Steel-built buildings, mirror-like floors, and doctors in white clothes come and go.

This is a gathering place research institute in the new district on the outskirts of Chengyang City.

In the waiting area, a group of young teenagers were excited and fearful.

"Ding Ding Dong, number 2318, Qin Feng, go to injection area No. 3!"

"It's my turn!"

The young man stood up quickly, his legs were a little weak with excitement, and he stumbled on his feet and fell to the ground with a thud.

Anyone could hear how badly the other party fell.

"Ah, Qin Feng!" Zhou Hao felt that this was really appalling, and hurriedly stepped forward to help.

Unexpectedly, Qin Feng suddenly fell unconscious!

"Damn, Qin Feng, what are you kidding? You are dizzy at such an important time, wake up quickly, it's time for you to inject the awakening potion!"

In 2200 AD, the world changed drastically. Human beings have rapidly become the lowest end of the food chain from the hegemony of two thousand years.

However, because there are also extremely powerful abilities and ancient warriors among human beings, there is still a certain living space.

And the premise of awakening abilities and warriors is to inject awakening potions at the age of sixteen.

This means that when Qin Feng actually fainted when he could reach the sky in one step, Zhou Hao shouldn't be in a hurry.

"Ding Ding Dong, number 2318, Qin Feng, go to injection area No. 3!"

The sound came from the loudspeaker again, and there was another call, making Qin Feng's chaotic brain even more painful.

'I'm not dead? ’

This thought flashed in Qin Feng's mind, how could he not die, obviously when he defeated the powerful unknown beast king, he died together.

At this time, the voice in the ear gradually became clearer.

"Never mind, Chen Ming, hurry up and help bring Qin Feng in. Even if he faints, he has to inject the awakening potion!" Zhou Hao couldn't help but said to the people next to him.

Qin Feng was suddenly shocked!

Chen Ming?

How is it possible, how could Chen Ming appear? Could it be that this crisis was brought about by the other party?

But who is the person who is so anxious by his side now? Why is it so familiar, it seems to exist in memory, but it is so distant.

Chen Ming was beside Qin Feng and Zhou Hao, and a streamer flashed in his eyes.

Qin Feng, Chen Ming, and Zhou Hao have always been the top three in the intermediate academy.

However, Chen Ming knew that his strength was far inferior to Qin Feng and Zhou Hao.

He couldn't help clenching his fists, his palms were sweaty, but a dim light flashed in his eyes.

"Zhou Hao, this can't be done, the doctor will blame it, and Qin Feng has passed out. Now people should take a look and don't get hurt!"

He said that he was concerned, but in fact, he wanted Qin Feng to miss the injection of the awakening potion.

"But the injection is such a big thing..." Zhou Hao was a little anxious, but he was a little confused.

"Let's take him to the side for a rest first!" Chen Ming came over and wanted to help Qin Feng and take him away.

"Need not!"

The boy's low, hoarse voice came with a suppressed deepness. No one knew what Qin Feng experienced at the moment of fainting.

Is it Nanke Yimeng, or the real world?

Qin Feng only knew that in his memory, the decades of love and hatred were all too clear.

He stood up, and his expression seemed to recede childishly in an instant and became calm.

Qin Feng's eyes were even sharp.

Chen Ming's body froze, and he even felt a chill down his spine, as if he was now naked in front of Qin Feng, all the secrets were exposed, and Qin Feng knew all the filth in his heart.

However, in just a moment, Qin Feng retracted his gaze and looked at Zhou Hao.

There was a tinge of blood in his eyes.

Zhou Hao, this is also his brother. In his memory, he died because of himself at the age of sixteen, but now he is standing in front of him, still childish, only sixteen years old. look.

In an instant, Qin Feng finally understood.

He was reborn.

He was reborn back to the day he was sixteen, the day he was injected with the awakening potion.

"Ding Ding Dong, number 2318, Qin Feng, go to injection area No. 3!"

"I'll go first!" Qin Feng nodded to Zhou Hao, this time, his steps were very calm, not as frizzy as before, and even invisible, there was a kind of domineering.

Since God gave him a chance, he would never let the things of the previous life continue to happen.

Qin Feng clenched his fists and walked to the No. 3 injection area.

A tube of blue-blue medicine was injected into Qin Feng's vein.

"Awakening potion will make you awaken your abilities. The stronger your talent is, the faster your awakening will be. Within a month, your power and speed perception ability will be greatly increased. Even if you don't have abilities, you will still have the lowest physique. I've been working out lately!"

"Well, thank you doctor!"

Qin Feng took a deep breath. At this moment, he could already feel an unusual aura emerging from his body.

But he didn't say anything, and even tried his best to cover up his breath so that it wouldn't be released.

There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

The stronger the talent, the faster the awakening speed!

Only a minute after he injected the awakening potion, supernatural powers have begun to emerge, what kind of talent is this?

It is a pity that he was persecuted before he had time to enjoy such a talent in the last life. After painful experiments, he exploited his abilities, and even was thrown into the sewers. He survived, but he had no strength to fight his enemies at all.

After all, he was almost a waste at that time!

But now...

A sharp light flashed in Qin Feng's eyes.

Maybe he can't compete with that organization for the time being, but he will never let go of their dog legs.

Thinking like this, Chen Ming had already appeared in front of Qin Feng's eyes.

Qin Feng smiled meaningfully.

Chen Ming shuddered!

'What's the matter, Qin Feng is weird today, why does he feel so dangerous? ' Chen Ming couldn't say how he felt.

"How is it, Qin Feng, is there any reaction?" Zhou Hao asked impatiently.

"No!" Qin Feng shook his head.

Zhou Hao sighed with disappointment in his eyes, "Forget it, none of the three of us responded, and neither will the others. Let's go, go back and continue exercising."

"Well, let's go!" The three left the institute and walked out.

Qin Feng has not returned here for many years.

This is just one of the large gathering places on the outskirts of Chengyang City. The reinforced concrete buildings are densely packed and crowded, and a huge satellite-like floating machine is floating in the sky for hundreds of meters.

That's a space stabilization device, and it's one of the things that keeps the gathering place safe.

"It should happen soon," Qin Feng thought in his mind.

At this moment, the space equipment in the sky suddenly burst into flames.

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