"Hey, Winn. I went to Ernassa with Mr. Seri, didn't I? It's Elf's capital, the world's tree capital, Ernasa."

"It was amazing. I'm impressed that there are places like this in the world."

Celli nodded, too, to Abel's words, who had proudly spoken to Wynn.

"Oh well, good. I wanted to go there once, too."

"Oh, I've finally seen a world that Wynn has never seen. What do you say, jealous?

"Honestly, I envy you."

"If you look at the world tree, you'll be convinced why the 'world' tree was named."

"I too have seen the young trees of the world tree grow in Mr. Leesbert's village..."

When Wynn said that and looked at Leesbelt, Leesbelt laughed and shook his head after he had Wynn's words translated after the elf from Seri.

"You can't compare me to a young tree. The trunk of the world tree is about the size of a mountain."

"Ya mountain..."

"Oh, you mean the world tree? I wonder how tall it is, that one. I can't see the trees hiding in the clouds."

It was Abel, who didn't understand the elf language, but he explained it by inferring that he was talking about the world tree from the word 'mountain' and the flow of the story in Winn.

"The fundamentals are so dazzling that it becomes a giant freshwater lake and the Shizuku of light reflecting from the trees of the world"

"It was beautiful... I mean like I scattered a star in the night sky all over one side, or like I flipped a jewelry box and said..."

"You've always been like noon. Even at night, I was so worried I wouldn't be able to sleep because I was dazzled."

"Are you dazzled at night too?

When Winn asked, Celi shook her head.

"There are several sinuses at the base of the tree. Very big and wide...... It's dark in there, and the elves are magically and artificially managing day and night."


It's fun to talk about a world you've never seen before.

I was in the mood to continue this fun story forever, but Winn really had only one thing to ask Celi.

"So Seri, uh... was able to meet her relatives?

"Yes, with the help of Dear Tiara. I was able to meet my father's relatives. It was me who mixed people's blood, but I couldn't welcome my father, who abandoned his homeland, and me, who was born with that blood..."


"Oh, but it's okay."

Seeing Wynn with a dark look on her face, Celi waved in haste in front of her face.

"My hometown is an empire. There's no way I can start a new life in Ernasa right now. And..."

I cut the words and Celi looked at Leesbelt.

"I got a young tree seedling from a world tree in Ernasa. I'm going to plant this on the inside tracks and rebuild the inside."

"I'm gonna help you with that, too."

"Oh, I see."

So I was silently listening to the Wins, and Leticia nodded small.

"Oh well, we both..."


Seri nods nicely.

"Oh, my God, Letty, what is it?

Leticia looked frightened and saw Wynn.

"Mr. Seri and Mr. Liesbert are dating. You and I are going to rebuild the inside together."

"Oh, I see."

"Your brother is already dull..."

"Letty. Winn's blunt isn't what started it now, is it?

"Yes, it is."

Abel smiles bitterly and sees Leticia.

"What the hell, you two?"

"That's enough. He told me he liked it properly..."

He was a reticia who sighed and muttered the second half of the word in a small way with a goño goño.

While everyone was using hot water, Laura busily went out to Simlug when she set up a meal schedule in the kitchen.

Winn asked me to get in touch with someone in Laura.

If Laura enters and exits the city, which opens in front of the external gate square of Simurgh, she is familiar with the guards of the gatekeepers.

The time when the Wins came to Laura's house was after noon, but when the yang sank into the shadows of the mountains, Laura came back in her luggage with one person.

"Hey, Winn. Letty, it's been a while."

"Mr. Poulat!

"Long time no see, Mr. Poulat seems well too"

An older friend for Winn and Leticia. Pourat, who looked after me as a senior adventurer to Win and Leticia at an early age, now works as an official in the Adventurer Guild.

It was also because Laura's horse was on the carrier of the luggage she pulls because she was injured in the leg and couldn't continue her adventurer.

Even for Iferina, Poulat was his favorite brother and he was quickly hugging him in the arm.

"I believed that you guys would be safe in the battle for Eltz, or going to Lyon. I'm glad you're feeling better."

"It was tough on Magil's abandoned pit road. Oh, yeah, yeah. That's when Mr. Olt and the others showed me around."

"Mr. Ort!? Wow, I miss you. Mr. Ort, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Iliza. Haven't seen you in a long time...... did you look good?

Poulat breaks his face when he hears the nostalgic name of a senior adventurer he used to take care of from Wynn.

"I was fine. Mr. Lewis and Mr. Illiza, they were married and had a house in Eltz. All three say hello to Mr. Poulat."

"Right. Do you live in Ertz now? Well, those people could build a fortune."

Poulat whines deeply emotionally when he listens to Leticia. As an adventurer myself, I'm sure there's somewhere to think of the three senior adventurers I admired because they fall into the failed category.


It was also during the bundle that he looked emotional. Poulat tightened his expression as he looked all the way around the same face gathered at Laura's house.

The face of an official who works in the Adventurer's Guild.

"I think you came all the way to me to call this house for some important favor..."

When Poulat said so, Kelvin lowered his head small and opened his mouth.

"You're right."

"Well, if only I could see this much facial touch. Winn and Letty, then Her Royal Highness. And now, with the rest of the squadrons."

"Yeah, there's something I'd like to ask you or the Adventurer Guild. Yeah, well, I say Kelvin. For once, I'm in a position of vice president."

"Didn't the squadrons have an upward and downward relationship with His Highness Cornelia in their head?

"Institutionally, yes, Captain - oh, Uncle Lloyds Van Ersted and I have been serving in the role of chief in the troops they have been assigned to for a long time. It feels like the habits of that time have been taken over."

"I see. So Deputy Kelvin. What do you want from us guilds?

"Yes, I'd like to make contact with the Marine Chamber of Commerce and ask for a relay with the men under his command that His Royal Highness Alfred is letting Simlug sneak in."

Poulat, hearing the words, narrowed his eyes sharply.

"Right. Is the Crown Prince finally going to recapture the Empire?"

Poulat sees Cornelia only for a moment.

Cornelia sat beside Winn, opposite Leticia, staring at Poulat.

"It's only for the Marine Chamber of Commerce guys that the Alliance makes contact with, right?

Kelvin nods to confirm Poulat.

"Yep. Probably after contact with the Marine Chamber of Commerce, they'll also be entrusted with contacting us from there..."

"I know. Besides, we have your contact information brokered by the Marine Chamber of Commerce."

"That's right, should I admire it with the Adventurer Guild? Did you know that much?"

"Naturally. I hope you don't insult the Alliance's information network. We were just wondering if the Crown Prince's knights, the Zaunas, would take action soon."

"The Zaunas?

It was Wynn who raised his surprise at the words.

"Is the Zaunas about that Principal Zaunas!?

"Yes, I am."

When Winn asked, Kelvin nodded loudly.

"I heard that the cavaliers attached to Principal Zaunas when he had the coup were executed and the rest were all banished..."

Rock also doesn't hide his stunning appearance, face-to-face with Leno, who sits next to him, and then with a wedge that looks beyond Leno's head.

Speaking of which, I've heard that His Highness Alfred was the one who cut off the Zaunas.

When Leno said so, Kelvin looked gloomy.

"Yeah, you're right. His Royal Highness Alfred cut it off. That's what's happening. But think about it. The knights, who became Zaunas, were all fierce men who had been sent to the Allies against the Demonic Continent to dive through the fierce battle. There are also many captains and my comrades. Definitely the strongest and best of the empire. You can't imagine losing them like that."

"So your brother let the public think that he had cut them off and kept that power in his own nostalgia," he said?

"The main planner would be our captain, though."

Kelvin gave Cornelia a nod when she laughed bitterly.

"Even if His Majesty the Emperor occupied the Emperor's royal capital by Prince Neumann, His Highness Alfred was considered good because of their presence. The Knights of the Zaunas lived in the city of Simlug hiding their past. Even if Simlug is occupied and the gates are closed, they are opened from the inside with their power. The Knights of the Zaunas are a hundred warriors. The cages in Simlug are not as skilled as the knights."

"Yeah, I want to. I've been foreseeing this for so long."

"No, this is exactly how I led things. Captain and His Highness Alfred."

Kelvin made me try to deny Leno's words.

"Since the battle in Ertz was settled and the Lyon Army, the Crown Prince Army, marched on Kleifdorf territory, I thought it was only a matter of time before it moved in the Imperial capital as well. This disturbance, our guild is supposed to support the Crown Prince. I'll leave you in touch with the Marine Chamber of Commerce."

Poulat returned to the conversation and so agreed with Kelvin.

"Can you do this without them noticing we're lurking here?

"The monkeys are the same from our adventurers, like watching the soldiers. We can scratch their eyes and make contact."

"As reliable as you can be."

Kelvin says so, shaking hands firmly with Poulat.

"I'm going to charge the Empire plenty of money after it's over. I'm gonna do a job that's gonna give me a lot of money."

"It's not like my nostalgia hurts, so please charge me as much as you need. I'll put some color on it, but I'll match it."

"Ha, that would be nice. But the guild has a clear accounting motto. I just want to thank you for your feelings."

Kelvin and Poulat. The exchange between the two breathers is no less than that of the veteran adventurers.

The young Wynn, Cornelia and the squad of squadrons watched with admiration as they shook hands with a glittering smile that smelled of sophistication.

"That's right. Tiara, what's your errand?

Outside the circle created by those who serve such an empire and the officials of the Adventurer Alliance, Leticia asked Tiara, as she remembered.

"When Seli visited Ernasa, the will of the world tree spoke to me"

"The will of the world tree?

Tiara nodded at Leticia's inquiry, then saw Celi beside her.

"He told me to go with this daughter to the Empire of Lemursil. Then I projected an image into my thoughts."


"Letty, deep inside the Imperial Palace, a powerful being awaits you"

"You guys? Not just me?

"You guys."

Tiara said so, glancing at Wynn.

"Me and your brother......?

Tiara nods.

"What is a being with mighty power? Wait for us. What are you gonna do?

But Tiara shook her head with a painful look on Leticia's question.

"I'm sorry, Letty. I can't answer that question."


"I can't tell you, I can't answer you. I'm sorry, Letty. The will that has spoken to me through the world tree, so desires me."

"Who are you? That will..."

"I can't say that either. But Letty, I came here because that will asked me to. When the time comes, I will surely help you."

Tiara says so, staring into Leticia's eyes.

"... ok. If that's what Tiara says, I'm sure there's something important about why you can't. But I'll keep in mind that there's someone behind the palace waiting for me and your brother."

"Thanks, Letty"

Tiara nodded at Leticia's words and bowed her head again.

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