Walking around the city, though neighboring countries, makes people feel strongly that this is a foreign country because of the style of the building, the food, the goods arranged in the shops, and the difference in the clothes that people wear.

Seen throughout the city of Lyon like that, the Lyon Museum, built in an imperial style, must inspire travellers who have visited the country under various circumstances to remind them of their homeland, the Empire. Even Wynn, not so long after his trip to Simlug, remembered feeling somewhere horrible when he saw the public house.

Neighbouring countries, and the premises of the Lyon Museum of the Lemursil Empire, which is also a major power, appear to be quite large.

There will be three meters. Walking along the outer wall of height, you will eventually see a gate made of iron fences. Next to the gate was a cabin that seemed to be a stuffing place for guards, and beside it stood a gatekeeper.

When the gatekeeper notices the approaching Win and Leticia, he sends an alert gaze.

"Two people approaching there! Anyone...... Huh!?

And I've asked him in a harsh tone, but in the middle of the word, he solidified.

One crack in the pair is incredible, a girl with beautiful appearance and blonde hair. And he is wearing the uniform of the squad with the crown princess with another young man.

"Me, Master Mavis!? And then at Lord Wynn Squire?

"Yes. I thought you were contacting me about visiting the public hall?

"Excuse me!

When Winn told him like he was in trouble, the gatekeeper saluted his residence just right.

"Please wait"

I jumped into a blockage by the side.

I hear a few rushed voices in the stuffing room, and I hear the doors slammed open and closed.

"... did I do something wrong?

Leticia said with a troubled laugh.

Leticia's bad news is that the Winns have come on foot.

The two current positions are the national guests of the Kingdom of Lyon.

Furthermore, Leticia's identity is not only 'brave', but also the Duke's Lady, so it is normal for a carriage originally prepared by the Kingdom of Lyons - which also comes aboard in an extraordinarily superior carriage.

And before you arrive at your destination, the first messenger should tell you that you have arrived in the other direction, and the owner or equivalent should greet you.

In fact, when I came out of the royal palace, they said I had a carriage ready.

"I came all the way to Lyon because of this. I wanted to take a look around the city."

Winn turned down the carriage when he went on foot.

It's not bitter for Leticia to walk either, and it's where she wants to go around the city with Winn.

The result was to give extra effort to the people working in the Imperial Palace.

I mean...

From the standpoint of the employees of the Lyons of the Lemursil Empire, it is a great failure to make the most noble lady of the Empire and to make the best heroes of humanity wait in front of the gates.

When the gate was opened in a great hurry, a large crowd jumped out of the hall simultaneously.

Coming to the forefront of the small run would be the head of the office, Count Liselman, the Imperial Ambassador.

The Earl of Lieselmann had been introduced by Cornelia as someone who had been away from the land of the Empire for a long time to the Kingdom of Lyon and who was also highly regarded for his abilities by Alfred.

The Earl of Lieselman, rushing to the front of the gate, bowed his head in a momentum that was just grounded in front of Wynn and Leticia.

"I didn't expect you to be greeted, and I didn't expect you to wait in a place like this... Sincerely, I am truly sorry, Master Mavis. And Lord Wynn Squire. I was contacted when I came today, but when I came by carriage I just..."

Count Lieselmann apologizes to both of us in a desperate shape with a sweat on his forehead.

Wynn was perplexed by such Count Liselman's apology.

I know you desperately apologize to Leticia. She is admitted not to bow her head even in front of the king and emperor of the great powers, of course, the highest high priest in the priesthood - I do not want to buy the "infinite closeness and presence of God" affair.

What is confusing Winn, however, is that Count Liselman's apology is also directed at Winn.

No, Winn is also a squire squire squire squire squire with Cornelia, the First Empress of the Empire, and he must be treated more as a guest as an official than he is welcomed as a national guest of the Kingdom of Lyon.

With that in mind, Count Liselman's response can be taken for granted, but Winn's previous experience has shown that in many cases the reaction of the imperial nobles to wins of civilian origin was only in the form of consideration of the superiors: Leticia and sometimes Cornelia.

I can feel that Count Liselman's apology contains sincere respect and apologies for Winn.

That it was never within the Empire.

Since his visit to this country, Wynn had realized that the same sentiment had been directed towards him, whether he was an aristocrat, martial officer or civilian of the Kingdom of Lyon, but he had no idea that he could be turned to the same sentiment by the aristocrats of the same country.

"Keep your head up, Count. I rescheduled and came here on foot due to our discretionary convenience, so don't worry."

"I would be very grateful if you could say that. Now let me show you to the public hall. Here you go."

I guess I was heartbroken by Winn's words.

An air of relief flowed not only among Count Liselman but also among the officials of the public administration who were holding back behind him.

In line with the vast grounds, the building of the public house was large. Like other buildings in the interior walls, there are also six floors and a height.

Not only is there a large hall for inviting a large number of guests to dine and hold balls, but there is also a sufficient number of rooms to accommodate such visitors.

"Please be at ease in this room"

Winn and Leticia were transferred to the VIP room in the building.

The Hall is the front line for the Empire in its diplomacy with the Kingdom of Lyon.

Although the VIP room, where often even serious bargaining events were held for the Empire, did not extend to the VIP room reserved for the Imperial Palace, it was decorated with good-quality conditioning and decorations beyond the mansions of the conclave nobility.

"This is an institution for informing the imperial authority of Lyons, as well as against foreign countries that have public offices in this country as in our country. We pride ourselves on being unbeatable in our own hotels."

On one large landscape painting decorated in the room, Count Liselman let his chest brag when he saw that not only Winn, but even Leticia, had rarely leaked a sigh of admiration.

I don't see flashy ornaments made with plenty of gold and gems.

Apparently it's a conditioner for this large landscape painting, decorating the room. There is something about it that makes you feel calm. Now, the space created by the exquisite feeling that each and every item is in good shape and that the power of the country, the Lemursil Empire, never makes you doubt that it is something mighty.

If the person who instructed the placement of the conditioning in this room was Count Liselman, I also felt that Alfred was giving him a high regard.

In fact, in the midst of the ongoing civil strife within the Empire, it was also with the power of Count Lieselmann that the Kingdom of Lyons stepped in to side with Alfred.

When Winn and Leticia get to the table in the center of the room, a servant-style woman serving in the public hall serves tea.

Imperial style tea with fine tea leaves.

"I used to hobby for tea and this tea is made from the finest tea leaves I can prepare. QUALITY Rigid, some of those who value martial arts are dazzled that it is a waste against these expenses of ours, but in these places confronting foreign nations it is necessary to show the imperial authority. Of course, the spirit of the qualitative covenant of those who value martial arts is great, but at that time the place will be asked for the correspondence and format it deserves. Failure to do so will, of course, take lightly those who work in this public house to the organization to which they belong, to the country. Master Leticia, as well as Lord Wynn, are in a very high standing in this country as the master of the brave. Please don't put that in the corner of your mind."

Thought it might be an explanation for the sudden tea leaves, Count Liselman's words seemed to be advice to the two visitors on foot rather than in a carriage.

Behind Count Liselman's glittering smile, Winn and Leticia nodded looking at the seriousness of the tone and its eyes.

(When you take a certain position, you will be required to behave as you deserve. Me and Letty had to be careful)

Winn, of civilian origin, as well as Leticia, who had been treated unfairly by her family while being the finest aristocrat, has a feeling of being close to the common people, for better or worse. As a result, we didn't really care about our standing behavior. But after seeing so much fright that I felt sorry for the people who worked for this mansion that I saw earlier, I was strongly noticed about it shortly afterwards, following a bitter complaint from Count Liselman.

Speaking of which, Captain Lloyds told me something similar before.

That was when Wynn was assigned to a unit commanded by Lloyds.

Convened by the Knights, Winn went from the tired shirt he always wore and the top of his trousers, equipped with a damaging leather armor just to say where he had picked it up on the battlefield, and a used knight's sword.

Lloyds blamed him for his outfit and reprimanded him.

"When we advance through the Imperial Capital, many of our subjects will miss our courage. It's a disgrace to our Knights in such a naughty armor and outfit as yours."

The same thing will happen this time.

The famous' brave man 'Mavis headed for the other side on foot. What would those in other countries think of this fact? It seems that the Lemursil Empire, and the Kingdom of Lyons, did not even prepare carriages against the greatest heroes in human history, but walked them to the other side. Even if the facts are different and it was what he wanted. And that slight difference in perception could lead to fatal weaknesses in diplomatic relations between countries.

If the bad reputation of the Lemursil Empire and the Kingdom of Lyons for treating the 'brave men' lightly will prevail, it will create a bad impression on all those on the continent in diplomacy and commerce.

Count Liselman could not overlook the reckless acts of two men who could put the Empire at a disadvantage from a position of serious responsibility in diplomacy.

I guess that's why they subtly drew attention to Winn and Leticia.

There is also a verse in this kingdom of Lyon that not only respects Leticia, but also as its master until Wynn.

The reason for this is that Leticia told Raul, who was her companion, "I have a master, and the sword moves I have acquired are a gift of that teaching", so that it is widely known to the people.

"As a master of the brave Mavis, my name seems to be spreading... somehow only rumors seem to walk alone, and I feel ashamed"

"Ha ha, gathering rumors of Lord Wynn spreading throughout this country makes it quite an interesting figure"

The Earl of Lieselmann, who made me laugh with pleasure, told me of the figure of Wynn, which is widespread among the people of this country.

Says - A man named Win Byrd was once a master of swords enough to cross each other with his predecessors, Kensei and Mito the Swordsmith. An old man with sharp gray hair, he meets Mavis, a brave man, while wandering the continent in battle with demons, and trains her swordsman as a disciple of discernment.

Who are you talking about, it?

Winn shrugs and Leticia, sitting next to her, laughs hiding her mouth.

"Of course, the top men of the kingdom know about Lord Wynn, but the rumors that flow among the people who get information from bards, stories, etc., to sum it up, you've become one of those people."

"Do you also collect rumors like that in the public hall..."

"That's one of our duties, working in a public office."

Winn nodded deeply, sighing.

As I learned in the Knights' School, it is true that in a public building that is located in a foreign country, it has a face that serves as a base for intelligence activities as well as diplomacy.

"The rumor seems to be a great departure from the actual Lord Wynn, but it is nevertheless an undisputed fact that Lord Wynn is a master recognized by Lord Leticia. You may be honored."

The brave man of the day sitting next to Wynn nods deeply at the words of Count Liselman.

In fact, if I tried leticia, I would have never held my sword or learned magic if I hadn't met Winn, so I'm pretty sure Winn is my master without falsehood.

At that time, the door to the room was knocked lightly.

"Excuse me for a second"

Lightly bowing his head, Count Liselman opened the door as he took his seat himself. And when I received a report of something from a knocked servant-style woman, I nodded back small and looked back at the Wins.

Apparently, we were in touch. Guests are here.

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