Master of the brave.

Chapter iii opening

Leticia's morning is early.

Originally, if it were her, she would wake up with the sunrise and be allowed to celebrate a graceful morning with a large number of samurai.

But instead of sunrise, Leticia still wakes up to a dark engraving outside.

Even the baker early in the morning is still on the floor. Every day since I met Wynn...

A room in the girls' dorm at the Knights School.

It's still dark in the room today.

It is pre-built that identity is not taken into account in the Knights School, but if you are just a high-ranking nobleman, you will be given a private room.

Although the most Leticia was a student, she was particularly favoured because she was admitted in the form of a special student.

The princess of the Duke's house, the brave man who saved the world.

It is a privileged and natural status.

There are only a few or so students who are treated similar to Leticia in the Knights School.

Leticia slipped out of bed.

The exhaling breath is white.

Even though it got warmer when the sun rose, it still chills in the morning.

The unwrapped golden hair was sparkling reflecting the moonlight shooting in through the window.

I peek into my appearance, quickly wrap my hair around it and get dressed.

Around here, too, the noble ladies and Leticia draw the line.

Leticia doesn't like to be looked after by a samurai.

When I held the little wrap I had placed on the shelf in my hand looking important, I went out of the room into the hallway.

The hallway was kept dim but bright enough to walk by magic tools granted light source magic.

Still other students are sleeping time.

Walk with care not to make any noise.

I'm good at killing signs.

It is an essential technique to hide from demons and spend time with them.

I learned this when I was working as an adventurer with Wynn at an early age.

Even so, it was Wynn who was going to learn, and Leticia had just been taught by him.

Step further out of the girls' dorm.

There was silence outside.

The lights are only the moon and the starlight, with the trees creating a black shade.

On the way is the men's dormitory.

Built more than a block away from the women's dorm.

Leticia takes a sooo big, deep breath when she releases her body with care.

And ran tattered lightly.

Run to flush gently and you'll see the men's dormitory.

I loosened my running leg in front of it and looked softly at it and saw Winn barely waving his sword.

He is slowly shaking the shape of one sword at a time to make sure of the sword muscle.

Like concentrating a little force at the moment of slashing - using your ankles, not by your arm strength, so that you can slash at speed.

When he finished shaking the shape of one street, Winn repeated several deep breaths to prepare his breath.

If ever, after bareback swing, I ran to build my ankles, then headed to work in the morning planting at the 'Migratory Bird Inn' pavilion, but after a new employee was hired, that was no longer necessary.

I don't need to get up so early than I don't have an early morning job, but I guess the habits I've stained my body with for years aren't so easy to get out of.

Because I wake up at this hour after I make it Leticia.

Leticia inhaled her breath sooo deeply, she exhaled.

(- Okay!)

I hold my fist once small in front of my chest and hang a breakthrough on myself.

I dropped my eyes on the wrap I had brought out and checked, I walked out towards Wynn.

"Yeah? Good morning, Letty"

"Morning, brother"

Noticing signs of the approaching Leticia, Wynn lowered his sword and greeted him.

Leticia also smiles and returns her greetings.

Slightly, I don't want you to notice even though you can't smile.

"Wait a minute. I'll be done working out a little more. Or do we do it together?

"I'm watching you here"

Winn started waving his sword again as he nodded.

Within watching the situation, Leticia gradually found the tension to be relaxed.

Winn's sword is as light as dancing.

Winn's sword moves are the ones to attack and then slash.

Same sword moves as Leticia's - no, should I say Leticia uses Winn's sword moves to be exact?

Win keeps dancing in white breath.

The source of sword moves that Leticia continued to use, having dived through many battlefields.

Winn stops moving once, after waving his sword wide to the side.

Then I took a few big, deep breaths.

"Good luck"

Leticia walked over to Wynn, who was breathing.

"Oh, thank you"

"Is this the end of your workout today?

"Right. It's already dawn. What's the matter with you?

"Yeah, you know"

(Calm down, me!

I can see my chest beating a little faster.

"What is it?

"Yes, this"

Leticia offered a small package to Wynn.

"Brother. Congratulations on your promotion to squire."

"This to me?


"Wow, thanks. Can I open it?

Winn nods with Leticia small, trying to open the wrap.

What came out were a few books.

"Oh! Wow! Such an expensive thing......"

Originally books are expensive items. Some books are traded in gold coins.

"Like history books and hero stories, I was going to choose what your brother might like"

"I'm looking forward to reading that! Thanks. I'll take care of it."

Leticia herself becomes happy when she takes one out of the wrap and sees the wins she is making out to be happy.

"Well, I have to think of something to thank you for."

(... All right!

Leticia grips her fist with inner goodness.

I was sure if it was Winn's personality, that's what I thought would come.

"What would you like..."

"... you know, then brother. Will you go shopping with me next time?

"Shopping? Luggage?

"Yeah. Actually, I wanted some new clothes."

"If it's Letty's home, isn't there a merchant in and out or something?

"That's right... I was hoping your brother would pick it out"

"I don't know much about women's clothes, do I? Is that okay with you?

"I thought your brother would look good in clothes."

(I mean, you just have to think your brother would look good on you)

"Yeah, okay. I can't because Mr. Cornelia's been calling me today since noon, but I'll hang out when I get a vacation."

"It's a promise!

Winn gave a gentle grin to Leticia, who gave her a happy voice.

Leticia somehow felt like she was being seen through her heart by Wynn, her cheeks getting hot.

"Well, speaking of which, you're promoted to squire today, right? I haven't been told why your brother took on a squire."

"Was I?

Winn tilted his neck a little. He then talks about his conversation with Crown Prince Alfred, Cornelia and Tiara.

Leticia didn't really remember the memorabilia when she went through her first actual battle.

"Did that happen?

and Leticia was listening to Wynn with pleasure as she leaned her neck.

However, as the conversation progressed to Cornelia's request for the appointment of her squire, the colour of dissatisfaction began to appear on Leticia's face.

"Oh well... your brother's husband to protect is Mr. Cornelia..."

Leticia's voice is low.

"Well, I was aiming to be the knight of the empire. I don't think Mr. Cornelia is strange as an object of offering his sword. So - what, Letty?

"... Hmm, well. It's Mr. Cornelia."

"Letty, Letty?

Leticia was swelling her cheeks just a little as she glanced up at Wynn's face to resent her somewhere.

(Ugh, cute)

It's Leticia's childhood habit.

When something dissatisfies her, she quickly swells her cheeks.

To Leticia, who was showing her jealousy of Cornelia, Wynn's face seemed to break unexpectedly.

"Letty's very important to me, too."

Wynn stroked Pompom and Leticia's head as she almost accidentally nibbled, but Leticia seemed to get more and more obstinate.

"Ugh, I won't be deceived..."

Leticia looks up to me resenting me with a strange roar.

"I'm hungry, and should we have breakfast outside?

"Huh? Breakfast? Yeah, I'm going."


Winn laughed a little bitterly when he heard he was going to the city for breakfast and saw Leticia shaking up in a light mood.

The Knights School meals are priced conscientiously for the dishes served, but sometimes have many upper-class children, somewhere elegantly summed up in flavor and quantity.

It's not good for eating guts.

Leticia is the princess of the Duke's house, but she's been used to the taste of the common people since childhood, so she's happy to go out and eat.

Winn is sixteen, Leticia is fourteen.

It was somehow around the time of the eating platter, and the two of them who had been moving their bodies since morning were very hungry.

A gentle greeting to the knight's school gatekeeper, who is totally familiar with his face, the two of us head out to the city.

The shops that connect the streets work to prepare for the opening, and the merchants quickly walk to the market.

In the square on the crossroads of the main street, an outdoor shop with snacks for people travelling in the early morning had already begun to open.

The aroma of freshly baked fragrant bread and the skewering of meat filled with vanilla and spices is appetizing all around.

Winn and Leticia ordered freshly baked bread when they stopped by one of the dewstores.

Pay extra, have plenty of butter applied, and pinch the meat and vegetables.

Sitting on some wooden chairs installed in the square, Leticia just snapped.

The flavor of butter and the gravy of freshly baked meat spread in my mouth.

Leticia's face breaks.

Winn has had two citrus fruits squeezed into a small pottery from another dewstore.

Gives me one to Leticia.

Leticia moisturizes her throat with richness and fruit juice.

The mouth was filled with sweet and sour flavors and a refreshing aroma.


Nicoting happily as her stomach fills, Leticia looks up at Wynn as she stands and hits the bread.

Then I closed my eyes.

Mouth the song with a small voice as you rock your body small, left and right.

From an early age, Winn gave food priority to Leticia.

After taking care of Leticia's hard eating, it's up to her to eat.

Now that we've grown into each other, we both start eating together, but the amount of food we eat is inevitably higher in Wynn, so we finish eating first, even if Leticia squirts properly.

So until Winn finished eating, Leticia was singing a song.

Some songs I taught from Wynn when I was young, and some I learned on my travels.

Leticia liked to sing.

Sing as your heart feels the warm and gentle signs of Winn sitting next to you.

Soon, there was a crowd.

Despite his busy time traveling and shopping, he stopped to listen to Leticia's song.

Those gathered here now do not realize that Leticia's identity is a brave man.

I was purely attracted to Leticia's singing, I listened to her, I just got together.

Let it ride on a soft morning sun and Leticia's clear singing spreads.

At the end of the song, Leticia will surely be ashamed to realize that she has caught her attention.

You should tear your eyes out with a bright red face and try to pull Winn's sleeve away.

Winn looks down with tender eyes at Leticia, who keeps singing in a pleasant way.

The vicinity of the border between the Lemursil Empire and the Kingdom of Petersia stinks, and various rumors are circulating without concealing anxiety again.

Some of them voiced their desire to discuss hate petersia with the brave, an imperial nobleman at the forefront.

Leticia is singing a song about wishing her lover well on her way to the battlefield.

(The truth is, I'm just a girl who loves songs this way too...)

Occasionally, Winn hears into the song, tickling Leticia's hair shaking in the wind.

(Mr. Cornelia is calling me today, so I really need to get back...)

I usually act sparingly, but Winn reconsidered that I could get a little bumpy about today and keep listening to Leticia's song.

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