Master of the brave.

Ertz Attack ②

"Has Peshrika fallen?"

"It didn't seem to last two hours"

Jade smashed his tongue and mocked Klaus as he spoke pale.

"You shrihaden. Why don't you slap both Cornelia and Lyon in the mouth when you give them together? Is it something like a rural aristocrat in the west? So how effective is the battle in Peshrika?

"It's under the occupation of enemy forces, so we don't know the details. I was just wondering if the dead were less than three hundred..."

"That's not much..."

Jade gently bit his right index finger.

"The time to fall was too short. The surrender of the vanguards of our army has led to a significant reduction in the morale of the Peshrika Guards and the soldiers of the Western Knights."

"It is planned that the vanguards will surrender..."

"A little too soon than planned. But pointing the sword at the brave seems to be resistant, almost intact and breaking through."

"Raul... You've brought the brave to the forefront faster than I thought..."

Jade stared at the map that represented the state of the war.

The Royal Lyon Army, which fell Peshrika, made a light breakthrough in up to two of its multiple formations on the streets of the mountains leading to Clenado.

By leading Leticia, the soldiers surrender without fighting.

At this rate of advance, we will be approaching Prince Neumann Army headquarters with Jade even tomorrow night.

Jade had assumed that Leticia would be with Cornelia when First Princess Cornelia emerged from the Imperial Palace and appeared in the Royal Palace of Lyon.

Cornelia's squad has Leticia's mentor, Wynn Byrd. Looking at what we've done so far, there's no way Leticia hasn't accompanied Wynn.

But Jade assumed that even if Leticia came out on the front line, that would be later.

A brave man wields power over a man. If we know that there are times when great forces beyond man's understanding come to us, those who now glorify the brave with praise and respect will easily begin to hold awe and fear against the brave.

Since the destruction of the Demon King, all nations have considered what to do when the force of Leticia is directed against their own country.

Overwhelming force, defeating the Demon King, which even a supranational organization called the Allies against the Demon Continent could not do.

That force joins one force in the war and wields its force.

If that seems possible in reality, the Lemursil Empire could be a war against the world as the second Demon King's Army.

Afraid that it would happen, Alfred kept it a secret that Leticia accompanied Cornelia on her way to the Kingdom of Lyon. Even when Leticia appeared with Cornelia in the Kingdom of Lyon, neither did the Kingdom of Lyon side ask Leticia to attend the signing ceremony of the military alliance.

This is a consideration not only for the people, but also to avoid irritating other countries.

There is no way that Raul, the king of the kingdom of Lyon, will put Leticia at the forefront. Even if I let it out, I thought it was after the war became painful.

No way, it was also a miscalculation for Jade that Leticia would come out aggressively to the front line from the first war.

"A soldier brought by nobles who have allied themselves with us in opportunism cannot turn his sword to the brave. We have plans to break through, but when this happens, we don't have enough. Well, if you think about it, should I say that the number of 300 Shrihaden worked hard for him?"

"Master Jade. Why don't you build a superior squad to make the soldiers fight?

Klaus' Superior Squad means shooting arrows into soldiers thinking of surrendering or fleeing. If you don't want to die, move forward and fight. Troops that drive their own soldiers into battle are commonly used in situations where defeat is intense.

"The Supervisory Corps is made up of those who are aristocrats and knights. They will be able to play their full role as a Superior Squad, even against the brave ones."

"I see. So whether you bought the wrath of a brave man or were killed by soldiers on your side backwards, don't help. But still, it doesn't seem like you can win?

"As Lady Jade said, it would seem best to buy time, no matter how brave a soldier is put forward and not moraled, using a Superior Squad. So let them take responsibility for their defeat."

"Making you take responsibility?

"Even if we organize the Superior Guard, we will eventually lose, as Master Jade said. But their lives bring precious time to us. They are suspicious loyalists gathered in opportunism to ride the winning horse. There is nothing wrong with using it here. If you leave the rest to me, let me help you with the legacy of Leonard's Konrat Heisenberg."

"Interesting. Then I'll leave it to you"

"I understand. Then hurry up and I'll be ready."

As Jade nodded, Klaus gave him a deep courtesy.

"Hmm...... You should bleed more. The resentment of my mother, and of her people, who died to protect you who destroyed Raimdaw. Let me redeem you with your blood."

Jade's whining is imbued with an irrepressible passion and a freezing ruthlessness. When Klaus heard the voice, he put his hand on the door of the room and turned his back to the tempting Lord, and let his lips twist small.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

The Royal Lyon Army was to stop at three unharmed strips of enemy troops blocking the streets connecting Peshrika and Krenad.

From within the fourth formation of the Royal Neumann Army, Leticia noticed a drifting sense of shitty tension unlike the one she had previously pulled out.

Leticia, young but perhaps the most experienced in combat in the Empire, had a sense of these atmospheres.

"... dead soldiers?

Atmosphere felt several times in alliance with the Continental Alliance against Demons.

In front is the great army of demons. A fleeing folk without the art of defending themselves in the rear.

In a battle with roughly no winning eyes, the hunted down soldiers literally become death soldiers to let the people escape and fight at the expense of their lives.

Leticia has seen those sights over and over again.

From the soldiers in the Neumann army today, I felt such a similar atmosphere to them.

But now it's a civil war within the Empire.

Unlike demons who don't have the concept of surrender, it's a people-to-people war.

Behind the soldiers is still a large army of friends, and now that we have not fought, there are many exits. Nonetheless, how can the soldiers of Prince Neumann's army be wrapped up in such impatient tension that the thread was so tense?

"Dear brave man. Retreat, please. Apparently, the enemy is a little different."


Leticia, who bit her lip a little and got lost, but honestly nodded at the words of the commander who deposited the front line of the Royal Lyon Army.

It didn't seem like a convincing atmosphere.

The two armies finally collided where Leticia had fallen backwards.

Raul and the warlords of the Royal Lyon Army assumed that the side of the Royal Lyon Army would run up the hill and wait for it in the position where Prince Neumann's army stretched wooden fences and moats.

With the unfavourable situation of having to run up the hill, the Royal Lyon Army also had a high morale, repeated raids and shredded the positions of Prince Neumann's Army one by one.

The morale of Prince Neumann's army was also seen to fall visibly from the side of the Royal Lyon Army.

However, the soldiers of Prince Neumann's army, who do not appear to have high morale in the end, are struggling without retreating.

What is driving them so far into battle?

The question was finally resolved when Raul and the chiefs beside him began to be imprisoned by creepy thoughts.

Part of the Royal Lyon Army, which had prevailed after repeated assaults, was temporarily pushed back.

"He said it was the presence of the Commandos!?

"Ha, it looks like an archer is unfolding behind enemy forces and relentlessly arrows at the soldiers fleeing"

When a corner of the Royal Neumann Army, which could not withstand the pressure of the morale of the Royal Lyon Army, collapsed and was slowly retreating.

An arrow fell from a rear ally position over the heads of the soldiers of Prince Neumann's army, who had been pushed into the ground at a disadvantage.

"Defend your current location! Running away in front of the enemy is a felony! Those who turn their backs on their enemies! Anyone who tries to escape has a life to shoot! Don't worry, the fugitives will be punished with severe punishment!

Seeing arrows actually pour down from the rear and soldiers attempting to escape being shot dead, the soldiers of Prince Neumann's Army pushed back the Royal Lyon Army in a frenzy of death.

"What... Huh!

Cornelia was stunned by the reward.

Momentum rose from the extra chair available for excitement. My face blues and bites my lips hard. And I sat back so that I could collapse into the chair without force.

Her upper body leaned and Lino, who was next to her, rushed to support her.

"... I can't believe I didn't allow those who lost their will to fight to surrender and shoot arrows in"

Now even though they are enemies, they are also the people of the Empire.

Raul looks painfully at the Empire's Empress, who worries without power.

(But don't fall to your heart... Though there are many enemy troops who drop Peshrika and surrender with Letty's persuasion, the battle is still at the beginning. Despite their disadvantages, the soldiers fighting now will not be those of the Cliffdorf wealthy children. There must be plenty of room for supplies in the army. It's supposed to be too early to organize a commando squad... but what are you going to do with more sacrifices for mischief?

There's no way Raul can tell, for example, that Jade, who commands Prince Neumann's army, is plotting aggressively to increase the number of victims.

However, Raul had a creepy feeling about the actions of Prince Neumann's army, which struck an unthinkable downside measure in common sense.

"You don't need to hang out with enemy soldiers who have become self-inflicted and cause useless damage. Let it back down once. But don't condone the enemies you've pursued deeply."


(Shit... don't have a bad feeling about it)

Prince Neumann's army pushes into the Royal Lyon Army, which has begun to retreat. However, the momentum of Prince Neumann's army was largely uncontrolled by the work of the Supervisory Corps, and the commanders of Raul's excellent manning succeeded in pushing Prince Neumann's army to withdraw by the time the sun set as they scattered through the prominent enemy front-line units.

"I'm heading to Eltz for backup before I slap them in the back. All armies, march to the Elsted capital, Eltz. Hurry up and rendezvous with Prince Alfred!

Prince Neumann's army slowly retreats down the street towards Clenado. Raul dropped off the army without a chase.

The commanders on my side were performing as brilliantly as Raul thought and were satisfied.

But even though things were carrying what he thought, Raul couldn't undo the anxiety that boiled in his heart.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

The night breeze blowing down from the mountains of Magil is damp and cold stained, even as it is dressed in a supplied blanket.

Above the unobstructed city walls, even more so on the watchtower, the town name of Ertz.

Ertz's soldiers, who hit the night shift, were rubbing their hands and feet against each other as they gazed outside the city walls to overwhelm the cold.

Occasionally, the stench of tung and nose mixes in the wind.

The bodies of the war dead scattered outside the city walls are corrupt and reek of stench.

However, the town of Ertz is still better off because of its location on the wind. How bad is the stench in Prince Neumann's army, which is in formation under the wind? He didn't even want to think about it. When the soldier shook his head, he shook his head to skip the intense drowsiness coming from exhaustion.

There is a reason why the bodies of the war dead are corrupt and smelly.

Typically, after the battle is over and the army is withdrawn, broken swords, spears, arrows, and unspeakable bodies are left on the battlefield. And most of the time, the nearby peasants are coming to the battlefield.

Their purpose is everything: swords, armor, spears and even clothing worn by the body.

Swords and spears can often be badly damaged, but if they are cast to iron, they can be used again, and even clothes can still be used if they are washed with blood paste. That's how the bodies will be buried at the hands of the peasants after they've stripped them of all their artifacts. Because if the body is left intact, corruption can progress and can also cause bad odors and plagues.

Fishing for battlefield artifacts is an act that people in their position want to frown upon, but it is often farmland that is chosen for battlefield, and is often blinded in most cases to compensate for the damage done to the fields.

But the battle between the Army of Crown Prince Alfred and the Army of Prince Neumann, which took place near the town of Ertz, did not show up the peasants fishing for the relics of the dead even as the two armies retired.

Because everyone, including the rural inhabitants in the neighborhood, is fleeing to Eltz.

As a result, the bodies of the war victims were left intact, and the stench began to drift.

Approximately a month had passed when Ertz was surrounded by roughly 30,000 troops led by Second Prince Neumann.

(There is still room for weapons, supplies and food. But the fatigue of the soldiers is becoming impossible to hide)

In a room at Count Elsted's mansion, Alfred was widening and staring at Eltz's city map.

The map contains detailed information about the defense of the town, including the placement of soldiers defending the Eltz, and the location of walls reinforced with wood that have been torn. And the placement of Prince Neumann's army outside the city walls was noted as far as I could tell.

The information you can read from that map is that whoever sees it, the town side of Ertz is at a disadvantage. The fall also only appears to be a matter of time.

However, despite the overwhelming difference in force, Crown Prince Alfred's army, caged in the Eltz, continues to bounce back the repeatedly pushing offensive of Prince Neumann's army with incredible stickiness, relying on solid city walls.

This is the work of a guerrilla unit made up of adventurers led by Kelvin, who were lying outside the Ertz in the early days of the war. Because they have captured the commanders of the leading front-line commanders of the Royal Neumann Army, the Royal Neumann Army, which is a gathering of the Hordes, has not cooperated well with each other's troops.

Prince Neumann's army staged an offensive, each time repeated a stone bullet attack by the magic of destruction and a stone thrower, destroying several city walls but unable to sweetly push through the stuffing. The stone walls that had been destroyed had also been subjected to first aid with wood by the hands of the town's craftsmen.

Those who breed battles such as knights, soldiers, mercenaries cooperating with the Alfred army caged in Eltz and adventurers still have as much strength as they can fight.

The problem is the fatigue of soldiers consisting of citizens and civic aspirations.

Citizens' morale is high to protect their benevolence and loyalty to Lords Lloyds and their families within the city walls, but the fatigue that comes from a series of unfamiliar fights is becoming less deluded by morale alone. Some of the civic soldiers who hit the night watch duty were beginning to come out and fall asleep standing.

"... excuse me, Your Highness. Kelvin has contacted us."

There was a knock on the door and Lloyds, with the paperwork in his hands, came into the room.

As Lloyds walked up to Alfred's front, he let him sigh loudly when he saw the desk where the map was cluttered.

"… Your Highness. Didn't you eat in your mouth?


If you look at it, one of Lloyds' wives brought me dinner is set aside. By the time it was transported, I was already getting hot air, but when I saw it, it was already so cold.

"Your wife just brought me here..."

"How long ago was the last time His Highness said that? The fat in the soup is already cold and hardened."

"I'm sorry. I brought you a meal..."

"Your Highness. On the battlefield, eat well when you can, and sleep well when you can. If we can't do this, we can't even fight satisfactorily."

"I'm going to be there..."

"If you are also a commander, you must always show a spare attitude in front of the soldiers. If the commanders can't afford it, especially in these disadvantaged situations, the soldiers will be driven by anxiety, right?

Where Alfred tries to make excuses, Lloyds lays more words to seal Alfred's words.

"I'm making you prepare warm soup, wondering if this is the case"

"No, that's fine. Precious food. And I don't have much appetite."

"You mustn't, Your Highness. Eat a decent meal or you'll break your body."

When Lloyds signaled outside the door, a different woman from Lloyds' wife, who had first brought a meal to Alfred, brought ham, vegetables and a cage of bread to a new soup that still stood hot.

"In the empty stomach, there is no blood on your head where you think about how much, and no strength builds up in the battlefield. Besides, when the Supreme Commander's face falls asleep over malnutrition and his blood color is poor, the soldiers' morale doesn't increase either. I can't do it here, but eat well."

"Okay, sweetheart."

The soup was made with plenty of chicken and leafy vegetables.

On the surface of the soup, the oil smudged from the chicken creates a golden oil film, often entangled in soft leafy vegetables. Salt and tingly spices were good and sharp, and as Alfred carried the soup to one spoon, the hunger he quickly forgot pushed in.

While I was drinking soup, Lloyds' wife pinched cheese and vegetables in the bread and then ham for me.

Alfred carried the bread to his mouth when he received it and moistened his mouth with wine. Lloyds watches the young lord in silence as he eats.

To that calm Lloyds attitude, Alfred asked in awe, even as he remembered the slightest remorse.

"The total number of enemies is roughly 30,000. This side, by contrast, is about three thousand. Though you can count on reinforcements, you can often stay calm in this situation."

"Well, it's a disadvantage... when I was a member of the Alliance against the Demon Continent, this much difference in power was common."

Answer Alfred's query while making Lloyds laugh bitterly with a look that makes him nostalgic for the old days.

"Soldiers, the people in town are doing well. It's all right, Your Highness. My Eltz will hold out until His Highness Cornelia leads the reinforcements back."

"Right... right"

"Therefore, if you are served a meal, Your Highness may rest at ease. The enemy won't be able to afford a night raid today."

"Ha, I didn't know that the measures you guys set up would affect you even in places like this. Lord Cliffdorf would be very frustrated."

Early in the war, Kelvin captured the enemy's seasoned commanders in action, making Prince Neumann's army unable to mount the most effective night raid.

Night raids cannot be acted upon with lights on, either, due to the nature of acting out in the dark. On top of that, a high degree of skill is required, such as the need to avoid undisturbed behavior to an end, and the need to avoid discussing each other in the dark.

However, the loss of the commanders of the soldiers who were able to satisfy their demands prevented Prince Neumann's army from carrying out night raids.

On the contrary, Prince Neumann's army suffered less damage with guerrilla units led by Kelvin of Hundred Wars Smelting, albeit in small numbers, on the contrary, carrying out frequent night raids. Alfred has received reports from objects that the guerrilla unit, made up of adventurers skilled in acting in the woods, is moving at a fast pace and that the Prince Neumann Army is burning considerable hands in its senselessness.

On the other hand, Lloyds also used those who could use magic to carry out a disturbing operation, although he said it was a whisper.

Even when it comes to using magic, it's not a great deal of magic that those called magicians manipulate.

The magic of destruction with strong magic is prevented by the barrier of the enemy's Magic Master. Besides, the number of demon mentors and the Army of Prince Neumann are richer in quality and numbers than Eltz, so there is no winning shot at attacking magic. So, using magic that cannot be prevented by the barrier, Lloyds carried out an operation to flirt with Prince Neumann's army.

For example, simple magic that makes a wind that can be used by anyone if they can use magic, to the extent of letting them rock the gutters and bushes near the positions of enemy soldiers camping, or, for example, using magic that just makes loud noises.

These kinds of magic cannot be prevented by defensive magic or the like.

But these harassing magic had tremendous effects on the mental state of the soldiers.

Even though it is besieged by a large army, unlike Ertz's soldiers who fight on sturdy city walls and familiar land, Prince Neumann's army builds a position between vast and deep woods. Behind the woods lies the fierce carnivorous beast, and the demon.

Years ago, mankind was threatened with life by an army of demons led by the Demon King until the Demon King was defeated by the Brave One. The fear is engraved in the brains of all who live on the continent.

The sound of leaf deflection by the wind and unexplained objects remind the soldiers of the demons behind their brains and reinforce anxiety and unnecessary tension.

If that happened, I would not be able to rest my body very much in Loc, and after a few days, many of the soldiers who were forming on the outer edge of Prince Neumann's army had become weak and defenceless.

"This one has to rely on small moves. Enemy troops are large. With just a little bit of enemy power sharpened, enemy forces still have the ability to continue fighting. On the other hand, the more casualties there are, the more difficult it will be to defend."

Lloyds says as he strokes his fleshy jaw with plenty.

"How would you drop Eltz?

"I would divide 30,000 troops into three or so and let them continue attacking morning, noon and evening and without rest. Only then will the townspeople wear out and die of overwork."

"There's an overwhelming difference in volume. Then why do you think the enemy hasn't done that?

"They think you're afraid of running out. And when he is not in the hand of the offense, let no one else bring down Elz, and he shall have no monopoly over his merits. We would not have won if we hadn't made small men attack us in an overwhelming army over ours again. It will also be because it greatly hurts their pride to be aristocrats when such a scent arises. I don't know, pride, but it seems very important to them. Well, because of that, we're unbeatable."

"Aristocratic pride..."

"And even as things stand, we're taking too long on the Elz offense, but they're not losing anything else. From the above, you thought you could drop it one day if you kept attacking it carefully over time."

"Were you thinking?

"Take this one."

Lloyds offered Alfred one small piece of paper.

"What's this?

"It's an arrow from Kelvin."

Prince Neumann's army has significantly changed its placement in Kelvin's arrow. It was noted from the leaking voices that they could launch a massive offensive against the Elts within three days.

"Hmm... does that mean I finally cut my numbness?

"Yes, and perhaps, as I said earlier, they will push us from the front with a large army."

"Win squarely and beautifully from the front......? I don't think you're as noble as they are."

"As I said earlier, if the great army is on hand and is allowed to command it freely again, I will use my hand to defeat it squarely from the front. But unfortunately, when I lead the army, circumstances won't allow it."

With that said, Lloyds let him shake his neck sideways as he exaggerated his hands.

"Right. Then I'll leave all the military aspects of our empire to you when this mess is resolved."

"Am I at the apex of the Knights? Ha, joke. If I stood at the top of the Knights, I might fatten my own stomach, as the court sparrows rumored in the salon, wouldn't I?

"What, there's nothing like that? Your accomplishments in this commotion seem scarce with a few grace awards. I owe a great deal to everyone in Elsted territory. Besides, if I give you the status and power you deserve, it's going to do you more good than damage the Empire by fattening your private belly. If you think about it, it's cheap."

"I see. I don't know if I can live up to Your Highness's expectations, but then let's do our best to suck the delicious juice in that future"

When he said that and laughed, Lloyds shook his abundant belly and went outside the room.

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