Master of the brave.

Battle of Peshrica

The main unit of the Royal Neumann Army, 40,000, and the Royal Lyon Army, 60,000, confronted each other in a basin in the mountains near Peshlika.

Prince Neumann's army cleverly lays a formation on the highlands holding down the exit of the narrow mountain road.

"Shit, just how good is the land?"

The area is dim before dawn.

For one thing, when the Royal Lyon Army took a distance from Peshlica, it deployed its formation on an open pasture squad. And Raul, who saw the map illuminated by the flames of the candlestick at the seat of the military council held there, said so and struck his tongue.

At the rear is the Murray River in the Great River. In Peshrika, where there is the only bridge, there is the 20,000 Knights of the Western Side of the Lemursil Empire, which was given to Prince Neumann, and the Royal Lyon Army is dressed to be trapped just inside the basin with its front and back covered.

Mutual in force. It would be superior to the western knights threatening the rear in degree of practice, but the main army of the frontal enemy holds the highlands above the form of a sandwich.

The Royal Lyon Army has to run up the hill to attack the main enemy force, and the Prince Neumann Army can pick it up by hand. Build a moat and stretch multiple fences with a round thickness. And if you stick a spear out of the inside of the fence and let the arrow and attack magic fall overhead, you must be forced to bleed a lot, no matter how many prestigious generals led the army.

A further 20,000 troops in the rear.

Even though it is inferior to practice, the number of twenty thousand is not insulting.

It is difficult to pull out a heavy enemy force in the highlands after arming the rear defenses.

"Drag the enemies laid out in the highlands to the flats. To do this, first attack the Western Knights caged in Peshrika. If Prince Neumann's Army main force comes out to slap us behind our back to save our allies, he sets up an inverted offensive and pulls out the enemy at once. This will be the only way."

"If we missee the opportunity for an inverted offensive, our army will suffer an assault and be in danger of destruction."

"But it's jilli poor to keep being tightened up from front to back like this. We're the ones who make noise first without replenishment. Well, perhaps the country will notice this predicament and come to our aid, but then we will be ashamed of ourselves. Don't let future historians laugh at you."

There was more and more laughter in Raul's words from among the officers of the Royal Lyon Army.

I am confident that I can get rid of my predicament even in this situation where I am about to be pinched back and forth.

"Prince Neumann's main force that made this formation is no insult, but it is not the Knights of the North, the East, who are the true elite units of the Lemursil Empire that we fight. I am convinced that this one is excellent in practice. Expect everyone to struggle!


The officers gathered scatter to return to each unit.

After dropping off the backs of his dependable men, Raul went outside the tent where the military council was taking place when he turned his heels back.

When I looked at the sky, it was already thin and white.

It's almost dawn.

The thin rays and fog surround the position because of the rain from last night, but with a slightly stronger wind, it seemed clear by the time the sun rose.

Raul, who remembered the first time a little expensive before the fight, took one deep breath. Then the cold air in the early morning suppresses my chills a little bit.

Raul realizes his feelings have settled before entering the next tent.

Protected by a few guards, it was within the Royal Lyon Army with the flag of the Lemursil Empire and the flag of the orange infarct, the seal of the Imperial Empress Cornelia.

"Soon the night will dawn. Perhaps the battle will begin at the same time as the dawn. Princess Cornelia. The princess will be with me in the main force, but I don't know what will happen on the battlefield. I want you to be mindful so that whatever happens can be dealt with immediately."

"Yes, I know. His Highness Raul."

Raul nodded contentedly at Cornelia's response.

Then I look around the tent reserved for Cornelia.

Stuffed in this tent, with the exception of the guards standing outside, are the Cornelia squadrons and the ambassador to the Kingdom of Lyon, Count Lieselmann, and his men, beginning with Winn.

"Hmm? What about Letty?

I don't usually see Leticia who's supposed to be by Winn.

Leticia must also be asked to stay with Raul in the main force, just like Cornelia.

The same was true when escaping Count Shrihaden's mansion, but Raul had no intention of letting Leticia fight.

Leticia, the 'brave man', must not do anything to wave a sword against a man.

Especially in wars like country and country...

An overwhelming force beyond Leticia's people's knowledge.

If that power were to be wielded by people, the admiration and respect they now receive as' brave men 'would easily turn into awe and fear.

Being beyond man's understanding goes from 'brave' to 'monster' - that is, the birth of a new 'demon king'.

Before Leticia was recognized as a 'brave man', many people looked at Leticia with white eyes as a monstrous person.

Even those who had been saved lives by the power of Leticia could not see her as a person.

He was afraid and treated her as if touching the swelling.

A girl who wasn't even wanted by herself, but who was being rejected and deepened loneliness by people all over the world while being forced to travel to save the world.

Raul, Tiara and Riara, who traveled with Leticia, have been crushing to see how it went.

Never again, I'm not going to let Leticia be alone.

That was the common consciousness of the three people who were Leticia's companions.

Never let Leticia fight in a people-to-people dispute.

Of course, Leticia today has the biggest understanders throughout her life to say Wynn.

As long as Winn is around, Leticia will never feel lonely.

So, from Raul's point of view, I didn't want Winn to go to another fight where he would bet his life and death.

Fortunately, Winn is Cornelia's squire.

Winn will not be on the front line in this battle unless there are enemies approaching the main battle.

In that case, there will be no Leticia fighting beside the basic win.

But I don't see Leticia who's supposed to be by Winn right now.

Of course, even Leticia would sometimes take her seat off to pick flowers.

Usually even Raul comes to that extent, and I don't bother to say anything to confirm her whereabouts because Leticia is rarely around.

But at this point, Raul had a hunch.

It was Wynn who opened his mouth to Raul's question.

"If Letty..."

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

The fog, which hid the appearance of the two armies, cleared in the wind as the sun rose and the engraving approached.

The general of the Royal Neumann Army, deploying in such a way as to trap the Royal Lyon Army within the basin, was watching how the Royal Lyon Army was coming out, deploying its position across a clear fog.

If the Royal Lyon Army is going to attack the Western Knights in the town of Peshlika, strike out and strangle them with your allies.

Conversely, if you attack the main unit of the Prince Neumann Army, cage it inside a strong position and target the Western Knights' interdiction from behind.

Because the Allied positions are in the highlands, the Royal Lyon Army has to run up the hill to attenuate its assault force. On the other hand, when Prince Neumann's army goes on offense, it can be expected to hit harder than usual because it can also drive momentum down the hill.

How it moves depends on how the Royal Lyon Army comes out.

In anticipation of the commander of the Royal Neumann Army, he read that the Royal Lyon Army would first launch an attack on the Western Knights in Peshrika to lure the main units of the Royal Neumann Army and launch an inverted offensive.

Come on, how does it work?

General of Prince Neumann's Army Everyone was sipping solidly to observe the movement of the Royal Lyon Army position.

At that time.

A small figure emerged from inside the position.

He walks straight for the position of Prince Neumann's army.

I can't tell my face, but my long hair was swimming in the strong wind that blew the morning mist.

"A woman...?

Surrender, or a messenger giving surrender recommendations?

Many of the generals thought so.

Or did you come to deliver something, either in front of you or in a letter you admitted before the battle? For that matter, I'm not even on that horse.

As I approached him, the shadow was becoming discernible. Age you can still call a girl. As a result, the thousand horseman who keeps the front-line troops could not lower his hand even as the girl approached the range province of the bow and arrow.

The girl, who walked from the front in grandeur without any cowardice to the great army, stops her legs less than twenty meters from the head of Prince Neumann's army.

From among the generals the girl was in position to see, the blurring spread.

All the soldiers here have never seen that face.

I just had heard the story.

Town liquor stores, shops, corners, roadsides - that's just what I've heard all over the place.

Girl's hair gleams of gold in the morning sun.

Rin stretches out his back and emits a brilliant glow of strong will in Emerald's eyes, which can be seen from a distance.

"Hey... why?

One of the soldiers on the front line grumbled.

The whining reached the ears of the knights, soldiers, who were so strangely surrounded by the wind.

"How can... a brave man come out of the enemy line?

"The Brave" Leticia Van Mavis.

A hero who defeated the Demon King.

Leticia slowly pulled out her sword, taking a half-body stand and sticking her sword upright.

"Pull. Now I can still miss you."

The soldiers swallowed Gokuri and spit.

That brave man is now standing in front of us, pulling out his sword, poking at us.

We declare ourselves to be enemies.

Clear intent to attack.

Shoot and the arrow will definitely reach Leticia.

It's a more difficult distance to aim at and remove.

Even a recruit would surely be able to hit it.

There must be hundreds of archers on your side just to be on the front line, perhaps you've been after the girl before you found out she was a 'brave man'.

But as no one can release an arrow.

A large army general counting 10,000 had been swallowed up by the releasing of only one Leticia.

Leticia once intimidated the Demon Army with the intention of reaching 10,000.

Even the demons who supposedly had nothing but fighting instincts were frightened and atrophied by Leticia's releases.

It's hard to stay in front of Leticia's true intentions in a human being.

Still, if one of the knights in command gave the order to attack, the well-trained soldiers might have been able to release an arrow.

But who could give that attack order?

Kill 'The Brave'.

There is no doubt that the one who gave that order will be permanently named as the greatest sinner of humanity, the historic great sinner.

"But if you don't pull me off, I'll..."

In Leticia's eyes lies the colour of sorrow.

"We must fight you."

I told the soldiers who were stunned with their leaning trembling voice.

How long has it been since then?

Just seconds from Leticia's ultimatum. But many felt like they were free for a few minutes.

The change began with a soldier who unfortunately was to confront Leticia directly from the front.

"Oh, I... I can't. I can't fight a brave man... I can't. There's no way I can!

Let go of the spear you had and drop your knee on the spot.

"Me, too."

"Me too..."

"Me too..."

One soldier after another lets go of spears, swords, axes and bows from his hands.

I'm breaking my knee.

It's like ripples are spreading...

Before Leticia, a knight with a thousand horseman badges entered from within the army of Prince Neumann.

Perhaps he's the commander who keeps the troops on the front lines.

He got off his horse and knelt before Leticia.

"Put your sword away, brave man. We were not informed that you were with the Royal Lyon Army. If I had been informed, my men would never have acted foolishly, such as blocking your whereabouts. And even if our country, our empire, is destroyed by your hand, we cannot pull a bow against you. I'm sure that's... because it's a fate ordained by God. It seems to me that all of my men here feel the same way."

"We won't do that."

"Of course, I don't think you would do that."

Leticia grinned at the Thousand Horsemen and put her sword in her sheath.

"So what you want is for the Royal Lyon Army to safely pass through this slope?


Thousand Horsemen rose up and raised their right arms gently.

Then, when the soldiers mounted themselves to the fence, they quickly dismantled and opened the way.

"Thank you, gentlemen. Thank you so much."

"Please come through. Dear Valiant Leticia Van Mavis. And if you will forgive us, we would also like to ask for your participation in the army."

"Being on my side means going to First Princess Cornelia. You mean turn Prince Neumann against the enemy, but are you sure about that?

"I don't mind."

Leticia greets the soldiers around her. The thanksgiving was certainly seen in awe of the soldiers who paved the way, and a joyous voice arose from all around me.

"Long live the brave Mavis!

The voice quickly spreads out loud and across the entire force.

Thousand horseman, who stood in front of Leticia and watched how it was, waited for his voice to subside praising Leticia before shouting in a voice that often passed

"Okay! From this moment on, we will be allied with Lady Mavis, the brave one, and Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Cornelia. Anything dissatisfied with this decision, immediately rendezvous with the rear troops! If you want to act with me, wait here! I join the generals of the Royal Lyon Army!

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

Praise for Leticia reached far away Royal Lyon Army headquarters.

"Not at all... if you put Letty in front of you, don't let the army become a completely meaningless substitute"

Raul, who looked toward the position of Prince Neumann's army, which was invisible from the main line but would have Leticia, murmured with a bewildered look.

"I was fortunate that the brave man had no such thing as ambition. If it's ambitious, the continent will be united in an instant."

"Apparently, I've abbreviated the vanguard unit of the Prince Neumann Army. We have to reposition them."

"No way. Are you going to abbreviate enemy forces one after the other in the first place you're going to go?

"Is that something I can call an abbreviation? It just seems like I went down to this side on my own. Well, anyway, we need to get our supplies better than ever before than the army will swell up"

"Yes, and the Western Knights in Peshlika will be out of the way."

Raul nodded, staring at Peshrika's walls, which looked rearward.

On the city walls of Peshrika, which is shutting its gates tightly, the soldiers are in a hurry to move.

Maybe they heard it too.

Praise Leticia, heard from the vanguard of Prince Neumann's army.

"Now's a good time. Now with a little time and effort, you can drop the town of Peshrika"

The high-ranking officials snorted at Raul's words simultaneously.

Reinforcements who were supposed to be here to strangle the Royal Lyon Army have fallen asleep.

The Pioneer Squad was the only one who turned around, and not all Prince Neumann's armies turned around, but they wouldn't know about it from within the city walls of the town.

The upset between Count Shrihaden, caged in the town of Peshrika, and the Knights of the West, and the Hordes of the West region, should be enormous.

"Then start the attack on Peshrika as planned. Even though we have abbreviated the vanguard units of Prince Neumann's army, many of the enemy troops are still alive. Don't miss this opportune opportunity where the enemies caged in Peshrika are upset!

At the same time that Raul's orders were issued, the Royal Lyon Army launched an attack on the town of Peshrika.

And from the start of the fight, just under two hours later, a white flag was raised on the gates of the city walls of Peshlica.

As Raul read, Count Lleeharden, the lord of Peshlica, assumed that all forty thousand of Prince Neumann's troops who had come to support him had surrendered.

If all of those 40,000 troops were absorbed by the Royal Lyon Army on top of the Friends not coming to the rescue, that size would be 100,000 large armies. Five times the Western army of 20,000.

Count Shrihaden no longer seemed to have no choice but to surrender.

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