Master of the brave.

Who knows the mine.

Fortunately, the ants haven't noticed us yet.

"I say bad predictions hit well..."

Is it after the fall, there was a gobble and a big rock rolling in the square, so I hide myself in the shadow of that rock and observe it.

"You need to get through this square to rendezvous with the Linos, right?

"Yeah. If I could even get through this square, it seemed like there was another way ahead..."

Leticia, with her head out from the side of Wynn, dives into her voice and says:

"That's a lot."

"It's hard to poke that one through the front"

If magic can be used, this space is also quite large with high ceilings, so it is likely that the ants can push and break through no matter how much, but it would be painful to be swarmed by that many ants in a situation where magic cannot be used.

(If it's just me and Letty, I think I can handle it...)

"Hey, Winn. Yabe... in the shadow of that tree. You can see the big ants."

In addition to the conversation between Wynn and Leticia, Rock, who had changed angles from another rock shade and peeked, pointed and showed them.

"Really...... big"

I see only one ant about the size of a house, hidden in a giant world tree young tree and invisible in its entirety, but far above the other ants about fifty centimetres long.

"Queen Ant, I guess?

said Leticia in a small voice to the extent that she could be heard in Winn's ear.

"If insect ants and ecology go hand in hand, I guess so."

"Well, maybe some eggs and larvae."


It's not within sight, but it probably uses a lot of passageways. Some ants must be sanagi.

"If you get caught, you'll be made into a meat dumpling, too, and you'll feed the larvae?

You imagined it, rock with a faded face.

"Letty. From here, do you know which lateral hole is the right path?

"Wait... uh, I think that's the way over there"

The path Leticia pointed to was not even the other way from the Wins, but it was in the back of the right hand side.

"Fine, you've got some distance... you're not going to make it through."

"Sure. But no matter how long you stay here, the situation won't improve."

Winn said so, asking Locke to keep an eye on him and keep his posture as low as he could, back on the path Cornelia and Wedge were waiting for.

The two of them waited a little back down the road, probably to keep them from finding something when there was something in the square.

Cornelia seemed surprised that only Rock hadn't come back, but when she saw the look on Winn and Leticia's face, her face changed unexpectedly.

In advance, it would be because Leticia explained that the source of the Devil's Neglect might be this place. Looks like you've figured out what the only demon is.

So even though Wynn told me that the square ahead was a nest of ants, he looked sober and nodded.

"So what do we do now?

Winn scratches the ground of the road with stone and draws a simple map of the square, drawing a line around the right.

"This is how I'm going to move along the right wall."

"Along the wall...... but won't ants find you?

"I don't think it's possible to get past all the ants"

The number of ants in the square was a good number.

However, the lucky thing for the Winns was that there was an ant in the square who seemed to be the queen.

Most ants flock to the Queen Ant's place, and not so many ants roar along the edge of the square.

"There were a lot of rocks rolling around in the fall, and there were so many places to hide, I think we could do something about it if we hid ourselves and moved around"

Cornelia still looks anxious.

"It's hard to hide from all the ants wandering around, but if you're about an ant wandering around with one or two, you can manage with me and Letty. And..."

Winn spread his hands and let him shrug his shoulders.

"Whatever you do, you can't stay here forever. I'm worried about Lino and Mr. Olt."

"Right, brother"


"Wedge, are you okay with the injury?

"No problem. It's hard to wield a weapon, but thanks to Master Cornelia's healing magic, I don't have a problem running..."

So Wedge cut the words and gently pounded and stroked one of his heads.

"I'm sorry if I'm tall enough to hold my feet together."

He wants to say he can't hide his body out in the shadows of the rocks.

Realizing it was a joke to soothe a serious and silent wedgey place, the three had a soft smile on their nervous faces.

"Brother, I'll take the lead. Follow me."

"Yeah. I asked you, Letty"

"Leave it to me!

Leticia leaps out of the road with her posture low, sidelined by the staring ants in the center of the square, around the young trees of the dead world tree.

Inside the square, as always, I was surrounded by silence, and from time to time I could hear a creepy giddy.

Scaffolding is very poor due to the fall.

The pointy rock is rolling large and small enough that if you touch it, it will cut off, and although the light is plugged in, the walls are dim and the feet are not well seen.

I think I'm going to get hurt badly just for stepping off my feet and falling, but Leticia walks away with nothing. From time to time, she stopped in the big rock shade to read the signs around her.

Chasing that Leticia, he was chasing Rock, Cornelia, Wedge, and the rear tail with Winn in a small run.

Be as hasty as you can while killing the signs so they don't go unnoticed.

Leticia, who leads the way, stops inadvertently.

From Winn's position, I could see one ant moving his tactile senses a little further ahead of the rock where Leticia was hiding herself.

I guess she sensed just the signs, as she could barely hear the footsteps of the ants, and again the rocks were out of the way from Leticia's position and she couldn't see them.

Leticia, with her hands on her waist sword, flashed her sword as soon as the ant tried to turn into her hidden rock.

The head of the ant rolls off lightly on the spot.

Leticia doesn't mind the defeated ants, she goes further. After that, when Winn reached where the battle was, the ant's head was still making his jaw say giddy.

It was horrible life force.

(Drop your head, but be careful not to get bitten)

Strongly engraved in my mind as a precaution.

Until now, it's going better than I expected and it's only taken one fight, but I really needed to fight the ants to some extent if I moved on.

Again, Leticia stopped.

There are about twenty meters left on the path of destination. Nine ants were wandering there, and the battle was unlikely to be avoided.

Ants noticed this way as they all reached the shadow of Leticia's hidden rock.

I tremble my body fine, and it approaches me with a low warning sound called VVVVV. No.


Exhale briefly and sharply, flashing your sword as you turn around.

Winn's sword captures the tenth ant that was sneaking from behind.

Because it was not a targeted blow, Winn's sword hit the top of the ant's head directly from the blade.

A hard outer shell that also played the sword through Leno's magic.

But Winn's sword, wielded sharply and quickly, had broken his head in two, protected by the ant's hard outer shell.

Using that win blow as a signal, the five clashed with the ants.

After trailing Cornelia and Wedge, Winn waved his sword as he lined up with Leticia and Rock.

Two ants approach Winn from the front and two from both sides.

A tough jaw that could easily be amputated from bone to bone if they pinch your limbs.

Sawy forelegs.

And antacid that gets shot out of the abdomen.

One after the other, he misses them, and plays them in the belly of the sword.

When the antacid, which flew near his face, is thrust three inches on the tip of his nose, it releases a spike into the thorax of the ant that tried to bite him at the foot.

The tip with the weight on it pierced the chest of the ant making a noise that would break the hard object.

"Letty, rock! Defeat the antenna in the direction of progress as a matter of priority!

Wynn screams as he pays with his sword for an ant that lifts his body and hits him with two hind legs.

Winn cut the joint between the chest and torso of the ant, which was paid sideways to create a gap.

(Now two!

In the immediate vicinity, Rock takes on two ants, and Leticia, who leads the way, has already slashed off the heads of two ants and taken on the one left - no, there are two more ants nearby, looming at a fierce speed.

I guess I was wandering around the outer perimeter of the square.


Winn learns to rush.

They haven't noticed, but there are still ants near where they're fighting.

Some ants must have been lurking in the shadows of the rocks, like the Winns, so at this rate you don't know how many ants you have to deal with before you get to the road.

The more ants there are, the more likely the ants in the center will notice.

That will definitely push you off by ants pushing you like a black tsunami.

In the rear, Rock was also waving his sword, but it seemed like a handful because it prevented an attack.

If Rock is also a runaway knight, he can say that the skill of the sword is a passing score, but he is only skilled as a runaway knight.

Now that I couldn't magically enhance the sharpness of my sword, it seemed like I was stuck in the hard outer shell of an ant that would bounce back if the sword was waved by a concurrent user.

However, Rock himself seems to be well aware of the matter, and he is well guarded and restrained without attempting reckless attacks.

Winn lines up next to Leticia to try to open a breakthrough for both of us - but five more.

More ants are slowly noticing this way, and they seem to be gathering.

Even a few of them were headed for the road, but I couldn't keep moving forward.

Four more.

(Not like this)

When everyone started to think that...

"Hey, Sman's a little flashy to go!

When I thought a thick voice was heard from the whereabouts of the Wins, flames flashed through my sight for a moment, followed by a belly-sounding sound called Don in the square.

The explosion winds up the ants, and the heat and blast push on the Winns as well.

In a keenly tinnitus,

"If you're alive, come here now!

I heard a voice before the explosion.

On the other side of the winding dust, I saw a small, sloppy figure with a body.

Whatever it is, now is a good time for the ants to stop behaving.

The Winns made their way through the ants and jumped into the road.

"Yay, thanks..."

Rock leaked like that at the same time as he jumped into the road, but that would be called early counting.

Leticia stares at the back of the road with a sharp eye, even as she alerts the ants coming from the square.

The impact of the blast was also on this road, and the earthly smoke finally subsided, opening my sight.

"Don't leave me horribly alone, your daughter over there. I can't help it, but Washi and the others are not enemies. Why don't you hand in your weapon?

So it was Zorozolo and those in their small bodies in their thirties and sixties wearing metal armor who showed themselves from the back of the road. Every one of them has red copper-colored burnt skin, and muscles built up without any waste can be seen from between armor and clothing.

And most importantly, it is characterized by a small body with pointy ears, similar to the Elves, but not to the extent that it has been seen one hundred and forty tall - the Dwarves.

"What, are you still a human child?"

"Did humans send these children to the Ant Crusade?

"No, no. Probably adventurers all the time. There are a small number of humans who like it and step into dangerous places."

"I thought you did it first, but, well, it's going to be me and the others in the end."

The number of people is about twenty.

Apparently not an enemy.

Wynn bowed his head as he stepped forward and stowed his weapon, even though he was alert to the ants behind him.

"Thanks to you, it helped. So you..."

"Washi and the others live near here."

Winn's inquiry was answered by the first elderly dwarf to speak up.

Her hair and beard were white, her face wrinkled deeply, and she was thought to be quite old. He is also the only one not wearing armor, wearing a light hemp weave garment and holding a Halvard larger than his back length in his hand.

When he told his companions behind him to burn the incense of insect repellent, he turned to the Winns.

"Although demons, they're worms. Even this stuff works if it burns in large quantities. So, what are you guys doing here? Like Washi et al., Ant exorcism?

"We were about to head through this abandoned pit road to Lyon."

"Hmm... with the Kingdom of Lyons?

An old Dwarf turns a chilling glance at Winn, who replied on behalf of him.

"Use this kind of back road instead of the right way, or... you seem suspicious... but no, I don't want to pry unnecessarily. Either way, we'd better turn back here."


"You guys probably looked at the map back when the pit here was active and came this far? But the road from here to Lyon is submerged in groundwater so that we can get through."


"Are you serious..."

To the words of the old Dwarf. Winn looked at Rock and his face.

He said he had finally broken through the flock of ants safely, but he couldn't move on. The feeling of discouragement increases the feeling of fatigue.

"Um, you're all here, which means you're on a different path, right?

It was Cornelia who spoke to the Dwarves on Winn's behalf. When she leaves in front of the Winns, she greets them deeply.

"I apologize for the delay in thanking you for your help. My name is Cornelia. Forgive my disrespect for not revealing my identity."

"Well... be polite with this one. Washi call me Mito."

The look on the face of the old Dwarf, who had named Mito, was soothed when he saw Cornelia, whom he had nicely thanked and named.

"I see. Was that dark-haired lady your lord? It is true that the road from this road to Lyon is submerged, but it continues in the villages of Washi and others. Washi and the others are familiar with Magil's tunnels."

"I'm trying to do you a favor after you help me. Can you tell us the path that leads us to Lyon?

"Hmm... from the waist, are you a human nobleman? Something seems to be going on. If it weren't for this time, I wouldn't be too shy to teach you the way, but I don't have time for that right now."

"Is that... is it because of the ants?

Mito has an abominable look and looks toward the square.

"It was just a week ago, or an ant came out to Washi and his village. Two children were sacrificed. I wish I had sent a crusader right then... the weather would be great."

In the pit on a rainy day, rainwater stained underground becomes artillery water, and it is good to push away everything in the pit, he said.

I finally waited for a sunny day to dive into the pit, but the breeding power of the demonized ants was stronger than I could imagine, and a good number of ants were swarming.

The Dwarves used gunpowder used in the mines to defeat the ants and thus came to the square where they thought there was a nest.

To prevent any further reproduction, to defeat the Queen Ant...

"We were going to use these bursting balls to make the ants panic. Look, you guys would remember when you were kids, too, right? Hang your piss in the nest of ants, flood. Bye! And I did. Ants panic like that."

"Oh, I see"

Winn and Rock, three of the wedges nodded as much convinced.

Leticia and Cornelia look a little dazed, as if they were doing nothing busy.

Anyway, an explosion of bursting balls with gunpowder meant to knock down the queen ant in that gap where the ants panicked, but on the road to here, I ran into more ants than I could imagine, and I ran out of most bursting balls.

"Have you seen the queen ant?

"I saw it. I hid in the shade of a tree, so I didn't see the whole thing...... maybe that big ant did"

Wishes nod when Winn says.

"There's a young tree in this square with a world tree, and actually one dragon should have lived there to protect it. But the dragon is not seen, and the young trees of the world tree are withering. And there's a giant queen ant with breeding power up to the anomaly"


To the word, Winn accidentally stepped himself out when he said this was the situation.

One of the classics that emerges in the hero story is the presence of dragons.

The strongest being of the living and the living. It is told that it has scales harder than steel, that its roar crushes the souls of the weak, and that the flames that throw up also burn down the souls of the gods.

"Was there a dragon here..."

In Winn's tone, he must have noticed the vision he had for dragons. Mito grinned and nodded. But soon I switch to a grim look.

Winn also switched consciousness when he saw Mito's expression and shook his head gently.

The dragon is missing, and there's a giant ant ant demon.

I don't think it has anything to do with it.

"Unfortunately, I almost ran out of bursting balls. There's still enough left to stop the ants from moving, but there's not enough bursting balls left to stop the queen ants. So Washi and the others tried to get back to the village once."

"Hey, Mr. Mito. Of all the Dwarves out here, I think Mito is probably the strongest, but if Mito had two more users, you think he could beat Queen Ants?

Said Leticia, who blocked Mito's words on the way and had a meaningful grin.

"Hmm? You're my daughter who hears funny things. You're the one who just let go of your big mind, aren't you? I said noble lady, who is it?

"My name is Leticia"

"I see, Mr. Leticia..."

After hearing Leticia's name, Mito, who nodded deeply several times, let his mouth loosen small.

"I wonder if you and your boy are the equivalent of Washi?

Mito looked at Wynn with interest.

"Letty, what?

"If you can panic the surrounding ants with bursting balls, with me and your brother, and then Mr. Mito, I think you can take down that queen ant, too. So instead of helping us crusade the ants, I want you to show me the way out to Lyon."

Mito nodded at Leticia's suggestion.

"Do you realize that this place is now ready to use magic?

They all nodded at Mito's words.

"I thought humans couldn't fight Loc without strengthening their bodies with magic, but I see, Mr. Leticia and the lad over there seem to do quite well."

Before throwing a burst ball in and helping him, he watched as Win and Leticia not only flocked and attacked multiple ants intact, but turned to attack and showed them slaughtered one after the other.

(Well, you could have convinced me if I asked your name. But that's a shame...... no, wait? Then......)

"Even as Washi and the others, if we can defeat the Queen Ant here, there is no difference. I'd rather be thankful. Once you're going back, the ants will increase their numbers again. If that happens, not necessarily the villages of our countrymen in all parts of Majil will be attacked."

"Negotiations are in place. Okay, brother?

"Yeah. No problem."

Let Winn snort at Leticia.

I watched that win with the kind of eyes Mito deserved.

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