Master of the brave.

Legacy of Konrat

Divine domain.

It is about the time of Genesis, the place where high beings such as God, Spirit and Dragon descended.

When God descended to a place called the Divine Domain, which is located all over the world, he supposedly made the world.

Its typical divine realm is the holy Emerdia plateau, where Anastasia, the god of creation, descended.

It is the place where the Great Temple of Emerdia, the main mountain of the Church, is established.

And Hernassa, the capital of the elves where the world trees take root.

Dragon Claw Canyon in the east, the place where Dragon King Fiando lives.

And Levenus, the spiritual peak, the land where the demon king who was in the kingdom of Sein slept.

"I don't know if it's right to call Levenus, the sleeping spiritual peak of the Demon King, a place to exchange pairs with Hernassa, the city with the world tree,"

"Huh? But wouldn't it be a world tree to exchange a pair with the Demon King if you did? Isn't it Letty, the brave one, who exchanges a pair against the Demon King?

"We don't even know what the relationship between a brave man and a demon king is like. But the weapon of Lottie, the Holy Spirit Sword, was given from the incarnation of the world tree. Maybe a brave man is someone who can handle a Holy Spirit sword that houses the power of a world tree."

That's what Liara, who was explaining about the Divine Domain, replied to the surprise voice raised by Wynn.

"Brother. Haven't you ever heard of the Spirit being opposed to the Demon Clan?

"Oh, yeah, speaking of which, you heard me during my magic class."

The spirits born of the world tree drift through the atmosphere, creating various phenomena. The magic that gives magic to the existence of this willful power as a consideration and embodies the will of the operator is called the magic of creation.

In creating the world, Anastasia is also told that the Spirits were used to create various substances.

When the Spirit was born, it was the demons who were born against each other.

"Is that what this place is like..."

"Chip, yeah. This place is the divine domain of Noale, the God of Destruction. The strong presence of God's power has made it a very unstable place. Here, too, I can summon God of Destruction. Come on, honor me! Now is the time to complete the magic that Konrat Heisenberg has knitted to defeat the Demon King!

All the columns in the space blink to a polar color.

Pictures emerge from the mural and the engraved letters begin to glow golden.

And -.

A storm that blows more than the standing steps of Reynard.

As if it were a tornado, the atmosphere roared and went wild, and thunderbolts ran between columns and columns with roaring noises.


When Winn rounds his body on the spot, he shelters his head with both hands.

The blazing storm and bursting thunder increased in intensity and Winn took a step back unknowingly.

The wind is about to lift my body.

I managed to stomp and endure, but it seemed like a matter of time before I was blown backwards.

At that time.

When I thought I felt the unexpected warmth all over my body, I suddenly stopped feeling the effects of the wind.


When I open my eyes, a thin white light emitting membrane is born between the place where the Winns are and the altar where the Reynards are located, although I still feel the glare from the intense thunder.

Leara stood hand in hand as she stood in front of the Winns.

"Yay, thanks..."

Abel's soothing voice.

Riara is putting up defensive junction magic to prevent storms and thunderbolts.

"That's good, Liara Sain. The ultimate magic that the great wizard knitted for the King of Demons, before seeing its completion, is boring to die in the aftermath of the descent."



It was Liara who shouted so hard.

"Your hope is to get and reproduce the magic knitted by Konrat Heisenberg. I want to prove that I have the power to destroy the Demon King as well. Right."

"Oh, yes, I am."

"Then the magic you are currently doing, this is not the magic that Konrat Heisenberg knitted to destroy the Demon King. This is not like the magic of a contort! It's magic to destroy the world, reknitted by Sarah Ferrule!

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

That may have come to mind because we stood together at the moment when the Demon King descended.

Konrat Heisenberg, the magician of the court of the Kingdom of Sein, lost his left arm and left leg, but continued to look at his beloved lord, Melvic IV, the hero of the Kingdom of Sein, as he transformed himself into an unparalleled being.

And I noticed.

The Demon King descended into this world with the flesh of a rare hero named Melvic IV as a vessel.

This phenomenon is the same as the summoning magic and principles that draw more power than superior beings or descend their very existence.

Then, if we summon a man's flesh as a vessel for a being with the same power as the Demon King, can we create a being with as much power as we can against the Demon King?

Summoning a superior being called the Divine Spirit was an easy thing if you had the magic and talent of a Konrat. But the development of magic that actually unloaded the summoned divine Spirit inside with man's flesh as a vessel, connecting it to the earth, required many trials and errors.

At first, those who agreed with the will of the Konrat volunteered to experiment.

They are former citizens of the Kingdom of Sein.

Those who were lucky enough to be out of the country the day the demon king descended and escaped the ordeal.

With their help, Konrat decides to summon the Divine Spirit.


The result was disastrous.

The flesh of man could not bear the immense power that the presence of the divine Spirit possessed.

A person whose personality collapses and becomes similar to an abolitionist. Or those who, although they could have left their consciousness, would have destroyed many memories and would have difficulty even living their daily lives.

However, from these results, Konrat was convinced that the hypothesis was correct that the divine Spirit could also descend man as a vessel, as the Demon King descended into a vessel called Man.

Even then it was a succession of failures, but Konrat repeated the experiment.

After there were no more applicants for the experiment, one day he abducted refugees who suddenly disappeared without suspicion, carrying out experiments and verifications.

As a result, Konrat was able to move on one more step towards the goal of defeating the Demon King.

It means that the stronger the magician, the more powerful the divine spirit can be unloaded, but its flesh and consciousness can endure.

If those who can use magic, even if it is simple, become vessels, consciousness often remained, although it is the mass loss of memory than those who do not.

Konrat thought.

Magic is the source of magic.

By offering magic as a consideration to the Spirit, people interfere with the world and embody various phenomena.

If you feed on that magic. Isn't the Spirit and the divine Spirit, which is considered superior to the Spirit, closer to pure magic? In other words, those who normally enclose strong magic in their bodies will also have strong resistance to magic, both in their flesh and consciousness.

If so, the stronger the magic is, the more powerful spirits and divine spirits can withstand even if they are brought down to the flesh?

In fact, those with a lot of magic were known as fact to have a high tolerance for magic at the same time.

Granting Magic that imparts magic to oneself, another, or an object performs a completely magical effect if used by the operator himself, whereas attempting to impart magic to another considerably attenuates that effect. This is because the subject who is enchanted resists unconsciously, and the magic that he possesses resists the magic of others.

So Konrat first killed the vessel flesh not to resist the magic, and removed the heart that was supposedly the source of the magic. Then, as expected, we were able to bring down the Divine Spirit in a stable manner.

But the strength of the divine Spirit that can be unloaded is left to the magnitude of the magic that a demonized man possesses.

In order to bring down enough god spirits to defeat the Demon King, it was necessary to use humans with greater magic as vessels.

But he that possessed such vessels was none other than himself, in the knowledge of Konrat.

Konrat didn't care what happened to his life and body.

However, because the flesh of the Konrat does possess mighty magic, its resistance is also unlimited. Naturally, I needed to accept death and remove my own heart.

But if he dies, there will be no one to exercise the magic of unloading the Divine Spirit.

So, by applying summoning magic, we decided to put Konrat's own soul into another human being.

Perform a magical ritual by transferring one's own consciousness to another.

Then he commands the Spirit, who sent him down to his flesh, to defeat the Demon King.

To this end, it is also necessary to find vessels that can accommodate the soul of the Konrat.

A flesh that accepts the consciousness of the Konrat, accepting a divine spirit powerful enough to defeat the Demon King. The flesh must also endure mighty magic.

It's a chicken.

However, Konrat solved the problem by sacrificing those who were themselves sacred.

Its sacred inviolability was the lineage of Melvic IV - Riara Sein.

Although Liara's magic does not extend to the Konrat, it was even said that its healing magic reaches the realm of miracles. If a wound is received by itself, it will heal even if it is fatal in the ordinary person, as long as it is not an immediate death.

If its liara, it is more likely to be accepted if it is the soul of Konrat, a human, rather than embracing the soul of a heterogeneous divine spirit.

Pull out the heart and transfer the consciousness of the Konrat after letting them use powerful healing magic and self-healing magic.

Determined to lay his hands on a being that was sacred, Konrat kidnapped Riara, who was heading from the Great Temple of Emerdia to the Kingdom of Lyon as a messenger. I just tried to hang it on my hand and it was inhibited by Leticia.

And Konrat knoweth.

You don't have to rely on the magic of your knitted contraindication, but you have the power to vet the Demon King.

"By the time we completed that magic, Konrat had sacrificed many lives. That is something that should never be allowed to happen, but the magic of Konrat was only knitted to defeat the Demon King. It was conceived to be able to control its power at its own will in order to defeat the Demon King. Man's consciousness cannot withstand God's consciousness. That's why Konrat tried to unload himself on my flesh. I don't think even that rare magician can control you enough to get that far!

"Shit... you're right. Liala Sain. I know that much, even if you don't tell me. I've been chasing after the legacy of that great wizard. And in my flesh you are right, there are not enough vessels to accept the God of Destruction..."

Reynard, who was told by Liara that she lacked strength, doesn't even look offended by that allegation, but even gives her a peeping grin somewhere to spare.

"Shit, but that problem's been solved, too, Liara Sain. You were right. [M] What I'm about to do is not the magic of Konrat Heisenberg. The magic of Sarah Ferrule."

That's what they said and took out was a small bottle.

"Kukukuku... for this time of year, it's what I've been prepared for"

Groaning so, Raynard snapped at the contents of the bottle at once.


And as he pressed his chest, Raynard groaned and nodded on the spot.

Did you poison him?

"Shit... poisoned... no..."

Reynard denied with a plundered voice to Mito, who shrugged when he saw Reynard with a distressed look on his face.

"No... is it poison... gu..."

From Reynard's mouth, blood is spit out.


And I tried to stick it up and fall into the floor.

"What the hell is this..."

Both Wynn and Leticia stare at Reynard as everyone who was on the spot falls to the floor bewildered.

Reynard's body, which fell on the floor, was spasmodically repeated with bicumbicum. The look just seems to be poisoning me and causing a disconnected demon cramp.

Raynard's cramps eventually gradually dwindled and eventually stopped working with Pickle...

"Guys, back off!

Sharp Leticia screams.

When Leticia produces a photosphere in her right hand, she ejects it into Reynard, who has stopped moving.

Seeing that, the Wins rush to fly back and forth big. And I saw an incredible sight, trying to cover my face with my hands to prepare for the light, heat, and gust wind that accompanied the explosion I was supposed to visit next.

Leticia's emitted light sphere disappeared to dissolve into space, without turning up the blast, the moment it struck directly at Reynard.

"Brother, he's gathering great power."

Leticia, who bites her lips off, tells Wynn that the light bulb has been wiped out.

"Oh... I can't feel the magic. Even I feel like I can tell"

Winn replied by swallowing gokuri and spit.

My throat is dry as if it were tingling.

From Reynard, who did not move one, he felt a strong sense of oppression that he could not gain.

The storm blowing through the space increased in intensity and the intense thunder, derived from atmospheric friction, struck Liara's tense junction and flashed violently.

And -.


Between the thunderous sounds, I heard a small inclusive laugh.

The Lord of the Voice is Raynard.

Stand up slowly on the spot.

The hood that was hiding half of Reynard's face is flown in the wind like it was bounced.


Winns' is breathtaking to see its face.

What emerged from under the hood was the face of a young young man.

"I can see the power coming into me more and more... Wonderful... Is this the power of God..."

On the magnitude of the power in his hands, Raynard gives a tranced look.

"Oh no... the power that even Konrat Heisenberg couldn't control... how could"

Reynard looked at her with a thin grin on Liara's dismal grunt.

"You said that earlier. This is the magic that 'The Apostolic' Sarah Ferrule stole the research from Konrat Heisenberg and independently improved it. It's an evil law that simultaneously amplifies and suppresses magic."

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