Chen Yang's task was officially completed. It took him only one day to complete it. In a day's time to complete the task, also can be regarded as speed. He once again jumped to the first place on the immortal list.

LAN Tingyu and they went to carry out the task, but they haven't come back yet.

After returning to the first Hall of stars, two girls, Lin Yasi and Lin Yarong, came to serve immediately.

In their eyes, they just didn't see Chen Yang for a day. LAN Ziyi knows that Chen Yang's mood is difficult to calm down for the time being, so she just orders Lin Yasi and Lin Yarong to make some food for Chen Yang.

Chen Yang stayed in his room for a day. After a day, he changed all his moods.

In the parallel world, he has too much to give up. But life also has to look forward, always indulge in the good in the past, it is also of no help.

This real world is more cruel and terrifying.

I can't enjoy that comfort any more.

We have to work harder to survive.

Chen Yangxian had a deep talk with LAN Ziyi. In the side hall, blue and purple clothes said with a smile, "how was your trip?"

Chen Yang said: "the killing and robbery is less than five years in total, and I have been in it for more than 20 years. Sometimes I feel that I am no longer a young man. In the past, women had a lot of interest in love. Now I feel old in my heart. "

Blue purple clothes dry cough, said: "boy, in front of me talk about the long years. You are beyond your capacity! I don't even feel old, auntie. Do you want to pretend to me? "

Chen Yang was stunned when he heard that, then he couldn't help laughing.

"Do you have any feeling?" Asked blue purple.

Chen Yang said: "perception? I think my life is more complete. In the past, although I know that people can work hard, but there are some regrets, no matter how hard they try, they can't make up for it. But now, I have no regrets. "

Blue purple said: "that's good." After a pause, she said, "I'm leaving in about two days."

"Where to?" Chen Yang asked.

LAN Ziyi said: "the killing and robbing are becoming more and more fierce. The star master reckons that the gate of the fairy world in the legend is about to open. He asked me to check the progress of the matter. "

"The gate of fairyland?" Chen Yang was surprised and said, "what's the ghost?"

Blue purple clothes said: "in legend, there is a gate of fairyland, which is a passage to a mysterious planet in the universe. On that planet, there is plenty of aura, which is the heaven of the immortals. There is also a legend, that is, when we reach the virtual fairyland above Taixu, we can see the gate of the fairyland and ascend the fairyland. "

"Virtual fairyland?" Chen Yang said, "Why have you never heard of such a state? Have you arrived yet? "

Blue purple clothes a smile, say: "empty fairyland you naturally have not heard of.". In ancient times, there were many divisions of the realm of friars. Later, the God Emperor re divided the realm, where his status was, so later, we all acquiesced to identify according to the realm divided by the God Emperor. As for the virtual fairyland, why didn't you hear of it? That's because the God Emperor at that time couldn't peep into the virtual fairyland. On the earth, there are too few people who can spy on the fairyland, so it has not been spread. The realm above Taixu is handed down from the fairyland, so no one knows it. It's normal. "

She then laughed and said, "if you ask me if I have reached the fairyland, I can tell you exactly. I have already arrived at the virtual fairyland. Not only me, but also the Bodhisattva, the God Emperor and the great emperor of China have arrived at the virtual fairyland. "

Chen Yang said, "why didn't you go to fairyland?"

Blue purple clothes said: "because fairyland is a legend, there is also a legend, after the ancient gods and Demons war, the gate of fairyland has been closed. So we arrived at the virtual fairyland, and there was no way to enter the fairyland. "

Chen Yang said, "it's really bloody. No, where do these legends come from? "

Blue purple clothes said: "the time of the existence of the earth is beyond our judgment, but how many years of human history? Before the earth was a sea, there were creatures in the water. We can't detect how many birth and death the earth has experienced before. In fact, in terms of time, I'm old. I've only lived more than a thousand years. But in the long river of time, this is insignificant. Ordinary people, whose life span is less than 100 years, are even smaller than dust. We can't say that at the end of millions of years, there is no eternal giant alive. Don't look at me. I'm a top man on the planet right now. But maybe we've really gone to the fairyland. When we meet those eternal giants, it's just like I see you. "

Chen Yang said, "well, you have a point. But you still didn't tell me, where did these legends come from? "

Blue purple clothes said: "I know that, I want to know where it comes from, it's called hearing rather than legend."

Chen Yang said, "it's wrong for you to explore the fairyland."Blue purple said: "yes."

Chen Yang said, "no, what are you doing for the star master? What is the purpose of the star master? "

Blue purple clothes said: "this time the door of fairyland opened, different from before. In the past, the gate of fairyland was said to let us ascend the fairyland. But this time, people in the fairyland will come to the earth. "

She paused and said, "according to the star's conjecture, it's not good who comes. They may want to wipe out all the essence of the earth. At that time, the earth will not exist. So it's not about who I'm going to work for, it's about the whole earth. "

Chen Yang said, "it seems that everything is aimed at us now. Those void gods want to replace the way of heaven, and the fairyland wants to empty the earth. "

Blue purple clothes said: "that's why I said that the killing and robbing became more and more fierce."

Chen Yang said: "if fairyland is really on other planets, why does fairyland come to this muddy water at this time? When the killing and looting is finished and the experts on our side are exhausted, they will come back. Isn't they sure? "

Blue purple clothes said: "we have thought about what you said, probably because once the killing and looting is completed. The gate of fairyland will be completely closed. This is the last chance for fairyland. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized. He then said: "if you say there are many giants in the fairyland, then we have no resistance here. You can't resist. What can we do? "

Blue purple said: "after the gate of fairyland is completely opened, those auras will also come to the earth. These auras will also benefit us. The gate of fairyland should be opened first, and then they will come. Because of the unequal time, we still have time for cultivation and progress. Things in the world have causes and consequences. There will be no chance for fairyland to crush us. "

"It's getting more and more chaotic," Chen Yang said

LAN Ziyi said: "this is often the case in the world. One drives two, and then everything. When a world war starts, isn't it going on everywhere? But in the long run, after every war, human beings are making progress. Fairyland and our side, sooner or later there will be such a catastrophe. It's not necessarily a bad thing to solve it. "

Two days later, blue and purple left the hall of stars alone.

Chen Yang bid farewell to blue and purple clothes.

Blue and purple is a natural and elegant wind. The distance between Chen Yang and her is too far.

Before LAN Ziyi left, Chen Yang showed LAN Ziyi the star master's handwriting. Purple star said: "this is not my main request to see her hand blue. So I'm not going to look at it. "

After LAN Ziyi left, Chen Yang began to practice formally.

This trip to the parallel world, he has too much to understand.

Chen Yang is not in a hurry to see the star master's handwriting, which Chen Yang put into jiexumi.

At the same time, he ordered his own items, magic weapons.

The magic weapons include renhuangjing, daluoxianteng, xuanhuang Shengu seed and Disha essence. In addition, there was a black bead that made him feel helpless. It is said that this bead is a mountain and sea bead, but he is not sure whether it is?

In addition, there are several commandments, some renhuang pills and crystal stones.

As for gold, there are a lot of these things.

Chen Yang soon sacrificed the great Heidan!

The great Heidan is formed by the essence of Disha. It contains Chen Yang's understanding of many rules, as well as his spiritual understanding and moving. This is Chen Yang's great achievement!

Big Heidan in front of Chen Yang, forming a ball about the size of a washbasin, it slowly rotates in the air.

After his experience of parallel world, Chen Yang understood the profound truth of the world.

The mystery of the world is above time, and the power of time is infinite.

But time is also the most difficult to control and touch.

The other is the power of rules. After rules are made, they can become the master of creation.

Finally, he understood the source of power, the source of power from Qi!

Air is the basis of human existence, spirit is the face of human beings, breath in the body is the beauty of living.

You die when you lose your breath.

"Qi? This great Heidan is just like a dream, and it is also the existence of one breath. How to use this tone well, we can understand the supreme realm. After death, the soul is a breath. " Chen Yang thought.

"However, I'm still too weak. I have to absorb more essence of Disha." Chen Yang is secretly calculating. "It doesn't have to be all the essence of Disha. Other Qi can also understand the rules and then join the great Heidan. The reason why my golden elixir of heaven and earth is so powerful is that it contains all things, and the great black elixir still has too many limitations. "

Chen Yang then uses the mana to wrap the big Heidan.

His knowledge and understanding of the rules once again integrated into the great Heidan.

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