The head of the disconnected queen ant continued to chirp creepily for some time thereafter. A giant queen ant who has lost her head, scattering fluids, is hitting young trees and rocks in a dead world tree.

Ants crawling around under the feet of that giant are being trampled one after the other.

It was turning into more frenzied than it was when the bomb exploded.

In the meantime, the Wins fled into the aisle to avoid being trampled by the rampaging queen ants.

Behind the aisle was the hateful incense of the ants burning, and behind it, Cornelia and the Dwarves greeted the Winns with cheers.

"Hey, Wynn! You did it!

As Rock rushes over to Winn, he bashes his head and back and shouts excitedly.

"Thanks to Letty and Mito. They slashed my queen's foot, so I could drop my head."

"No, that was awesome, huh? You can move a lot, keep an eye on that queen ant's jaw and legs up close. I was watching you rush, and my spine was freezing."

"Speaking of Letty... Letty, were you hurt? It was thrown out of my mind, though?

Leticia, who was running up the body of the queen ant, had been thrown out in the sky.

I had landed properly, and I didn't hear about injuries or anything like that at the best of my ability by attacking the queen ant afterwards, but was it okay?

"I'm not hurt. Thanks for your help then."

Sure doesn't look injured anywhere.

"Well, good."

Winn exhaled relieved.

"And Winn, you really did it!


Locke turned his hand around Winn's shoulder and then turned his eyes alternately to Leticia standing alongside Winn.

"You finally fought alongside Master Leticia!

(Oh, speaking of -)

Locke told me, Winn face-to-face with Leticia.

(That's right. I fought alongside Letty today waving my sword...)

That's what Winn had as his new goal in his mind.

After the brave journey, Winn and Leticia never waved their swords side by side.

Whether it's a showdown with Principal Zaunas, a battle with the Petersian knights dressed as bandits, or the demonic tribe that appeared in the palace, Leticia has always fought the most powerful opponents.

That's what today, Wynn fought alongside Leticia against an enemy named Queen Ant.

Of course, although it was the Holy Spirit sword that waved under the condition of demonic neglect, there must have been little Leticia's strength to use magic.

Still, Winn was finally able to fight with Leticia today.

One day, when Cornelia asked me, "Why, aim for a knight", I also thought about the difference between Leticia and myself.

Leticia, who was working alone in a distant land, came home to accomplish a feat that no one could have achieved: defeating the Demon King, far beyond his expectations.

Leticia's standing world is at the end of an endlessly distant and dangerous path for Wynn, and it is not a place to reach with a great deal of effort. But Leticia keeps believing that Winn will get there.

Wynn saw Cornelia rejoicing with the Dwarves.

Luckily, Winn was able to be a target knight as Cornelia's squire.

And today, Leticia, another goal, was finally able to fight shoulder to shoulder. Even if that were analogous and under limited conditions, it felt like a big step forward for Winn.

(I can also go up the stairs toward where Letty stands. Little by little, step by step though -)


Leticia looked up at Winn's face and laughed happily. Its cheeks seemed excited and tidal enough to tell by the extent of the light of the fire that burned the incense of insect repellent.

Leticia is smiling with real pleasure.

I'm sure Leticia would be delighted to have been able to fight alongside Winn.

Leticia raises her right palm to Wynn.

"You did it!

Winn was also in his hand, lightly passing with his right hand.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

Later, trying to avoid the ants, who were still in a frenzy in the pit, the Wins were led on the way out to the kingdom of Lyon.

It was Mito who bought me the guide and left.

"If you defeat the Queen Ant, there will be no more. Which, Washi will show you."

He lightly carries a heavy Halvard, and Mito just walks forward.

"You don't notice, do you? Because there are many places where the ceiling is brittle."

Mito seems to even know all about this road, which is an abandoned pit road, without even looking through the map, and even informs me in advance of dangerous places every time I turn the road.

"Somehow, the support pit is getting sturdy. Washi and the others think that this may also have something to do with the dead young trees of the world tree and the disappearance of the dragon..."

"I'm sorry, Sapporo Pit is my magic"


There was an act of surprise when Leticia answered and Mito peeled off her eyes when she slapped the support pit supporting the rock floor with a strange face, but as she walked and talked about such things, she reached the path through to the Lyon side.

The oats had already arrived there.

Outside the pit was the night, and the oats seemed to surround the burning fire.


Towards them standing up with their weapons, the Wins let them wave the light in their hands in large measure.

Seeing the lights, and watching the shadows coming out of the pit, the up-and-coming oats, realizing that the shadows belonged to the Winns, jumped up and gladly rushed over.

"You're safe!

Lino's reaction was particularly impressive, and she cried violently when she saw Gatai's big wedge in her eyes, hugging her body without a human eye.

I guess I couldn't wait to be separated from the wedge I was always with.

Wedge strokes Leno's head like that, troubled.

Seeing how it was, Eliza was also in tears.

"Ha... I wondered how many Leticians there were when they split up in the pit. No, I'm really glad you're safe!

With that said, for now. To the oat inviting him to the side of the bonfire, Wynn pointed with his hand at the mitt that would follow him later.

"If it weren't for these Mitos, I'd be really lost at the bottom of the ground."

"Is that Dwarf?

Then each other introduces themselves.

Olt advised Mito to drink, and Mito gladly broke his face.

Then we discussed each other's behavior since we broke up.

Apparently, after the Orts managed to repel the anthills coming after them, there was no major obstacle.

Along the way, I had encountered ants several times, but not a great number, and was able to cut through almost intact.

They didn't hit the depleted zone of magic, the demonic neglect that the Wins had lost, and when they heard about the demonic neglect, Eliza said with a blue-faced face that she was glad she didn't have to fight there.

On the other hand, Rock spoke as excited about the battle between Winn and Leticia, and Mito.

The battle against the Queen Ant may have been burned behind Rock's brain.

He gestured and spoke fervently.

"Well, we know Winn and Leticia were kids. I think those two could do that..."

When Olt said so, Lewis and Eliza nodded uniformly as well.

He was a mite who looked like he was having such an interesting look at the same thing, but when he drank up and then took a breath, he opened his mouth.

"You guys, that means we're headed to the king's capital of Lyon, but can I accompany Washi?

"I don't mind that..."

The same gaze gathered at Cornelia, the Empire's princess, who answered Mito on her behalf.

"As I said before, is your daughter an Imperial nobleman or something? The fact that such a person is heading to the king's capital of Lyon means you have business at the royal palace. We need to tell the land of men that the ants have sprung up in the mines. Even though you defeated the Queen Ant, it doesn't necessarily mean that a new Queen Ant will not be born. If that ant ever overflows from a mountain, is it human or not? It would be better if you let them out, knight or army."

"That's true. But we are human beings of the Lemursil Empire. You can ask the kingdom of Lyon to send an army, but you can't confirm it, can you?

"What, I don't mind. When it comes to sending troops, Washi is going to ask for them directly. There's a Kid from Kensei in his country, right? No, is the kid a mess? You sure are a king prince. Good. Anyway, if you're a Sword Saint kid, you'd be tempted to meet with Washi."

That's what I call a sober mite.

Winns looked at Mito briefly, saying that the king of one kingdom would never refuse to meet him.

Seeing such a joint reaction, Mito opened his mouth wide and laughed.

"Wonder why Washi would want to see Lyon's 'Sword Saint'? Your Lord Leticia - not as brave as you are, but Washi also has a title."

And Mito lifted up the halvard he had left beside him and showed it to him and said:

"" Swordsmith "mitto. For once, that's what Washi is called."

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