Master of the brave.

To Empire City.

A favela stretched around the outer walls of Shimrug, the Imperial capital.

In a neighborhood lined with poor cabins using waste materials, borough cloths, etc., the main inhabitants consist of poor people who cannot pay civil taxes and cannot live in the Imperial City, and those who have lost their homeland and flown in the long war against demons.

Neither the house nor the land were guaranteed, and sometimes the administration is forced to leave as damaging to the landscape of the Imperial capital.

That's why the residents are desperate for a life they don't even know what tomorrow will be. Not so. He dreams that one day he will emerge from his present situation and arrange old clothes, second-hand goods with no idea where they came from, and items that obviously only look like crap. If there was an outdoor shop selling stews made of miserable potatoes, beans, shriveled vegetables, some people would sell homemade cheap liquor so that they didn't know what the ingredients were next.

Everyone, both those who raise their voices to sell their goods and those who go out with them, is glaring at their eyes, and the look of it may be more lively than the streets lined with stores in Imperial City.

Winn, Rock, and Wedge were walking down the streets of the ghetto where such a large crowd would go.

We arrived in Simlug last night, and the rest of us are hiding in the woods.

The slums with high crime rates decided not to be accompanied by three people: Leticia, Cornelia and Leno. Because if you are known as a young daughter, you can be blind to thugs, criminals who plan to kidnap you. I don't want to be caught up in the extra commotion now that Simlug is dominated by the Neumann prince faction.

And Kelvin, too, was to stay because his face could have been known in the Glades.

"I've had a bit of a commotion in this city before, and I'm in contact with someone I could even call one of my face roles, so hey. I didn't exhaust all the organizations that were in charge of that face role, and there may still be those who remember my face. So I'd rather not go."

So the three of us, Winn, Rock and Wedge, came to the Glades. The purpose is to check the security status of the gates on the exterior wall, etc.

Guards also patrol the streets close to the main streets in the Glades. So a little further from the street, I was watching what was going on in front of the gate. Fortunately, there are as many shades of convenience to hide from the guards in a slum where huts are built all the time with no planning and nothing.

At the exterior gate of Simurgh, the carriages of merchants entering and leaving the capital, the travellers, had queued and their luggage inspected in turn.

We collect taxes on city entrance taxes and luggage, and check to see if they are criminals who have been named.

From what I saw, I also saw the guards talking to the public with the familiar passers-by, not in a strict manner.

"Hmmm... the security looks like it's always the same or something. I thought I was restricting traffic inside the capital."

"Whatever happens when you hold down dignitaries and strongholds of the rebel forces, if you keep the gates shut forever after this is over, or if you're on strict alert, you'll buy civil disgust and make the soldiers on your side think they're disadvantaged."


Winn is honestly impressed with the description of Rock from the merchant.

But Wedge, who was peeking in from behind the lock, slapped him on the shoulder with a ton and pointed at him.


"Hmm? Oh, it's true. There's soldiers over there."

Rock's exclamation.

Winn also looked and saw several soldier-like figures hiding themselves on the outer wall.

"It's not just there. All the way back at the gate. You can see it in the shadows of the building."

"Where are you? Wynn, can you see that?

"Where? I don't see it at all. You look good."

The outer walls of Simurgh's giant stone are very thick, and some squares open to the city further down through the gates. Wedge says there's a bunch of soldiers hiding in the shadows of the building you can see up ahead.

The building behind it even looks small in the eyes of Wynn and Rock, and the Gateway Square with its many upper streets. I have no idea where the soldiers are.

"There are usually no soldiers there."

Winn nodded at the wedge, which I assure you clearly.

In fact, Wedge can be the best bow and arrow celebrity in the squad.

When I was a child, as I entered and exited Leno's house, which I was familiar with, I received bow gestures from Leno's grandfather, who was a knight. And he went out with Lino, the daughter of the pharmacist's house, to improve his shooting skills while he was in the woods to collect herbs. My eyesight was always apart, and I sometimes found flying birds on my journey and shot them off.

"The guards at the gate look like they usually do, and the soldiers in hiding may have a different chain of command."

Rock is right, even if the soldiers are hiding and watching, it should be difficult for the guards to behave as usual due to the tension they are also being seen. If so, the guards may not have been informed about the soldiers they are watching.

The three men, who confirmed that the security at the gate was tightening, gently left the scene and returned to the midst of the slum trap. Now walk for the outer wall of Simlug.

The exterior walls are huge and tall, so we don't get lost. However, the path of the Glades has not been built straight, and when we hit the end of the road again and again, we turn back and go another way.

"I'm tired..."

Nor could it be forced for Rock to say that and cut his breath.

I lost my way and got more feathers to walk than I expected, but I wouldn't be that tired if it was a normal road. But a place called the Glades becomes a mental pressure, and you get tired of feeling more nervous than you need.

The deeper we go, the more dangerous the place is called the Glades. Whatever, if you show the gap, your wallet will be removed from your nostrils. No, if it's just a purse, it's still better. Suddenly, she is stripped of her body after assault. I might even lose my life.

"You can't climb the wall."

Winn looked up with his hands on a large stone, the material on the outer wall.

"You've got magic all over the wall. That's grant magic, this. On the top side, there's something written or patterned."

That's what Rock says, who was looking up at the wall just like Winn.

Rock was using magic to explore the invisible magic streams strewn across the outer walls.

"Breaking down walls and breaking into them is going to tear you apart soon."

I thought Leticia might be able to magically drill a hole in the outer wall, but apparently she can't.

Wedges returning observing over Simlug a short distance from there.

"There is also something like a magically made membrane over Simlug. Maybe we'll react to the intruder."

"Letty's magic means you can't go in through the sky."

"And I saw something like a line of magic running that way and that way."

"Yeah, that's probably the guy from Sealed Demon's Order."

Six towers with magic formations centered on stone slabs are built away from Simlug.

Each of the tower arrangements is set up to depict the apex of the Six Mans star with Simulg as its central point, so that in an emergency, it can put up a powerful "Enchanted Demonic Realm" named "Seven Kinds of Enchantment".

The tower built inside the fort where the Knights were placed is strictly controlled and guarded as a key to the imperial defense. It's a classified military facility that no ordinary knight would allow to approach without permission, but Winn and Rock had previously seen the magic formations and tablets in the tower when General Zaunas had the coup.

I guess what Wedge sees is the magic running between that tower and Simlug. From where Wedge saw it, he only seemed to see two magic lines, but the last four should be stretching in separate directions.

"Speaking of which, that happened..."

Rock shrugged smudgingly when he also remembered when he saw the magic formation and the tablet on Winn's words.

I thought it was because of that incident that I learned that Cornelia's identity was the First Empress of the Empire.

And the four Winn, Rock, Wedge and Leno, from their status as Cadets of the Knights School, decided to acquire the knighthood of the memorial. It feels like a long time ago.

"I didn't usually care, but Simlug is a tough city to break into."

"If they don't know my face, if it's a disguise and what's going to happen, it's going to work. Master Cornelia, Master Leticia, of course, may know Winn's face. Even we can't possibly be handed out sketches."

Away from the exterior walls, the Wins returned from the slums down the path to their companions hiding in the woods.

"How was Simlug?

It was Cornelia who first spoke when she saw the Winns return.

I guess I care about the lives of my citizens as a princess. The color of anxiety is floating in my eyes staring at Winn.

To reassure Cornelia like that, Winn replied with a smile on his face.

"I couldn't even get inside the gate, but as far as I could see, there were usually people coming and going. However, Wedge said there were quite a few soldiers hiding and monitoring the gates."

"Really? It would be nice if we hadn't sacrificed your lives in our feud."

When Winn says so, Cornelia closes her eyes and relaxes her chest.

"Hmm. Are you getting tighter security? So, in your eyes, did it seem easy for us to get into Simlug?

Kelvin, who was checking with Lino to see if the three of them had not been followed, asks the three of them who were on reconnaissance.

"No, I find it hard to get into Simlug without making a scene. At the gate, soldiers were watching, hiding besides the guards. The outer walls and the sky are also stretched with magical junctions to detect intrusions."

"Of course I know about the magical kingdom. You learned that, didn't you?

Winn, Cornelia, Rock, Wedge and Leno nod.

The magical junction that covers the sky above Shimrug, the imperial capital of the Lemursil Empire, is something you will always learn if you go to the Knights School.

"The magical kingdom?

Only one, Leticia, who had never been to a school since childhood, asked Wynn that.

"There are many species of demons flying in the sky. If it's not just Simlug, but a big city, there's a magical junction stretched out to detect intrusions from the sky. If it's an imperial city that Letty knows about, it's in Clenado, and it's in Letty's home e-mail, right?

Mayr, the capital of the Duke Mavis family, is the third largest city in the Lemursil Empire. Naturally, it is covered with a magical junction, just like Simlug.

"Oh, it's true. Sure, there's a connection."

Leticia, who stood up when she heard about Winn, said as she admired the simrg, which seemed far from the shadow of the bush.

"That's surprising. I can't believe Letty didn't know about the magic kingdom."

"Yeah. Something like invisible if you don't want to use magic to see it. I never cared."

"I think there's this kind of junctional magic in every country, not just in the empire. Didn't you see it in a foreign town when you were traveling?

"Because I don't observe the town's boundaries. The place where I use magic is finally on the front line. Big cities like the one where the bonds are stretched are falling, and the bonds weren't working, were they?

"Right. Conversely, if a city is functioning, you didn't notice because Letty doesn't use magic."


"So, Master Leticia,"

Kelvin broke in where Wynn and Leticia were talking.

"For example, can you fly over the sky and enter Simlug without being sensed by the junction?

"I can't do that. I can deactivate that magic junction or something, but I already found out when I deactivated it."

"I see."

On Kelvin's inquiry, Leticia clearly shook her neck to the side and denied it.

"How do we get in touch with His Royal Highness Alfred's palm that he's in Simlug... That's quite a problem."

"Um, Deputy Director. I have an idea how to do that."

As Kelvin shifted his gaze to Winn, Winn pointed to a farm area that stretched out of the woods from behind the bushes.

"I know someone around here. If he's the one, he's familiar with the Adventurer Alliance officials, and why don't you ask the Alliance to get in touch with him?

"Oh, you mean Laura."

"Is Your Highness also acquainted?"

When Kelvin took confirmation when she saw Cornelia pounding her hand in front of her chest, the Empress nodded happily.

"Yes, Winn, I know you and Lady Leticia, and they were very good when I visited them before"

"I see. If your Highness and Master Leticia are tattooed, they must be someone you can put your trust in. So, can you give me some guidance?

Kelvin made the decision, and together they decided to walk to the Forest Herald and head over to Laura's house.

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