Quliu cup looks at the warlike foreigners under the stage, rubs his face a few times, then turns to Yan and says, "forget your love, the people in the city will be handed over to you!"

"General!" On hearing this, Yan forgets his feelings and looks stunned. Then he says anxiously, "we can fight again! What about five thousand? As long as there is one breath, cangyue city will not be broken! "

"It's no use! Now that our troops are exhausted, we can't stop them from rushing up to the wall even if we can fight ten with five thousand men! " The color of despair appeared in his eyes.

A moment later, it became a strong firmness: "even if cangyue city can't hold! We must not let these people be hurt! "

"But they won't go!" Yan forgot to look at the people under the city wall, eyes can't help getting red!

"I can't take care of them!" Meandering cup sighed heavily for the first time, as if his burden was heavier than Mount Tai.

"Open the gate! Out of town! Maybe a few more minutes! Give other people a chance to evacuate! " Meandering cup said, holding the gun.

"General! I will follow you to the death Li Fu will be the first to kneel down on the ground, eyes red!

"So do I! Where's the general going! We'll go there! " The other two lieutenants also knelt down with them

"Good!" Meandering cup eyes burst out of a strong sense of killing, said: "then let's kill a happy!"

Then he grabbed the horse and came to the gate.

Around more than ten thousand people, see the whole body is the blood of the curling cup, for a time the eye socket is red, all quiet down.

"Folks, there are three thousand soldiers of Shenwei, and now there are four left!" Meandering cup said with a slightly trembling tone, he wanted to shed tears, but now he can't!

"I've been guarding cangyue for five years, and now it's the last moment! Out of this door, I can't protect you! No matter how long the four of us can hold on, I hope you can retreat! Can live well

"General -" all the people on the scene were in tears.

"Where are the mighty soldiers?" The meandering cup roars!

"The end will be here!" The three deputy generals are shouting and their eyes are scarlet!

"Follow me out of town! Kill With that, the whole body of the curling cup was full of gold, and a whirlpool of true Qi poured down from the void!

The long gun in his hand swept away.

The heavy wooden door was smashed to pieces by him!

Cangyue soldiers have been killed, there is no difference between this gate!

Now he's out, as long as he's alive! Don't come in this gate!

"Heaven is perfect, God knows?" Wan Yan Mu a stay, the complexion emerged in a thick dignified color!

"Battle the enemy!" She said, "where are the three vice generals of Tianjing?"

"The end will be here!" The three great generals nodded together.

"Out! Kill the Marquis of Qu Liuchu

"Yes Three eyes immediately emerge out of the light, the horse rushed out!

The four of them stood under the gate of the city, looking at the dark saiwa alien in front of them. There was no fear in their hearts!

The three foreign generals stand in the front, with a strong sense of killing in their eyes!

At this time, the foreign nationalities outside the Great Wall have moved forward as a whole.

Only a few hundred meters away from the moat!

Chen Xiao looks at the four people of Qu Liuchu, and his heart is extremely anxious! But the whole body Qi was sealed, no matter how he broke away, he could not recover!


At this time, Chen Xiao is very helpless!

Even though Qu Liuchu is the divine consciousness of heaven, he has been fighting for so many days and so many battles, and his body is actually exhausted!

Chen Xiao can be sure that he is just fighting hard now!

Divine consciousness can never replace the physical body!

So, Chen Xiao is very worried about Qu Liuchu!

Looking at the four people who were not afraid in front, Wan Yan Mu's face also became dignified!

Anyway, we must kill Qu Liuchu and break the cangyue city before Chen Xiao recovers!

Otherwise, this issue will be in vain!

"The three armed forces listen! The whole army! Those who kill the deputy will be rewarded with a thousand taels of gold! Seal ten thousand households! Those who kill the song and drink the wine will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold to seal the Marquis! "

"Roar!" Hearing the words, the foreign people outside the Great Wall couldn't restrain themselves and rushed to Qu Liuchu!

Behind the four is cangyue city!

The place they've been fighting for years!

"Kill! Kill They roared and rushed up to Li as if they didn't want to die.

Seeing this, Deputy General Li stretched out his hand and took off his helmet. He was still on the ground and yelled, "come on! Come on! As long as I'm alive! No one is going to enter this gate! "

"Killing one is enough, killing two is enough!" Another deputy general also called.

"Eighteen years later, Laozi is a hero again!" The last Deputy tied the knife directly to his hand!Meandering cup looks at the saiwa alien who is coming like the tide, and clenches the Longyin gun in his hand: "the will of divine power, there is no life but death!"

With a long roar, the four rushed towards the crowd and were instantly submerged in the sea of people from other nationalities outside the Great Wall.

But if you look carefully, you can still find that four people become a center!

Three lieutenants are surrounded and killed by soldiers!

On the other side of quliuchu, there are three foreign generals who are small in Tianjing against him. The three generals seem to want the head of daoquliuchu very much.

There's no way to keep your hand. You can use the strongest killing move to deal with Qu Liuchu!

At the moment, although the meandering cup has consumed a lot of Qi, it has the divine sense of heaven!

A move divine sense attack, three people suddenly face a change, quickly escape!

Good chance!

Meandering cup eyes a coagulation, hand Longyin gun was wrapped in real gas, directly toward one of the sky into the master rushed past.

"Stella!" The master dodged and was stabbed in the chest by the curling cup!

All of a sudden blood flow!

Meandering cup is ready to attack again, but see before retreat to the rear of the two experts have rushed over!

He was firm in his eyes. No matter who was behind him, he took out his long gun again and stabbed the injured Tianjing Xiaocheng expert Dantian!

"Ah The master's eyes were full of horror. It seemed that he didn't expect that the meandering Cup would be so determined.

"Hiss!" Dantian is directly smashed by the meandering cup!

The master was bleeding and dying.

Meandering cup saw a sneer at the corner of his mouth, suddenly turned over and blocked the corpse of the master in front of him.

In this instant, I saw that the attack of the two experts behind had rushed over!

"Touch!" Two strong attacks hit their compatriots on the body, the body was directly smashed!

In the case just now, there was no other way for the meandering cup than to do so. Although he also suffered a certain impact, but more damage was blocked by the master's body!

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