Master of the brave.

You should obey

Deep underground in Simlug.

It had been quite a while since I began to follow the path leading to the Imperial Palace.

"Hey, hey, don't you smell something?

It was Lino who first noticed. Lino, daughter of a pharmacist and smelly, squeaks her nose sung before holding it down with her hands.

"Yeah, I knew it smelled. I wonder if this smells like death?

"Isn't there a rat or something dying around there?

"You don't have any bait, but do you get rats into places like this?

"If you're not a rat, like a stray dog or a cat?

"I don't see any carcasses as far as the lights are illuminating."

While telling Rock that, Leno looks around.

"I think this smell drifts from where we're going."

"After all, can't we just lose everything"

When Leno said that, he heard rubbing metal noises and footsteps from behind the darkness at the end of the aisle.

Winn, who had switched bodies with Cornelia, who was walking in the lead, gave her the magic light to lay down her sword.

"Why this road..."

"Maybe Sister Stacia knew"

Leticia answers Cornelia's questions.

The Duke of Mavis family is the genealogy of the Lemursil royal family. If she was also the first Duchess of that Duchess, she might have known something about the Imperial Palace's hidden passage.

"It's a small place. Your Highness is between us. Lino is beside His Highness! Rock, wedge, rear alert please."

Hold down Leticia, who tried to get out next to Winn, and Kelvin goes further ahead of Winn.

"Your Highness, how long will it be before the Imperial Palace?


"I think it's already a long way off in my physical sense. At least I thought you were already in the palace grounds."

In places where there is no mark whatsoever, a sense of distance and direction creates madness. It was Wynn who answered Kelvin's question on behalf of Cornelia, who could not answer it immediately.

Winn, who had been running around the Empire since he was a young child, made him predict roughly where the women's dormitory was and the straight distance to the Imperial Palace, as well as the time he walked, etc., from where he was now.

"Then it seems better to make a forced breakthrough at once than to keep fighting in such a narrow place."

Dead odors were already enough for the Wins to tell.

Eventually, the enemy shows up within reach of the lights.

"... I knew it"

Winn shrugged a little when he saw the look.

Dead odor drifting in the sounding footsteps.

And because the location was the Imperial Palace, Winn had some anticipation about the identity of the enemy.

Around where the others weren't surprised to see it, I guess they had a similar view to Winn.

"These are the people who lost their lives in the Battle of Peshrica."

"Oh, I can't believe I blasphemed the dead..."

Leticia was right, the knights who showed up wore swords and shields, armor and a solid foothold, but their faces were blue and white and not lively.

Inside, arrow wounds and knife wounds are left cluttered where there are obvious fatal injuries. And he drifted from his body like a black beard.

The Winns have seen such a knight of the dead before.

"The magic of Konrat Heisenberg..."

The great Great Mage who once planned to bring the soul of God down to the flesh of the Virgin to defeat the Demon King. Contraindicated magic that kills a man with mighty magic capable of withstanding the power of a high being, and manipulates it by unloading a high being in its wreckage.

Raynard Van Hoffmine, a sorcerer who was hiding within the palace to study the legacy of Konrat Heisenberg, was kidnapping and killing nobles and knights likely to possess strong magic and using that magic to create private soldiers.

By the time he saw it at the planned construction site of the cathedral of Sarah Ferrule in Lyon, Reynard had also manipulated the dragon's body to show it.

But that Reynard succeeded in descending also shards of the power of the Destroyer God, but lost his life fighting Win, who was infiltrated with the power of Leticia. If the knight who lost his life in Peshlika is once again the knight of the dead, there will be others besides Reynard who can manipulate the magic of Konrat Heisenberg.


The knight of the deceased, who had run the lead, waved the great sword to the side with a roar that he did not think emanated from the earliest man's throat.

The attack itself was a tremendous gesture of power, so both Winn and Kelvin were able to admire it lightly.

But Winn is wary of the human detachment that went into the attack.

A wall made of stone in the basement was heavily decided by the sword.

As a result of swinging through the force, the blade would soon become round and useless as a blade if such a sword was used. But if they shake it off with that incredible power, the meat must be crushed and the bones shattered.

"If we hit it, we'll talk about it."

Kelvin, quickly packed in time, cut for a gap in armor as he scratched the blade to be wielded. The aim is the shoulder joint.

The right arm of the deceased knight, cut off from his shoulder, also flew with the momentum he wielded his sword, making a flashy noise on the floor after hitting the ceiling and rolling.

"Cut to the Imperial Palace at once! I'm coming, Letty!

Winn and Leticia follow Kelvin into it.

The knights of the deceased were attacked with the power and speed of human detachment, which they had never had before, but all the Wins slashed it away, smitten it away, and defeated it.

If Kelvin shows both armor and the deceased knight's hips with a blade wrapped around the magic of the wind, Winn will cut off his shoulders and elbow joints. And Leticia swings her sword at a steep speed, slashing and tearing the armor, cutting off the tendons of her hands and feet. I can't move my hands and feet, no matter how ridiculously powerful they are when they cut my tendon.

A knight of the deceased, who had his sword removed after being cut off his arm tendon, was prevented from going to the wedge in an attempt to dare Cornelia to hit him.

The knights of the deceased are defeated and will not diminish their will, but will strike from next to next.

"Finally, the rear palace!

I saw the stairs in Winn's eyes.

I can see the light plugging in from above.

As he continued to fight the knights of the deceased, he was gradually becoming fatigued, but excited by the light he saw, he ran up the stairs, breaking through the hordes of the knights of the deceased at once.

"This is Nebu-jo!

Up the stairs is a good and familiar place for Winn.

It was a nabu field in the Imperial Palace.

There are stretches of magic interfering connections within the Imperial Palace, with the exception of some exceptional areas such as the compartments managed by the court magicians and the infirmary packed by the magicians. This is to prevent enemy intrusions, attacks, and other manipulations, but magic can also be used here in Nanbu. For this reason, the Kingsguard Knights, who guard the royal family within the Imperial Palace, are also commonly used to train. But there was just no Kingsguard knight to train at this hour of the night.


"What a fuss!

"An intruder!

We noticed signs of battle and gathered the Kingsguard knights and soldiers who were patrolling the security.

"Oh no... I'm here for backup!?

Dismiss the hand of the knight of the deceased stretched out to Cornelia with a sword, says Leno in a screaming mixture.

"Kick the shit out of you?

Leticia tells Winn to get confirmation.

As the saying goes, Leticia has done quite a bit of modesty in the battle so far.

If Leticia fights with all her magic, she can dust all those who are here. Even the Imperial Palace would be able to blow it up.

However, even if it is still a good idea to blow up the knight of the deceased, can we fight against the living, the Kingsguard knight, the way Leticia earnestly takes his life? Winn got lost.

But while Wynn is lost, the Kingsguard knights continue to gather at the Nanbu Field.

"This is..."

An intense battle waged in front of the Kingsguard knights.

One of them has a complexion that I can't feel alive about, just a face I'm unfamiliar with. But somehow they all wear armor in the uniform of the Knights of the Lemursil Empire on the Western Side. And if I looked at the way we fought, it looked like we were trying to stop the intrusion into the palace.

That means the western knights who are not supposed to be here, but are they the Friends?

In the eyes of one captain belonging to the Kingsguard Knights who thought so, there was a figure among the few who appeared to be intruders.

Cornelia Lau Route Remulsil.

The figure of the First Empress of the Lemursil Empire.

Upon acknowledging Cornelia's appearance, its Kingsguard Knights captain gave orders to the Kingsguard knights and soldiers on the spot.

"All Kingsguard knights, soldiers! Listen! We are the swords and shields of the royal family! Turn your blade against Her Royal Highness and never forgive the unsuccessful!

"All swords out! All units, assault!

"" "Whoa, whoa, whoa!

With the voice of a brave shout, the Kingsguard knights attack the knights of the dead.

The deceased knights, who did not have the Kingsguard knights completely in their eyes, quickly collapse into a fierce attack from behind.

"Kingsguard Knights...... what the hell is going on?

The locks that were breathing on my shoulders are zero.

"Your Highness! Your Highness! Are you safe!

One Kingsguard captain, who slashed and tore the siege net of the deceased knights with his men, arrived under the Wins, confused by the Kingsguard Knights' intrusion.

"Are you..."

"I am Commander of the Sixth Squadron of the Kingsguard Knights and Commander of the Thousand Knights of Kailam"

The Kingsguard Knight captain, named Kailam, names the deceased knight as he cooperates with his men and prevents them with a shield. Cornelia hung up on its back.

"Kyram Thousand Horsemen. We appreciate the rescue. But now I am more of a man on the side of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who was cut off as a fake than Brother Neumann. If you take sides with me, wouldn't you make your position worse?

To Cornelia's inquiry, Kailam Thousand, who left the battle to his men, looked back and drowned his head on the spot.

"Your Highness. The mission of our Kingsguard knight is to protect the royal family. What can I blame for protecting the First Princess?"

And I didn't say it out loud, but Kaylam shrugged in his heart.

(Definitely Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia. And there's also the figure of the brave and the Win squire. This inept student will be the gesture of Prince Neumann and Marquis Cliffdorf, but if His Royal Highness Cornelia is attacked by that gesture, Prince Neumann's claim that His Royal Highness is a fake is dubious. No, you can no longer decide it's a lie. If so, it is our mission to help His Highness Cornelia)

Kyram Thousand Horsemen knew that Wynn, who had become a squire, was working out in this practice field.

And now some young Kingsguard knights fighting on this occasion have crossed swords with Wynn. Nor do they seem to have any difficulty lending a hand to the Winns who protect the Crown Princess Cornelia.

"Thank you, Kailam Thousand Horsemen. Give your faithful heart the utmost praise."

"I would be honored if His Royal Highness could say such a word."

With that said, Kaylam stands up.

"Your Highness has seen your wish to see His Majesty. I'll take care of this! Your Highness will do your part!

And when Kyram pulled out his sword, he shouted straight up to heaven.

"Listen! My Kingsguard Knights, and the soldiers! Waving the sword for His Royal Highness the noble Empress is the true heart of a knight, a soldier, a samurai! Don't waste your life! Spare me your name! Let Her Royal Highness see our martial arts in full!

"" "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

The exaltation from the Kingsguard knights to the awesome emanating from them.

Wins look at the high morale.

And the knights of the deceased and the Kingsguard clashed violently.

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