"- Mito? You mean that 'Swordsmith' Mito?

The old Dwarf blacksmith Rug stopped and listened back to his hand slapping iron for only a moment after hearing its name.

Street facing the port of Lyon.

The rug had set up a workshop here to make the necessary fittings for the construction of the ship.

I was still making the fittings ordered from the ship carpenter, to whom three human youths were visiting today.

"When I contacted Mito's village in the Royal Palace, I heard he was passing through this workshop."

"Oh... I'm from the village where Mito was born. Finally, Mito is also my great-grandfather. So I did get asked to write to the village a few times by the royal palace guys"

The three young men of man are only teenagers, with two men and one woman.

All three had swords on them, apparently like those who made battle their livelihood.

If it is the usual rug, the complaint is decided to tell them if such a guest visits.

"You can't do that if you tell me to let you meet Mito himself. I haven't even seen Mito's grandfather in decades. I don't know if Mito's grandfather is still alive in the first place. If you really want to see him, you can climb the mountain of Magil on your own feet."

Ask the Adventurer Guild that Rag is the blood relative of the legendary "Swordsman" Mito. For this reason, from time to time, this is how the unarmed pride of arms wants him to cross to duel Mito, visiting under him.

I don't know what kind of people I'm dealing with.

If it's the usual, I'm going to take a tight attitude and impress them...

When the rug wiped his hands and wiped the sweat flowing from his forehead, he stood up.

Two of the three - a youth and a girl. The way I walked and stood I saw when I came into the workshop, I just couldn't see the gap. If you look at yourself, you can see that they are not just ignorant.

"Whoa, I need to talk to this guest for a minute. You're not skipping without me!


Shouting loudly enough to sound during the workshop, Rag looked back at the three of them and pointed them outside the workshop.

"Follow me. I don't think it's a good place to talk in a loud voice."

It was in the liquor store near the workshop that Rag led the three of them.

Rug for barley, and the three of them for a drink squeezed in fruit juice.

"So, what can I do for Mito's grandfather? Your arm seems to stand, but from what I've seen, it doesn't seem like an arm test, does it?

That's what Rug says when he sips off the barley in a larger wooden cup in one breath.

And the young man offered what was on the table of trees all the time.

"... take this"

That was a gold mark about the size of the tip of the lug's thumb.

"This guy... looks familiar. It's a testament to Mito's grandfather's swordsman."

When Rag was still in the village as a child, he used to show it to Mito with cancer.

The only 'swordsman' testimony in the world. The gold seal, shining on Mito's thick palm, still burns in his eyes after standing for decades out of the village.

"How could you..."

That being said, when Rug saw the three of them, they were leaning down with a uniformly sinking face.

Especially a young man in an adventure-style outfit wearing leather armor, who looks like he's about to cry.

"I... because of me... Mr. Mito"

"I've left my work to my brothers today. There is as much time as there is. Shall I tell you more about it? Speaking of which, you haven't introduced yourself yet. My name is Rag. This Lyon makes hardware for shipbuilding, etc."

"I'm Wynn. She's Leticia. And this is Abel."

Winn, Leticia and Abel each shake back the hand offered by the rug after the name.

And Wynn started explaining the end of Mito.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

The shrine was built at the end of the headland, where the cathedral of Sarah Ferrule is to be built. There was a hidden path leading to the underground temple, which had been deeply sealed under the sea.

So in the midst of a battle with the exorcist who tried to resurrect the ancient God of Destruction, Mito was pierced through his chest and lost his life as he tried to cover Abel.

"Right...... Is he dead, Mito's grandfather..."

Hearing Winn's explanation and Abel's whimpering apology, Rag groaned pompously.

"I'll be exactly sixty this year, but Mito's grandfather was already called 'Swordsmith' by the time I was born."

"Sixty years ago..."

"You don't know? It's been over eighty years since Mito's grandfather became a swordsman."

To the fact that he had been called a 'swordsman' for more than sixty years, Rag pinched up the gold stamp placed on the table by saying so to Abel, who raised his voice of surprise.

"To tell the truth, it was more than eighty years ago, and that's all that there is left to prove that Mito's grandfather is a 'swordsmith'. Anyway, he said he lived too long and didn't even know his age. At least eighty years, in fact, he may have reigned for a long time as a man of extreme martial law."

Saying so, Rag smiled bitterly.

"Anyway, he was a monstrous old man from within..."

There is some proud mix of sounds in the sound of a rug that says so while stirring up barley wine.

"When I was younger, I left the house and set up a workshop here, but by then my grandfather would never go down the mountain. If his grandfather was to leave the mountain and lose his life, he must have had a hunch about something."

"This gold seal. I'm keeping it now. One day, if I ever see someone with the strength to bear the proven gold mark of this' swordsman ', I'm going to give it to you. Of course, I would never have gone beyond that if I could have the strength I deserved to have this myself. However, this is Mito's artifact as well, so if the surviving family wants to keep it on hand, I'm going to give it to you."

"No, I don't mind if you keep that"

To Winn's offer, Rug slipped the gold stamp he was pinching up to the front of Winn.

"This is a testament to 'Swordsman'. It should be entrusted to the next generation of samurai, not as an artifact of the deceased. From what I've seen, I think you're a pretty good swordsman, too. I think you deserve enough."

As one who draws the blood of 'Swordsman' Mito, Rag also received martial arts gestures from Mito himself as a child.

From that look in his eyes, he can see that the strength of Winn and Leticia is immeasurable.

"I will tell Mito's grandfather's death from me to the people inside. Where's the grave?

"Ahead of the headland where the cathedral of Sarah Ferrule is to be built. It's a temple there. Mr. Mito's grave will be managed responsibly by Mr. Riara Sain."

"Liara Sain - you're the Virgin who defeated the Demon King with that brave man. That would be an honor. Surely the people of the clan will be glad."

When I said that, Rag noticed.

Liara Sein.

The 'brave man' she accompanied as a squire was a child of man, a girl still young.

Rag once has a glimpse of her as the brave man visits Lyon.

When the battle against demons was intense, Rag served as a roundup for the protagonists who build military ships. On that edge, he was invited to a welcoming ceremony for the brave in the royal palace.

At that time, Raul, the king who had made his name known to the continent as the young 'Sword Saint', is losing the battle to Leticia.

Rug, who has a 'swordsman' in her body, was also blinded by the overwhelming swordsmanship waved by a ten-year-old girl there.

And the eyes of the brave man that I saw at that time - the light of the eyes that dwelt on a strong will, reminiscent of the emerald's treasure balls, were strongly impressed.

The girl sitting in front of the lag had the same color and light as the eyes of the brave man then.

(Well... this girl was then. Then you deserve to entrust even more of Mito's grandfather's gold stamp)

When he thought so, Rag said this when he saw Wynn take care of the gold stamp.

"Did I say Wynn? I look forward to the day when your name will be" Swordsmith "and you will roar all the way to where I and my clan live."

Saying so, Rag was pointing his eyes at the certainty that such a day would come.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

It was almost evening that I broke up with Rag.

The sky is dyed red, and the earth is stretched with shadows for a long time.

Rug, who had been drinking while talking to Winn, Leticia and Abel, still seemed to drink with his brother-in-law, who would come to the tavern after this and with the artisans he knew.

Apparently, a condolence drink for Mito.

I've told the Winns to hang out, too, but I just said no.

It's impossible for the Winns to keep up with the Dwarf liquor volume.

"Golden Seal, you didn't get it."

Winn squeaked so when he put the gold stamp out of his pocket over his palm.

"We need to find someone who deserves to inherit the name of Swordsman."

The gold mark in the sunset emits a slightly reddish glow.

It's the size of the thumb earlier, but that little chunk of gold makes Winn feel weighed more than it should be.

The golden seal has a history of not just mites, but the hands of many who live in battle.

"Shouldn't your brother just call you 'Swordsmith' as it is?

To Win, who walks thinking, Leticia said.

"Mr. Rag said it too, but I think your brother deserves to bear that gold stamp, too, don't you?

"I thought you said Mr. Rugg deserved a gold stamp. Look at Letty. Or if Letty has it, I'm sure no one will complain."

"I sure don't think anyone would complain"

Winn said, he just nodded that so did Abel.

"I don't need it. I mean, I hope you don't push that kind of title any more and call it yourself..."

With that said, Leticia expressed her dissatisfaction by inflating her cheeks slightly.

"Me, a girl like Auga seems to think of me from someone I've never met..."

"The Brave Man," "The God Princess of the Sword," "Close and Existent to God Unlimited" - Leticia with all these daunting names, but the real person is a luxurious girl with a thin shoulder that seems to break.

"I don't care what you think if you're someone you've never met."

"It's not good! I don't care how much you don't know."

"You're an awesome swordsman... How about adventurer guild, mercenary guild celebrities, for example?

That's what Abel suggests with the arms.

"Some adventurer's party back north is much stronger than the knights there, isn't it?

"I see. Then maybe you could introduce me to Mr. Ort."

If the three of you have reached the point of setting up a house in the town of Eltz as a successful adventurer, then you must have a wide facial advantage among the adventurers.

"You may ask His Highness Raul, the 'Sword Saint'. Your Highness will gather information about the mighty."

"Right. But I think your brother can have it."

While agreeing with Wynn to say so with the gold stamp firmly in her pocket, Leticia shrugged so.

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