That felt like a very long time, but maybe it was actually a matter of seconds.

When Leticia releases her lips, she turns to Wynn with a shy, but very happy smile.

"So, Wynn. Show him your sword moves." Sword Saint, "" Swordsman, "you can't even ignore the two strongest, my beloved master."

Winn's body was wrapped in the same golden glow as Leticia's.

"This is..."

Incredible power gushes up in the wins.

The sensations are sharpened, and the movement of the atmosphere around you can be seen so that every grain of dirt and dust rising in the wind can be taken in all hands.


In a nutshell, it might feel like you could call it that.

"Is that Grant Magic? But if it's Grant Magic..."

Seeing Wynn and Leticia wrapped in a golden glow, Liara shrugged with incredible thoughts.

"If that's Grant Magic, how come it hasn't attenuated..."

Liara doesn't know.

"Hey, remember? When I was little. When I first met you with Yferina.

When I cast my magic on your brother. "

Once upon a time, Leticia used "flesh-enhanced magic" on Wynn when she was young.

That was when Winn fought the mighty Demon Clan in a battle over a winged girl named Iferina.

Its demonic clan, Verdalos, overwhelmed the Imperial Knights and Magic Instructors, as well as the Aults, Lewis, and Ilizas Adventurers.

At that time Leticia was forced to create and modify the composition of the magic to imitate and improve the "physical strengthening magic" used by the knights fighting against the Demon Nation and the "granting magic" of Raymond, the Demon Master, who will be the real son to Reynard, and more effective only on Win.

Winn's body, fortified by Leticia's magic and defeated Verdalos, was wrapped in a golden glow, just like it is now.

"Oh, I remember that."

"This is what I've been thinking ever since. To me, 'the strongest' is not even a knight. I'm not even a 'hero' in the story. Not to mention" Sword Saint, "" Swordsman, "and" Sword God. "It should be 'the strongest' for me is' Win Bird ', just one. That's what I've been thinking."

Leticia said so, only one step away from Wynn.

Then he turns back to Reynard, who looked surprised and watched what had become of him.

"Reynard. Not me from here, my Wynn will deal with him. The sword of my master, who shed light on me, a young man imprisoned in deep darkness. You should take it. He's the only one in the world who's ever been reminded that I can't win."

With that said, Leticia jumped off the altar.

And then we walk over to Liara's side.



Abel complains of Leticia's tragedy.

The right arm with Leticia's sword was broken and swollen.

Riara quickly gazed and noticed to cast a "cure magic" on Leticia.

"Winn, are you connected to magic? No, you keep pouring?

"You know what I mean?"

There can't be no pain, but Leticia laughs happily.

"I got confused and kissed him. Thanks to you, I was able to connect more with your brother. It's easy to instill magic."

"But because of that, your self-healing is greatly diminished."

"I don't mind. Something that I think if your brother can't win, maybe nobody else can. Number one, if you get hurt like this, Riara's gonna cure you, right?

"That's right..."

Liara sighed small, gently poking Leticia in the head.

"Because your magic is in such a quantity that it is incomparable with mine, the effect of restorative magic is weak. It's an injury that others can heal in an instant, but please bear with me if it hurts for a little while"


With that said, Liara begins to hang "Healing Magic" on Leticia's right arm.

"Oh, you know. Letty......"


As Abel moved her gaze left and right to get lost, she then looked at Leticia's face as she had decided to.

"What do you ask now, is Letty a brave man?

"Yeah... well, that's what they call it"

"Seriously... maybe I didn't know..."

"Well, I'm not saying that publicly, so I guess some people don't know, huh? But...

Everyone in the Adventurers Guild knows old stock. "


Abel said in a small voice, "Shit, those guys." Poisoned, then coughed up small.

And ask the dreaded Leticia.

"You know... the guy I was talking about," My Win, "you know... does Letty like Win?


Leticia snorted with a smile on her face.

"Well... well. Even more so, Winn's guy, you can't beat him."

"My favorite girl even kissed me and backed me up. If we lose with this, the guy's gonna get rid of it, right?

When Abel said so, she sat down on the spot.

"I believe Winn will win, too. He's strong. You guys may have forgotten, but even I admired the thought of Winn going for a knight, and I became an adventurer, huh?

Sandwiched by the childhood tampering between the two wins staring at Winn, Liara shuts up and continues to hang "Healing Magic" on Leticia's arm.

There was just a slight smile on his lips.

"Shit, brave man, imitate the joke. Well, no. Kill you now and you will fight the mad brave. [M] That's what I'm looking forward to. That's why I want you to die."

Words and deeds provoking Leticia down the altar.

And to invite Winn to attack, I deliberately tried not to put up Halvard to show the gap, but contrary to Reynard's thoughts, Winn didn't try to move.

As with Leticia earlier, she holds the sword in her right hand.

"Chick, if you're not moving, I'll go here. Apparently, you don't use magic. So how about this?

Speaking of which, Reynard produced and released countless red light bullets.

The red light dragged its tail and pressed to pierce Winn's body -.

I landed a bullet behind Winn.


Red light bullets landed, continuously occurring explosions.

But Winn didn't even care, and Mito-Leonard stared at Winn like that, turning off his grin earlier.

"Then how about this?

Mito-Reynard further increases the number of red light bullets.

Will there be dozens of them?

He then traces the tail of the red light and hits Winn several times faster than the earlier red light bullet.


The red light bullet also only landed behind Winn and scattered the destruction with the sound of the explosion.

"Right. Letty was fighting in this area."

Mixed with that blast, I heard Winn's monologue in Reynard's ear.

"Chip, what are you talking about?

"I'm cheating, this is cheating. Letty."

"All of you... ignore me!

Reynard continuously produces and emits red light bullets.

But the end of it lands behind Wynn.

"Why...... why, it doesn't hit!?

It's not like Reynard is removing it.

All the red light bullets are just slightly moved by Winn.

Even that "sword goddess princess" sometimes plays with a sword and prevents the attack of Raynard with a shield made of magic, with just a bodily stirrup.

When he realizes that fact, the experience of the 'Swordsmith' mitt inside Reynard rings a fierce alarm.

Keep him away from the sword!

Keep your distance and fight!

(What the hell is this guy?!?

I can't catch it with a red light bullet.

Then, even Leticia was caught and hurt, producing large quantities of stone spears from the floor, and sending the stone arrows down like rain from the ceiling.

Winn didn't even chase with his eyes a sharp stone spear that hit him from under his feet, or a stone arrow that poured out of his sight.

Where do spears appear from the beginning and where do arrows descend? As if I knew, I would do it by moving just half a step at a time.

Winn's nerves were incredibly sharpened. The sensation was felt with only slight changes in the floor, ceiling and even signs of air movement. On the contrary, it even captured the movement of Reynard's magic.

"Yes! This!

You finally cut the paralysis, or Raynard shakes up Halvard.

As a matter of fact, for Winn, he thought it more threatening to be fought using Mito's moves.

Because, indeed, Reynard tried to overwhelm Leticia with the work of a magician. But that's because Leticia doesn't have any expertise in magic. The number of surgery drawers does not make me a contender with Reynard, the incumbent magician.

But Raynard, as a magician, is a man to such an extent that he could not even be a court magician.

The bottom is shallow, even if there are more magic drawers than Winn or Leticia.

Mito's martial arts moves, on the other hand, have reached the highest realm.

The move, elevated by a workout of hundreds of decades, is not insulting.

In fact, Leticia was defeated only after Raynard killed Mito and took away his flesh and experience.

In Reynard, the Magic Master, you can't beat Leticia, even where you have gained the power of God.

Naturally, it can't work for Winn either.

That's why 'Swordsman' Mito's martial arts were supposed to be a threat, but Winn watched the move once.

Winn has been watching.

All part of the battle Leticia fought with Reynard.

Winn stared at the woman he loved most as she was being hurt.

Halvard of Reynard roared up and thought he approached Winn's head, twirling and half-rotating that body. Poke the stone bump backwards into the win.

Read through the attack perfectly and let Wynn touch his body without touching it.

(I saw that move earlier)

Calmly attacked, flushed, and swallowed by one Raynard after another.

And vice versa, using the sword to move on to the attack.

Raynard tries to outdo Winn's offense with a Halvard pattern and take a distance.

But Winn won't let that happen.

Mito's eye movement, from a moment of muscle tension, reads ahead of that movement.

I won't let you open the time.

Gradually hunting them down.

And -.

Tong and Reynard were hunted down to the wall.

I can't run backwards any more.

"Hey, what the fuck!? You are!"

Winn answered to Reynard, who opened his eyes by consternation and perhaps fear.

"Earlier, the brave Letty told you, didn't he? I'm the master of the brave."

And when Winn cast his magic into the sword with all his might, he tore Raynard's body apart with a golden blade shining like a dazzling sun.

"You did it, brother"

"You did it, Wynn"

"Oh, oh."

Leticia, Abel, and Liara walk in.

"Mr. Mito......"

While Wynn responded to the three of them, he kept staring at the wreckage of Mito, whose deep red glow was fading.

It's not like Winn hung it in his hand.

By the magic unleashed by Reynard, Mito was pierced through his heart and killed.

And when Wynn slaughtered him, surely Mito was dead.

But Winn had one wonder.

That's Raynard's martial arts moves.

Even if you take over that flesh by magic, can a man who was just a magician use the experience and moves engraved in that flesh?

I wonder if Reynard's body might have lived with Mito's consciousness.

Mito continued to be on the throne of the 'Swordsman' throughout the long years of decades.

When Mito was young and at his peak, 'Sword Saint' went nowhere and 'Sword God' was in the midst of a long war and he was not blessed with a good enemy.

And ruthlessly the time passes, and old men visit equally upon mites.

The flesh of Mito had already passed its peak when a new "Swordsman" appeared in the world on an equal footing with "Swordsman".

I want to fight my strong opponents with all the excitement I need for my workout moves.

That's a warrior's instinct.

Even Winn has the same thoughts.

Unblessed by strong enemies. How did Mito feel about old and dull moves?

That's when Mito met Leticia in the mountains of Magil.

"Close and Existent to God Unlimited," "The God Princess of the Sword," the undisputed strongest being.

Couldn't help but want to fight.

And Mito, being stuck by accident, was unconscious to Reynard.

And then the power of the destroying God was poured in by Reynard, whose flesh regained its youth, and whose consciousness was taken over by Reynard.

But Winn thinks.

Mito continued to hold the status of 'Swordsman' for decades. With that tough will and spiritual strength, I thought maybe Mito would never lose consciousness and continue to be with Reynard.

And Mito, who regained his flesh at its peak, manipulated Reynard's consciousness to the contrary, crossing the blade with Leticia, the mighty man who was the memorial, and Wynn.

Mito is dead.

So this is only Wynn's imagination.

But somehow Winn seemed to imagine it, and Winn dropped his gaze on the right palm.

The feeling of the mite's torso is still in my hand.

I don't think I'll ever forget this feeling.

Because Mito's swinging moves were the best Winn has ever seen.

Let's go home.

When Winn says so, he holds up Mito's wreckage, even if he doesn't mind getting dirty with blood.

I'm not sneaky to leave you here. I asked the Cape to divide the land a little, and Mito's remains thought of burying there.

At that time, a high, clear and beautiful sound rang.

"Brother, this"

Rolled beneath his feet was the Golden Seal, a testament to the 'Swordsman' that was tied to Mito's waistband.

The gold stamp seemed to be tied to the belt with a string, but Winn doesn't remember cutting Mito's waist with a sword.

But the string was strangely cut clean, as if it had been cut with a blade.

"I'm sure Mr. Mito would like to entrust the testimony of 'Swordsman' to your brother. That's what I'm saying."

The gold stamp received from Leticia is made of pure gold and heavy.

But Winn felt that the gold mark was heavier than it looked.

That must be the weight of the title 'Swordsman', which Mito kept protecting.

(I don't really think I deserve this' Swordsman 'gold stamp, but I'll keep this for now. Someday, will someone show up who deserves to give you this gold stamp? Or until I have the strength to wear this gold mark myself)

And Winn stood up.

"By the way, Letty"

"What, brother?

"What, weren't you supposed to call me Wynn?

Leticia dyed her face red to her ears, kicking Winn's foot.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

A hall stretched out to the bottom of the sea where the Winns walked away and once again only became silent and deep darkness.

Suddenly a small light was born.

At first, its small light, which was about the flame of a candle, instantly takes shape of a person when it grows larger.

The face of that person, dressed in a large black coat that doesn't fit his height, is two melons just confused with Wynn.

Winn and his like-minded figure surrounded by blue and white light slowly began to walk towards the aisle leading out, often as he looked around in his thoughts.

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