Master of the brave.

Ertz Attack Battle ③

It was two mornings after that that that Prince Neumann's army has launched a total attack. It was since the sun rose.

Massive arrows are showered at the soldiers of the Ertz defense force on the city wall, and stone bullets are fired in one after another using a stone thrower.

The Magic Master Squad is also put on the front line, and the magic of destruction also raises the flames.

The soldiers of the Royal Neumann Army hung ladders and hook ropes one after another as they pushed furiously beneath the city walls of Ertz, relying on the overwhelming number of soldiers.

Ertz's defense team, however, continues to use the advantage of heights to shower arrows. Even so, the rocket is overwhelmingly inferior. On the Ertz side, the famous bowmen, mainly hunters, hid themselves in the shield and shot through the enemy soldiers in a one-shot temper.

Lloyds himself uses defensive magic to deal with the attack magic that the Enchanter Squad shoots in.

Soldiers pushing by using ladders and hook ropes dropped the round-tails that had been piled up on the city wall in advance, causing the oil boiling over their heads in a large pot.

The wall repaired with wood was lit, but Lloyds dared to order it to burn.

"You can keep the fire that was lit! While the momentum is burning, you can't go inside with enemy soldiers! Just watch out for the extensions!

Lloyds rather greased and enlarged the flame wall.

And on the inside, already by the craftsmen of the town, a sturdy fence made of iron and round-tails had been made double, so that it could not be broken through easily.

The name of the iron blacksmith and timber town of Ertz at the foot of the Magil Mountains is not Dade.

To cover the town of Ertz, a guerrilla unit led by Kelvin approaches behind the armies of Prince Neumann, who wages a fierce assault, distracted by forest trees.

At the beginning of the formation of the force, it was about three hundred guerrilla troops, but now it had swelled to five hundred.

Adventurers belonging to the guerrilla forces brought face-to-face adventurers belonging to other towns, and some of the captured commanders of Prince Neumann's army front-line.

"All right! The good stuff is empty behind it! Let's slash it to the full!

When Kelvin issued the decree with an awesome smile on his face, the guerrilla troops jumped out of the woods and stormed behind the enemy.

"Me! I have a lousy adventurer flair...... Huh!

Adventurers who organize and act on a three- to six-member party can fight demons of character for more than five minutes.

Even when dealing with aristocratic knights capable of manipulating magic and strengthening their bodies, the rear guard skilfully missed attention with arrows and stone-throwing, causing the avant-garde warrior to axe the knight's skull into its crevices.

"I'll snuggle with the enemy! Don't let the enemy shoot you with an arrow!

While fighting, Kelvin grasps the overall situation on the battlefield and quickly issues orders.

Following that order, the guerrilla forces slashed the enemy into the depths of the enemy formation and broke the line, reluctant to fight each other and unable to fire an arrow into it.

"Yep! What are you doing! Siege them and attack them! Crush them in numbers!

Having noticed an ambush by a guerrilla unit led by Kelvin, Prince Neumann's army moves around backwards instead of hitting the guerrilla unit from the front.

We're going to destroy the guerrillas by surrounding them like they're going to push them around.


"You're in the way."

Kelvin, who noticed the motion, drove into front of the enemy knight.

"Know me, the reason of the wind, the reason of the sword, the reason of the blade, wrap a thousand blades, tear the sky apart!

Then Kelvin chants the spell early in the arrow succession.

"I, knowing the reason of the wind, call out the fierce wind! It's running and pushing, dust and mustard exchange!

The aim is a horse ridden by an enemy knight who runs the lead.

Kelvin, with a sword wrapped around the wind, flashed his sword wide. A vortex of violent vacuum created by magic struck the leading knight's riding horse in a straight line.

The wind blade gently slashes the horse's neck and leg, cutting off his life. Naturally, the knight who was crossing the horse was not safe either, and he blew forward shortly after screaming according to the laws of inertia.

The horse on which the succeeding knights rode also stopped.

The adventurers, who saw the enemy's momentum wane in an attempt to besiege their allies, escape into the woods on their own without waiting for Kelvin's orders.

Kelvin had dared to give orders to the adventurers to act every party. These are the more moveable adventurers who are supposed to act freely. And it's easier to get away with it for a mild amount of time if you meet up at a later determined location.

He was a guerrilla force that had forced a lot of bleeding on Prince Neumann's army after so many repeated outings, but he was on a different footing this day.

As usual, the unprejudiced Prince Neumann army had given up pursuing the guerrilla troops as they fled into the woods. But this time, 2,000 troops have been tracking us even as we fled into the woods. It also travels through the woods fast enough not to take a pull from the adventurers of the guerrilla forces.

(It's a mess...)

Faster than any of the adventurers accustomed to the woods, Kelvin instantly realized the enemy was tracking him.

(Apparently, you've chosen mercenaries with combat experience in the woods to form a specialized unit to welcome us.)

If the advantage of ability to act in the woods disappears, later it will simply be a number of battles.

Kelvin and his concurrent mercenary opponents can stand around a large number of opponents, but dealing with nearly four times as many enemies does not spare death.

And most importantly, I couldn't keep going backwards forever.

Thanks to the Kelvins' guerrilla forces' continued disruption of the rear of Prince Neumann's army, there are aspects of the enemy's unconcentrated attacks on Eltz.

As it is, if you continue to be stopped in the woods, Eltz will fall.

Let's shake off the chase. Kelvin keeps thinking whether to respond or not as he runs.

Unlike the hot sweat flowing in battle, I felt a crushing sweat flowing down my spine.

It was then.

in a different direction from the direction of Eltz. I heard a ton of horseshoes slightly.

(No way...... is it enemy reinforcement?

The sound is getting closer and closer.

(If you're backing up your enemies, you need to confirm.)

Kelvin changes course when he hands signals the adventurers running nearby. And the trees in the woods jumped out into the open streets.

From the opposite direction to the elts on the street, earthly smoke was already rising.

Looks like he's headed for Eltz after all.

Signs of enemy troops tracking Kelvin and the others are also approaching.

Desperate for annihilation if you are ambushed not only by tracking units, but also by enemy reinforcements from behind.

The worst came to mind, Kelvin, but strangely enough, Prince Neumann's army tracking unit showed itself on the street, seeing the dirt smoke that seemed distant. No, the retreat began in a hurry.

The upset is far greater than what Kelvin and the others showed us.

(Could this be...)

Kelvin puts together a guerrilla unit and waits for those approaching him on the spot.

Eventually, we were able to see who was on the horse, and we approached the distance where we could also see the military flag they were flying.

The military flag proudly raised by the leading knight is engraved with Kelvin's expected crest.

The military flag of the Royal Lyon Army.

It was the reinforcements who were waiting for those caged in Ertz.

"Which unit do you belong to!

The knight of the Royal Lyon Army, who came running in the lead, who speaks to the Kelvins, who put their swords away and made their dwellings right.

"I am Kelvin, First Princess of the Remulsil Empire."

"Your Royal Highness, you're with the squad! So you're Lord Wynn's colleague? We are an advance party under the Royal Lyon Army, His Highness Raul. Now if you'll excuse us for hurrying to side with Ertz, your lord, Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia, is acting with our army headquarters in the rear. If they're going to rendezvous, they'll wait here, but it'll be good!

"Thank you for coming. The rendezvous with Her Royal Highness may be at Eltz. I would like to accompany you and your army if I could. Can you forgive me?

"Whatever! Together, then, let us come to save the people of Elz!

The advance unit of the Royal Lyon Army is approximately three thousand.

It is still definitely more advantageous for Prince Neumann's army to besiege Ertz on the number.

However, the morale of Prince Neumann's army collapsed from the rear to the 3,000 armies that appeared refreshed with the flag of the Royal Lyon Army in the wind.

Though three thousand, the knights directly selected by Raul will kick behind Prince Neumann's army, which eventually chooses to withdraw.

And that evening, the main unit of the Royal Lyon Army entered the castle to Eltz.

"My brother... you're safe and above all"

"You took a hard time, Cornelia. Thank you for coming, Lord Raul."

The royal brothers and sisters of the Lemursil Empire rejoice in each other's safety.

Then Alfred asked to shake hands when he faced Raul, the king of neighbouring countries, who had come with reinforcements.

"No, no, I'm sorry I took a little too long. Nevertheless, I can only remember the people and soldiers of Ertz for their praise. It's a tenfold difference in power, and we've achieved defense until we arrive."

"Really. The people of Ertz - no, without the cooperation of the people of Ersted territory, I would have lost my life for a long time. I want to reward them sooner or later."

Outside the Earl of Elsted's mansion, there is an uninterrupted voice rejoicing in the victory of the people of Eltz.

This is how the Ertz offensive, which lasted more than a month, ended.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

The night dawned when the Royal Lyon Army entered Eltz.

In one of the rooms of the Earl of Elsted's residence are gathered Winn and Leticia, as well as seven people: Alfred, Cornelia, Raul, Lloyds and Kelvin.

Spread out on the tabletop is a map of the southern part of the Empire.

Raul, who would meet Lloyds for the first time, had a frigid eye on him with his initially plentiful protruding belly, bald head, and jaw so luxurious as to say whether this was still the case. But when I was introduced by Cornelia not only to my squire, but also to Alfred's faction's victory in this disturbance, a trustworthy figure, I correctly dwelt and bowed my head.

"Uncle Elsted. We would like to thank you for your generosity in supplying our troops."

"If you're going to say thank you, you're going to be ours. Supply, etc., is natural. Please tell us everything you need to do, not only food, drinking water, weapons, car repairs, etc."

"I don't want to miss this opportunity. I want to leave immediately for the Klefdorf Marquis. I may hope not for those of Elz who have just finished the fight and are exhausted, but thank you."

"I'm in awe, Your Highness Raul. What, the craftsmen of my Ertz territory are the owners of comparable arms to the craftsmen of Dwarves. We will certainly meet your request."

Raul thanked Lloyds small enough to say with a really proud grin.

Predicting where Raul and Lloyds had finished their conversation, Alfred opened his mouth as he looked around at the same face in this room.

"Well, as Raul said, we march to Rudolph, the Holy Land of Cliffdorf."

"Aren't you going to liberate Shimlug, the Imperial capital, first?

"Father - His Majesty the Emperor is in Neumann's hands. In that state, if I go with Lyon's army to the Imperial City, Neumann will charge us extensively, nationally and internationally, as rebels planning to seize the throne."

As a rebel who plans to seize the throne, if Alexei issues his life against Alfred, the other nobles who still remain neutral, not against both Alfred and Neumann forces, as well as the Knights of the East, known as the Invincible Shield, who continue to stop the demonic invasion of the Lemursil Empire, and the Knights of the North, who have the Navy, will also be enemies.

"First, I'm going to smack the ground of Lord Cliffdorf, the patron of Prince Neumann"

"Even I, Lord Elsted, will not forgive the people for invading our territory and causing immense damage. There are many possible reasons to proceed to the Klefdorf Marquis, such as to dismiss His Highness as a fake."

Succeeding to what Alfred said, Lloyds said.

Lloyds sitting with his hands together in a calm manner in front of his big protruding belly, but there was definite anger in that quiet tone.

Even though it was necessary to help Alfred, it has done enormous damage to the inhabitants.

There are also a small number of victims.

Lloyds had a strong anger against Cliffdorf Marquis Wells, who created the cause.

"Besides, it's Petersia who's assisting Lord Cliffdorf. I want to rendezvous with General Redrick of the Knights of the West and beat out the rude people of his country who have broken into our country with earthfoot."

"It's a good opportunity for Lyons to add restraint to Petersia, which is expanding its forces."

Raul also made Alfred snort at the words.

Raul's reason for forming an alliance with Alfred included not only the acquisition of rights in the northern part of the continent, where the country was exterminated and ruled away by demons, but also the significance of restraint against the Kingdom of Petersia.

The Kingdom of Petersia is rapidly gaining strength after the destruction of the Demon King. It ended the war without being directly invaded by demons in a country situated in the centre of the continent and with enough national power retained compared to other countries. He continues to aggressively send troops to the Allies against the Demonic Continent, pushing through the gap of exhausted powers, attacking and destroying and expanding the surrounding countries one after the other.

The Kingdom of Lyon will not be at war with Petersia for the time being because the Magil Mountains are a natural factor, but it has strong vigilance against his belligerent country.

The Lemursil Empire, a great power but exhausted by its borders with the demonic realm, will be destroyed by the Kingdom of Petersia in case. Even if it doesn't go as far as annihilation, Lyons could invade if the eastern border with Petersia were to be dropped.

The Royal Lyon Army has great merit in giving Alfred the kingdom of Petersia, which is growing tentacles within the Lemursil Empire, to be beaten together by the Klefdorf Marquis.

"But as long as Shimrug, the Imperial capital, and Father are in the hands of Brother Neumann, where they beat the ground of the Klefdorf Marquis, can they not soon resume?

"Yeah, so we have to attack Rudolph, Cliffdorf's capital, while at the same time ensuring his identity."

In response to Cornelia's question, Alfred pointed to a map on the tabletop.

It is a map of the entire Lemursil Empire.

When Alfred picked one pawn indicating his own army, which was placed on the map, he placed it on top of Rudolph, the Marquis Territory capital of Cliffdorf.

"Like I said, I attack Rudolph. In the whole army on a large scale. But this is a positive move. If I attack Rudolph as my master, my enemies' ears and eyes will go this way. In the meantime, a few head to the Imperial Capital to try to secure His Majesty the Emperor's stature, as well as to recapture the Imperial Capital. So, Cornelia. I want you to turn to the Empire City."

"I go to the Empire..."

Alfred told me. Cornelia wandered her gaze to Wynn and Leticia listening in silence, then looked at Alfred with a slightly harsh eye.

"That will come with you as an escort, Winn, if I head to the Imperial City. By doing so, is it your desire to use the power of Master Leticia?

"Cornelia. Either way, it's inevitable to involve Lady Leticia. And you're not just going to be watching, are you, Leticia?

When Alfred put his hand on the tabletop and said so, Leticia nodded in agreement with the words.

There is also a reason for Winn to go with him because he is heading into battle, but even for Leticia, Simlug has such deeply involved people as the 'Migratory Bird Inn Pavilion', Pourat, Laura and Iferina.

"If Master Leticia fights at the forefront of the war, other nations may see that power as a threat to heighten their vigilance. But if you're going to save someone close to you, that's not the point."

"In fact, in Peshrika, my brother told me that my father was staying at home. I heard that story. You'll also make excuses as a matter of course for me to head to Simlug. So, Mr. Cornelia, you'll be fine with me."

"If that's what Lady Leticia will say...... so is it just me and all the squadrons going to Simlug?

"Raul, you're with me. I need your help with Rudolph's offense."

"Right. As far as I'm concerned, it seems more interesting to leave the army to my men to go to Simlug, but if I go to Simlug, they're going to take another intention into account. Can we just leave about 2,000 with the defense and reconstruction support here?

Alfred nodded at Raul's confirmation.

"His Highness Cornelia. Would you please forgive me for accompanying His Highness Alfred?

It was Lloyds who then offered to do so.

Lloyds is Lord of the Earl of Elsted, but he also has the position of Cornelia's squire. We cannot send troops to the Klefdorf Horse without Cornelia's permission.

"As Lord Elsted, you cannot overlook Lord Cliffdorf, who has harmed the people"

"Okay. duty as lords, fulfill them fully."

"I thank His Highness Cornelia for his consideration"

Lloyds thanked Cornelia, then bowed his head to the vice president he placed his most trust in as he sat in the side seat.

"I'm sorry, Kelvin. Lord Cliffdorf will think a lot of things of you, but I want you to let me handle this. Regards, Your Highness."

Lloyds and Kelvin had connections with Cliffdorf Marquis Wells.

Originally, Lloyds and Kelvin were in the position of Thousand Horsemen in the Alliance against the Demonic Continent as the chief of General Zaunas.

But General Zaunas, known as the hero of the Empire in the Allied Army against the Demonic Continent, moved left to head of the Simurgh Knights School by Marquis Kleifdorf, who feared he would be threatened with his position with his voice.

Afterwards, General Zaunas had a coup to eliminate the Kleifdorf Hou clan, which plotted the dictatorship of power, in good faith that Emperor Alexei would not show interest in government, but failed. There is a history that Lloyds and Kelvin, who were considered Zaunas, were also pursued for that responsibility and demoted to the Ten Horsemen.

"I'll leave it to the captain to retaliate against Lord Cliffdorf. But, Your Highness, it seems a little difficult for us alone to save His Majesty the Emperor?

Acting in small numbers is good for scratching the eyes of enemies, but difficult to free all the dignitaries who would probably be imprisoned by Emperor Alexei. Simlug will also have difficulty getting into town in a strict manner. Not to mention the security should be even tighter deep inside the palace where Emperor Alexei is.

"Don't worry. The Empire has my gestures."

"I see. How do I get in touch with them?

"I do remember the squadrons as if they had a connection with the Marine Chamber of Commerce..."

"Is this about the Rock squire?

When Winn answered Alfred's query, Alfred nodded that he was.

"His parents, the Marine Chamber of Commerce, secretly offered to cooperate with me. If you make contact with them, they'll put a step in contact with my gestures."

"Got it. It's just that the Marine Chamber of Commerce is likely to be watched."

Kelvin raises his concern...

The Marine Chamber of Commerce offered Alfred its cooperation not only on the grounds that Rock the Three Boys is a squire with the Empire First Empress, but also on the prospect that the Alfreds must gain greater rights when they win. But Prince Neumann should also know, and naturally the Rock thing will be under investigation. The Marine Chamber of Commerce building is likely to be under surveillance, considering the likelihood that Crown Prince Alfred's will attempt to make contact.

"Later, we'll turn in the Rock squire and figure out if there's anything we can do."


Kelvin nodded face-to-face with Winn, and the meeting ended.

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