Master Of The Omnitrix

Chapter 1 - How It all began.

I've got nothing for you.

Nope . Nada.

I have no idea what happened.

Nothing ...

No random violent murder or unjust crime.

No sleepy transition.

Truck-kun didn't even visit me randomly.

No memories of who I was. Where I was. My... my name . Only personal knowledge Just the darkness of the deep abyss, floating as a ethereal mass less form then .....

I woke up....

" Ben ."




huh ?


" Aaaahh !"

Correction, It was then that I woke up...

" Good your awake , your gonna be late for school and you've got to make a good first impression so that .... "

While she went on, dragging me through the door to the bathroom and then the kitchen for some " organic " breakfast ( it might be a little too organic since it twitches whenever I poke it , ugh ) I process what the hell was going on .

I was dealing with the influx of information about this body's... my life .

I'm five, give or take .

My parents Carl and Sandra Tennyson.

Grandpa Max .

My name ....

Ben Tennyson...

Wait . Ben Tennyson. Bellwood. Max Tennyson.... oh. Oh. OH. OH Shit.

How can I be in the future hero of heroes ?!? Forget Saving JUST the Entire Galaxy from Vilgax more times than a Saturday villain. Then there's the Highbreed Invasion due to their GODDAMN inbreeding. I'm not even gonna mention the Eldritch Abomination that is Diagon The Destroyer.

Oh man. Oh man . Oh Man !

Just to show how little the universe gave a crap about my existential breakdown , we arrived at school and I was dropped off .

I don't understand how Ben had trouble in school. I mean if it was just me having college level knowledge (somehow) that's one thing , No what I find weird is that I have photographic memory , even when I'm not paying attention what going on around me be it sight ,sound or smell gets stuck in my head. It seems to be a part of the body's abilities like my 'canon' counterpart said he had . If he's always had it and it works like it seems to for me ( I remember everything after being to with perfect clarity and perception) then he could cram years of study in days ....

The introduction to class was all standard, no fanfare and the knowledge.... well .... First Grade is First Grade. I was bored out of my skull. The only one that I have interacted with ( or in this case since they are 5 year olds, " made friends with" ) is JT . I guess this is before Cash came along .

I spent the rest of the day planning.

I couldn't be exactly like the OG Ben ( both in attitude and foreknowledge ) . Some of the things that worked out for him either pure luck or straight up plot .

I can't also rely on getting the omnitrix , don't know if this is that dimension where Gwen or Max get that overpowered wristwatch.

I need the skill , resources and knowledge to survive and thrive.

I am going grind my way through this life as if I was the Gamer.

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