Master of the brave.

Sarah Ferrule Cathedral to be built ②

The construction of the cathedral of Sarah Ferrule, in the name of the Emerdia Cathedral, was announced to the nations of the continent. To gather manpower and feet for construction.

There was one of them, a small but furnished workshop.

Parents hired many workers to work with them in their dwellings, mainly in blacksmiths, mainly small objects such as tools and nails.

If people get together in large numbers and the city expands every day, there is also demand for a variety of iron products.

I made anything, not just tools, but pot sickle knives, iron products.

The order to enter the workshop was filled with reservations day after day, and the workers working in the workshop were chased by a busy eye.

"Oh, you bastards! Another order for 300 nails! But we still have a lot of work to finish by the end of the day! Get in the mood!

"Hey, parent!

The craftsmen return a powerful reply to their parents.

Not a rare sight in this city right now.

Various professions, workshops exist, but everywhere demand exceeds supply, and the time the furnace, the furnace, the fire, the city is like a battlefield.

There was a man named Rolf who lived and worked in that workshop for two weeks.

A man wearing a grey shirt and thick trousers.

A guttural, stately man, his shirt is boosted by muscles built up in a blacksmith job. Though he was growing a mustache, he had a tough face.

Good at hard work as the muscles show. And the hand was clever, especially from his parents, a man with eyes on him.

"Hey, Rolf. Why don't we go get some booze from now on? I found a store with a lovely sister."

"... no, bad. I don't like to walk."

"Oh, my God, you're not dating."

"Come on, come on, he doesn't hang out with booze. I'll hang out with you instead."

"Ahem? Like you."

"What, are you complaining about me?

"If you're with Rolf, a woman's gonna come by, but it's not you..."

"What the hell!? You look very different from me! Even if she goes with Rolf, it's the mountain of Sekiyama where Rolf takes it all and you go to the merchant."

"Ahem? You're nasty, man! It's better than that! I'll tell you what, if I don't care, one or two of the women will come by..."


"So, you want to give it a try? Look, let's do this. I'm gonna hook you up with one of the women without Rolf!

"Oh, show it to me! Hey, Rolf. Tell your parents we're going for a drink!

"Oh, okay"

The two colleagues, like Rolf, were living and working, so they asked their parents to leave a message that they were going out for a drink.

And whether we're close or not, we leave the workshop with our shoulders side-by-side yelling and scattering.

Dropping it off, Rolf started cleaning up after today's work.

"By and large, the Rolf guy is talking about how he manages to be an ardent believer in God. That's why they don't drink."

"What commandment, then? What's he alive looking forward to not being able to drink? If I were you, I wouldn't forgive God for forbidding alcohol."

"Hey, that sounds like Rolf."

"Still, you have such a god"

"Oh, I wonder what you were saying... the name of that god"

"Isn't that Master Anastasia?

"No, no, if you're Anastasia, forget it. I mean, if Master Anastasia forbade booze, though the booze would disappear from the world!

"Speaking of which, yes."

(... it's Lady Noale)

The voice of two colleagues who keep away.

After that, with no expression, Rolf spoke in his heart of the name of God he believed in.

Sacred mark on chest.

Originally, Rolf has priesthood status.

The name of God is Noale.

Few people generally know the name of that God.

Of all the priests, it would be just about a handful.

But in the stories involved in the creation of this world, it was a very important being.

The opposing god of Anastasia, goddess of Genesis.

As the God who presides over the end, this is what people call it.

Noale, the God of Destruction.

Destruction, end, death...

Noale, the god of destruction from the host reason, has a strong image of the evil god.

But from Genesis to Destruction, and again to Genesis.

Destruction, which Noale presides over, is destruction for Genesis, something that has nothing to do with destruction or destruction, as we call it by human standards.

But the negative image could not be wiped off, and had been forgotten from among the people, but in recent years it had become whispered among those whose name was certain.

Some are the people of the kingdom of the North destroyed by demons.

Rolf was also destroyed by demons, from the North.

From those of my homeland who fled the demonic threat and knew within wandering around as refugees, I learned of the existence of Noale the God of Destruction.

And Rolf changed his purpose from God, who had believed until then, and began to believe in Noale, and only to wear him until the priesthood.

However, as many of his fellow countrymen tipped over to the part that presided over the destruction of Noale, the God of Destruction, Rolf was to distance himself from them.

Then Noale, the god of destruction, does not forbid drinking.

Rolf, who is not good with people, is only citing faith as a pretext for turning down booze seats.

Because of the originally low number of believers, having a priesthood does not have any power socially.

Like many refugees, Rolf was at his best because he would eat and go again.

That's when I heard about a new town to be built.

It was that a cathedral bearing the name of 'saint' Sarah Ferrule would be built, and a town would be created around that cathedral.

If you go there, you'll be at work. And so to speak, we may be able to make a small church of Noale God into a town that can be new.

So Rolf came to town.

"Hey, Rolf. You have a visitor."

The cleanup was over, and my parents, who were hiring Rolf, came where I was going to eat at dinner and go to bed early.

"Are you a customer?

"I'm keeping you waiting on the table, so come meet me."

"Are you from my hometown? Thank you."

Say thank you to your parents.

When I went outside, the person who came in the black gray robe stood.

The robe is hooded and you can't ask the person's face.

Just enough to know he's a man from a physical point of view.

"Shit... you're the one named Rolf, right?

"Sure, but... Who, you? Have we met before somewhere?

But the man in the robe didn't answer the question, and when he smacked his tongue small, he slowly hung his hand on the hood he was wearing, and showed Rolf his face...

"Hey, Rolf. If someone I know has come to visit, I'll give you some money, so why don't you go eat with me at dinner... Rolf?

For the sake of the goldless Rolf, the parent of the workshop distracted me and I thought to give him the money for the meal, but there was no man in the robe who came to visit Rolf and him there.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

The temporary temple of Sarah Ferrule Cathedral is a wooden two-storey building, with rooms on the ground floor necessary to live in a group, such as a kitchen and a dining room. It is also on the ground floor that the people who come in search of salvation are allowed to pass, in a room where the statue of God is worshipped.

Winn, Leticia and Mito were passed to a room upstairs. Abel, Seri, and Leeds Belt are also together.

The second floor houses the rooms and rooms of the priests who work in the Temple. But the six men were first sent to Liara's room.

Liara, who is also head of the temple, is just given the biggest room. There are desks and chairs in the center of the room and flowers live in vases. There was a large bookshelf on the wall.

"Hey, Winn. Lady Leara is like that 'Virgin', isn't she? It's real, isn't it?

"Ah, oh. Yeah."

Abel sitting next to Winn whispers excitedly.

"Seriously. Wow, it's real. I'm proud of my brother... No, I can be proud of the guild guys as well. This. I can't believe I even had dinner with you face-to-face with one of the brave party members who defeated that demon king!

"Is that it? Oh well..."

(Speaking of which, Abel, you were immersed in an adventurer's guild and you weren't home)

As a matter of fact, the 'Migratory Bird Inn Pavilion' may be visited by a Letician companion named Tiara in Raul. Raul, who stayed until his arrival, was not made aware of his identity because he had not revealed himself. However, as far as Tiara was concerned, she had her cabin repaired when Celli rented the old cabin where Winn once lived.

And Leticia, who is also a childhood familiar to Abel, is the 'brave' one, not to mention.

(Alliance guys...... haven't you told Abel about Letty yet?)

The ancient stock adventurers belonging to the Adventurer Guild of Simlug know that Leticia, who was in and out of the Guild with Wynn at an early age, is actually the 'brave' Mavis that person. But he kept it a secret from Abel.

I know Abel is in love with Leticia, and she wants to be funny.

"No, it's really awesome. You think so too, don't you? Huh? Wynn"

"Oh, yeah. Sort of."

Leticia next door is killing her laugh.

"But I wonder if I've been getting used to this kind of situation lately."

"Well, Winn is a knight. Do you also have the opportunity to talk to nobles? But you're seeing that Liara, aren't you? You don't see nobility there, do you?

Alfred, Crown Prince of the Lemursil Empire.

First Crown Cornelia.

"The Great Sage" Tiara Sculls Verfa.

"Sword Saint" Raul Ort Lyon.

"Swordsmith" mitto.

Even if Winn thinks about it without Leticia, everyone meets all the people who are likely to be told as history books and inheritance. I was a little confused as to whether I should explain the matter.

Abel is staring at Riara more flirtatiously.

The eye had a colour of vision.

"Yeah, I know what you mean."

To be honest, my chest did seem to dance to seeing Liara Sain.

But in front of Liara, I don't feel nervous and beefy.

Even the same Letician companions, Raul and Tiara had an intimate atmosphere for you. That doesn't feel like Riara. She wears a calming atmosphere that gently envelops everyone. I also thought it was convincing to be called 'The Virgin'.

Four female priests around the age of, like, hanging out in old age, carried me a meal.

Looks like it's near the sea, soup stewed with shellfish and white fish. And the cage is served with bread.

The mittens were prepared with large wooden cups lined with wine.

"Ho! This isn't good liquor!

Mito, who smells the aroma of wine, sneezes his face.

The female priests, who had finished their meals, were kneeling and praying against Riara.

After his death, those who are called 'saints', like Sarah Ferrule, are worshipped as gods with the establishment of a temple bearing their name.

Liara was also supposed to travel to heaven as a god when she finished her life.

That is why the faithful are offering prayers to Riara.

Winn, who was watching the situation, turned to Leticia, who was sitting next to him.

Leticia was just finishing her pre-meal prayer when she brought the soup to her mouth with a spoon.

Greatmen who will be named for history, not just Riara, are often worshipped as gods after their death.

If you think about it that way, Leticia also applies to that criterion.

"What's going on? Brother."

Leticia stopped carrying the soup to her mouth when she realized Winn was watching.

(Letty's the god...)

I laugh bitterly and try to shrug my shoulders.

(Do you even preside over food? Like God in the kitchen... *)

"Mmm... you're thinking something rude, aren't you?

"It's my fault."

To delude herself, Winn continued to eat with a clear face to Leticia, who sent a suspicious gaze.

The brilliance of the stars is blocked by the leaves of the growing trees, and darkness spreads at dark nights. If you're a nocturnal, ineffective person, it's a difficult place to even walk. Deep forest is where people refuse to even step in. It is a world of demons, nocturnal beasts, originally inhabited by darkness. The only exception is the Elves claiming to be family members of the forest.

Those who hunt demons lurking in darkness and observe the order of the forest.

On that day, the Leesbelts noticed a forest anomaly, headed to the scene with their friends, and saw the sight.

A flame that brilliantly illuminates the deep darkness.

A floating magic formation.

A skeleton wrapped around a robe that sways like a flame.

To the order of the old man who called the skeleton, the skeleton ravaged his Leesbelt companions by lighting a creepy red light in the orbit without the eyeball.

Leesbelt was also severely injured by the skeleton, and by the time he realized it, his companions had become meat chunks.

If I dragged my wounded body back inside, there would be no figure of those who remained inside, and the young trees of the world tree they cherished to protect were dying because of their intense temper.

When Leesbelt's story was over, the room was surrounded by silence.

If you look at the look on the face of the faded Leeds Belt, there is no exaggeration in the story and you can see how harshly miserable you have seen it. He was trying to serve and speak calmly, but when he spoke of the tragedy of his fellow men's deaths, there was remorse and anger in his face.

"Letty. Could that bone demon tribe be..."

A series of incidents that originated with the kidnapping of a noble courtier, which the Winns had previously set out to chase.

Kidnapping and killing people with magic one after another. I used the body as a puppet doll.

The demon clan named 'Ruff', summoned by its mastermind, Raynard Van Hoffmine, when the Winns cornered him, seemed identical to the demon clan Leesbert spoke of.

"Surely I may be the same age as the demon tribe I have seen. Right... it was already destroyed at the hands of the brave... '

Leesbelt nodded with his eyes closed when Wynn told him about that time.

"But there's one thing I want to ask you"

That's what Liesbert said when he opened his eyes.

"Dear brave man. Wasn't that Raynard, the magician?

Leticia thought for a second, let her shake her head slowly.

'No. I wasn't a demon.'

"If the demon clan we encountered and the demon clan that the brave man destroyed were the same individual, it couldn't be a man named Reynard who summoned that demon clan. I saw him clearly. There's no way I could have misread it."

Where the forest opened a little. The summoner, who surfaced in the light of a magical formation that creepingly repeated the brightness, was the one who had nightmares when Leesbert was joining the Allies against the Demonic Continent.

An old man dressed in a swallow tail suit like a butler that can be used for nobility in a man's country.

But its contents are as if they were different from human beings.

Leesbelts, the demons who took the armies of the elves together and devastated them.

"I can't possibly mistake you for me. Even then, I could only watch my people ravaged because I couldn't do anything. '

Leesbelt's voice trembles.

When talking about the ruffle that destroyed the inside, Leeds Belt, who was engulfing the colors of anger and remorse more than fear, remembers fear only by remembering the demonic tribe of his swallow tail suit.

"The demon clan in that swallow tail suit? What was the purpose of the attack on the elf?

Until then, Mito pinched his mouth listening in silence.

The old Dwarf, lightly over a hundred years old, seems to be able to manipulate the Elf language freely.

He had a more streamlined tone than Wynn, who mastered Elf at Knights School.

"When I regained consciousness and returned to the inside, I saw no sign of the inside, and the young trees of the world tree were dying. From the stories of the brave men earlier, it is possible that they were the victims of a puppet by its magician named Reynard '.

"Hmm... a young tree from a dead world tree? Remember that? When Washi and the others met in Majil, they were talking about the young trees of the world tree in the square where the anthill was nested."

Giant trees with large cracks running on thick trunks, all leaves falling and only cold branches spreading.

And a large number of ants flocking to its trunk.

"Though there were many young trees in the world that also had the power to purify the temper, they could not wither as much as the demons of the ants gathered. That means something happened to the young trees of the world before the ants developed."

"The young tree that was inside Mr. Leesbert, the young tree I saw on the Magil Abandoned Pit Road, both of which were dead. That doesn't sound like a coincidence. '

"Death of the young trees in my midst must be first and foremost the work of the demons, even in the light of the circumstances"

Take Winn's word for it. Leesbelt looks at them all and says.

"If so, is it natural to consider the young trees on the abandoned pit road to be the work of the same demon tribe"

"But what exactly was the purpose of withering the young trees of the world tree?

Leticia put her hand on her mouth and thought about it.

"The young trees of the world tree have the power to purify the exasperation of the demons. Didn't you neglect that power?

"Deep underground on the Abandoned Pit Road is a place no one can come near. The only reason the Demons bother to get to such a place is because of the young trees in the world tree. Riara is right, you neglected the power to purify your temper... But then why, by now, are you circling dead young trees? There have been many opportunities to wither the young trees of the world's trees. '

'Right. If the power to purify your temper was neglected, you would have done so long before Letty defeated the Demon King. "

"I'm also curious that I didn't see the dragon that protected the young tree."

When Mito went to the square where the young trees of the world tree grew a few months ago, a single dragon lived and no huge flock of ants could be seen.

Perhaps something must have happened to the dragon himself when the demons planted something against the young trees of the world tree.

It is a living and living dragon of the strongest species.

If you fought the Demons, it would have been fierce.

You must have been distracted.

With all due respect, the ants that lived deep underground must have turned into demons.

Mito thought so as he stroked his jaw tongue zorrily.

"There may still be other young trees of the world tree that were attacked by demons than I heard there were dead young trees similar to the young trees of the world tree inside. Whatever it is, I'm headed to Ernassa tomorrow."

Leesbelt said, with a face floating with the colour of determination.

"In this temple, the wounds were healed as well. If the High Elves of Ernassa know where the young trees of the world tree exist. We also need to report on this demonic movement."

Leticia nods.

At the foot of the world tree, Elf's capital, Ernassa, is home to the High Elves, the royal family of Elves. The high elves should also have known where the young trees of the world tree are because they protect the spirits of the world tree.

'Right. I don't know what the Demons are after at this stage, and if we go as far as Ernassa, there's Tiara. You might find out something.'


Leesbelt nodded at Leticia's words.

There was also a rush on the mind of Leesbelt, who was destroyed inside, but now that she has returned to the elf with Leticia, she is right, she will not be able to do anything.

It would be better to head to Ernassa as originally planned and tell the High Elves and the 'Great Sage' Tiara Sculls Verfa about this.

"Hey, Winn..."

Abel, sitting opposite Leithia, whispered to Wynn where she thought Leithbelt's story had come to a close.

"In the end, what the hell happened to you?

"Oh well..."

Because everyone except Abel was normally able to speak elf, Winn was oblivious that he could not speak anything other than elf.

"Well, if you scratch and talk..."

Winn teaches Abel what the conversation has been about.

Then I spoke to Abel and Celi sitting in the back of it.

"So, what are Mr. Seri and Abel going to do now?

"Wow, I, with Mr. Leesbert, am thinking of going to Ernassa"

Seli said Hernassa has grandparents from her deceased father.

"Neither your grandfather nor your grandmother knows that my father is dead. Unless it's an opportunity like this, I'm sure I'll never be there for the rest of my life, and I'm going to go see her."

"My job is to escort Mr. Seri, so I'm going, too. What are Winn and Letty gonna do?

Abel says as she looks at Leticia.

"We had business here. I have a mission, so don't break up with Abel and the others here."

"Huh? Aren't you going to Ernasa with me..."

Apparently, Abel thought that from here, Winn and Leticia would be joining him on his way to Ernassa. Abel, concerned about Leticia, is unfortunate, as she has obviously been discouraged.


Seeing that the Wins had finished their story, Leticia spoke to Winn.

"Sarah Ferrule's shrine will be unsealed tomorrow."

While Winn was explaining the story to Abel, Leticia apparently explained the circumstances of her visit here.

"That shrine is dangerous, so it has a lock and a magical seal to keep it out on its own. And the magic seal Sarah herself set. I'll accompany you, unseal and unlock it."


Liara smiles at Winn, who bows her head. Then I looked around at the same face and stood up.

"Come on, can I talk to you around here? It's late for the night. Today, let's get some rest in preparation for tomorrow. I also have hot water for you. You should get tired slowly."

"Really? Glad!

Leticia lifts her voice happily, and Celi makes her face shine painfully.

A bath is the ultimate luxury to soothe the fatigue of a long journey.

"Do we sweat, too? Hey, let's go, Abel. Abel?"

Encouraging Abel, who was dropping off Leticia in a loose face trying to take Celi out to take a bath in the water, the Wins also headed to the prepared room.

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