With his armor on and sword on, Jade walks in a refreshing foothold.

We'll be on our way between sights.

On the front, which opened the door between the sights, there is a dazzling throne with treasure balls in gold on a few steps high.

The throne allowed to sit only by the emperor who ruled this Remulsil empire.

There is a passage behind this throne and an emperor's chamber.

If the emperor were to sit in front of the meeting, he would be filled with officials, martial arts officers and senior nobles who would serve in the court during this broad sight, but now he is not alone.


"Oh, you were here"

Neumann showed up in a noisy footsteps.

Did you notice the noise in the bedroom where you slept, in your bedroom outfit?

"This is His Highness Neumann."

"What a fuss... is something wrong?

"Apparently, a rat has dived in."

"Rats? To this palace? Bandits or something?

"I think it might be His Highness Alfred's gesture."

"Oh, my brother said it was a gesture!?

As soon as I heard Alfred's name, I caught blood from Neumann's face.

"My brother's, my brother's hand is in this palace... Is that after my life?

"No, perhaps the primary purpose is to secure the identity of His Majesty the Emperor..."

Neumann starts to rattle and tremble as soon as possible.

"So, would it be okay? Jade, please make sure your father and I are safe."

Neumann takes it for granted that when he faces some kind of problem, his surroundings solve it.

Sending such a chilling glance at Neumann, Jade silently walked up to the bottom of the stairs leading to the throne and looked up at the throne. And he reaches out and hangs it like he's grabbing something - and when he puts it back, he stares at that hand.

"Jade?... What the hell is wrong with you?

Without even answering the question, Jade turns his thoughts around.

For Jade, Neumann is only there to get him guilty of the murder of Alfred.

Although the assassination failed, it would have already been used had Alfred, who appeared to Eltz, been allowed to declare him a fake. Seeing the opportunity, I was going to ask this poor prince to disappear.

And after finishing the beginning and end of both princes, I greet the First Empress Cornelia to her spouse and appeal to her for the legitimacy of the throne.

The Kingdom of Petersia, which drove down the Marquis Rainhart family, which could have been a rival to the Marquis Cliffdorf family, and furthermore helped to study the legacy of Konrat Heisenberg, should have been able to rule out its effects later by seeing the completion of the study.

It was if Jade's plan was all successful.

There was a miscalculation.

In all of its plans, a man caused madness.

Footsteps are heard through the door of the Great Hall.

The first thing that jumped inside was a knight in a dirty but white uniform.

A civilian, he stood in front of a girl full of brunette elegance alongside a girl flailing her beautiful golden hair on the side.

(That's right. There was always this guy at the end of my walking path)

Win Bird.

Knights from nobility and knights from civilians.

The two men, who met at the entrance ceremony of the Knights of Simurgh School, confronted each other between the sights of the Lemursil Empire.

When he enrolled in the Simurgh Knights School and had his first simulated battle between students, Jade mocked Wynn, who was lagging behind other students with little magic and academic achievement, and lost as a result of challenging the battle.

If Wynn, who shamed me, knew that Mavis, the brave man, was familiar with his childhood and worked a plot to get her along with a return of interest, he was on the contrary flavoured with the humiliation of being knelt before the face of the emperors and nobles.

Even after that, the study of the legacy of Konrat Heisenberg, which had broken the Petersian knights who had drawn them into imperial territory and funded Jade as a trump card when he took over the Empire, was also interrupted.

And now Cornelia, the Empress, is still standing beside Mavis, the brave man, in the opposite position.

The son of the most powerful Klefdorf Marquis family in the Empire, there was nothing he could not hope for, a civilian who enjoyed what Jade could not have had until the end. Take it to Jade. Winn was the man who got everything he couldn't.

And he crushes all of Jade's plots, and now he walks over with a glance at Jade.

For Jade, there's a civilian boy who I didn't think was enough to take...

That was the first intolerable humiliation Jade would ever taste.

The Wins who came in between the glances were probably aiming for the Emperor's room that followed behind them.

However, Jade and Neumann were stopped from appearing during the visit.

Neumann also spoke in a lousy tone as he looked around terribly at the Winns when he found Cornelia.

"Oh... Cornelia, he disappeared from the palace at some point. This brother was worried about you. What are these disrespectful people?

"They're the ones who are acting with me, brother Alfred, who took my life."


"Dear Brother Neumann, then Jade, Marquis of Cliffdorf. Surrender, please."

"You want me to surrender to my brother? I don't know what to say to this me who is a prince though my sister!

"Already an important stronghold throughout the Empire is dominated by the knights on my side. You will also rush to the scene immediately. Winning or losing is already about to be decided. Any more battles will only increase unnecessary sacrifices too...... Surrender, Alfred, and accept your brother's judgment."

"Oh... Cornelia, my dear sister Cornelia. Those who are there are deceived. Alfred is dead. The guy in Ertz is a fake. Jade here assures me that what I say is true. Jade has promised me that he will support me to take the throne of emperor at all costs. Cornelia. You're my little sister, by the way. No more, you're a good girl, so don't bother me?

"Brother Neumann... do you think I would accept such a word? Me and Brother Alfred draw the same blood. I can't go wrong with my brother."

Cornelia shook her head to the side sadly to show it. Then I ask Neumann, who looks around busily with most of us.

"Who the hell blew that crap into you? Didn't Brother Neumann ever get along with Brother Alfred?"

In Cornelia's memory, there should not have been any particular conflict between Alfred and Neumann by the time this commotion broke out.

Alfred, who was founded as the Crown Prince, encouraged his administration on behalf of Emperor Alexei, who showed no interest in politics, while the rest of the royal family was releasing him, no matter what he did, unless it was a matter of excess.

Neumann also tried to be convenient to his mother's relatives and regarded them as satisfied with being appreciated.

"Well, that's... A, Alfred's guy is sure to bring down the other brothers to the throne if he becomes emperor. Because then he must kill me."

"Brother Alfred kills Brother Neumann? How the hell did you get that idea?

"And you won't have a choice!? I'm his brother. For him, the man who draws the royal blood is an enemy against his position. Wouldn't you!? Then I guess I'll just have to get my hands on it first!

"What a fool...... If you were a brother and you were fighting for power, you wouldn't have had that relationship with Brother Alfred and Brother Neumann, would you? And yet what do you do when you do it on purpose to make a prank!


"What are you going to do with descending the royal family, who are not political enemies? Even though Brother Neumann's Gaunahertz family was formerly the Viscount family, the prestigious nobility of the old family. And now it's the Count's house. Do you think Brother Alfred will do a foolish imitation of breaking the connection between the blood of the royal family and the nobility?

"Oh, that's..."

Cornelia told me so much that Neumann finally realized his terrible mistake.

"So... did Alfred... my brother not think about my elimination? Jade, what did you say…, was the word false that I would strip the royal family of my fear of empowering them as noble flag heads"

"No, it's not a lie."

Saying so, Jade turned a chilling glance at Neumann.

"I'm just saying that there are several ways to perceive things. It is not unlikely that we will find ourselves in a situation like the one I told His Highness. It is possible that in some cases the future I have spoken of has come if His Highness has shown an interest in politics and in the throne. It's just that, as things stand, the future of His Highness Cornelia was somewhat more realistic than I anticipated.

"Brother Neumann. Brother Alfred was certainly concerned that the power of some nobles would be strengthened. But then, more than that, isn't it natural for us royals to think about bonding with each other, strengthening their blood connections, and bringing up empires?

"Well... then I..."

Neumann realized what he had done and collapsed to the spot in dismay.

"His Highness Neumann. Thank you. I am truly grateful to His Highness. Thanks to your name, I was able to gather the nobles and disrupt the interior of the Empire."

"Ah, oh..............."

"Now whichever triumphs, the Empire will have a solemn cleansing of blood. The military is drained in the civil war, and the power of the state is greatly shredded"

The kingdom of Petersia, which targets the gap with a tiger's eye, cannot have missed it.

And Jade looks at Neumann, who gets hit.

The Lemursil Empire and the Kingdom of Petersia were supposed to be wars sooner or later.

The kingdom of Petersia, which was not in contact with the demonic realm, has built a wealth by selling supplies to allies of the continent against demons and wartime countries.

But after the war, the Allies of the Continental Alliance against the Devil disbanded, and nations began to shrink their armaments, leaving the Kingdom of Petersia in a state of surplus.

Having been unable to sell supplies as before, the Kingdom of Petersia began its invasion of the surrounding countries by pouring the wealth accumulated in the war into the strengthening of its own military capabilities. The idea was to turn the economy around in the war, but in addition I wanted a port.

The Kingdom of Petersia, an inland state, has no sea.

With the end of the war on demons, the powerful nations facing the sea are beginning to make money from trade by sea. It made me feel an undeniable sense of crisis for the Kingdom of Petersia, which began to feel obsessed with the economy.

Before trade made the difference in national power decisive, the Kingdom of Petersia had to wage war on the Empire in order to gain access to the sea.

This civil unrest has dramatically shattered the empire's power. And from now on, it will weaken the power of the country even more with the solemnity caused by post-war processing.

The empire must be exhausted and the people devastated by the invasion of the kingdom of Petersia, which gains momentum.

That was Jade's vengeance against the Empire, which had forsaken my mother's life.

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