The space stabilization device above the head is what people rely on to survive, and it is the strongest weapon to guard the gathering place.

But it is clear that there is an error in this machine now, and the fluctuations in the stable space that ordinary people can't see with the naked eye are disappearing.

Almost everyone who discovered the accident showed panic, and then fear!

"What happened to the space stabilization device? Could it be damaged?" Zhou Hao said in shock.

"Doesn't that mean..." Before Chen Ming finished speaking, the watch on the hands of the three people suddenly issued a fierce alarm sound.

【alarm! alarm! A space crack appears within 100 meters, and unknown creatures are about to appear! 】

【drop! drop! drop! 】

Space crack!

This is the culprit that caused human beings to become the culprit at the bottom of the food chain from a dominant position in this land on which they live.

Qin Feng's eyes were very deep. At this time, the young man's back was still quite straight, and even his entire body was in a state of alert, instead of being shocked and flustered.

Because he was already prepared.

In the last life he experienced, this thing happened at this time.

Because Qin Feng was in a coma, Zhou Hao resolutely took him in for an injection, and after he also injected the awakening potion, he came out with Qin Feng on his back.

Qin Feng was already awake when he left the institute, but he encountered damage to the space stabilization device, cracks opened, and beasts invaded. Zhou Hao died in order to save Qin Feng.

As for where Chen Ming was at that time...

Qin Feng didn't have time to recall that in reality, Chen Ming had already told them the answer aloud.

"Escape, run away quickly!"

Chen Ming roared, and flew out like an arrow from the string.

They are all students with secondary education, each of them has a strong physical and force value, Chen Ming runs out, even if it is only for a second or two, it is enough for a distance of more than ten meters!

Qin Feng's expression was extremely cold.

If this is the experience of the previous life, then how ridiculous he was at that time!

Zhou Hao died for himself, and Chen Ming just walked away with an understatement, and he just painted up the fact that he abandoned his brother.

This little guy!

At this time, Zhou Hao was also stunned for a moment. He was a teenager after all, and was driven by Chen Ming's emotions, so he also ran subconsciously.

"Quick, let's run too!" He grabbed Qin Feng's arm and wanted to drag him and run together.

But Qin Feng didn't move.

Zhou Hao found that he couldn't move Qin Feng, so he turned his head quickly, with panic and worry on his face, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Qin Feng, are you still not feeling well? Can you run? Hurry up, we have to leave, or I'll carry you!" Zhou Hao spoke quickly, hardly thinking about Qin Feng's answer, and already wanted to take Qin Feng to run Way to go!

And rightfully so, they are brothers.

Qin Feng only felt that his chest was like a volcanic eruption, and a scorching warm current flowed down, which made his heart feel a little painful and a little sour.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm too fine!"

Fortunately, God gave me a chance, so that I can save all this, lost a hypocrite, at least I still have a real brother!

"I can't go that way. Now I don't know where the crack is, but the safest place is definitely the research institute!" Qin Feng quickly analyzed.

Zhou Hao was also stunned for a moment, but then his expression changed, "There are still classmates who haven't come out, hurry up, let's go back!"

Zhou Hao has always been like this. He is warm-blooded and sunny, and he shows all his heart to everyone.

Before his rebirth, Qin Feng, who had been struggling with his life for ten years, was too precious!


Qin Feng also ran up, feeling that although he was weak, he had a vigorous body and vitality.

turn the alley,

Entering the main road, the car made a sharp whistle sound, and they were all running frantically, but they made a mistake in the busyness, and instead collided together, causing the traffic to be paralyzed.

At this time, three meters above the main road, a crack gradually formed.

The crack was incomparably dark and clearly visible, but around the crack, there was a silver light, which was the fluctuation of the materialization of the space element.

"Crack!!!" Zhou Hao was terrified in his eyes.

No matter how much you study in school, the first time you see it, you are always very scared, because no one knows what kind of creature will appear in the crack, maybe it is the devil who destroys the world.

The crack didn't expand very fast, it was just over half a meter long and only 30 centimeters wide, but because of this, the people on the main road were still screaming in horror, and they ran down one after another, ignoring the cars.

The crack did not stop, and a figure suddenly flashed.

It looked like a baby with tender, puffy skin, but a weird color, yellow-green, and bad, bear-smelling hair.

The baby crawled through the crack with difficulty and fell from a height of three meters with a clatter.

At such a height, even if you don't fall to your death, such a strong force is enough to hurt you.

But the baby moved his hands and feet, got up, and raised his huge head high. Only then did people see each other's appearance.

Where is a baby, clearly a monster.

Huge semi-convex eyeballs, showing a scarlet color, the split mouth opened directly to the ear, revealing a mouth of sharp teeth.

Those teeth were not human flat teeth, but sharp, canine-like teeth that could shred raw meat.

Such creatures are cannibals!

"It's a fangtooth baby!!!" Someone around had already shouted.

The fangtooth baby, in the federal textbook, is only the lowest level G3 monster, but this kind of creature has one characteristic - gregarious!

Sure enough, the first fangtooth baby landed, and the second and third ones emerged one after another. These fangtooth babies didn't look at the staggering movement of crawling out, but when they saw the prey, they suddenly moved their limbs and jumped. Rise, sharp teeth shred the throat of the prey!

"Ah!!!" A man screamed suddenly, he quickly drew out the weapon from his waist, and shot the fangtooth baby in the head!


The gunshots sounded, and the originally chaotic main road was completely turned into hell.

Four or five fangtooth babies are like wolves entering a flock, hunting and killing them recklessly.

A baby with fangs suddenly pounced on Zhou Hao.

Zhou Hao's eyes widened, his mind went blank for a moment, and he seemed to be thinking about how to block it. The information in the textbook is really too thin, and the fighting skills they learned were not able to cope with such a fast speed. , and such a thin existence.

Of course, this is also the crushing of strength. Even if the 16-year-olds have awakened their supernatural abilities and force, they are only the existence of the G1 segment.

However, at this moment, a pair of thin but strong hands pushed Zhou Hao out.

In the corner of Zhou Hao's vision, the figure of that person will never admit his mistake!

It's Qin Feng! ! !

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