Master of the brave.

Enemies I've seen

The person who came into the room, guided by the Earl of Liselman, was Mito and a knight who had plunged into old age. It would be the janitor that he was guarding the old castle in Konrat Heisenberg.

"Lord Wynn, Lord Brave. I was wondering if I could talk to you. Don't worry. I have the consent of the Temple of the Sword. What kind of nasty problem is going on? When I was supposed to come here, it was some kind of tour where I met your lords. Even though he's old, he's a servant of Swordsman. Maybe we can help."

Watch as Leticia asks for a win.

"If you have the consent of His Royal Highness Prince Wang, you have no reason to say no. Besides, it is very comforting to have the help of Lord Mito, known as the 'Swordsmith'. Best regards,"

When Winn offered his hand, he shook hands with Mito.

There, Count Lieselman, who had refrained from entering the room, introduces the old administrator to the three.

"Dear Leticia, Lord Wynn. This is Lord Gidman, Konrat Heisenberg Heritage Administrator, under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Lyon."

"Thanks for coming all the way out here. My name is Wynn and I am a squire with the First Empress of the Lemursil Empire."

"My name is Gidman and I have been entrusted to you by His Excellency the Ambassador. Um... I heard the word 'swordsman' earlier, but this old Dwarf guy really is that? Besides, you asked me about a squire with an Imperial Empress, but I can't believe you..."

"No, I'm sure Lord Mito is your benefactor with the title of 'Swordsman', but she is not Her Royal Highness"

Count Liselman gives a serious look and corrects Gidman's mistake.

"This is to the Third Duchess Leticia of the House of the Duke of Mavis, my Lemursil Empire. Worldwide, the brave Mavis would be better off on the streets."

◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

How much was the impact that struck Gidman?

The elderly administrator, who found out about the three identities, in particular Leticia's identity, had watched Leticia many times, even after Count Liselman had left the room, seemingly relieved for a while.

"... brave man, and are you the Master? I didn't expect to meet the famous" Swordsman "... and have a good souvenir story for my wife, son, and grandson."

"I have already heard from His Royal Highness Prince Wang, but it is His Royal Highness Wang's plan that you should tell us directly what you saw."


In anticipation of when Gidman settled down, Winn cut out the story.

"So can I talk to you once now?

"I understand. But can I tell you more than what I wrote in my report..."

Gidman said no, then I tell the three of them.

Severe ground swings that struck the ancient castle of Konrat Heisenberg.

That the powerful junction tensioned by the 'Great Sage' Tiara Sculls Verfa was broken and saw the light that seemed to belong to the intruder.

And when a colleague who tried to investigate approached the ancient castle, the meat melted down and lost his life.

So renouncing their assignment on the field, the administrators rushed to evacuate.

Leticia listens with her eyes closed while Wynn occasionally pinches questions.

Winn's eyes seemed to see Leticia's expression increasing in severity.

"After the evacuation, what happened then?

The connections between the ancient castles of Konrat Heisenberg were broken and the administrators who ran down the mountains immediately forbade the people of the towns and villages at the foot from entering the mountains.

Failure to notice someone's proximity to the ancient castle and to give one victim. Furthermore, we cannot even investigate the causes that caused this tragedy.

A reply was received from Lyon, Wang capital, stating that the best judgment on the scene would be to continue to ban access to the vicinity of the ancient castle, including the administrator. As a result, there were some terrible thoughts amongst the administrators.

Eventually King Raul himself led the army.

When Raul asked the Gidmans for directions, he immediately opened an investigation.

After the administrators evacuated to the town at the foot, an intruder was discovered separate from the Demons, and as they followed in their footsteps, they found that some organization was involved in the incident.

But that's about all the information Gidman and his administrators, including Gidman, were once again returned to management duties in the old castle.

Regarding the lapse of allowing intruders to enter the ancient castle, it was later discussed that a disposition would be made.

While working on cleaning up the rubble of the ancient castle that collapsed as a result of the earthquake, there had always been no tone out, although I had waited for word from Wang Du, and when the month of February had passed, Wang Du finally contacted me.

"He wants to give an immediate explanation to those who are deeply involved in this matter. A representative of the Administrator went to Wang Capital to ask for a briefing on what had happened in the ancient castle."

Gidman was to appear on the request from Wang Du.

(Even if a disposition is made, the circumstances of the incident in the ancient castle will be heard first. In the meantime, let's check the personality of the investigator who was supposed to be in charge of the matter and hope that the disposition leaves him alone)

With that in mind, Gidman was escorted off by his worried colleagues.

When he finished talking, Gidman saw Leticia.

"I heard that the crime was committed by some organization. But the severe earthquake we experienced. My colleague's demon mentor speculates that ground sway occurred in the aftermath of breaking Tiara-like's boundaries. The old castle's ceilings and stone walls rock enough to cause a collapse. You need so much strength just to break it. And then, out of a desire to erode my colleagues' bodies, I deduced that the Demons were deeply involved in the matter."

"Even Tiara's boundaries can be broken if you prepare for them. Few wizards are comparable to her, but still some of the wizards who serve adventurers and nations will be able to break the line. Those who broke the bond with those of the organization who later broke in. Is that not possible?

Leticia opened her mouth, keeping her mouth shut until she finished the conversation.

"As I'm sure you know, knights like us are sent as administrators because they don't vandalize the ancient castle, the legacy of Konrat Heisenberg. In other words, there is a clear target for heritage."

"Isn't that like an adventurer or a bandit targeting a burglar?

Winn asks.

An ancient castle where a famous magician was conducting a lifelong cage study.

If you are an adventurer specializing in ruin diving, you will be a coveted prey. There are precious and expensive magic props, magic books and other treasures inside, so their forefingers can't be immobilized.

But Gilman shook his head at Winn's question.

"No. The ancient castle of Konrat Heisenberg had made a request to the Adventurer's Guild through the Kingdom not to lay a hand on it. If the location is exposed, we buy the information at the right price and do not divulge it to the outside world. That way, if you are an adventurer belonging to a decent Adventurer Guild, you will rarely attempt to break into a building controlled by the Kingdom. Nevertheless, there are still a few who try to break the ban...... But for the most part, such people are immature with only half the strength. And that ancient castle is a difficult place to try to break in, for the most part."

Winn and Leticia nodded at Gidman's words.

"From the above, there will be no such thing as an awesome demon conductor whose brave men are the adventurers you said would do against the instructions of the kingdom or the Alliance of Adventurers. Because they don't have to cross such a dangerous bridge to earn enough fame and wealth. Another courtroom magician who serves his country should be limited enough to break Tiara-like's boundaries. If you're such a big guy, that trend will always be on the lookout. So it's different."

"I think I can agree with your story"

Seeing Leticia agreeing, Gidman nodded as if in a ho.

"But even if the Adventurer Guild forbids it, it doesn't work for a burglar-like existence. It was also our duty as administrators to prevent such persons from entering. But there's one more thing besides that. Did you know that? There was once a cult organization in this country called the 'Pagan'"

"I'm the one who killed Sarah Ferrule, the leader that the 'renegade' worshipped, right?

"It was. After Sarah's death, they were believed to have disbanded, although on a small scale, the remnants of the party were believed to remain. And in many cases, they continue to collect the legacy of Konrat Heisenberg as if they were to inherit the will of their leader Sarah Ferrule."

"Do you keep collecting? Was the legacy of Konrat Heisenberg present in addition to what was controlled in the ancient castle?

Gidman nodded at Winn's inquiry.

"It seems from the content of the study that Konrat Heisenberg had several research sites, but we don't know all of them either. The only person who had it all figured out would be Sarah Ferrule, who was also the high brother of Konrat Heisenberg. And we have confirmed that some magic books and magic props from research sites that we don't know about are spreading and in their hands."

"So you think this ancient castle raid was their fault too?


But Gilman let Leticia shake her head clearly to the question.

"Sure, the 'Pagan' co-organization that was on the verge of extinction once was rebuilt and the movement seems to be revitalizing again, but still not powerful enough to sell a fight properly to the kingdom"

Those who lost their loved ones, lost their motherland, lost their existence to protect and despaired of the world. What they want is to destroy the world they have today with the power of God, to lead a new world. Genesis after destruction.

Sarah took the legacy of her mentor, Konrat Heisenberg, and tried to accomplish it.

Many supposedly endorsed the idea.

Even the eminent knights and generals of the diaspora were named among them, he said.

But even if they unite their powers, it is extremely difficult to exercise enough magic to break Tiara's boundaries. We need to have the right catalysts and tools. But with all that movement, a lot of out-of-digit money and a lot of supplies move. There is no way that the movement could hook up with the information networks of each organization, such as the kingdom, the Adventurer's Guild, or the Merchant's Guild.

"Later military investigations revealed that both 'traitors' broke into the Old Castle after our administrators evacuated it. When the ground wobble happened, they did it. There will definitely be a connection between those who break the line and the 'apostates'. But I don't think we can break the line with the 'traitors'. I believe it was the Demons who broke the line, caused that earth to shake, and broke into the ancient castle, as the report states."

"You didn't see that demon tribe, did you? If you're a Demon, then the Traitor will have the help of the Demon Clan, right?

Gidman did not give an impromptu answer to Leticia's question.

Once you close your eyes hard, you open them slowly.

Then I put my hands together hard on my knees.

"I used to be a part of the Alliance against the Devil's Continent, just like the brave ones. In the meantime, I have seen the cause of the death that struck my colleagues."

A definite color of fear floats in Gidman's eyes. He joined the war against demons, and was considered lucky if he encountered it and had a life.

"At that time, the air touched by a dead colleague was harsh. I, for my part, have no experience enough to melt meat just by touching it, but the course of his loss of life. And when you think about the end of those who were strongly distracted by rumours on the battlefield..."

"... the involvement of the Demons is undeniable. Is that what you think?

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