Master of the brave.

Things that live in a dark world.

Various organisms are also present in the unreachable underground.

Some organisms live underground throughout their lives from birth, while others deliberately dwell because of the warmth even in winter.

That's the case with the goblin that was building the settlement in the square.

Scorpions, spiders, and mites on rats, lizards, and snakes. Shrimp and fish are also present in places where groundwater has accumulated.

And some of them demonized in disquiet.

The ground eats less than the ground and each other preys on each other as prey. Most of the time, a world of weak and strong eating where big things eat smaller things.

Sole and others were also in a relationship where they were supplemented and preyed upon in this lightless world. Sole and others were weak in organisms that originally lived in abandoned pit roads and were just organisms that ate dead organisms and demonic rot in the struggle for survival competition.

It was the other day that the situation changed.

A strong temper arose from the depths of the abandoned pit road, coincidentally a nest of soles existed near the place.

Intensely distracted, Sole and the others changed the composition of their bodies to become demons. The demonic Sole and others ate and scattered the various creatures that were on the abandoned pit road when it quickly grew.

Gradually stretch your forces from deep underground to the entrance.

The goblins in the square were very edible prey.

Sole and the others, who instantly expanded their forces on the abandoned pit road, needed to seek further prey in order to expand their forces any further.

Get out of the abandoned pit path into the sunny world and look for more nutritious prey.

But before that, before such a sole, a bipedal prey appeared unlike a goblin.

There are only nine.

Sole and others as a whole have fewer numbers to fill their bellies, but a greater prey than goblins.

It was a great prey to attack.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

In the town, the church bells, outside, the rising sun, the moon and the stars teach us time.

But deep underground, on the abandoned pit road, there is no way to know the exact time.

The guide, Olt, goes on to determine the time to rest and sleep, speculating on the overall health of the party.

That's how I went into the abandoned pit road, roughly two days past.

Goblin's body came a long way from the square where he was rolling.

The support pit, which was about to collapse, was being put back in time by the magic of Leticia to resemble new, with less risk of collapse.

What bothers me is what Leticia said, where I felt like my magic was blocked, but from what I can see on the map, it seemed to be at the end of a different path from the one the Wins were on.

"If you're curious, you can ask the Adventurers Guild to investigate after you get to Lyon"

That's what the Orts said when they heard about Leticia.

Deep down the abandoned pit road, there is something that has inhibited the magic of the brave.

On the way so far, I have never met a demon, and fortunately I have not met a poisonous sasori or a viper trying to get into my luggage.

Because of the mixed, viscous groundwater of minerals, longitudinal resistance is difficult to understand, even if inhaled unaware, it will kill you, but if you proceed with due care, you will be fine.

Wouldn't it be a good job for a young adventurer?

I'm going down cautiously, talking about that.

Eventually I went out to a crossroads that took a distorted form.

The intersection of the roads is circularly wider, and if you proceed straight, the gradient is down, and the road to the left and right is up the gradient in reverse.

"Looks like we're gonna break this road to the right."

Lewis looking back at the map says. Leno used charcoal made of incendiary fire to mark the landmark.

"Phew... now you're climbing"

Hand wipe, wipe the sweat. Rock sips the water.

The pits are heavily cushioned with gradients climbing and descending.

He stopped to check the map. Winn then took the walnut fruit out of the leather bag hanging on his hips and put it in his mouth.

"Want some letti too?

That's what Winn offered Leticia, who was sitting next to her, but she didn't answer it, grabbing Winn's arm tightly and stopping.

Leticia looks around with her eyes that have slowly killed her emotions.

"Something's coming!

Leticia pulled out her lower back sword.

The voice of Leticia's warning and the sound of the sword sheathing together hung their hands on each weapon.

Cornelia, who specializes in granting magic, and Eliza, the magician, illuminate the entire square in Light Source Magic, with seven other people standing with weapons around them.

Thanks to the widening of the intersection, both Olt's axe and Lewis' spear are likely to wield well.

When Winn pulled out his sword, as did Leticia, he explored the signs around him as he put his magic through his sword.

(... I don't feel any signs?

Not only Wynn, but the Olts, Rock, Wedge, and Leno are also wandering their gaze in search of the appearance of their enemies.

It seems that Leticia is the only one who is feeling the signs.

But that's why something must be lurking.

"- Mr. Lino! Go!"

Leticia's sharp warning.


Something sissy fired at Lino, who turned up...

"- Oh!

Wedges sheltered Lino by offering his left arm in a staggering manner screamed in agony.


"Let's do this!

At the same time as Leno screams, Lewis sticks his spear out toward the ceiling.

Some crushing sound called gusha and the sound of the tip piercing and scraping the rock wall.


The thing that came down with the bottoms pierced by Lewis' spear is a giant ant that should be as long as fifty centimeters.

"Mr. Wedge, over here!

A painfully distorted wedge lowered her arms to where Cornelia was.

Antacid had eroded the leather handles of the wedge, rotting like the skin underneath it had suffered severe burns.


As soon as Cornelia washes off the antacid with water, she immediately begins a healing magic chant. If we don't hurry and use healing magic, the flesh on our arms will melt and we'll reach our bones.

"Holy shit!

Leno waved his sword heavily at the ants who tried to circle behind the party from the hole where the wedge fell out.

The tip of the sword hits the outer shell of the ant, but it didn't go until it was slashed and torn, it just scratched the surface.

"These guys seem pretty stiff!

Lewis screams as he rolls out his spear early in the arrow succession.

His attacks have captured the heads and torso of forward ants many times, but when the angle of the protruding tip was poor, he was bounced with the outer shell, which did not appear to be an effective attack.

"Eliza, I want magic!

"Blade, obey me! I, know the reason of the sword, show up on the blade!

The Giving Magic of Illiza.

A magic power is imparted to the tip of Lewis' spear to light a pale glow. Reinforced with magic, Lewis' spear succeeded this time scratching without being bounced with a hard ant outer shell, even if his aim was somewhat off.


When this happens, Lewis' spear, which is long overdue, becomes a valid weapon against ants.

It pierces and drops the ants looming from the hard to reach ceiling.

On the other hand, it is Olt who is struggling more than Lewis.

Olt's weapon is a battle axe.

This weapon with weight is short in time. Because of its heaviest weight, however hard the ant's head or abdomen, the shaken axe easily crushed and crushed the outer shell.

However, because of the slow turnaround for that matter, his arms and legs are chewed and bled by a thousand bites with the teeth of an ant as sharp as a blade.

Still, the dangerous antacid fired from an ant's abdomen prevents the axe from being used like a shield to bathe directly in the body would be due to the experience it has developed.

"Me, know the reason of the wind, be the shield that holds back the wicked sword!

After imparting magic to Lewis' sword, Eliza masterfully prevents antacid, which is allowed to bathe against them, by chanting the magic of the wind barrier one after another. Right next to that Illiza, Leno was holding the ants away from her.

Wynn and Leticia, on the other hand, were also waving their swords in line again.

By their side an injured wedge is being treated for Cornelia.

Leticia protrudes more than Wynn and waves her sword.

The same sword as the knight's sword, not the 'Holy Spirit Sword' that destroyed the Demon King, but the golden glow that Leticia wraps around herself envelops the sword and cleaves the outer shell of the ants, which should be hard, like paper.

Leticia slashes and tears apart ants in agile motion on an abandoned pit road with poor scaffolding, but still leaked ants approach Winn.

"Damn, I don't know what you mean!

Bouncing off that one head, Winn kicked it with his legs and looked around the square looking for a breakthrough.

Where the ants are gushing out like clouds and summers is the road in the middle at the crossroads. It was from the road that was down.

There is probably a nest of ants ahead of it.

The ceilings of the road, the left and right walls, the ground and the ants were so tiny that no gaps could be found, it was as if they were gushing out infinitely.

Ants circling from the ceiling out of Leticia's reach fire antacid from her abdomen.

Winn, which had been gradually pushed in by the overflowing ants, did not have enough scaffolding to swallow the antacid that could be bathed, and slammed the antacid off with his sword.

As ants gushed from the middle descent road, the party was gradually being split in two from the center to the left and right paths.

On the right side of the road, which leads to Lyon, Olt, Lewis, Illiza, and Lino are pushed into the left side of the road, Winn, Leticia, Cornelia, Rock, and five wounded wedges.

"Brother! Here, it's too narrow to be pushed off. Maybe I should run off to the back road!?

Leticia suggested the three ants flying from the ceiling, slashing them down in one swing.

"You'll never be able to move like this! We're gonna pull this way, too!

Olt's screaming voice.

"There's a path that leads to Lyon, even from that way! It's gonna be a long way around!

"Okay! Letty! Rock! Behind you, please! Can Mr. Cornelia ask for the lights?

"Leave it to me!

"Okay! Hurry up and go!"

Winn held up as he lent his shoulder to the wedge.

"Sorry, Wynn"

Cornelia with "Light Source Magic" leads the way to the left, followed by Winn with a wedge.

"Mr. Rock, go ahead!

As Leticia waved her sword, she sank the ants away about her lord.

At least Leticia made a big move so that the ants would come toward us.

After making sure Rock jumped into the road, Leticia also goes down to the road with Jirijiri.

(Even though you can sweep it with magic!

But if you use high-powered magic in narrow passages, it involves everyone.

Ants pushed like tsunamis on the ceiling, on the left and right walls, and of course from the ground, and Leticia's vision was filled with ants.

I can't see the oats going the road on the right.


Winn's voice from the end of the road.

"It's okay. Go ahead!

Antacid coming down like rain, sharp teeth that can bite.

I tore an ant falling from the ceiling overhead into a single letter, then jumped back. The missing antacid creates a water reservoir under Leticia's feet.

"I release the chains that exhort his men!

Even more backwards I don't have to jump away and chant the spell.

A chain of light stretched from Leticia's left hand tangled to the ants.

What I had pushed against me became a vendetta, and the ants, intertwined with chains of light, stuck together to plug the way.

Seeing it, Leticia flips herself up and climbs the road.

The glow of magic overflowing from my own body illuminates my path.

As I climbed down the badly scaffolded road, I could see the wins ahead.

He switched the lead with Cornelia, and Rock was running with the granted stick of Light Source Magic.

"We got a big place ahead of us up there!

Rock screams.

Leticia turns around.

I still don't see an ant in the path behind me illuminated by the glow of magic.

But Leticia's acute sensation was sensing signs of a large swarm of ants approaching from behind.

"There's still ants coming from behind! Hurry up to that square!

Cornelia reaches the square.

Wedge's leg is slow with an arm injury.

Winn is running backed, but can't we make it to the square by the time the ants get here?

Leticia looks back again.

Black, dark, massive shadows.

In a dark, poorly scaffolded abandoned pit road, ants are more maneuverable than people, the bug demons.

Winn and Wedge finally reached the square.

Leticia stopped again and chanted the spell early.

"Know the logic of the earth and unleash a spear that wears all things!

The Magic of Tooth Rubble Spears.

From the ceiling, from the left and right walls, from the ground, several rock spears were produced, which penetrated the leading ants and scattered fluid onto the ground. Without checking how it is, Leticia rushes up to the square where the Wins wait at first sight.

And there was a roar from behind.

Because of the magic of Leticia's Tooth Rubble Spear, the ceiling of the Abandoned Pit Road fell.

Tons of rocks roll down against the ants in a fall.

Leticia, small stone fragments and sand dust have chased her, but the gradient is climbing, so no big rocks roll in.



As I jumped out of the road to the square, Winn was waiting for Leticia.

Leticia jumps into Winn's arms.

Winn tried to shelter Leticia and held her body in.

The air trembling roar sounds even more intermittently, hitting Bishibishi and small rock fragments on the leather armor on Winn's back.

Eventually, the fragments stopped flying and the sound subsided.

"How impotent..."

Wynn shrugged, holding Leticia in his arms.

Behind the road the Wins have climbed, it is completely blocked by rocks.

"Brother... it hurts..."


I think I put a little too much effort into it.

When Wynn let Leticia go of her body, she immediately exhaled in a fuzzy, tiny position without letting go of her body.

"Wedge, are you okay?

Wedge nodding by holding down his left arm, which got antacid in the middle of the square.

They couldn't heal the wound in a short time.

"Immediately rework the healing magic"

Cornelia rushed over.

"If this is it, it's not exactly what you're after."

Approaching the path that has been buried with a dreaded downfall, I touch with my hands a large rock with more than a handful.

"Are you okay with Leno and Mr. Orto?

Safe, but you must have heard the downfall now.

I hope you're not worried, but when Winn was thinking,

"Oh no..."

I heard Cornelia's small, and hurried, voice trying to hang healing magic on the wedge.

"The magic... I can't feel the magic..."

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