Seli is a half-elf born between the father of an elf and his human mother.

In closed village societies, the Fae are often played. Not to mention I hear that if you are also a half-assed child who still has no power whatsoever, you are often the target of bullying.

Seli's father, too, when he married his mother, apparently had a lot of difficulty in breaking up with the villagers. He told Seri that he had had a lot of trouble having a conversation because he couldn't speak people's language.

But Celi's father was an excellent hunter, and he could manipulate magic again.

When building new fields in the village, pulling new waterways, and when dangerous beasts and demons attacked, Seri's father actively used magic to work for the village. Even if the words didn't make sense, I worked silently.

The people of the village also placed their trust in the attitude of their father, and by the time Seli became attentive, the family was accepted as part of the village of Torque.

You've come a long way.

The temple gave me hot water and the sappy celery went out to cool off a little.

For ordinary people like celi, a hot tub full of hot water is a luxurious substitute. Usually it's about wiping your body with hot water or going to a public bath on a day off because the water bath is basic.

And it came to pass, and I gave him long water, and he went out to cool.

It was quiet outside.

What you hear is the voice of a bug and the slight coarse sound you hear on the wind.

Stone and timber that appear to be materials for the construction of the cathedral a little while after leaving the Temple. And there was a place where tools and other things were piled up.

It also seems to be a resting place for the craftsmen, under a simple building just for the roof, with several large wooden desks and boneless chairs, and sturdy dishes made of hardware stacked messily high on the desk.

Celi walked that far and sat down on one of the chairs.

Because there were only roofs and no walls, when I looked up at the sky, the stars were shining in full heaven with no clouds.

"Father, Mother. Can you believe I'm in the kingdom of Lyon right now?

Celli whined in a small voice, staring at the star blink.

"Hehe, I lived in a small torque village until this time, and when it comes to big towns, I was the only one who's ever been to Nest, right? You'd be surprised."

Under the night sky, where no one listens, Celi laughs small.

"Besides, I also met Master Liara. Holy Virgin. He seemed so sweet. I quickly healed Mr. Leesbert's injuries, which were still on the verge of healing. He seemed kind and a very nice woman"

If the village of Torque had never been attacked, Celi would still be living every day helping to take care of the fields that my father and mother looked after in the small village.

Nest town or from a nearby village? I get a son-in-law to have a child and keep working with my long-lived father in the village while I take care of my elderly mother. You must have lived a lifetime like that.

Leticia, Tiara, and Riara.

I'm sure that when Celi had her child, she never knew the characters in the story who would have told her bedtime story and made her listen.

I'm honestly proud of that.

"Father, I wanted to see your mother too...... Simlug, Clenado, Mitos. I've seen a lot of towns. There is also a sea in the king's capital of Lyon, full of big ships. I really wanted to show you..."

Celi whispered and snorted, holding her knees and nagging.

Approximately a year after the village of Torque perished.

Celi spent her days working at Shimrug's Inn, the "Migratory Bird Inn", but she remembered and cried about that time at night when she slept and other times. Still, I've been getting back on my feet lately, not to mention on my journey with Leesbelt and Abel, trying not to remember what happened in Torque Village.

Maybe it was because I had a strong desire not to put extra effort into the two traveling companions.

That reminded me of my father and mother who died in the Temple today, because I'm sure I saw Winn and Leticia's face.

The two are regular members of the "Migratory Bird Inn Kiosk" and come to the store for three days without being available.

It was something I saw the two of them like that, so I felt loose on the tension.

Celli held her knees for a while in a nagging position, but eventually wiped the tears that seeped into her eyes as she raised her face.

"Yeah, not when you're crying. We need to be firm. Your father, your mother, and everyone in the village will be worried."

Celi stood up. Then when I close my eyes and join my hands, I pray to the starry sky.

"Father, Mother. I, your father's siege, am going to Ernassa. I'm going to see my grandfather and grandmother who live there. Honestly, I'm scared that I'm going to Elf Country in the half, but both Mr. Leesbert and Mr. Abel are coming with me. For me now, Mr. Wynn, and Lady Leticia...... I might be disrespectful when I say your friend. So don't worry, keep an eye on me."

With that prayer, Celi stood up.

I feel a little sunny remembering the past and feeling depressed.

"Go back."

The Temple of the Temple has its turn to sleep at night, and the large entrance is lit with fire day and night.

The material storage area where Celli was is located is far from its fire and surrounded by almost darkness.

Maybe I was lucky about that.

If you're by the fire and your eyes get used to its brightness, you'll never see it in the dark.

(Is that it? What is it?

My eyes weren't just used to the darkness. With half the elf's blood in it, at night Celi captured multiple shadows moving in the dark.

(Town people?

The towns created by those who have gathered for the construction of the cathedral extend at the foot of the Cape. The Cathedral Architecture Scheduled Site and Temple, where Seli is located from that town, are a little far away, but the shadows moving in its darkness are definitely coming towards those where Seli is located.

It's not right for the people in town.

For a moment, Celi wondered whether a suddenly ill or injured person was out in town and whether a person seeking healing was coming towards the temporary temple, but immediately denied it. Because they don't have lights.

Even if you were in need of a rush, you couldn't have come the way of an uneasy night under your feet, without a light.

(So, I need to let someone know!

Celi flipped herself as she stepped back a few steps. The entrance to the Temple of the Temple, which is lit by fire. If you get near it, there are those in the Temple of the Temple who are sleepless.

Seri tried to run out...

Fluffy, face-stroking wind.

Suddenly there are signs of something right behind you.

"Shit, I can't believe your young daughter is in such a dark place at such a time. You're a bad girl."

The voice of an old man whispered in his ear.

He twisted Seli's arm up to snuggle him up a little bit and blocked his mouth from behind.

I wear a robe that emits a strange odor, and more than half my face is hidden, so I can't peek at that expression. From the only peeking mouth, it looks like an elderly person.

Celi turned desperately and tried to speak up, but her mouth was firmly blocked and even her breath was painful.

"Shit, if I hadn't walked this late in the night, I would have died without fear."

The man's mouth is distorted and I see him smiling thinly.

He squeezes more power with fear and tries to get violent, but the man strengthens his power to twist it up, and the pain finally prevents Celi from even moving.

"... Huh... Huh... Gu..."

But on the contrary, Celi's head, which was about to panic because of its pain or fear, regains a little calm.

In a body that is twisted up and doesn't move, the only one who moves freely is desperately moving his eyes - and his eyes stop at something.

At that time, he became more powerful in tightening the man's celi.

"Chip, even the priest here doesn't seem to have it. I don't even think she's a material working daughter. Sounds like it would be better to get rid of it without making a scene."

When the man whispered so, he lowered his hand blocking Celi's mouth, slightly trying to shift slightly, but loosening his strength, to snap her thin neck. Not missing that gap in the moment, Celi concentrated her whole consciousness and shouted in her heart.


It's not even a chant of a spell.

Just a word, a desperate cry out in my heart.

The Spirit embodies the image of the surgeon in consideration of magic.

Seli had learned that from her father.

The spell is only one that complements the image of the operator. Strong and strong, think of what you want, and if you exercise magic, the Spirit responds.

Seri pulling the blood of an elf.

The magic is stronger and greater than normal people.

The Spirit of the Wind responding to the call of Seli, who squeezed all his magic, produces a mighty gust.


The man who had just assumed that he was just a downward working daughter about Seli was suddenly surprised by the sudden breeze and loosened the power of the hand he was twisting up. In that gap Seli finally lets herself go of the man when she turns herself. but with all the momentum, Celi falls on the spot.

But Celi's aim is not to frighten a man with a gust of wind and let himself out of his hand.

Seri aimed at the workers' lounge where Seri had been until earlier, a short distance from Seri and the man's position. Metal dishes stacked messily on a desk placed there.

A breeze created by the celi blows into dishes that are likely to collapse if it shocks at all -.

The metal dishes blown from the top of the wooden desk broke the silence of the night, building ragged gusherns and loud noises, and were beaten vigorously to the hard ground.

It seems that the noise made by Celi also reached the Temple of the Temple as she aimed.

First of all, I see the sleeper watching this one, and people start to hear their time from within the Temple of Temple.

"Shit, you surprised me. I didn't know you would use magic...... Hmm, those ears. Are you drawing the blood of an elf?"

Without putting the time aside, people would come to find out where the sound originated.

But the man didn't even show a bare gesture of escape, observing how Celi squatted to the ground.

And when I realized it, a group that was climbing up was approaching the material depot where Celli and Robe's man were. I can't see their faces well even from Celi's position due to the darkness, but they seem to be mixed old and young.

- Save us.

- Save us.

- Save us.

As the group approaches, their whining reaches Celi's ear. Without discouragement, bumps and 'salvation for us', just grumbling the word over and over again.

And the footsteps were very slow, walking like a drag on a leg, and the look of it felt like a bunch of dead people, and Celi was frightened.

They don't try to see the two as one who should have an exchange between Celi and the Hood guy in their eyes. There seemed to be no will dwelling in their eyes.

"Shh, shh, shh... Hmmm......"

The man in the robe standing in front of Celi didn't care if they came, and he was slowly thinking over and over again with his little tongue pounding.

In the meantime, Celi stood up with a roar.

The magic I unleashed on the stacked metal dishes to sprinkle on the ground infused me with most of my magic and strength.

My body doesn't listen to me well.

Still, carry your body as you drag your feet toward the light.

The group behind you and the man in the robe are horrible, and they stare solely at the lights of the temporary temple.

"Chip, I thought it would only be missed if I thought I was just a working daughter, but if magic could be used, it seems useful. Speaking of which, I've never tried half an elf."

The voice of an imaginary robe man.

I'm too scared to turn around. Celi gasped to run desperately.

When the man in the robe distorts his mouth small, he raises his hand to remind him of a softly dead tree. Then two men come forward from within the group.

"Capture him."

The order also reached Seli's ear.

It also seemed like some kind of hand was reaching out to catch Celi from her back.

Seri closes her eyes hard as her legs snap and she almost falls forward.

(Somebody... help!

Did you make sense of that thought...


"You son of a bitch!

The voice of a young familiar man.

Blunt hitting sound.

A powerful hand, placed on Celli's shoulders.

"Hmm... are you okay now?

When Celi opened her eyes, Mito was peeking into her face with such gentle eyes as laboring her.

"It's okay, Mr. Seri?

"What a despicable bunch of guys to attack a girl in the middle of the night!

The figure of Winn and Abel with the wooden stick was there.

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