Chen Xiao?

On hearing this name, some people are strange, some people are shocked!

"No wonder it's him!" Yelv said solemnly.

"Does the sergeant know this man?" A minister asked.

"Well! It can be said that 70% of the failure of this attack was due to this man. He was not only powerful, but also first-class in mind and strategy! "

"He has seen through all the tricks I've used many times! If it was him, Prince Gong would not have complained about his defeat! " Yelv's face even showed admiration.

All of them were shocked and dumb for a moment!

The scoundrel also nodded his head and said, "I don't know why, he suddenly attacked two cities. It's said that his strength has reached the end of heaven. With a wave of weapons, 3000 soldiers can't get up! It's horrible! Like a god

"Tianjing Dacheng!" All the people on the scene took a breath of cool air!

If it's really Dacheng, it makes sense! After all, there is no master of heaven in Khanate!

"Even if - even so, it's impossible to kill 50000 people, isn't it?" The shepherd general is pale and still can't believe it!

"He just killed the main generals and disabled people, but he didn't kill them. They were all chased by the guards nearby! When the general died, the morale of the army was in chaos, and many brothers were slaughtered in this way Then the scoundrel began to cry again.

"Are you serious?" The other three faces of the four generals changed greatly, and they asked in disbelief.

On the contrary, yeluzzi was deeply relieved, even with a smile on the corner of his mouth!

Princess Gong is the only one in the world!

"Every sentence is true! If you don't believe me, you can send people to the two cities on the border. By this time, they are all full of soldiers from the Central Plains! "

"Prince Gong's body has been brought to the public and is hanging at the gate of Pingcheng city!" Speaking of the back, a thick fear appeared in his eyes!

Wanyanmu heard here, the sweat in her palm disappeared a lot, she heaved a sigh of relief, her eyes appeared a bit gentle, looking at the Scout said: "hard, go down to rest!"

"Yes! Thank you for your consideration The scoundrel nodded and went out trembling.

For a moment, the whole court hall was silent, as if the sound of the needle tip falling could be heard.

The four ministers headed by the general of the herdsman had sweat on their foreheads, and even their bodies began to tremble!

Those ministers who were originally silent, without any hesitation, immediately stood back to their own position, and the meaning was very obvious!

They only know Yan mu.

"General shepherd, I don't know if you are interested in sending some cronies to the two cities to find out the truth?" Wanyanmu sits on the Dragon chair, his face is still plain, but the killing intention in his eyes is very obvious!

"I -- I --!" Shepherd general, retreated two departments, knelt down immediately and said, "it's not my business, princess, that general encouraged me to do this."

"Shepherd Lu, you are really shameless! It's you who brought me into the gang, saying that once you become a person who can live a glorious life, now you're actually doing the same thing! " Next to the response, the general angrily pointed to the shepherd general.

"If you still have a dispute, you can go to the prison and speak slowly." Wan Yan Mu sneers.

"Princess, don't kill me! I'm possessed The shepherd general was about to cry. It's hard to imagine that he became a general even though he was afraid of death many times.

"Don't worry, you won't die so easily --" Wan yanmu smiles and stretches lazily. "It seems that you have a lot of property. Now you are short of armaments. It's time for you to contribute!"

"Come on! Drag these four people down and torture them until they tell me all their property

"Yes Several bodyguards nearby could not wait for a long time. They immediately stepped forward to press the four shouting people down!

Wan yanmu's eyes coagulated and said: "the four herdsmen of Lu collude with Prince Gong to usurp the throne. It's a terrible crime! It's not enough to calm the anger without killing! "

"It's hereby ordered that the four of them go to the gate in ten days to destroy the nine tribes! Make an example

"The princess is wise!" On hearing this, yeluzzi fell to his knees.

"The princess is wise!" For a moment, the minister next to him knelt down, whether he was willing or not. In a word, it's no good not to kneel now!

Wan yanmu took a satisfied look at the Minister of culture and military in Manchu Dynasty and said, "as for the minister who opposed me with them before, I'll give you a chance!"

"Now the Treasury is empty. If you can take half of your property and hand it over to the state, it will be revealed! Don't try to muddle through. I know all of you. I'll start with the Yelv Army division to do it! "

"If you find out who has turned in a small sum of money, just like these four people, you should be put to death in a hurry to destroy the nine ethnic groups!"

On hearing this, those who stand in the wrong team are helpless and lucky. It's better to lose money than life!

He knelt down on his knees and sang: "my Wang Shengming!"See them to change a mouth directly, the eyebrow that Wan Yan Mu is wrinkling finally stretches open!

After the class teacher returned to the court, he dealt with a lot of mess, and now he has a firm foothold! The next step is to vigorously develop national strength!

Chen Xiao, Chen Xiao, don't die!

I'm still waiting to fight with you!

Wanyanmu thought, directly stood up, glanced around and said: "now, do you have any objection to the princess's accession to the throne?"

"Ministers and others are meaningless. May the king ascend the throne as soon as possible, deal with political affairs, and return a prosperous Khanate!" When Yelv saw that the people around him were silent, he took the lead.

"May the king ascend the throne as soon as possible!" The ministers echoed the way.

"Good!" Wan yanmu said with a smile: "after that three days, I will be the princess of heaven! We should inherit our father's will, develop our national strength, train our elite soldiers, and fight against the Central Plains when our national strength is strong! "

Wanyanmu said heroism thousand cloud, everyone is a burst of kneeling!

Chen Xiao, should I thank you or hate you?

Wanyanmu listens to the congratulations from everyone, but she doesn't know where she has gone!

Except for the war, she could not find any reason to meet him so openly!

Maybe - is this also a kind of sadness?

Because of Chen Xiao's battle in khanate, it was earth shaking, but for Chen Xiao, it was a very common thing!

Wanyanmu now and he don't know how to describe, but she saved herself after all, now she also help her once, equal to draw!

No matter how we will meet in the future, or even whether we will meet, it is not so important for Chen Xiao! Because of their inner guilt has been less a lot, at least not owe her so much, so difficult to face.

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