"If this is an old site dedicated to Noale, the God of Destruction, some trick may be left behind. The man who broke Sarah's bond, which was strewn in the temple, was probably one who believed in Noale, the God of Destruction. I think that's why Reynard was able to unbind and go inside."

The five men, Wynn, Leticia, Riara, Mito and Abel, were each proceeding along loosely curved stairs with lighted candlesticks.

The night is brilliant, with a slight light and a mite that can see the darkness far ahead, with Abel coming down Winn, Leticia, Liara, and the rear end. Winn stands in front of Leticia, the most combative of all, because she has the only candlestick that lit the fire.

Sometimes if there is a place where bad air is accumulating, you will soon find out, and the swing of the flames will teach you how the air flows.

Because the wind was carrying moisture from the sea, the stone stairs were wet and mossy. As a result, it was very slippery and the footsteps together were cautious.

"Speaking of which, I've been asking you about Lady Liara."

Winn asked Liara as she came down the back.

"I heard that Mr. Leara will unlock Tiara's bond and the lock hanging from the temple..."


"What were you going to do about the junction Sarah put up?

If you're right, apart from the sturdy locks, the shrine must have had ties that Sarah had stretched out with the power of the destroying god. And the line says that even Liara couldn't disarm it. So if Reynard hadn't lifted the line, the Winns wouldn't have even been able to get into the investigation.

"Letty's here."

and Liara's response.



Wynn looks back at Liara behind him, taking care not to let her legs slip.

Liara is coming down next to Leticia walking behind Winn.

From above Little Leticia's head, Liara let Niccoli and Wynn smile.

"Because if Letty gets serious and uses magic, I think she could have broken it in as many junctions Sarah used the power of the Destroyer God to strain. Besides, if Letty can't break the line, there's nothing more she can do about it. Then the legacy of Konrat will be something no one can reach."

"I see."

Winn stopped, staring seriously at Leticia's face.


"When Letty defeated Sarah, I didn't think I'd break the line here and check inside."


Leticia told Wynn that and did a little thinking.

"I thought I'd check inside... maybe the magic left by Konrat is asleep, and if I let it go badly and it was even stolen, I thought I'd leave it there. I said Raul will manage it. At that time, there were still plenty of remnants of the Pagan party."

"Apparently, the stairs are over."

Winn was stopping his leg, so I could hear Mito's voice coming from below, which had left him a little.

As he hurried down carefully, Mito stopped at the end of the stairs and waited for the latter to catch up.

It's not a submarine cave.

The lights lit up there, it was a big cave.

The horizontal width is quite wide.

Approximately seven or eight meters in sight, some more than ten meters wide.

And along the rock wall there was a path about two meters wide.

"Because the wind was blowing, I was wondering if there was an entrance that would lead outside, but it was pouring in through the gaps in the rocks"

There were several giant rock-loaded walls in what appeared to be a place facing the sea of cliffs from the terrain. It seems the wind is blowing in through that gap. It seems that the seawater is intruding from there too, and the seawater is rising and falling as the waves move.

"I hear that the ocean has something called tide-filled dryness. When the tide is full, when the water comes to a high position. If the tide fills, this cave won't submerge, will it?

"No, that would be fine"

To Mito's point, Riara approaches the edge of the road while making sure she's underfoot, pointing to a rock wall thirty centimeters below.

"The upper part of the intertidal zone is in this position, so I don't think there's going to be enough ocean up there to at least submerge this cave."

"Intertidal zone?

Winn tilted his neck at words he was unfamiliar with hearing.

"When the water in the ocean goes up and down, it's about places that land and submerge."

"Wynn, it looks like the footprints are going down the back."

Abel called Winn, who was peering into the sea alongside Liara.

"You're still new."

"Footprints are for two. I'm pretty sure it belongs to Reynard and the other guy."

Mito, who was kneeling in with Leticia to examine her footprints, stood up.

"The ceiling is also high. I guess I used to block the entrance where the cave of nature was, with rocks, so that I could dig down the stairs from the top of the cape."

Why a staircase was created to descend from the top of the cape to this cave. Until you hide it in a shrine. The doubts only deepened, but the Wins proceeded further into the cave.

The path in the cave seemed to be slowly diving downstairs.

"Looks like it followed the bottom of the ocean."

"That's deep. I wonder how far down we're going."

Leticia said, Wynn said with his hand against the wall of his right hand.

The cave, which had followed at the end of the fold of the stairs, was followed on the left by a rock wall and on the right by a stream of sea water.

However, as we proceeded, the sea water gradually disappeared, and finally the right side also became a rock wall.

Since then, the path in the cave has gradually slanted downwards.

If Winn's sense of direction was correct, the Winns should have already walked at the bottom of the ocean.

"Mm... on the stairs"

At that time Mito, who was walking in the lead, said with the lights on the candlestick.

If you thought it was a cave made of nature, an artifact that suddenly came out.

That staircase, like the one that came down from the top of the cape, is gently curved and invisible in the back.

"The stone width is narrow. Watch your step."

"Magic research facilities are often built deep underground to avoid damage outside, but research facilities like this dive to the bottom of the ocean... I wonder what kind of magic they were studying."

Leticia shrugged in a small voice.

"Right. It's not like it was built to study Konrat's legacy."

"Yeah. When we're talking about Liara, it sounds like a relic of the mythical era. So we needed to build this many facilities in those days"

"So, in some cases, you're saying there might be something more dangerous than Konrat's legacy?

"There may be treasures, too!

It was Abel who broke into the conversation between Wynn and Leticia.

"Because it was an untouched ruin, wasn't it? That's where the treasure is."

"Ha ha, it must be"

Mito laughs at Abel's words.

For a long time, the darkness and the air that was stretching through the narrow cave felt loose in Abel's words.

"Untouched, Sarah would have known about this place, and maybe Conrad would have visited here, too, right?

"Oh well..."

Even Abel says sorry to Leticia's point.

"But those two don't seem interested in treasure, and maybe they'll stay."

"Whether or not you have treasure, you're going to see something extraordinary."

A laughing mitt urged us to look forward together.

It was about ten meters after Mito said it, that Dwarf saw it in the blind wins of the night.

"What is this place..."

Winn unconsciously said so.

Huge columns stood, vast spaces were expanding.

One pillar at a time is the thickness that can't be enclosed when the six Wins join hands and make a ring.

High ceilings, too.

And at regular intervals, there were a bunch of them.

Looks like there's no danger.

Leticia goes a little further and says:

"This pillar doesn't seem to be a stone asparagus in the bell cave. Sounds like some kind of hand... when it comes to creating spaces of this magnitude and building columns that support their ceilings, can we even make washi and dwarves..."

"Look at this one"

When there was Wynn and Leticia at Mito's place where he was examining the pillars, there was a voice Riara called.

Looks like Liara had Abel put a light up and checked the wall just off the stairs.

There was a mural painted on one side.

"This sounds like a genesis myth. This woman is probably the goddess, Dear Anastasia. This tree is a world tree, is the dragon King Fiando? I think the inscribed letter below explains perhaps the scene in the mural..."

Illuminated by the light, it did have something engraved that looked like a letter.

"Winn, can you read it?

"No, there wasn't a letter like this in the letters I learned."

"I've never seen it either."

"I don't even know the letters."

Liara, who was giving in to see the letters, stared at the mural with her eyes narrowed as she stretched her spine.

"This letter seems to be a long time old. Probably used before the Lentheim era, divine script. It must be a lost letter in our time."

There was a slightly remorseful look on Liara's face.

The Great Temple of Emerdia, the main mountain of the Church dedicated to Anastasia, the god of creation.

Even its Great Temple existed a period entirely dominated by the ancient kingdom of Lentheim.

The Lentheim royal family, which claims that the kingdom's original ancestors were told to rule everything on earth over God, is told that all books describing myths and legends that are inconvenient to the dynasty have been burned down.

Still, the clerics came to tell the myths in an oral passage, but it was impossible to continue to accurately convey the time of the millennium without distorting the myths in an oral passage alone.

Later, when the Kingdom of Lentheim was destroyed and the Great Temple of Emerdia was restored, what gathered and recodified such oral traditions was a myth that is now widespread.

"If we can parse the murals and letters written here, we may be able to resurrect the lost myth. That's not all. Maybe you can even make new magic..."

However, that is why it should be prudent to publish this place.

At present, the information that the commonly believed myths are overshadowed, the world in which the Demon King has just perished, can once again cause useless confusion when stories come out that shake faith.

And there was also a danger that new magic would be created.

One of the magical systems is summoning magic.

By using magic, or a price, it is magic that draws power from God, the Spirit, and powerful demons, or summons their existence.

The mural also depicted the gods, not even Liara, who holds a high priesthood in the Great Temple of Emerdia.

I don't know what power those gods will have.

By analyzing the mural and the letters written there, the forgotten god of adversity was summoned from among the people, with the possibility of resurrection.

"When this is over, should we ask Raul to manage it in the country?

"Hmmm...... I don't know"

Leticia pulled her jaw and thought to Liara's suggestion.

I can trust Raul.

As Leticia and Liara think, Raul will soon understand the dangers here too. And you must immediately seal this place tight.

But even if Raul personally could be trusted, what would happen after that?

No problem while Raul is alive.

But after Raul's death, will he who succeeds this country be able to remain unbeaten by the great power, the temptation, that may be sleeping here?

"You can tie the line with me and Tiara..."

Just don't publish this valuable material, can I seal it?

"Let's talk to Tiara"

She's called The Great Sage. It might come up with some good ideas.

Leticia nodded at Liara's words.

"Hmm... by the way, I think I caught up with Raynard."

To Mito's words, as he walked through the mural, he turned his consciousness to those whom Mito was watching.

There's the light you can see from behind the pillars.

Now this place is further beneath the sea floor. It is deep underground.

If it's the light you see in a place like that, apart from the lights that the Winns have, there's only one answer.

"Chick, hey, are you finally catching up?

It seems that the place where the light was shining is located just in the center of this vast space.

Surrounded by columns, there is a place where the floor is raised above a bunch of circles.

Reynard at its center and the figure of a man sitting and praying to squat beside it.

"Chichi, welcome to the altar of Noale, the God of Destruction"

Realizing that the Winns had caught up to him, Reynard let him try to give a bowl of grace in a daunting manner.

"What the hell is this place?

Winn, who pulled out his sword and set himself up, asks questions.

"Chip, as I just said, this is the altar of Noale, the God of Destruction. It's called the Divine Domain."

"The Divine Domain......"?

To the words, it was Liara who raised her voice of surprise.

"No way... in this place, no"

"That's right, this is the divine realm of destruction. Chick, welcome, brave men and their companions. This place is the altar for Konrat Heisenberg to knit his magic and summon the God of Destruction that Sarah Ferrule tried to complete."

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