The curling cup beside him had no choice but to smile: "maybe, second brother, what you said is right. If you don't see it, the general's white hair is crying for his husband! No one can understand the war! "

"Before, in order not to let me save you, you didn't hesitate to let Deputy General Li seal me with Sanqi pill! I'll pay you back this time! "

"This ghost powder is the last remaining of forgetting love. Its efficacy is stronger than before! I know you are strong, but it will take at least half an hour to break free! "

"It's enough that the situation on the battlefield is imminent."

"Meandering cup! You're dying, you know? " Chen Xiao was so anxious that she could not help roaring: "she didn't want me to take part in the war because she wanted to reduce the strength of Shenwei army! So we can take down Cangcheng successfully

"Why are you so stupid? Do you have to wait for the moon city to break before you are willing? "

Although the fact is so, but listen to Chen Xiao clearly said, standing on the side of wanyanmu body can't help a tremor.

I was in his heart - was it so bad?

Qu Liu Chu nodded with a smile and said, "maybe! But in this matter, at least my purpose is the same as hers. I don't want you to join in our fight! "

"Second brother, since I met you, I haven't asked you anything! This time, please be big brother "No matter what the situation on the battlefield is," he said! Big brother all hope that in this battle, there is no name of Chen Xiao! "

Then he went to the front two departments and directly pointed at Chen Xiao's chest!

"Big brother --!" Chen Xiao roared, clenched his fist, and was ready to dodge. But at this time, the Qi was basically blocked, and he could not escape the speed of Qu Liuchu.

Chen Xiao sits at the table like a spectator between the two armies!

"Princess Mu! Now Qu Mou is the only one left in the two armies. Do you want the generals outside the Great Wall to come up and subdue me or let me go back? "

"I'm only aiming at the matter of breaking the righteous wine. It has nothing to do with General Chen Xiao. Please go back! Within three quarters of an hour, our army will attack the city! General, take care of yourself With a wave of Wanyan Mufeng robe, it looks like a queen!

"Well, thank you very much." Quliu cup embraces wanyanmu, rides his horse, and then leads Chen Xiao's horse back to the city.

"Alas -" looking at Qu Liuchu's back, Chen Xiaoyou sighed!

My elder brother is really stubborn!

This battle without himself, also don't know when he can persist!

"Don't you think so?" Wan Yan Mu comes to Chen Xiao and sits down.

"In fact, like him, you are all heroes! Think about how to help others! But never thought of being helped by others

Chen Xiao fell into silence.

"No matter what I've become in your heart, I know you won't forget me!" Wan Yan Mu smiles and lowers her head to kiss Chen Xiao gently.

Then he turned around and sat down. Feng chased him back to the camp outside the Great Wall!

Around the yellow sand flying, Chen Xiao sitting alone on the moat, the mood is extremely sad.

Wuwuwuwu -

after a moment, several horn sounds!

More than ten thousand foreign soldiers armed with swords launched the final charge towards cangyue city!

For a moment, the moat became a fierce battlefield again!

Corpses are everywhere, blood is flowing!

Cangyue city has become more and more devastated!

But what's strange is that within five meters of the pavilion, it seems to be a forbidden area. Foreign soldiers from the northern wall will not come, nor will the Shenwei army!

Chen Xiao is like an unimportant passer-by, enjoying this battle!

If you want to watch a movie and watch the soldiers fighting inside, you have to say that it's a great irony, which he can't accept in his heart!

The fighting lasted for more than ten minutes, most of which were the casualties of the foreign people outside the Great Wall, because they kept erecting the ladder to attack the city. Every time one died, another person would go up for him.

So repeatedly, it is simply not afraid of death! I can see that they are really fighting for their lives!

It is precisely because of such tactics that the forces consumed by the foreign nations outside the great wall are very terrible!

Every time Shenwei army dies one person, they will die about three people!

However, the benefits are obvious, because when the battle lasted for 20 minutes, the forces of cangyue city were only over 1000!

The number of foreigners outside the Great Wall has been reduced to 10000!

Under the wall of cangyue City, there are basically the corpses of foreign nationalities outside the Great Wall!

"Wanyanmu! Wanyanmu! So that's the idea you've got! " Chen Xiao looks at the thousands of lonely Shenwei troops on the wall, and his heart is filled with boundless sadness!

Wanyanmu's face remained unchanged, and he was still sitting on the Phoenix, as if everything in front of her had nothing to do with her!

And the last thousand!

Kill these 1000 people, cangyue city will be captured!

Father can also close his eyes!

On the other hand, meandering cup and others obviously also found wanyanmu's strategy.With the advantage of a large number of people, forced for life!

Yes, you heard me right!

It's a change of life!

Give the lives of three or four foreign soldiers to the Shenwei army!

In order to quickly reduce the strength of Shenwei army!

At that time, even if the city can not be broken, but Shenwei army has no soldiers to defend, it can also win!

Meandering cup is also aware of this problem, but he does not have the slightest way!

Cangyue city has no soldiers to enlist!

This is a dead fight, the bet is who can persist to the end!

Looking at the wolf like alien race outside the Great Wall, the common people behind the gate could not help holding the weapons in their hands. Even though they were afraid, no one stepped back!

"General! There are only a thousand brothers left! " Vice General Li's face was covered with blood and his body was also injured.

At this time, there are only more than ten people who can fight. Her clothes have been dyed red with blood, and her sword has been dyed red with blood! There was a tired look in his eyes.

"It's not much better for the foreigners outside the Great Wall!" Meandering cup clenched the Dragon chanting gun in his hand and said: "defend the city wall! They must not be allowed to attack

"Yes Vice General Li shouts and starts fighting again!

More than twenty minutes have passed!

The fighting cry is much smaller!

The rest of the foreign troops are blocked under the city wall, but no one climbs up!

It was Wan yanmu who called to stop!

At this time, there are only the last six thousand people left, and the loss is extremely heavy!

But the Shenwei army on the wall has become a corpse!

In addition to Yan's more than ten brothers, there are only Qu Liuchu and the other three deputy generals left!

The scene is extremely tragic, even a little sad!

Every face with blood, eyes tired, more sad!

Five thousand more! There are the last 5000 people! As long as you get past these 5000 people, you can win! Can guard the cangyue city!

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