The action was to begin after the sun went down.

Seven people went out of town to keep their journey schedule out of sight.

It is Wynn, Leticia, Cornelia, Kelvin, Rock, Wedge and Leno.

The seven of them were riding horses they had hidden in the woods in advance and walking the fine roads in the woods where one horse, not the street, could finally pass.

Branches that are not otherwise well maintained streets.

"Letty, get this rock out of my way, too."


When Winn, who leads the way, stops in front of a rock blocking his way, he looks back and says Leticia, who comes with his back.

Was there a rockfall? A rock bigger than Winn's back length completely blocked the fine path, but when Leticia cast a spell with her hand on the rock, it turned to salad and sand and collapsed.

Moving the horse forward at night is a dangerous act. Using only about local hunters, bakers and charcoal burners, this forest road leaves traces of fallen trees and cliff collapses as well as falling rocks as they have now been. Because of poor scaffolding, Winn, who was accustomed to these paths thanks to his work as an adventurer, takes the lead, and Leticia eliminates the obstacles.

Even then, he was traveling by force at night to avoid the scourge eyes of Prince Neumann's army, which would have been left around Ertz.

"Shall we rest around here?"

Dangerous itineraries increase fatigue over normal itineraries.

When Kelvin stopped the horse's leg after seeing all the fatigue, the tension he was straining loosened at once and everyone sighed loudly.

The place Kelvin chose for the camp was a rocky place with a small lump. The trees were not growing thanks to the large rocks being swept out, making it a pompous little square.

"Fukuchi, do you want to light the fire?

"No sign of being tracked, and you'll be fine as long as you get this far"

"Then I'll collect firewood. Letty, I need your help."


Winn and Leticia take him up and go into the back of the bush.

"Mr. Rock."

Kelvin called me to gather the dead leaves and twigs, etc. that Rock had scattered there, transferring fire from the pine light in his hand.

"What is it, Deputy?"

"During your assignment in Lyon, have you made any progress with those two relationships?

Kelvin stared at Winn and Leticia walking away.

"Why not?

"No... because somehow those two relationships seemed more intimate"

"Well, then, maybe something happened when Peshlika..."

The answer was Lino, who was taking out the preserved food and the tools needed for the camp from the bags he was letting the horse carry.

"When Leticia was surrounded by noblemen in the town of Peshrica, Winn, who broke in, forcibly took Leticia out ~"


Kelvin was rare and opened his thin eyes slightly.

"I haven't heard what happened after Winn took Master Leticia out, but it looks like we've been alone for a while. I thought something might have happened at that time."

"Is that what you mean"

"But Deputy Director. You understand very well."

Kelvin smiled bitterly as Rock turned his eyes as impressed.

"It was somehow. Previously, Winn didn't seem to like Leticia using her powers at work as a knight, but now she looks different. It felt like the atmosphere between us had changed."

"Heh, fukuchi. That's surprisingly sharp."

"Lino, as you know, I'm married, right?

Kelvin laughed a little bit at Leno's words, then looked out of his heart.

"Just a little observation and you'll see, won't you? If you read not only word multiplication, but breathing, gaze, intermission, etc., you can see any number of signs of a change in relationship. It's all the technology we've developed in battle, but if we apply it, we can also apply it to infer the subject's relationships in real life."

"Ki, you're a clever imitator..."

While hammering, Rock gave a subtle look.

"More than that, Mr. Rock."


"It was a long time ago, but we were on our way to Ertz. Remember the story?

Asked by Kelvin, Rock said, "Can't you remember?" Yes?, "he tilted his neck.

"So you've talked about it before, haven't you? Winn, about the role of our squad, except you. The role expected of us is that you, Winn, are also expected to play a supporting role in achieving merit. Apparently, Lyon has successfully accomplished as much credit as it can meet that expectation, and as I confirmed earlier, our relationship with Lady Leticia has moved in a good direction..."

Kelvin turns to Cornelia, who cares for the horse when he cuts the words there. Being supposed to be the most noble woman in the empire, she was taking horses alongside wedges to Zelig to drink water, despite their noble stature. However, Kelvin noticed that from time to time his eyes were pointing in the direction where Winn and Leticia walked away.

"... uh, what is Master Cornelia?

"Winn, it's a great pleasure for our empire that your relationship with Master Leticia is going to progress, but what's going on with your relationship with Master Cornelia?

"Duh, what's going on..."

Rock gets stuck in words.

"It's harder to say than Winn and Lady Leticia have a good relationship... but I don't know if they're going to pull themselves off..."

Kelvin sighs loudly at the rock, saying, "Ha..." Then he shook his head slightly and gently once to the side and stood up and walked to Cornelia beside Zelig.

Excuse me, Your Highness.


Cornelia, who was crouching around Sawa and giving the horse a drink of water, looked back in the same position.

"I'm afraid I have a grumpy question, Winn, but I'd like to ask you something about your personal relationship with His Highness..."

"Is it a personal relationship?

To Cornelia with a strange look on her face, Kelvin scratched her head and then let her gaze wander around in space looking for a few words.

"Yes, Your Highness has special feelings for you, Winn, I'm sure."

Kelvin, who questioned him directly on his own, raised his surprise when Rock and Leno, who followed him, accidentally looked at each other.

"Chi, chi, hey, deputy chief"

"Fukuchi, any question like that..."

Cornelia stood up on the spot as she worked and pretended to be calm, turning a blind eye to the two of them showing a rush.

"... Mr. Kelvin. I don't know what you're saying. What do you mean I have special feelings for you, Winn?

"It means as it is. His Royal Highness has special feelings for you, Winn. Yeah, I'll say no, but nothing. I'm sorry to bother you with that. However, as a matter of policy, we would like to confirm your feelings in the future."

"Does my personal relationship with Winn affect your policies in any way?

"Of course. It's going to affect you a lot."

Kelvin nodded strongly.

"I would also like His Highness to be well aware that the fate of your personal relationship with His Highness, Winn, will be one of the major interests of the Empire, right?

"And of the Empire..."

Cornelia opened her eyes wide for a moment.

"Oh no... Winn you have a special someone named Lady Leticia. Even if I had special feelings for you... Wynn. You can't imitate what would tear you two apart."

Cornelia dyes her cheeks slightly when she utters the word special emotions. That's just like letting the surroundings know what's going on with her true intentions.

"Yeah, I'm sure there won't be many things you can do to tear those two apart. But, Your Highness. Your Highness won't be able to pull you off there."

"Ko, trouble......?

To Kelvin's story, Cornelia looked like she was on her way.

"You know what, Your Highness? I told you earlier, Rock, it's a great pleasure for those two - Winn, you and Lady Leticia - to be moved in the right direction. But for my Lemursil Empire, that is still not enough. Apparently, Lady Leticia is not obsessed with her parents' home called the Mavis family, and on top of that, Winn, there are people like your adoptive parents, but you don't have a home. If I say so, you two are not firmly rooted against the Empire."

"Oh, sure. It feels like Leticia hates the house. I'm talking about being immersed in Winn's place all the time when I was a kid..."

"Even when I was seeing Leticia's brother, there was room for attitude."

Rock and Leno hammered Kelvin's words.

"As an empire, I want to connect those two at all costs. I definitely want to avoid just spilling over into other countries. That's what His Highness Alfred thinks."

"I understand what you're saying, but I wonder how my personal relationship with you and Wynn will be involved in that."

"I mean, Your Highness wants you to build a more intimate relationship with Winn than ever before, and make Winn a wedge to stop you from connecting to the Empire."

"What the hell! Will you tell me to rip those two friends apart!

Cornelia reversed her willow brow to Kelvin's story.

"No, I'm not saying tear you two apart. I want Master Leticia to be unbeaten and build an intimate relationship with you, Wynn. Perhaps His Royal Highness Alfred has the same idea.

"My brother?

Kelvin nodded to Cornelia, who questioned him again.

"Naturally. Otherwise, there's no way I'm going to put you around His Highness, Winn. Fortunately, Your Highness does not hate him. His Highness Alfred wants to connect Leticia to the Empire in a manner consistent with His Highness's thoughts. It's a common story in the real room, in the sideroom, in the aristocratic world."

"Wu, Wu, you're a civilian, aren't you?

Cornelia floats the color of agitation on too many stories.

"Well, when I say civilians, my father or brother may be surrounded by mistresses..."

Bossly grunting rock.

The main residence of the Marine family may be inhabited by all three concubines of Rock's father, as well as brothers and sisters who are not recognised as successors but are belly-up.

"That's something like the Marine family of the Great Chamber of Commerce, which is also famous in the Empire. It's not unusual for a civilian to have two or more women as his daughter-in-law, as you can see very well from that Marine example."

"But Fukuchi. Doesn't that mean either Cornelia or Leticia are mistresses? Winn, you're a civilian, aren't you? Are you allowed to deal with the royal family and the Duke's family?"

Lino's question is the best one.

As far as Leticia is concerned, there is nothing I can do to make it clear that my surroundings allow it or respect her will, except for her alone.

Leticia, who originally travels all the way to Winn, won't even care about her identity or anything, and she herself has the power to just pierce her will. It is impossible to bend her will by force, even where relatives, starting with her father, Duke Mavis, disagreed. If you do poorly, you may just leave the empire. He's a troublesome person who doesn't have an obsession with being a Duke's Lady.

But Cornelia's not.

Cornelia is the noblest woman in the empire, as the First Empress of the Empire, and the right to inherit the throne is second in rank.

The royal women of the Lemursil Empire have the freedom to choose who to marry, unlike the royalties of other countries. However, in practice, the women of the historical royal family have each married their chosen counterparts, but they are originally limited to the descendants of noble nobles, such as those who will be able to meet the Crown Princess. For this reason, in many cases men commensurate with the status of Crown Princess had been chosen as their companions.

It was Cornelia who went through my father, the Emperor, to the Cavalier School. And as a result, I also saw the least identical wins dyed in the Knights School.

There is no precedent in the long history of the empire, such as the fact that the crown princess's chosen figure was a civilian. Isn't this just unacceptable even for the nobles close to the royal family?

"Yeah, I think Leno's right to be afraid."

Kelvin nodded.

"Even though you had the title of master of the brave, you wouldn't have been able to admit it before, Winn. But the prince of the king of the kingdom of Lyon, with the ink of His Royal Highness Raul the" Swordsman ", will also put the title of" Swordsman "into perspective, and the achievements of this turmoil will be greatly appreciated. That's not so strange to be taken up as a nobleman. In that case, Winn, you will be able to marry a princess without anyone having to wear it."

"So, Winn, you have Lady Leticia!

"No, that's why I want His Highness to develop an intimate relationship with you, Winn. Lady Leticia is a brave woman named the Duke of Mavis. There is no one else comparable to Leticia, is there?


Kelvin even smiles and says it out. Pushed by the momentum, Cornelia accidentally swallowed up the words of objection.

Cornelia's brain recalls Leticia's, beautiful blonde hair as if scattered light, miraculously neat appearance, and Rin's standing as a brave man. Regardless of their status, they certainly did not seem to be so within the empire, such as those who could reciprocate with attractive Leticia even from the eyes of women.

Except Cornelia.

Cornelia still uttered a word of denial, even though she realized it and was heartfelt delighted.

"Mr. Kelvin. I don't feel like breaking in between you two..."


On top of it, Cornelia denied it, and Kelvin decided to back off when this one fit.

"But Your Highness. His Royal Highness Alfred probably wants a future like the one I have just mentioned. I hope you'll keep one thing in mind."

With that said, Kelvin smiled and gave a small thank you, leaving Sawa's neighborhood, on the rocks.

I was returning to one of the fires.

To Kelvin's attitude, not afraid of the Empress in front of him, Rock, and Leno both went after his back, flashing.

On the spot, only Cornelia, whose head had not yet been sorted out, and Wedge, who was taking care of the horse as she listened, remained.

"Yeah... Shall we go back?"

Wedge, who had taken care of the horse, opened his mouth rarely and urged Cornelia, who could not move from the spot, to return to the fire.

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