Chen Xiao didn't hesitate to leave the last four days when he agreed with Yan. After dealing with Pingcheng, he immediately got up and rushed to the supreme dragon city!

Now there are only two cities in front of him!

The other city that is closest to LONGYE is a small city!

Compared with Kowloon City, Yecheng is not worth mentioning at all!

But when we get to Kowloon City, we have to be careful!

Because it is the closest city to the Imperial City, there are countless princes and nobles in it!

Of course, these are just for ordinary people. It's not appropriate to put them on Chen Xiao now!

Today, almost all the people in the supreme dragon city are talking about Chen Xiao's deeds, and even spread to other cities. After all, it has not been such a big news for a long time!

Although people only rely on the pictures on the notice board to know Chen Xiao's appearance, it does not affect their worship and admiration for him!

When the general of Yecheng heard that Chen Xiao was coming, he was so scared that he didn't sleep well all night. He was afraid of being cleaned up. He even organized officials to comfort the people of Yecheng and manage the public security of Yecheng!

It's a lot of relief to do everything well.

In order to make Chen Xiao unable to find the starting point of anger, he even took the refugees around Yecheng into the city out of his own pocket. For a moment, Yecheng seemed to become the model city of the whole East supremacy!

The citizens were shocked and amused. They joked that if only Chen Xiao could stay in Yecheng!

In that case, it is estimated that the best official in the whole East is the current general.

But Chen Xiao didn't do it and didn't stay in Yecheng!

After all, he is not a patrol messenger! We have to hold on!

What I did before, either I met a foreign race outside the great wall and wanted to return a favor to wanyanmu, or I wanted to die! Otherwise he would be too lazy to take care of so many things!

The city is not his. The East supreme doesn't care. What does he care about?

"That's it - gone?" See Chen Xiao from the east gate directly through the city to the west gate, riding the dust, take the lead in the guard general and the officials around ready to please Chen Xiao face confused force!

A moment later, I was relieved. I even felt like I had survived!

"Maybe we have done well enough, this Mr. Chen doesn't do it," one of the people nearby said.

"So best!" The general wiped the cold sweat on his head and then said, "give me a little bit of restraint recently. If Mr. Chen goes across the city in the future, he must show today's attitude and enthusiasm."

"Yes Everyone around nodded together!

Chen Xiao didn't know, because his arrival almost changed a city! Even the people in the city feel flattered!

When the sun was about to set, he had come to Kowloon City.

This city is bigger than any City Chen Xiao has ever seen before!

It can even be said that it is the biggest city he has ever seen outside the East supreme!

The most important thing is that there is still a large population in the area, and there are at least 60000 troops stationed alone.

But this time, he didn't welcome him as before. Of course, he didn't get in the way. Just like usual, he could go to the city after checking!

After all, Jiulong city is the capital closest to the supreme dragon city. There are a lot of big people in it. Although they are not as good as the supreme Dragon City, they are just the same!

After looking for an inn, Chen Xiao decided to have a night off.

Just half an hour after he entered the city, many people gathered in the main hall of Kowloon City, including civil servants and military generals!

In the center sat a brave general. When he heard the news from the bodyguard below, he frowned slightly: "Chen Xiao, who is really in my Kowloon City?"

"Yes, it's true. In order not to admit his mistake, Mo Jiang specially took the picture beside him and compared it again!" The generals at the bottom.

On hearing this, the general nodded, glanced at the crowd and said, "tell me, what is the reason for Chen Xiaolai's coming to the dragon city?"

"What else? Please be an official A nearby general said carelessly, "what else would he do if he made such a big noise? Do you want to be wanted by the king of the east? "

"Well, what's the matter with the younger generation now? Jinghui attracts people's eyes with such means! I can't bear fate

"I don't think he's strong enough! Our general Zhou is also a rare achievement in the heaven of the supreme dragon city. Even if we are against him, we won't be defeated! "

General Zhou on the stage pressed his hand and said, "what do you mean, is Chen Xiao to let go or to stay?"

On hearing this, the generals all around fell into silence.

A moment later, an old minister stood up and said, "general, as we all know, Chen Xiao is Qu Liuchu's brother! It is said that cangyue was also involved in the first World War! Otherwise, the result is hard to say! "

"Quliuchu is the only son of the former general Qu! As for the relationship between the Qu family and the former Supreme, I don't want to say much about it"Yes! With this, the supreme will not really appease him! "

Next to him, someone echoed.

"It's just that Chen Xiao, after all, broke two alien cities outside the Great Wall! It must be precisely because of this that the supreme can not continue to punish him! "

"Hum, it's just two border towns. If general Zhou comes out, he can be captured by hand!"

That week general Wen Yan shook his head: "two cities nearly 60000 troops, I alone, although will not die, but it is impossible to defeat them, or even force them back!"

"But after all, Chen Xiao is the brother of the remaining evils of the previous dynasty, and the supreme one will finally get rid of him!" General Zhou said, "no matter what his purpose is, we must cross examine him clearly."

"The general means to keep him?" Asked the military adviser next to him.

"Well, Kowloon City is the city closest to the supreme Dragon City, shouldering the heavy responsibility of defending the country's door!"

"If all the people of unknown origin can enter the East supreme, then I'll have a good time at Zhou Zhen!"

On hearing this, the general next to him nodded: "that's it! We can't let him pass so easily. At least we have to suffer. This man is too rampant! "

"It's said that the city he went to was so scared that the guards and officials didn't sleep well all night! If you see him unhappy, kill him immediately! There's no royal law at all

"Well! That's in a small town. There is general Zhou in Kowloon City. How dare he be presumptuous? "

Several generals were talking, with a little contempt between their eyebrows!

After all, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts! Unless you really see it, even if it's more powerful, martial arts people generally don't want to admit it!

"The general said this to my heart!" The strategist nodded and said, "Kowloon City is the largest city under the supreme dragon city! It's not dignified to let others come and go as they want! "

"Chen Xiao didn't take the imperial edict, ignored the law, and didn't frighten him once. I'm afraid it's not easy to explain when he comes to the supreme."

After listening to the commander's words, everyone nodded together.

General Zhou patted the armrest and said, "have you found out where he lives?"

"General Hui, we have found out!"

"Good! Tomorrow morning, the generals will follow me to meet this Chen Xiao! "

"No!" Let's all join hands!

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