Master of the brave.

Part IV Epilogue

"A goodwill visiting delegation from the Kingdom of Lyons will be raided! The life or death of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is unknown!

Even though it was normal to be kept secret until the truth was ascertained, such as when the Crown Prince of a country was raided, the reward ran strangely among the people.

It was not usually of interest to the civilians, not even during tax season or milestone festivals, such as those concerning the royal family and nobility, but it would be of interest and an air of anxiety just if the Crown Prince of his own country were to become unknown in life and death. For this reason, the next time Alfred's safety was confirmed brought among the people, a voice of relief was heard in the reports that he had entered Count Elsted's territory on schedule.

But there were ominous rumors in the reward.

That infamous Earl of Elsted is taking the throne of His Royal Highness and setting up a fake Crown Prince for the throne...

It was too absurd a rumor, but I can't deny this rumor lightly because the Knights' movement is actually enlivened.

A large number of knights and soldiers lay a strict watch on each important office and facility within the Imperial capital. The city's pause was touched in the square in front of the imperial gates, loaded with mountains of munitions.

The objectives of the action have not been officially announced. There is also no statement from Emperor Alexei.

However, it was also clear in time that this military action had to do with the raids of the goodwill visiting delegation of the Kingdom of Lyon earlier.

The Central Knights waiting in the square are flanked by an army flag engraved with a crest showing Second Prince Neumann, informing the surroundings that the commander-in-chief of this army is Neumann. And beside it, the crest flag of Lord Cliffdorf, the head of the Central Knights.

Together with the royal family, if the general who heads the Knights of the Empire were to move, the battle that is about to begin must be massive. A year and a little from the attempted coup d 'état of former General Zaunas - again, is there going to be a massive civil unrest within the Empire? With such a hunch, the air in the capital gradually became tense.

Shimrug, Empire City, corner of the street closer to the walls.

Around the walls are the districts inhabited by the poorest strata, as residents of the imperial capital. Compared to the slums that extend outside the outer walls of the imperial capital, some townships are somewhat better.

The disturbing rumours that a massive battle might begin had spread enough in places like this, far from the things of the heavenly world such as royalty and nobility.


Morning that the sun will soon rise...

Still wrapped in a blanket and watching her sleeping daughter's sleeping face, the man was wearing weapons to make as little noise as he could.

Armor used and slightly old, but carefully maintained. Its chest is scarred like something has been stripped off.

The man gently held the wound flat in his right hand.

(A year... a year...)

Originally, the place where the man lived was a district where the wealthy hierarchy lived, even in the capital. Almost two years had passed since I left that house and moved into a small house where my father and daughter could cook and sleep.

(You put up with me a lot)

My wife has already died and lives with two daughters.

Even after moving out, every day I went out of the capital and dawned in the woods to workout, glued with just a few pieces of gold to be paid.

My daughter endured a completely different life of poverty without complaining.

(Speaking of which, you've never been this close together)

Sure, I used to vacate my house during the day for workouts, but other times I spend a lot of time with my father and daughter. This was something a man couldn't do when he was working for the Knights.

(It took a really hard time. But whatever form it takes, this life is almost over)

There was a slight knock on the door of the table, and the man turned his gaze from his daughter's sleeping face to the door.

As determined, once, twice, once and.

The man stands up with his sword to his hand.

Carefully polished knight sword.

For this time, the man has stood still, making his lovely daughter feel poor as well.

"Are you ready?

When I opened the door, there was always a liaison man standing, who would bring me some money and an occasional plug.

The only difference, however, would be that the man is also dressed in leather armor to make no noise again, with a sword on his hips.

"I intend to have done so ever since your Excellency died, such as preparing"

The liaison officer nodded at the man's reply and looked behind the house over the man's shoulder.

"... what about your daughter?

"We've broken up yesterday."


The liaison officer says nothing more.

If a man could not return, his daughter was to be looked after by his former colleague's wife.

Once again, the man puts his hand on the scar left on his chest.

The liaison officer similarly laid his hand on his chest. His leather armor also left scars with something similar to a man stripped off.

"For His Highness Alfred, who left us the possibility of a recurrence... and to clear the mindless mind of His Highness Zaunas, who fell in the middle of his mind"

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

Leaving the town of Crenado across the River Rooms, the scenery that was beneath the deep woods changes slightly.

The tall trees were gradually less visible, and the sloppy hills continued.

The hills are growing grass on one side, and sometimes I see something like a white dot solidifying. Sheep and goats kept in nearby villages.

There was no grass growing and skin peeling out only on the roads that had been trampled on in the traffic of men, and the paths of the distant hills could be seen clearly.

"Oh, you're the one with the stunning view!

Abel, walking ahead, said with her hands over her eyes.

Abel had also visited relatives living in Crenado, but had never visited them before.

The long journey on foot is harsh, but this journey would be heartbreaking if you tried to make Abel an adventurer out of a sense of confrontation with the new world and a little Win.

Not to mention that the job is about escorts. It is one of the floral jobs as an adventurer.

Sometimes she was tense, or Abel seemed to still be feeling well.

But the two walking backwards, Celli and Leesbelt, had a serious look on their face. Cause is the information Abel has been getting at the Adventurer Guild in Clenado.

His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alfred's goodwill visiting delegation to the Kingdom of Lyon was attacked by rebels and his life and death are unknown. No, although there has been an announcement that he is alive, Prince Neumann of Simlug is interested in the army against Uncle Elsted, who is believed to be the mastermind of the traitor, by determining that Alfred is a fake. In connection with this, it appears that a bridge for crossing to the Kingdom of Lyon, ahead of the border town of Peshrika, is blocked by the army.

Abel, who had obtained these two pieces of information, said as excited about the former's attack on the Crown Prince, but it was the latter's information that clouded Celli and Leesbelt's faces. They had heard the revelations from Poulat, so they knew what was behind the attack on the Crown Prince.

Once the border has been sealed off by the army, Winn and Leticia will no longer be able to reach the kingdom of Lyon, where they allegedly headed.

The mood of Leeds Belt is a journey I want to hurry. But there are other detours besides the streets connecting Clenado and Peshrika, but both are far up, and not all three of them are familiar with the geography around here, so we ended up in a situation where we had to try to get to Peshrika.

'Hmmm... you're going to be eating your foothold for nothing'

'Excuse me. I wish I knew even the way out...'

'No... even if I knew the way out, and in case there's even something on the lookout there, rejection is suspicious and takes time. Take this path first, if you can cross the border, that's fine. If you can't get through, then let's think of another hand'


(If you have to, use magic to cross the river)

If you magically put up a film of wind and go to the bottom of the river, you can't even cross the river. However, the crossing of the river in this way is known as cracking, so if the army is moving, the magic of the sensory system may be stretched out by the magician with the army.

I wanted it to be only a last resort because I didn't want it to be a hassle to be found.

Beyond the oversight, I saw the shadow of the Inn Town. According to the map it is a town named Mitos.

"What is it? You got something like a precinct?

Abel stopped to draw attention to the two rears.

At the entrance of Mitos, a fence made of wood and a hut-like building are erected, and soldiers with spears roar. Around it were caravans carrying several wagons loaded with luggage, pedestrians walking in towns and villages on their own feet, and those dressed as adventurers.

Apparently, he's eating stalls with luggage inspections and stuff.

As we approached, a knight who noticed the three came following the two soldiers.

"Luggage inspection! Who are you people? On what business do we go this way?

The knight opens his mouth.

"I lost my parents the other day and am traveling to visit relatives living in the Kingdom of Lyon"

Seri advancing in front of the soldier says the line he had in mind in advance.

"Visiting relatives to Lyon? Is she alone?

"Yes, we also hire escorts this way because the road is noisy"

"An escort..."

So the knight turned his eyes to the two Leesbelts and Abel, who were behind Seri, and gave him a ghoulish look. Leesbelt and Abel bow their heads silently to the knight.


With Leesbelt's characteristic ears, they found out he was a forest dweller elf.

Elves are generally considered to have more powerful magic than men, and the warriors are known to be brave and resolute.

The soldiers who had been ordered by the knight to carry out a physical examination, albeit sickening, looked at Leesbelt's forged flesh and examined it carefully.

Unlike the merchants undergoing luggage screening, all three of them were allowed to enter town immediately, as they did not have any suspicious luggage either.

The town of Mitos has a large square in the centre, with many shops connecting. The merchants of the journey are also allowed to do business in the square, where the vertigo is laid, and items such as vegetables, mushrooms, meat of mountain birds and beasts and, in rare objects, dried seafood are arranged. It's a little small, but it was a sight like Simurgh's morning market.

The merchants of the journey, or there were several lodgings around the square, and Seli and the others settled down on one of them.

Celli is in a private room, Leeds Belt and Abel are in the same room.

'It's busy, but not as busy as the city I saw in Simlug. Because of the power struggle of the Empire.'

Leeds Belt, who was passed into the third floor room, unloaded his luggage and snapped at the view of the square seen through the window.

"Well, isn't that impossible? Even if a man with a weapon is roaring... '

The center of the square. There are tons of hemp bags and large crates stacked there, armed soldiers standing guard with spears.

People who go shopping see them with an anxious look on their face, and if they buy the shittiness and what they need, they walk away early enough

If you're looking too far out the window with Girosilo, the soldiers might blame you. I think so, and Leeds Belt shrugs her shoulders and looks back indoors. Then I saw a young human youth who was in the room with him.

Liesbert, who only speaks elf, and Abel, who only speaks people's language.

Now that neither word has a manipulative serie, the two of them are unable to have a conversation, and there is an unspeakably awkward air in the room.

(Hmm... I wonder what's wrong)

In these cases, you, the elderly, should take the lead.

Having thought of it that way, Leesbelt decided to propose to Abel to do a tummy job first.

People and elves alike, the best way to deepen rapport is to drink and eat delicious food.

There is still a distance to Lyon. Until then, this young man and I will be traveling together.

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