Master of the brave.

Chapter vi prologue

If you care about that, you can get out in an instant, such as on the ground. It may be transferred, or a hole formed through the ceiling and thick rock formations may be flown away.

But without daring to do so, he walked on his own feet toward the earth because of his praise for those who had shown him by bouncing off his power.

(- Has it been thousands of years since I pictured the shape of a person?)

When I went out onto the earth and looked up at the sky and looked around, I saw the first light in thousands of years.

Sleeping in a temple built beneath a deep sea floor and a thick rock bed, the light he saw was created by the luminosity of the moon and the stars shining in the heavens and of the people living in a city called Lyon, which lies at the tip of a distant cape.

(... not enough, huh)

But the sight also "won't let him have any emotions.

"I reminded him of his deep sleep. That glow.

Compared to that brilliance, even the fantastic sight created by the light seen after the star frost that spreads beneath your eyes is not enough.

(Is that where he is...)

In the building in the midst of the Cape, he felt the sign of the seeker. But when he took a step to get there, he stopped.

"... I don't mind being peeked at."

I look back when I squeal like that. The gaze directed is on the sea level off the cape. Space with nothing. It just looks like only darkness is spreading. But "he" felt only a few signs that people could not feel there.

And I reached for slighter signs than a small feather worm -.

"Mmm? Is it gone..."

I tried to drag him out of the darkness, but before that, "the signs he felt had disappeared beautifully.

"Hmm... a little dull"

From the power of the person perceived from the signs, the original "he" could have dragged someone out in front of him when he realized the signs.

But he seemed unable to wield his power successfully because he figured out what people looked like.

"Then it would be a little wasteful as it is now..."

When I thought about it a little bit, he changed his mind.

For the first time in thousands of years, he has been fascinated by the fact that it is okay for him to come into the world and manifest himself.

If you can't wield your strength because of your body that you can't move as much as you want, you could end up watering the corners for fun.

"It's going to take a little time to get used to this vessel."

I'm not in any particular hurry, so I don't have to.

(For the first time in thousands of years of awakening, let's have a little fun)

Slowly closing his eyes, he spreads his consciousness out.

It stretches its consciousness thinly as if ripples spread to the quiet surface of the water. Even in the vessels of man "his consciousness reaches every corner of the vast continent.

"... I feel signs of disturbance"

"The signs of disturbance he captured were the battles over the right to inherit the throne that took place in a country that people called the Lemursil Empire.

"Close to here. Perhaps just the right thing to do to comfort boredom."

At the same time he murmured, "He disappeared from the headland.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

It was a room with a carpet with long hairy feet all over the floor. On the wall is a candlestick made of gold. A stunning landscape painting of colour that seems to be at the hands of a famous painter. And a wave of swords and shields decorated with gems, with elaborate finishes by gold and silver. In the corner of the room, seasonal flowers are lived in ceramic vases carried from far away, giving off a sweet scent. Apart from those, there were various conditioning items in the room, but it can be seen that any one of them would be a very expensive item and a specialty at the hands of a well-known artisan.

And in the center of the room, there is one sleeping area where the adults seem to be able to lay down lightly.

The person lying on that sleeping table woke up when he suddenly noticed signs of appearance in the room.

If you gaze into the darkness of the night, a figure emerges in the moonlight that slips slightly through the window. Try to block the door to the room, I'm standing.

Normally, when you wake up late at night, if you see a person nestled in a dark room, people will be surprised, even if the person belonged to a familiar family.

But the person who woke up from the bedroom did not even look surprised, at least on the surface, and when he got the tools for the fire from the small table next to the bedroom, he lit the golden candlestick. Then when I got to bed in a calm manner, I slowly walked over to the hitched chair and lowered my hips.

And even to the shadow that was standing in front of the door of the room, I asked him to sit in the chair opposite me with his hand.

"... it would be useless to ask someone like that about the disrespect of visiting the room late at night, but what are you doing down there, outside?


To the words of the Lord of the Room - Alexei Lau Route Lemursil, Emperor of the Lemursil Empire, "He" sat down to the chair as recommended when he raised his voice of admiration.

"Why do you think I'm out there?

"I don't think the unusual signs that I feel more inside me belong to people."

"It was unexpected. I had no idea a man could easily spot me even though he was about to break the country he ruled into two parts, but he didn't even show interest..."

"The rest is the Emperor."

When Alexei said so and distorted the edge of his mouth, he narrowed his eyes and stared at him.

That sharp eye would have looked to surprise if it had known Alexei normally. Alexei, who normally leaves all her affairs to her ministers, cages herself in an atelier set up within the palace and is interested in painting her hobby. Because it was an appreciation of the emperor whispered in the shadows that a monarch was like a painting of a true mediocrity.

But sitting in a chair opposite him, his gaze, gathered to explore his intentions, was equipped with the authority to rule the great power.

"Cecil, the first emperor, was interested in the country for 287 years... during which time the empire swallowed up one peripheral country after another, always continuing to exist as a winner. The name of Remulsil is a testament to those who have always been victorious. And it is he who is the most victorious and the emperor in his clan. How can we remain on the winner's throne without discerning the nature of the winner?"

Whoever is born with the blood of the royal family is involved in a battle in the name of succession to the throne more responsive than at birth. It is not uncommon for an emperor to kill a fruit child.

If we tied the history of Empire 287, we could find as many traces of the court struggle to wash blood with blood.

Don't forget.

Alexei, who seemed mediocre, was once the man who tried to make it through those fights and put him in this privileged position.

"Now let me ask you again, you are an outsider. What are you doing down here?"

"Follow the signs of disturbance, at its centre"

"Come on...... I see. So he showed up underneath."

"But apparently I was wrong. This is not the place where there are signs of disturbance. Something a little southwest of this place? It's still the first vessel in a long time. Maybe it's because I'm unfamiliar with it and wield my powers."

"Was its appearance, after all, a borrowing... I recognize that face. You're my daughter's squire, and you belong to a young man named Master of the Brave... No, but it wasn't a mistake."

"This country is fighting divided into two forces. But neither of those forces can help you, and you look like you're being placed outside a mosquito net."

"... do people think so? But outside the mosquito net? This is the heart of this mess."

Alexei said so, laughing delightfully.

"Alfred, and Neumann. Both are my sons, but whichever one is the winner, its aim is the same. Throne of the rest of the sitting emperor"

"So you're at the heart of everything."

"The rest is at the heart of everything. The winner is the throne of the emperor."

"I'm not interested in people's countries. But one of your sons seems to be from another country, right? As emperor, don't you feel better about the interference of other countries?

But "Alexei smiles with a tremendous grin at his inquiry.

"I don't mind. He was just a man in the first place until Cecil the Takazu and a small country called Clenado were destroyed and made kings. If only the victor could rule the land."

"Even if the country were to perish?

"Whether the empire dies, so be it. Most importantly, the name of my Remulsil is a testament to eternal victory and defeat. Will my successor be punished for using this as an opportunity to swallow the other side?

"Come on..."

To the words of Alexei, "He laughed out loud for the first time.

"Interesting...... that's an interesting way of thinking. I like it. When I explored the center of the commotion and made my way to this place, I thought my inquiry was dull... but you are enough to comfort my boredom. Emperor, sometimes I want to stay here."

"Let's welcome you, you're an outsider. If I were here, I would be able to see the settlement of the disturbance that I wanted. Let's welcome you as our remaining guest. Along with the rest, it's a good sight to see."

With that said, Alexei stood up and opened the door.

And order the Kingsguard knights who are guarding outside the room.

"Remaining guests. Have a room and be polite."


The Kingsguard knight is surprised that Alexei came out of the room in the middle of the night, and that there were people in the Emperor's bedroom at some point, without their noticing, but gives a eulogy.

He was clearly a suspicious man, but it is unacceptable to pry into his qualities more than the Emperor ordered him to be treated as a guest.

From this night on, beside the emperor, he is frequently seen.

The Kleifdorf sign also heard rumors and made him examine its properties, but he did not know the details.

But on the contrary, it was certain that there was no connection between the Kleifdorf climate and rival factions.

Eventually, the Emperor decided to treat him as one of his nobles who had invited him from somewhere.

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