed the boring life in the ship as before.

Navigation is boring. According to the news from above, it seems that with the Tianhe Fortress as the center, the stargate nodes of several nearby fortresses have been urgently closed or even destroyed.

The star gate is too important, especially if it is used by the enemy.

Once a star gate becomes the enemy's channel, the enemy can quickly reach thousands or even tens of thousands of light-years away along this star gate to carry out ultra-long-distance long-distance strikes.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable for all the stargates in the vicinity to be closed urgently.

It's just that the fleet can only sail bitterly.

However, on the sixth day of the voyage, the war broke out again, and a larger-scale attack began.

"This is the Skystar Fortress! This is the Skystar Fortress! We are under an unknown attack, please rescue all the nearby Southern Territory Legions who have received the news! Repeat..."

An urgent message was captured by a reconnaissance demigod, and at the same time, it was quickly transmitted to the captain's ship.

It didn't take long for Jiang Heng to notice that the fleet's sailing direction had changed, and he started sailing towards a certain place on the other side.

However, it didn't take long to see a swaying fleet speeding towards this side from a distance.

And this fleet was quickly crushed by an invisible force in front of everyone's eyes and turned into brilliant fireworks in the universe.

"I'm late!"

Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, it was really uncomfortable to fight with these omnic legions.

This invisible enemy is really stupid.

"Everyone be alert! Tens of thousands of targets are approaching right in front of us! No! More and more! We have encountered a small group of main forces!"

An investigative demigod yelled, his voice trembling, showing what he had seen.

"The rail gun is loaded! The Mie Shen Cannon is loaded!" Centurion Tian couldn't sit still anymore, and began to mobilize urgently.

Even the demigod soldiers in the ship began to carry large and heavy God-killing bullets.

At the same time, the ten giant ships began to line up in a triangle shape, and the shield barriers of the ten giant ships gradually connected their shields together as the lineup took shape.

As the battle formation linked by the giant ships had just formed, the surfaces of the entire ten giant ships began to shake violently, and layers of ripples emerged on the surface.

At the same time, one after another, dazzling explosion rays of light emerged on the surface of the shield, and terrifying shocks swept across the inside and outside of the ship.

These ten starships are like sailing ships sailing in rough seas experiencing a terrible storm.

"Follow me closely when we fight later, everyone in the legion has learned a systematic battle formation, which we can't integrate into."

Fu Gang reminded in a low voice.

This is how the war broke out.

Just when everyone thought that the barrier would last at least until the Mie Shen Cannon was installed, suddenly one side of the shield began to vibrate at a high frequency.

Just as a piece of light and shadow swayed, a huge thing appeared in everyone's field of vision.

I saw a conical metal creation pressing against the barrier in the direction of the cone and starting to rotate at an ultra-high frequency.

It's like crazily advancing like a drilling rig.

"Kill this thing!"

Seeing this, someone immediately shouted.

Soon there were flexible railguns aimed and fired simultaneously.

Dense shells bombarded this strange thing.

However, this thing does not know what it is made of, and the physical acceleration projectile that comes from the bombardment is directly bounced away.

"Void Gold! This thing is made of Void Gold!"

Someone found the clue.

"God-killing cannon! Only God-killing cannon can destroy it!"

"Crazy, the entire fleet will be crushed by the powerful gravitational field!"

The Extinguishing Cannon is equivalent to a full-strength blow from a sixth-order peak powerhouse. Although it will not kill everyone present, the fleet may not be able to keep it.

However, just as everyone was hesitating, with an earth-shattering bang, the shields linked by the fleet collapsed completely.

There was a little commotion in the entire giant ship.

But after all, the people of the legion quickly stabilized their minds, and quickly assembled demigod-level soldiers on the deck, and they formed a battle formation at an extremely fast speed.

Hundreds of people quickly form a formation, and hundreds of people are like one ray of light, and their energy flows like one.

For a time, a terrifying atmosphere erupted from the ten giant ships.

Among the hundreds of people, there are more or less some soldiers who are good at scouting, maybe one or two, but it is enough.

With the order of scouting soldiers, hundreds of people attacked one place at the same time.

In contrast, Jiang Heng and his party could only hide as close as possible to their hundred people in order to protect themselves.

In this case, the three of them are the most dangerous. Compared with the fact that the legion can form a group, even if the three of them form a battle formation, the growth rate is very small. Naturally, they are the weakest point.

The God Extinguishing Cannon had no effect at this time, because when the enemy was discovered, the enemy was already close at hand, and soon the giant ship was pierced into a sieve by densely packed invisible omnipotent flying shuttles.

There were wailing sounds everywhere, and countless domain masters and soldiers working in the giant ship were smashed to pieces by the strong gravity generated by the explosion inside the ship.

"No! I don't know what will happen to the legionaries if this continues, but we will definitely die faster than them!" Fu Gang gritted his teeth, and said anxiously while evading the enemy's attack position according to Liu Que's report.

The three of them fought and destroyed thousands of omnic shuttles. However, the seemingly endless attacks seemed to never stop. Who knows how many enemies gathered around here.

"I can't help it now, Captain, didn't you still have a Teleportation Talisman before? Why don't we use the Teleportation Talisman to withdraw first!" Liu Que suggested through voice transmission.

This is not considered to be running away, because they do not belong to the legion system, and following the legion can only be regarded as voluntary help.

However, Fu Gang didn't know why, he shook his head, he only had one Teleportation Talisman, and he had already used it last time to gain some time in Rosyth's mission, so there is no Teleportation Talisman left now.

But thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng glanced at Fu Gang, thought for a while and said through voice transmission alone: ​​"Captain, wait a moment, the distance I can move at once is limited, and the situation is still unclear at this time, moving rashly may cause the opponent to chase."

As soon as Fu Gang heard about it, he probably understood Jiang Heng's meaning. To put it bluntly, he wanted to wait for something to happen to the legion here, otherwise the three of them moving directly would definitely attract local attention and cause pursuit.

Fu just knew the distance Jiang Heng moved at one time. If there is an enemy army standing by nearby, then moving now will become the target of that enemy army.

At this time, the battle was in full swing, and the legion battle formation was even more fierce, but it did not show the slightest sign of decline.

Although a battle of one hundred people is not as good as a large formation of ten thousand people in a legion, gathering the power of a hundred people in one body can directly raise Centurion Tian, ​​a fourth-level mid-level demigod, to a level close to the sixth level. The terrifying power makes every punch of him coerce With majestic gravity.

Every punch will set off a gravitational vortex in the void, and the powerful gravitational vortex will shatter thousands of nearby flying shuttles every time.

It is true that when personal might reaches a certain level, some numerical advantages will be erased infinitely.

If this is the case in front of you, maybe each shuttle suicide attack can burst out the lethality of the low-level first-order peak. This kind of lethality has a miraculous effect on people below the middle-level. Impact.

However, for an existence comparable to a sixth-order physical body, this method is just scratching an itch.

The ten powerful beings who could barely touch the edge of the sixth order began to frantically crush the hidden flying shuttles that were constantly attacking and killing them.

"It looks like we don't have to escape!"

Seeing this scene, Fu Gang and the others couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, it's naturally good for their side to have such a performance.

Otherwise, it's hard to see each other in the future if they run away.

There is naturally another reason why Jiang Heng doesn't want to escape, that is, his master is still here, and it seems not good to leave him behind.

However, just when everyone in the legion was planning to completely destroy and annihilate these scumbags in one go, a sudden change emerged.

About a light-year away, a bright light flickered suddenly. It was originally just an inconspicuous starlight in the void, but everyone soon realized that something was wrong.

The starlight is getting brighter and brighter, because something is attacking and killing at an extremely fast speed.

"Not good! Form a thousand-man battle formation!"

Xing Yun instantly realized that something was wrong and quickly shouted, and the ten centurions also reacted quickly and changed their formation one after another.

In just a few moments, the battle formation of thousands of people has taken shape, and correspondingly, Xing Yun, who is at the core hub of the battle formation, is full of breath. His breath once broke through the fifth level and went straight to the sixth level, and it was barely stopped until the middle level of the sixth level.

The further you go to the demigod level, the gap between each level is like a gap, especially after reaching the middle level, it is almost very difficult to fight at a higher level.

Of course, except for casual cultivators, compared with the regular army of the legion, casual cultivators need to drop a level in their minds for comparison. Difference.

And the demigods who follow the orthodox system in these legions are all truly strong in the strict sense.

Although the gathering of hundreds of people in the battle formation before could raise the centurion to the level of the sixth level, it is still not as good as a real sixth-level demigod in the strict sense.

As for the combination of thousands of people now, the middle stage of the sixth stage can be regarded as a powerful sixth-order demigod!

At this moment, the Xingyun demigod's stature skyrocketed rapidly, and he was already in operation. The sixth-level demigod's dharma world was tens of millions of feet long. From a distance, the demigod battle formation behind him looked like a group of cells combined .

Even the huge ship is like a toy by Fa Xiang's side at the moment.

The astral body has always had a follow-up semi-divine skill. According to what Xingyun told Jiang Heng, the astral body is a simple body tempering method deduced by the prince based on the Nanhe Dazhou Tianxing magical power fighting method.

And Jiang Heng himself practiced the Beihe Great Zhou Tianxing Divine Art, but what he practiced can only be regarded as a simplified version of the Beihe Great Zhou Tianxing Divine Art.

It cannot be said that Jiang Heng's Beihe Great Zhou Tianxing magical power is stronger than Xingyun's astral Both are simplified versions deduced from two Xeon body secret arts, but what Jiang Heng obtained is The simplified version of Beihe General Outline is relatively comprehensive, but it is much worse in terms of singleness.

The star body of Xingyun is simplified according to the single method of Nanhe Douqiao, and the star body far surpasses Jiang Heng's simplified version of Beihe General Outline in terms of body quenching.

And this is also the first time Jiang Heng has seen his master fully exerting his astral body.

I saw that all the acupuncture points on the surface of the nebula dharma seemed to be transformed into dazzling and shining stars, and behind his head was a round of stars suspended in a circle. Although each star bloomed with azure blue light, But the intensity of the light is like a round of scorching sun.

The nearby stars within hundreds of light years are swaying, as if shaking slightly, and the power of the stars on their surfaces is rapidly pouring into the nebula.

At the same time, the rays of light from afar were already clearly discernible to the naked eye.

It was a sharp spear made of pitch-black metal that was a million feet long. Wherever the spear passed, nearby meteorites were pulled by the terrifying gravitational field and squeezed into cosmic dust.

The speed of this spear is so fast that Jiang Heng can barely perceive that it is a thing with a spear shape even if he perceives it with all his strength, and this is only the picture a second ago.

This means that when Jiang Heng felt aware of the other party, he was already dead.

The speed has exceeded the time difference perceived by oneself, and this exaggerated time difference is fatal enough.

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