In the hall of stars, there are too few things you can touch.

Chen Yang now understands a lot of things, but the hall of stars restricts his development.

"It's too bad for things, too much pills, and all kinds of Qi. Mountain spirit, water spirit and all Qi can be contained in the great Heidan. As long as I can contain all things, one day, the big Heidan will become the big Jindan. When the golden elixir is successfully refined, it is the true dharma phase of heaven and earth. " Chen Yang said in secret.

"It seems that I have to go to Tianzhou again." Chen Yang then took the big Heidan.

Then he took out the star master's notes.

Star master's handwriting has a long history, but this paper is simple and special. So no matter how the years erode, it can not affect its fundamental.

On the first side, you can see that there is only one big word written on it.

What makes Chen Yang a little painful is that the word is strange and distorted, and he doesn't know it yet.

But Chen Yang doesn't feel that the star master is cheating him. He stared at the word carefully. Immediately, Chen Yang felt a great spirit of martial arts coming out of the words.

"What a rich smell." Chen Yang can't help but wonder.

"There seems to be something else." Chen Yangyun's mana is captured on the big character.


Under a grasp, the word immediately left the notebook.

The word twisted up in the air, and soon, the word sent out the essence of rolling smoke.

The strong martial arts essence is sent out in the bedroom.

This word is mighty, it seems that there are thousands of waves in it. The essence of martial arts is cyan, and there are more than a thousand cyan air currents in the air.

Chen Yang can't help being shocked.

What strange thing is this? Isn't it a goblin?

At this time, all the essence Qi began to contract.

In a flash, the gas condenses into a person.

He is a Taoist!

The man stood in the room.

Chen Yang asked, "who are you?"

The Taoist took a look at Chen Yang, and suddenly his eyes were fierce. Then, suddenly, he punched.


A golden big fist seal, like the explosive force of the mountain, rushed to Chen Yang. The strength of this blow is a million jin!

"The power of the eight heavens!" Chen Yang can't help talking.

Instead of fighting with the Taoist, he immediately came to the Taoist's back with the help of the emperor's mirror. "Surrender Chen Yang grabs out his big handprint.

The big hand print is the essence of Disha. In an instant, the black Disha Qi forms thousands of sword Qi. Thousands of sword Qi gathered together again to form a fingerprint. This handprint comes out of the void and directly captures the person.

At the same time, the Taoist hit the wall of the bedroom.


The wall emits a layer of golden light, which directly engulfs the Taoist's boxing power.

The walls are intact!

Chen Yang was also surprised to see that the buildings in the hall of stars had such effects.

The struggle in the bedroom didn't disturb the others at all.

Chen Yang grabs the Taoist, who struggles violently in his hands. Chen Yang said coldly, "if you struggle and refuse to tame, I will crush you completely."

As soon as these words came out, the Taoist became much more honest.

Chen Yang said: "you have to make it clear that you don't have the ability to resist in front of me. I can let you go now. After I let you go, I'll give you a good reply. Otherwise, don't blame my people for being ruthless. "

The Taoist nodded.

Chen Yang also accepted the crack empty big handprint.

The Taoist looked at Chen Yang warily.

Chen Yang said, "who are you?"

The Taoist said, "I am a Wuzi spirit."

"What Wuzi spirit?" Chen Yang is puzzled.

The Taoist said: "in ancient times, great powers wrote the rules of heaven and created all kinds of fonts. Poor way is a word of martial arts. "

"One word? You mean you are a word? " Chen Yang felt that his brain hole was a little insufficient.

The Taoist said, "ancient Chinese characters are not human characters. Those who wrote the poor way wrote the poor way with Tiandao pen. After the appearance of the poor way, the world can no longer write the word "Wu."

"Tiandao pen? I know a magic weapon called renhuangbi Chen Yang said.

The Taoist said, "I don't know about renhuangbi. I only know that only tiandaobi can write the true self rules of ancient fonts. I've been in this book for more than 8000 years, and I've gradually developed my wisdom. "

"I see." Chen Yang said, "the word Wu can be regarded as a magic weapon. You are the spirit of it, aren't you?"

The Taoist nodded and said, "you can say that."

Chen Yang said: "eight thousand years, why are you so weak?"

The Taoist's face flashed anger and said, "I have been sealed in this book since I was born. The power has not been refined at all. If you let me enter the secular world or the fairyland to absorb the essence of martial arts, you will be one hundred of you, and you are not my opponent. ""So boastful?" Chen Yang didn't believe it.

The Taoist said, "I'm a great master of martial arts. I'm sealed by heaven and earth. I'm not joking with you."

As soon as Chen Yang's eyes turned, he felt as if he had picked up a treasure.

But how to use this baby, it still needs to think about.

"I can take you to the secular world." Chen Yang said.

The Taoist was overjoyed and said, "is this really true?"

Chen Yang said, "but you have to submit to me in the future."

The Taoist said, "how can we do that? Poor Tao is the great unification of martial arts. How can we submit to human beings?"

Chen Yang said, "well, I'll crush you."

The Taoist immediately softened and said, "OK, I will submit to you."

Chen Yang couldn't help wondering and said, "how powerful is Wu Zi's spirit. It seems that you don't have much backbone."

The Taoist said: "the word Wu is an invincible righteousness, but the poor Dao is not the word Wu, but the spirit in it. After the birth of wisdom, there are seven emotions and six desires in the poor way, so this is very normal. But as long as I launch the spirit of Wu, I will abandon the seven emotions and six desires. "

Chen Yang said, "I don't know if what you said is true or false. But if you say that you will submit to me, I'm afraid it's just a slip of the tongue. If I take you to the secular world, and you get the strength to turn against me, am I not helpless with you? "

The Taoist said, "as long as you have this book, I dare not turn back.". Poor way is a word, need to have a place to settle down. If there is no place to stay, the Qi will disperse in the void. "

"Really?" Chen Yang is dubious.

The Taoist said, "nature is true. I don't know how to lie."

Chen Yang said, "OK, I believe you." Naturally, he will not trust this person in his heart, but there is no other way at the moment.

Then Chen Yang said, "do you know the contents of this notebook?"

"I don't know." Said the Taoist.

Chen Yang didn't want to doubt this Taoist in everything. He continued, "do you know the gate of fairyland?"

"I don't know." Said the Taoist.

It was Chen Daohui who had the accident. How to know those ancient secrets.

"Well, go back to the notes." Chen Yang said.

The Taoist nodded.

Seeing a flash of blue light, the Taoist went back to the notes. There was no such word in the handwriting. At this moment, the word "Wu" appeared in the handwriting again.

Chen Yang said in secret: "who is the star master? He can even write ancient Chinese characters with Tiandao pen. Writing a word is a magic weapon. What kind of magic power is it? "

Chen Yang feels that the star master is more and more mysterious.

Then Chen Yang turned back.

On the second page, the characters are no longer such ancient characters.

On the second page are traditional Chinese characters.

"In the three thousand world, there are lots of planes. I can see the vicissitudes of life, the withering of all things, the spring of withered trees, and the true self. So, where did Yu come from? "

These words are written on the second page. It's not obscure classical Chinese. It's very white.

These words are obviously not written in Tiandao pen, but are just ordinary records. But Chen Yang still feels the confusion of these fonts.

Chaos seems to contain many rules and mysteries.

If you look at these words alone, you will immediately feel that there are endless black hole vortices in them, and you can't see how deep the meaning is.

The more Chen Yang looked, the more frightened he was.

Who is the star master?

Is his purpose really just to build the hall of stars, immortal?

Chen Yang then turned to the third page.

"What is fairyland? The immortal in the heart of mortals, elegant dust. The fairyland I have seen is cruel and even more earthly. There is no fairyland in the world. People in fairyland come from the earth. They are the most noble race on earth. Since the third reopening of the five elements, the fairyland race has finally established the fairyland passage, and since then there has been fairyland! "

Seeing this, Chen Yang was shocked.

"It turns out that fairyland really exists, and the star master has been to fairyland. The star master knows the fairyland very well. Then, what is the state of the star master's cultivation Chen Yang couldn't help thinking about it.

Chen Yang said in secret: "the existence of the star master is like a passer-by between heaven and earth, watching the changes of heaven and earth. All the time, the star master has not made a move. But it's only now that he has started to make a big move. Is he going to save the earth, or is he going to be alone? If it's really just for the sake of building the hall of stars, it's good for itself. "

"Yes, since he has seen the vicissitudes of life and death, he will be indifferent to mortal life and death. Just like human beings watching the birth and death of mole ants, will we go to save mole ants? No Chen Yang is sincere.

"But ants are on the earth with us. If the earth is going to be destroyed. We don't save ants, we have to save the earth. " Chen Yang thought again.Chen Yang doesn't understand the purpose of the star master. He just went on turning the page.

"Tiandao pen writes ancient Chinese characters. I hold Tiandao pen to master the rules and essence of ancient Chinese characters. There are three hundred characters in ancient Chinese, which represent various rules in the way of heaven. Three hundred characters have long been written by others, but the character Wu is broken. I followed the example of ancient Da Neng and wrote the word Wu in a special book! "

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