Master of the brave.

Sarah Ferrule Cathedral to be built

Sarah Ferrule Cathedral, to be built.

Including even plans to build a town centered around that cathedral, the site is somewhat wider than a poor town.

The plan is to expand the forest at the foot of the Cape and connect the town with Lyons to the west.

Once completed, we can have a long town on the side facing the sea.

Most importantly, while Winn and Leticia are alive, it will be difficult to see what a finished town looks like.

Many craftsmen, people, from within and outside the Kingdom of Lyon, are gathered together to carry out the work on a rapid pitch, but it is predicted that it will take a huge number of years to complete.

Let's build a town from scratch. Naturally, huge funds were also needed, much of which was to be covered by donations to the Great Temple of Emerdia.

The capital power of the Anastasian Church, culminating in the Great Temple of Emerdia, can be described as the largest in the world. Still, shortly after the war on demons, it is said that the cathedral building costs were quite burdensome and that some of the clerics in charge of the budget continued to lose their minds when they saw that amount.

However, the Great Temple of Emerdia had great expectations for the construction of this cathedral of Sarah Ferrule.

To the problems that have arisen since the end of the war on demons, the bloated refugees and the soldiers who have lost their place of work: the battlefield. And there is a market that has lost demand, the battlefield, and has become a recession.

The construction of the cathedral of Sarah Ferrule can be expected as a receptacle for soldiers, refugees who have lost their place of work.

It would also make me a resident of a new town created by construction.

The craftsmen have already moved in with their families to work at the residence.

And there was also a gathering of those who would commercialize them against each other, and a simple town was being made.

If it is to be a large-scale construction, supplies will also be needed.

The mass-produced arsenals were on nails, tools, and axes and nata to pioneer the forest.

The stones and timber cut out to build the castle fortifications are in the building materials of towns and cathedrals.

In the harbour of Lyon, the king capital of the kingdom of Lyon, are gathered large ships full of those supplies from all over the continent.

Whatever the difference between the magnitude of the damage in the war against the demons, Lyons was definitely one of the few countries to have boiled in an unprecedented good economy amidst what was most of the country's only blow.

Watching a large ship moored from the harbour of Lyon just hanging off its coast to fill it, Wynn was remembering the vibrant town of Lyon.

"Nice view."

Leticia stands next to him, narrowing her eyes and looking at the view just like Winn did.

Win, Leticia and Mito were visiting the cathedral construction site, the temporary temple built beside it, almost in the centre of the Cape, through a simple town made by the craftsmen and merchants.

The shrine, where Sarah Ferrule was based, is sealed by iron lattices and chains, in addition to the harsh ties by magic.

I needed permission to unlock the magical junction and unlock the iron lattice and chain.

However, with regard to the magical junction, since it is also practiced here by Tiara, it was possible that it could not be lifted by the head of this Temple, but it is possible to break the junction with the help of Leticia if necessary.

But in any case, we have to get permission to enter the temple.

Sarah Ferrule was a 'traitor' in her lifetime, behind which she was trying to descend the God of Destruction, but ostensibly a great saint who had saved the lives of many seriously ill, injured people.

Even after leaving the world, many pilgrims visit the small temples of this cape in order to live up to her majesty, which was consecrated.

Even as the Anastasian Church, he continued the service that Sarah had performed during her lifetime in the Temple in order to inherit the feats of Sarah Ferrule.

Many people suffering from severe illnesses and injuries were still pressing today, and the priests working for the Temple seemed busy working.

And the busyness seemed the same for the head of the Temple, and when asked about it from the Samurai Festival in the wake, the Wins decided to wait in silence until this hustle and bustle settled.

If Leticia, the 'brave man', were to be named, perhaps Liara, the person responsible, would see him no matter what he put down, but he didn't want to wield privilege over the suffering people on his ass.

"That's a good place. I'm sure Sarah would love that."

It was Leticia who put Sarah in her hand, but Leticia couldn't hate Sarah completely.

It is unacceptable that many lives have been sacrificed to summon God to destroy, but by the time we got there, we knew that Sarah had seen many tragic circumstances.

It is also true that all kinds of things have been sacrificed to save the suffering people.

Fighting prolonged demons.

The creation of an army that brings together all the forces of humanity: the Allied Forces against the Demonic Continent.

The role played by the Great Temple of Emerdia in winning the battle against demons is enormous and its merits cannot be denied by anyone.

But the power that swelled up to maintain the position of allies of the first ever nation, the Allies of the Continent against Demons, the allies of supermassive organizations, across the framework of the race, happened to turn into a hotbed of corruption.

The prolongation of the war may have been part of it.

The people involved in the creation died in battle with old age, and the philosophy at its inception was eventually lost.

The hand of salvation was not reached out to the suffering people, and the controversy over the lead of the Allies against the Continent of Demons by the Powers intensified.

Sarah was desperate and became a 'traitor'.

The Church that Sarah had originally aspired to was surely an act now being carried out in this Temple of Temple.

If the Powers hadn't forgotten the philosophy when the Allies against the Demonic Continent were founded, mankind could have fought the demons a little better against them.

Even if, at the end of the day, he needed help from a man named Leticia Van Mavis, the Demon Realm could have succeeded in pushing him further north.

Sarah will not fall as a 'traitor', and as a living 'saint', she may have taken her first position as a female high priest in the Great Temple of Emerdia.

Leticia thought so when she saw the people working for the Temple standing around busily.

Wynn said, "I can help you with something," I tried to offer, but that was turned down.

When an amateur gets his hands on it, it's probably because it gets in the way.

It was a gentle way to be turned down, but I could feel that nuance.

In fact, it seems busy but well staffed.

Sarah Ferrule was listed in her lifetime, the third person in history.

Its glory also worked, and it seemed that this temporary temple was crowded with many personnel.

Most of all, Winn will find out later that the reason so many people gathered was not just the glory of Sarah Ferrule's name.

In the meantime, the three of us are free.

Mito was in the sun, and when he found a rock just right on his back, he sat there and just started sleeping.

Mito with a robust flesh as a 'swordsman', but there he is an old man who has greatly exceeded a hundred.

Even during previous journeys, Mito would have fallen asleep just like this if he had no use for it.

Outreach, as someone who has lived in battle, he may be actively resting when he can rest.

As Mito fell asleep, Winn and Leticia moved a little further away from him so as not to disturb Mito's sleep.

That was just a place where the trees were cut off and the town of Lyon had a spectacular view down.

The foot is a cliff, and the waves are hitting.

The sounds you hear are the sounds of waves striking rocks and the sounds of sea birds dancing in the sky.

Under my eyes, the sparkling blue sea continues everywhere, reflecting the light of day.

Beyond the horizon, we also saw thin, but northern land.

"That distant shadow. Is there a land in the north before which the demon king descended?"

"Yeah. Isn't that amazing? It's connected all the way over there."

"The scale is too big for me to imagine a bit. Letty went across the ocean."

"Yeah, it's not from Lyon, though. I crossed the ocean."

Then they watched the ocean for a while.

A sea breeze with the smell of the tide passes between us.

I heard Khan Khan Khan in the harbor of Lyon and hammering the bell.

"Look, brother. The ship is about to leave."

"What, which ship?

A small boat filled with people was about to be sidelined in the direction Leticia pointed at, by a large sailboat that was relatively large compared to the surrounding vessels moored offshore.

That sailboat.

As the Wins watched with intrigue, it seemed that people eventually finished boarding the sailboat.

An empty small ship returns to the port of Lyon.

There was a crowd at the harbor.

I guess it's the people who came to drop off the sailboat.

Could be the family of the sailboat crew, or the shipowner, an associate of the Chamber of Commerce that became the carrier.

And again, Khan Khan Khan and the sound of hammering the bell rang.

"Out of port."

Winn's voice plays.

The sail of the sailboat opened wide with bassari.

The sail widens greatly in the wake of the sea breeze and speeds up the seafoot as you see it.

"You're in luck to see the moment of departure!


Winn nods back at Leticia as she says in her bounced voice.

The departure of large offshore vessels also seems to be a major event for those involved in ships and ports.

Mixed with the sound of bells heard on the sea breeze, the cheers of people dropping off at the harbor were heard slightly.

"I wonder where that ship is going"

"Come on, I wonder where it is. Looks like we're headed northwest, so maybe we'll go south a lot bigger."

After months and sometimes years of reaching the end of a long voyage, that ship will be loaded with tons of loads and will return to the port of Lyon again.

Whether that load is of architectural materials from the Cathedral of Sarah Ferrule, or rare jewels that can only be picked in the South, spices, or living in the sea, it may return full of the fat of a giant fish comparable to the rumoured dragon. I hear that the fat of that fish, called a whale, produces tremendous wealth if it can come back full of ships.

Many people's dreams are also on sailboats that leave behind people's expectations and cheers.

(People on ships, or maybe similar to adventurers)

Watching the sailboat from the top of the cape, Wynn thought so.

Sailboats for sailing in the outer ocean are outrageously large.

If you had seen how that departs from the harbor, Winn must have felt the reliance on sailboats as well.

But looking from the top of the far cape, no matter how huge the sailboat was, when I went out into the vast ocean, it just seemed so tiny.

Once the sea is wild, I hear it is more intense than land.

The only thing we can rely on in the vast ocean is the ship we're on.

What will happen if the ship is overthrown and thrown into the sea?

Winn freaked out thinking so.

I stood on a cliff, but the ocean I could see far below felt like something so horrible that I was unknowingly just a step backwards.

The crew of sailboats embarking on the Great Sea Plains take on a long voyage.

Waiting ahead is the battle that put nature's life on its opponents. Believe me, in the dawn of victory in that battle, immense wealth and honor are promised.

It is very similar to the adventurers who step into the northern part of the continent.

Winn saw the boat going to sea and thought so.

When the sailboat disappeared beyond the horizon and eventually the horizon began to stain red at sunset.

"It's a nice view, isn't it?

Turning around, a young woman, about twenty years old, dressed in a coat of law, stood with three figures.

"If we can afford to build a cathedral, we're going to make it a park for everyone to use, and we're going to make it an observation deck."

"Liara, long time no see. How have you been?

"Yeah, and Letty."

Liara Sein.

One of the four who traveled with Leticia on the Crusade of the Demon King.

Following Sarah Ferrule, the fourth woman in history to be listed as a 'Virgin'.

It is said that its healing magic has reached the realm of miracles.

When the Demon King descended on the flesh of King Melvic IV of Sain, only three people survived in the Kingdom of Sain.

Konrat Heisenberg.

Sarah Ferrule.

And Princess Grandson of Melvic IV.

Liara Sein is the daughter of Princess Sun of Melvic IV.

But Riara, dressed in a qualitative coat of law, not seemingly the last to draw blood from the Royal House of the Kingdom of Sein, also had its clear standing and atmosphere, which made Winn's heart remember in awe.

"That's Mr. Wynn. Nice to meet you. My name is Liara Sein."

"It's Win Bird. It's a pleasure to meet you, the Virgin."

"Hehe, that may be the word I should say. By the way, I have a guest visiting you."

Liara slowly halves her body and looks at the three figures that have accompanied her.

Winn really wanted to speak to them first, too, if Liara didn't exist.

We all know Winn, but he wasn't supposed to be here.

Leticia also has a slightly surprised look.

"Abel, Seri. Why are you here? And Mr. Leesbert."

Abel and Seri looked like they couldn't hide the tension in front of Liara, known as the 'Virgin'. Still, you were horrified to see the familiar Win and Leticia, loosening your stretched face slightly.

And whether Abel wanted to say hello or raise her hand to halfway height, she cares about Liara or lowers her hand to a statement that wandered that hand like she was lost.

Celi made a small meeting.

And -.

"On the way to Ernassa, I heard that there was a famous Lord Riara as the 'Virgin' in the land, and I stopped by just in case, but this is exactly the guide of the Spirit, dwelling in the world tree. I didn't expect to see you here... '

Leesbelt grips his fist hard and looks up to heaven.

"I have a story I want to put in Lord Brave's ear. Why don't you just give me a little time later?

A serious look at Leesbell.

Wynn, with a mandate, hesitated a little, but an elf warrior with exceptional skill, Liesbert, came all the way out to the land of men. Maybe it's a story that needs a hurry.

Winn nodded.

"There will be talk of recruiting each other. Would you like to join us for dinner? Right, Letty?"

That's what Liara offers.

Indeed, the sun sets so far beyond the horizon that the boundary between the sky and the sea, which was red, is also widening as if it had zeroed ink.

In heaven the stars blinked instead of the sun, and in the town of Lyon, which you can see from the cape, the lights were lit, and the smoke of the cooking stood in the sky.

Is the Temple also having dinner cravings again or does it smell good in the wind?

"Right. The wind is getting cold, and my body is totally cold. Wow. I wonder if I could treat you to a good meal."

Mito, who should have been asleep a little further away, rises up and comes.

"I don't have anything to say about some booze..."

"It can't be a big treat, but we can have some alcohol for you, right? But if you're a dwarf, maybe a little short. We can use it later in town and let them prepare the alcohol."

"Wow, you're not a talkative daughter. Look, let's both just get inside."

Mito just walking out.

"Let's go, brother"

Leticia looks up at Winn and walks down Mito's back taking his hand and going ahead. Liara smiles with a small glance at those two connected hands. He then turned to the kitchen of the Temple to give instructions to entertain the guests.

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