"No, I can't use magic anymore."

"Is the light the only thing Rock has?"

The Light Source Magic I used before jumping from sidewalk to room was fortunate enough to still persist. The Magic of Flesh Reinforcement, which was chanted to itself by none other than Winn, has yet expired.

However, the Physically Enhanced Magic only lasts about a few dozen hours at best, and the long-lasting Light Source Magic lasts about a few hours.

"Ahead...... what do you do?

Cornelia says as she coughs up in the middle of the word, either because she ran.

Cornelia's expression is stiff, either because of her anxiety about the party being broken up.

I can't help it.

I'm deep underground, and I'm constantly feeling pressured and nervous.

I'd rather stay away from my people and not be anxious in this situation.

Locke also sat on a rock that protruded, looking at Winn and Leticia with an anxious face.

"Light the fire while you can."

Using fire would consume precious air, but we decided to give priority to relieving a little of our mental anxiety, which we feel in a place that is deeper underground and closed to darkness than that.

Wynn took out a small iron compartment that was hanging on his hips. There is a powdered dry moss in the storage, and the seed fire is smoking.

Light the firewood obtained by crushing the waste material from the house that was off the abandoned pit road.

When the lights of the fire grew larger, the golden yarn sparrows, which had completely narrowed and consolidated their bodies from the tension caused by the earlier anthill raids and the impact on the cage when they ran, were again vigorously stiffened.

A beautiful twist of golden yarn sparrows echoes in the pit.

There seemed to be no abnormality in the air.

The dry waste material burned well and illuminated the surroundings brightly.

When Winn boils the water in the incineration, melt the powdered tea leaves and add honey and stir.

Warm and sweet tea was found to be delicious in this situation.

The Wins jumped into the room with high ceilings and the size of the room was the biggest I've ever seen.

Dozens of longitudinally elongated lateral holes, digged along the mineral veins, can be seen in the walls of the room, in low or high places.

"Can't you use magic..."

Taking a sip of tea, Winn tried to pass magic through the knight's sword, but the pale phosphorescent light when magic passed never wrapped his sword around him.

"Rather than, it seems the Spirit does not respond to our call. This neighborhood is called Neglect."

When Leticia, who spread out a copy of the map, gave her a strip of the part she had moved on from where she thought she was now, she let her fingers draw a circle all the time.

"Because when I used magic, I probably just didn't feel like magic could be transmitted anywhere around"

"Letty, what's the devil's neglect?

"It's about a place where for some reason the Spirit doesn't exist."

"Is the Spirit even this deep underground?"

"The world tree is rooted on the continent, so the Spirit also comes from it. Of course, there are fewer spirits than there are on earth, so it's going to be a tough environment for organisms."

The spirits come from the world tree and its young trees.

That's not just from the trunk leaves, but from their roots.

Magic is a way to create various phenomena by offering magic as a consideration to spirits born from its world tree and loose in the atmosphere. Naturally, if those spirits did not exist, the phenomenon of magic would cease to occur.

Besides, the only problem that arises from having become a spiritless land of alienation is that magic becomes unusable.

When an organism loses its life, when it experiences various stresses, starting with fear, negative energy also occurs. Qi puts his life at risk and drives the ecosystem crazy.

The spirits also had the role of purifying their temper.

If the demonic neglect continues, a crazy life - that is, a demon - will be born.

I guess the ants I just encountered were also demonized by the exasperation that the area around here had been neglected for some reason and had lagged behind without being purified.

"But the place you're neglecting isn't that big yet. Maybe it's only recently that the Spirit's gone."

"So there's going to be a sudden, massive outbreak of anger ahead of us?

"Yeah maybe... because I could still use magic in the aisle earlier"

When Winn asked, Leticia turned the road blocked by the downfall.

"... So if it's a different passage, can magic be used?

Cornelia said she was listening to a conversation between Wynn and Leticia while she embraced the wedge with medication in hand because she couldn't use healing magic.

"Right... I could still use magic in the aisle earlier..."

When Leticia turns the map of the abandoned pit road, which has several pieces, she lets Cornelia show her several paths.

"Here and... and maybe a little down this road, we can use magic"

"Then we'll try healing magic there."

Cornelia stood up with her eyes on the pit Leticia pointed to.

"Wait, I'm coming too."

Winn also held the sword.

The way the Wins came was completely blocked by Leticia's magical downfall, so it was thought that there was no gap for the ants to crawl out, but there might still be ants on another path.

That's what I thought. I tried to get up to accompany Winn, too.

"Leave this one to me."

Likewise, Rock, who stood up with his sword in his hand, controlled Winn.

"It's not always safe to be here. Winn will be with Lady Leticia to find a way to rendezvous with everyone or a way to follow Lyon."

Though it's the copy of the map, that's the pit strewn like an ant's nest.

We have to find the right pit from the horizontal hole, where there are dozens of them from below to above this room.

And even if we find the right pit, it's possible that the pit is halfway through, with obstacles like falling and flooding.

Having that in mind, I also needed to look for another detour.

Winn decided to follow Rock's words and stay on the spot with Leticia.

We should certainly have found several paths while we could still afford everyone's strength and spirit.

Winn, who dropped off the three of them as they proceeded to the horizontal hole indicated by Leticia, peered into the map as she did when she returned to where Leticia was spreading the map.

In silence, I can only hear the breath of the two and the twirl of a golden thread sparrow.

For a while they both followed a pit intricately intertwined like a twisted thread, but eventually they both caught their eyes in one spot drawn on the map.

"I don't know, here"

"It's a big place, isn't it, brother?"

Before proceeding from this room, there seemed to be room with more size and ceiling height than the one we are in now.

These rooms were made by miners who dug through the mineral veins, but there were more writings on the map where the space was depicted that the miners thought they had written down than elsewhere.

In addition, there seems to be a pretty large crack in the ceiling, which is also drawn in a way that seems to be connected to the outside.

I didn't know the details because the writing was not a beautiful word to flatter and the old map made it dirty, but apparently it was only certain that the space was a special place unlike other pits and rooms.

"I wonder if this place is just the heart of an alienated zone."

Leticia, who raised her face from the map, said.

"Well, I guess that's where the temper is."

"I think so... apparently I can't join the road to Lyon without following every pit through that square"

That's what I said, "What are you gonna do?," said Leticia, who makes an absurd face to Winn.

"Which is why we have to move on. But we're all pretty tired. Rock and Wedge, when Mr. Cornelia gets back, we'll take a rest here, then we'll go back."

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

Dissolve butter in a flaming pan and toss the chopped onions into four pieces, sauté until tight coloured, then pour water and wine into the dried meat and simmer with guts.

Soup made by throwing in mushrooms while soaking up ash juice, spices in seasoning if well boiled, and after using salt to taste.

A warm and tasty meal is the best way to regain your strength and strength.

By the time the soup Wynn was making was complete, three Cornelia, Rock and Wedge, who were away to use healing magic, had returned.

"Oh, come on, it smelled good to be a long way off."

The back rock's face is loose.

"Wedge, are you okay with the injury?

"Oh, no problem. Cornelia made it a lot easier."

"The best way to cure an injury is to eat it. I made soup, so eat it."

The soup had a good melting of dried meat fat, flavor, and mushroom stock.

The onions are also trout.

Soaking the hard bread in the soup further appetized the appetite with reasonably rich salt and spices.

"I didn't think you could eat something so delicious here"

To Cornelia's sentiments, Rock and Wedge nodded cocklessly, pointing their impressionable gaze at Winn.

"I'm good at these dishes. Mr. Randall planted it, and then he used to make it when he was an adventurer."

Winn laughed and said the soup to the substitute vessels that were offered one after the other.

Eventually, when the pan was empty and finished the meal, the wins took a nap in alternation before walking out towards the back.

Two wins and Leticia stand at the head.

The pits dug along the mineral veins are narrow and dressed as Leticia walks with a map spread just behind Winn with the lights.

I feel like I'm wandering around the same place because I have the same rock skin all the time.

It also invites anxiety that the support pit supporting the rock floor remains decaying because the magic of Leticia's "Time Regression" has not worked.

When and not necessarily without being discouraged by some applause, the Wins move on more carefully.

The pit had a gentle slope and had become a climbing path.

Winn, who was walking ahead with caution at his feet, eventually noticed that the far forward bend was brightening thinly.

"It's light..."

"The map will take you out to that big room around there."

Leticia, who heard Winn whine, said by comparing the map.

"Does the light of day plug in mean it's connected outside?

A rock walking at the rear raises a little bounced voice,

"Maybe there's a rift in the ceiling in the rock bed. When I saw it on the map, I didn't think it was very climbing height."

Winn shook his head and replied.

Still the light of day I haven't seen in a long time.

Even if you can't climb, you can't hide the tension loosening in the light of day and the somewhat hospitable air.

Besides, there's no doubt just fresh air blowing in from the ceiling in that place.

But that's where Wynn ascertained the feel of the sword on his hips.

Leticia's sensation suggests that it is likely to be the source of anger.

I can't even use magic. I can't be alarmed right now.

"Guys, are you okay? Letty said there might be an anthill or another demon out there."

Winn stopped and looked back.

Peeping into everyone's faces, I couldn't hide the colour of fatigue but still got a powerful nod back.

(All right, I think I can handle it)

If you're not weakened, you'll be fine.

"In the meantime, me and Letty will be ahead of you. Follow Mr. Cornelia's escort with a lock and wedge."

(I can fight too)

Cornelia tried to say that unexpectedly to Winn's instructions, but she didn't put it in her mouth. I have a position, and even I just can't use magic.

Cornelia also understands that it is the mountain of Sekiyama that becomes a foot clump.

(If you can't get forward and fight, at least enough to protect yourself -)

"Letty, can you go?

"I'm fine. I can't use magic, but even your brother would know the arm of my sword, wouldn't he?

"You're reliable."

Winn was laughing and nodding at Leticia.

(I'm guessing Winn is the only one who can ask Mr. Leticia that.)

Cornelia thought so when she saw Wynn worried about Leticia with the alias "Princess of the Sword".

Even if Leticia is the strongest 'brave man' for Wynn, I guess she has strong feelings about being a childhood tame girl.

With a little envy for that, Cornelia put her hand on her sword.

Cornelia and three of the rocks preceded the small run by lowering the wedge back, which is not in good shape, Winn and Leticia, followed by Rock.

Step out of the loosely climbing path to the room where the light plunges in -.

The first three breathed in the sight spreading in front of them.

A bigger circular room than any I've ever been in, which I don't think is spreading underground.

The high ceilings are likely to be tens of meters high. If you look up at that ceiling, you can see a rift big enough for the blue sky to confirm.

And directly beneath it...

"That's the young tree of the world tree..."

Leticia squeaks.

"But... how is it withering?

In the centre of the room where the light plugged in the strongest, there was a single giant tree.

Winn and Rock were also young trees in the world trees that I had seen in the elves. Yet the young trees of the world tree, seen in the elves, were sparkling in rainbow colour by the born spirits, creating a fantastic sight that did not seem to be the sight of the world, but the young trees of the world tree growing under this earth did not let the leaves grow on its branches, nor were the born spirits, and only the cold branches spread.

The thick trunk also shows a large rift.

But Winn, Leticia, and Rock were unlikely to be given time to think about how the young trees of the world had withered.

The fundamentals of a dead world tree.

A black shadow crowded there with biscuits and silly.

The sour smell of antacid drifted to the Winns.

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