Master of the brave.

[]/(n, vs) first appearance/first appearance/(P)/

"Yeah, I knew it was awesome..."

Winn snapped small.

I had been invited by Cornelia to visit before, but even if I looked at it again, I would be overwhelmed by its huge building.

Palace of the Lemursil Empire.

The main entrance to the empire, where His Majesty the Emperor lives.

A vast square stretches out in front of the main entrance, from where it leads to the aristocratic city.

Outside the aristocratic district stood the mansions of wealthy people and knights, including merchants, and it was also a difficult place to reach the general public.

Wynn had also taken a few trips to the aristocratic district, for example for the delivery of letters, but about a few trips to the front gate.

Karan, Karan.

"Oh, excuse me"

To the sound of the bell rang from behind, Winn hurriedly avoided to the end of the road when he returned to me.

A bell-ringing carriage runs past Winn into the gate.

Wynn continued to look up and rub his sore neck as he dropped off the carriage as it crawled through the gate.

(It's all right. Nothing to be nervous about)

I grabbed my right hand small in front of my chest, and I said small, "Okay!," he tempered.

And trying to take a step inside the gate...

(Though, it's still hard to get in. I guess I'll have to get used to it)

Though I wanted to myself, from this gate ahead was sure to be a world that had never been thought of before for Winn.

The laying was felt high on Winn, a pureblooded civilian.

One carriage after another pulled out next to the deceptive Wynn whether to take a step or not.

It's just a very huge carriage with splendid crests and flags, whether it's a family crest or something, with shiny ornaments on it.

It is the difference between the wagons driven by the pedestrians that Wynn often sees all over the city and the riding carriages running down the streets and the cloud thieves.

When I first saw it, it was something I was looking at wondering if it wouldn't be so glittering and dazzling.

But it's a world full of people riding that kind of carriage ahead of us.

(Though careful, I need to get used to it eventually. Besides, I won't be here forever...)

Wynn never walked inside.

And a few steps forward, I was to stop again.

(I came with Letty before, so don't get lost...)

A tree-lined road stretches straight from the gate with evergreen trees growing and stretching side by side.

Ahead we saw a square centered around a fountain that was spraying up water with momentum.

Is it those who can be used for palaces in the streets, many people, young and old, are walking towards the square?

Apparently, as with Winn, they've been serving the palace on foot, not in a carriage.

I was horrified that there were others serving on foot besides myself.

I wondered if all the people around me were going to be in those carriages when I was going to go through here.

I knew that not everything I was serving in the palace was full of high-ranking nobles, but I couldn't dispel my anxiety just because I was listening.

In fact, with his eyes, Winn was finally able to calm down.

On the branches of the trees planted at the edge of the street in the spring sprouted bright buds, and flowers blossomed there, and the little birds rejoiced in the spring visit.

A gentle breeze strokes Winn's cheek.

Winn often closed his eyes and listened to the singing of the little birds.

In the palace, I wondered if the birds' voices could be heard differently, but the birds' twirls that delight in the spring visit seem to be no different outside the palace or among them.

The other side of the tree seems to be spreading woods.

No, artificial forests and such are more correct because there would undoubtedly be people's hands in them, but from time to time a small sidewalk appeared and seemed to lead from between the trees to a hidden building.

Wynn stopped to stop when he could see the building, "heh," "ho," and walked with a small sigh of admiration.

This was my second visit to the palace, but I couldn't afford to observe the surroundings, even though I was with Leticia before.

Continue straight through the square and walk down a tree-lined path leading to the palace.

(You make it look like a knight school. like building placement)

Eventually, I saw the walls again.

There are smaller gates around than the main entrance.

"Stop. From here on out, weapons can only be carried with permission. Fill in your belongings and name in the ledger."

Winn, who proceeded to walk to the small stuffing next to the gate, was called out by one of the Kingsguard knights, who seemed busy visiting one visitor after another.


"With Win Bird. Hmm!? You're the example..."

The Kingsguard knight turned his eyes round and looked at Wynn as he dropped his eyes on the ledger.

"I'm listening to you. Permission to carry the weapon is also down. Go through. Okay."

"Thank you"

A token to the Kingsguard knight, Winn surprises himself into the gate.

Wynn didn't realize that several Kingsguard knights who had since stuffed him were dropping him off with their faces up.

(That's the master of the brave - the man who became Master Cornelia's squire)

(What does Master Alfred have in mind to bring a young man closer to an unmarried empress, who knows neither that nor any bone? What are you going to do if something goes wrong?)

Originally, the status of SS squire of Her Royal Highness, to be chosen from among Kingsguard knights of righteous origin.

A mixed gaze of jealousy and interest was dropping off Winn's back as he left.

"It's been a while. Dear Win Byrd,"

As soon as he entered the palace, Wynn was called out.

"Oh, you've guided me before..."

"I am the maiden of Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia, my name is Mary. Serving each other to Her Royal Highness the Empress. Best regards,"

The samurai named Mary stands in front of Wynn and walks out.

Is it about two or three years older than Winn?

From the elegant and tidy face of a samurai, perhaps some noble patriarchal daughter is in the service.

From one of the columns to the ceiling and walls, the two walk down the hallway in the palace as if it were a single piece with a refined and magnificent decoration.

"Speaking of which... I thought SS squire uniforms were being paid, why are you calling for student clothes?

"Well, I'm still a student... and when I look at the uniform I get, I feel like I don't deserve it"

"Here behind the palace, in the rear palace, is a place where only a very few people are allowed to step in. The outfit also represents your identity, so be sure to wear it"


"You also need to get used to it. You may not get used to it at first, but it's something you'll get used to gradually."

"Is that what it is?

"That's what it is."

At some point Mary smiled as she walked side by side.

"If you can't get used to it any sooner, you'll have trouble accompanying Her Royal Highness on her official duties."

"Uh, may I call you Mary? Do you ever accompany His Highness on official business?

"Naturally. Because the SS squire's mission is to escort Her Royal Highness. Nevertheless, some Kingsguard knights are in charge of escorting the royal family, and rarely. But unlike the Kingsguard knights, I wonder if I can give you orders other than His Majesty the Emperor and His Highness the Empress."

"One thing, I'm not sure?

"To the Kingsguard knights, if you are royal, you can order, but only the Emperor and His Royal Highness can order Master Wynn."

With a bitter smile, Mary stopped in front of the room behind the palace with Winn "over here".

"This is the room that will be given to you. Her Royal Highness Crown Cornelia's SS squire jar, to be exact."

"Is there a jam in the rear palace?!?

"So I want you to wear your uniform properly."

Winn looked down at his outfit.

A knight's school uniform is a solid thing to wear and attend a ceremony, but it's so expensive.

Winn's uniform, which I can't afford economically, is pretty tedious.

Sure, this is in the palace, and that may be bad as someone who serves His Royal Highness's side, too.

There were several large wooden desks and splendid chairs in the room that could be used for meetings.

Some bookcases don't have many books yet.

"There are still a few people in the room, and they're idle, but I was wondering if the interior would be fuller if they were manned any time soon."

"It was a little different than I had imagined. I thought I was coming from outside the palace..."

"I'm usually okay with that..."

Winn opens the back door indoors.

There were four bunks there.

"Depending on the circumstances, you can also stay here.

(Wow, it doesn't seem relaxing...)

Though it's a stuffing house, is that a room in the palace?

It was a larger bedroom than the dormitory of the Knights School, where the noble brother would wake up.

"His Royal Highness Cornelia is not here right now, so let me show you other places."

Mary, who left once while Winn was overwhelmed by the size of too many rooms, told Winn she would return.

"Is there a place where I can work out?

"Of course. The Kingsguard knights are also training, so come here -"

Mary took me out of the stuffing to the hallway again.

Leaving the rear palace and proceeding through the long hallway and making some corners, Mary leads Winn to one of the windows.

Outside the window, a few people were seen waving their weapons in a rinkbowl-shaped place slightly away from where the two of them were.

"Oh and I'm being trained. There are several other places where you can work out. There are places in the basement where it's okay to handle dangerous magic."

"I'm going to get lost..."

Mary grinned bitterly at the powerless whining win.

"Right. We just need you to remember."

"Right, hard work -"

"Hey, you there!

One young man called out to Winn, who tried to thank Mary for guiding me.

When I was about 20 years old, I was a little taller than Mary.

He was a young man with bright brown hair and brown eyes, still leaving some ambiguity behind.

"It doesn't seem aristocratic, but the fact that you can come into the back of the palace belongs to the knight's family? Just fine. My squire just missed it and it was difficult."

At the young man's feet was a large leather bag that swelled up in bread.

"Look at this vast and magnificent palace. That's where His Majesty the Emperor lives. But this vastness is causing me a little confusion right now."


The youth, according to the words, point to the whole body, one way or another.

"I've been serving as a court magician since this spring, but I was just tired of carrying heavy baggage to my room. As you can see, I'm a grader. I'm not used to hard work. I'd like you to lend me your servant."

"Servant...... Huh!? A servant, yeah!?

A young man's finger was pointing at Winn.

The pointed wins black-and-white their eyes, then face to face with Mary.

Being with Mary, Cornelia's maid of honor, seems to have led me to mistake her for her servant.

"This one is a squire of Her Royal Highness, and the orders of others, no matter how aristocratic..."

"Hey, I'm glad you made it through. Right from day one. Late will be bad."

((Wow, I didn't hear that))

"So carry my stuff."


"Yeah, yeah, I know."

The young man nodded again and again as he opened his right hand and stuck it out in front of Mary's face, as he told him to leave it to him.

"Of course, I'm not saying it's just that. You're late in introducing yourself. My name is Raymond Van Hoffmine. Even if it looks like this, this house of mine is the family of the Viscount that brings you to that Marquis Cliffdor house. It would be very advantageous if you were close to me. You're so beautiful."

Raymond said he would take Mary's hand.

When it comes to the Marquis Cliffdorf family, it's the family of the Great Seal's lord.

If it is the Viscount family that leads to its pattern, it is definitely a powerful nobleman.

Mary, whose hand was taken, smiles slightly.

"Okay. His Royal Highness Viscount Hoffmine. We will carry your luggage."

Wynn shrugged his shoulder, lifting Raymond's bag.

It does weigh a lot.

Raymond, who seems less powerful as a whisperer, would have something quite painful.

"Oh, Master Wynn."

"I don't mind. His Royal Highness Cornelia doesn't seem to be returning yet, and we will return as soon as we carry your luggage."

"Treat it politely. Don't think about stealing what's inside? Those who are not noble have bad habits."

"My Lord Viscount Hoffmine, I was wondering if that would be a little too much mouth. There is no such person to work such indecency within this palace!

Mary tightened her tone like so many bystanders and controlled with her hands where Wynn laughed at Raymond complaining.

"I'm fine."

Mary gives a deep salute to Wynn, who carries the bag.

"How can you thank your servant?" I'll put it up, so you better stop it. Nevertheless, what is my squire doing? This is why we can't use civilians. "

Raymond said looking back at Mary, who was bowing her head.

Then he smiled with a seemingly well-hit smile and reached out.

Speaking of which, I didn't hear your name.

Raymond has been tame and trying to turn his hand around his shoulder.

But naturally Mary let herself go,

"Oh, hey..."

"Because I have work to do, too. It would be helpful if you let him go early."

To say just that, Mary gently meets Raymond and returns to the hallway.

Dropping Mary off as she walked away, then Raymond looked back at Winn.

"So, which way would you like to get lucky?

"This way," Raymond walked out with Wynn when he pounded his tongue a little.

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