Laura's house, which runs the farm, is located close to the woods that took off the street and into the trail.

If I walked over to the woods, I could get to the house without touching people.

There are fences strewn around the house, and cows relax and eat grass in the works.

"Leena, how are you?

Leticia whispered to Wynn with pleasure.

Laura's adopted daughter, Iferina, is also childhood friendly to Wynn and Leticia.

I'm in the middle of an important mission, but I'm sure I'm looking forward to seeing my friends.

A motherhouse ahead through a trail stretching between fences surrounding livestock and a cabin with farm implements. And the chicken coop was built adjacent, and the chickens were freely poking the ground around the house. Are you familiar with people, I don't even try to get close or avoid them.

"Your Highness, Lady Leticia, Wynn, your acquaintance, I thought it was accompanied by surveillance of Prince Neumann, but there's no sign of that."

Kelvin was carefully examining the footprints left on the ground.

The visible footprints are of livestock, of women and children, and then of baggage trucks.

If an armed knight or soldier visits, it is one whose weight leaves a clear footprint.

At least I didn't see any signs of anyone armed visiting in the last few days.

"There's no such thing as watching from afar."

Wedge groans bossly.

Wedge's eyesight is twice as good as that of a man, who also finds it easy for soldiers hiding behind the building behind the gate.

But Leticia stopped by the entrance.

"Wait, brother. There are not two signs of people in the house!

Tension ran with the words.


A warrior ran on Winn's back.

If Winn and the others were waiting in the house in anticipation of coming here, Laura and Iferina might be held hostage.

No, hostages would still be good.

Winn and Leticia's childhood girl Iferina is a wingman. If they find out who she is, they're likely to take her away.

Wing races sometimes have such unusual powers as to be worshipped as gods. And many try to get a wingman who also has a beauty beyond people's knowledge.

Each hand reaches for the sword.

At that time, the entrance drawer made a rattling noise.

Someone is about to come out.

And I came out in front of you watching the doorway in solitary spit.

"Letty! Winn, brother!

It was Yferina who popped out of her long loose hem clothes as a bummer.


"Wow, long time no see!

Leticia crouches in and hugs Iferina as she jumps.

"The fact that Leena's safe doesn't seem to be an enemy to anyone in there."

That's what the Horrible Wynn said, laughing at his buddies who remained under tension.


"Yes, because if the person inside does any harm, Leena will be caught first..."

Laura from inside the house, as Winn said, and then three figures appear.

Seeing the characters, Winn and the others looked to surprise.

"Mr. Seri! And Abel! Until Mr. Leesbelt..."

That's what Celi and the others were supposed to have traveled to Ernassa, the capital of Elves.

Celli lowered her head pecking as she smiled.

"Long time no see? Welcome home? Which is it...... I thought I'd welcome you home? Welcome home, everyone."

And finally another, Leticia, who was holding Iferina up when she saw someone coming out of the house, stood up.

"I thought if I waited here, I would definitely come. Letty, long time no see."

"Tiara, I can't believe you're here."

"I heard about what happened in Lyon from Seli and the others. I have something to tell Letty about that."

Tiara slightly loosened her lips to reveal the joy of reunion, but soon when she tightened her expression she complained to Leticia that way.

Tiara looked like she wanted to start talking soon, but it was Laura, the landlord who stopped it.

"What are you talking about here? Please come inside. I'm sure you'd rather stay out of sight, wouldn't you?

"This is painful."

Kelvin stands for Laura's words and bows his head. I bowed my head as a courtesy, but I've honestly admired her powers of perception.

Laura's farm is on the outskirts off the streets, but surrounded by gentle hilly meadow areas. From where Wedge saw it, there did not appear to be any figures around, but it is a place of full view from the top of the hill.

"Excuse me, Mr. Laura. A lot of people pushed me. I'll explain the situation properly.

"It's okay, Mr. Wynn. Customers are welcome. The house is big and I don't mind at all. And we can talk about the situation later. I'm sure there's something important going on with you and Letty, Winn? Anyway, come inside."

"Thank you"

That's how Laura welcomed the Winns into the house.

They each unloaded their bags at the wall of the room and sat as a car seat around the enclosure in the center of the room. Then whoever he was, he spilled a cheeky sigh, and we all looked at each other and laughed bitterly.

"It's a little bitter, but I can take the fatigue. Be careful, it's hot."

In the meantime, Laura brought me a pottery cup for a number of people.

Smells good.

Laura seemed to reveal herself when the Wins were surprised at the handy handling despite the sudden visit.

"Actually, about a half an hour before you guys arrived, Leena told me that Winn Brother and Letty were coming. So I waited for you."

"You know, the wind, it tells me. Winn, your brother and Letty are coming."

Iferina laughing and saying nippa. The pure white wings that grew on its back are moving busily with patties about whether they are showing her excitement.

"We also have hot water, so please also dust off your journey before you talk. Especially if a young girl stays dressed like that, right?

Leticia, Cornelia and Leno give Laura's recommendations a glimmer of eyes and bow their heads.

And when I raised my lowered head, Leticia and Cornelia blushed, remembering when they used hot water with Winn.

Winn reminds me of that time too, and I look at Leticia and Cornelia unexpectedly. Then, just as they were both looking at Winn, they all lay down their faces.

Winn felt his ears getting hot, too.

"Letty, what's wrong? Your face is bright red? Oh, and Mr. Cornelia!

Iferina, held in Leticia's lap, looked up at Leticia with a strange face.

"Hey, it's nothing! Mr. Cornelia, let me use the hot water first."

"Right. Then don't hesitate to let me use it."

"Leena, do you want to use hot water with me later?

"Yeah, I'll use it with Letty!

Looks like Laura had somewhere to look at Winn, Leticia and Cornelia. After seeing the three of them smiling, I head back to the kitchen with the cuckoo.

Kelvin was clear in such a way as to leave me out of it. I was sipping tea zucchingly with my face.

And the three Rock, Leno and Wedge...

"Whoa! Seriously, this..."

"Oh, no, no, no, Wedge, no... If your father sees this, he'll cry and be happy ~"


The three had their eyes open in front of one feather that Leno had finally pinched up with a trembling hand.

The feathers were pure white that could not even be seen in an inch of color mixing, and looked as if they were wrapped in white and soft light.

"Oh, that's Leena's feather. I'm sorry. I seem to fall out naturally sometimes. I cleaned it, maybe I missed it..."

"No, no, no... it's okay! 'Cause it's okay!

Locke shook his head in front of Laura, who looked back and apologized.

"That's definitely wingman's feather. There is a powerful remnant of magic."

That's what Tiara tells the three excited about just one feather, sipping tea without expression.

"Howdy... I knew this was a wingman's feather."

Leno stares at the shiatsu and feathers.

"Once upon a time I saw your father buy it from an adventurer ~. He said he could make many powerful magic drugs with one of these..."

"A dozen pieces of gold in one piece will be hard. If it's our Chamber of Commerce, that's how you buy it."

"Do you even do a dozen gold coins!?

Rock snorted as Winn asked, listening to Rock whine.

"Oh. As Tiara and Lino put it, the wingman's feathers are left with powerful remnants of magic and are treated as materials for a variety of magic drugs. But I rarely show up in public. The circulation is so low, it's very expensive."


Wynn saw Yferina with a loose face on Leticia's lap.

A wingman who has the power to surpass even an elf, on the one hand, and whose feathers are worth even dozens of gold coins, on the other. The child.

"So we have to make sure he's never known to anyone but the trustworthy."

"Oh, I know. I brought you here because I trusted everyone."

Winn said so and nodded, looking at Kelvin.

If there's only one concern, it's about Kelvin, who's a trusted person, but not a friend, but a boss.

In the Lemursil Empire there is a 'brave man' with the highest incomparable force, Leticia, but with the magic that seems to be second only to her, Iferina should still be a child but a tremendous charm.

But Kelvin laughed nicely and put the pottery cup on the floor.

"Don't worry, I won't report you to the Knights. Well, you'll only need to report it to the captain and His Highness Alfred, but it's okay. Neither of you would want to buy Lady Leticia's anger."

If you get your hands on Iferina, you'll definitely buy Leticia's wrath first. I see such a desperate future, but no fool bothers to get his hands on it.

Besides, Kelvin, as an individual, I prefer to be on the front line and cleave enemies with my own power, rather than blow up enemy troops with the vast magic of the wingman.

I didn't care that he was out of his personal taste to present Iferina, who could break the way he fought from the ground up, to the Knights.

(We just have to hide her presence from others and those who plan not to do good. Sounds like you should think of some kind of hand, such as putting the escort in the shadow, even after this battle)

Kelvin swallows his last bite and whines in his heart as he sighs with a howl. Bitter tea but refreshing in my head.

Then I get up to get another cup of tea from Laura.

And he said, "If you don't mind, can you tell me what the tea brand is?," he spoke with a smile to Laura.

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