Chen Yang looks at the star master's handwriting, and the world in his mind has changed. That is, in ancient times, there were countless miraculous things between heaven and earth. In ancient times, this may not be the five thousand years of China. Five thousand years is the history of mortals, but the history of God is not among them.

And the world is just one world.

According to the star master, it is three thousand worlds.

Human beings are not the most powerful race. The fairyland is the most precious race.

"Three thousand worlds? Why are there so many plane worlds? " After thinking about it, Chen Yang said in secret: "yes, those who have great powers have the power of one flower and one world. It's not surprising that there are so many plane worlds. However, many plane worlds may not be real existence. But it can not be all illusory, there must be a real me, there will be a false me. If there is no truth, how can there be falsehood? "

Chen Yang also feels that every word of the star master contains the rules of the road, and the atmosphere inside is chaotic, with no desire and no desire. It can also be said that it is impeccable.

This kind of state gives Chen Yang the feeling that he is looking up to the mountains.

Chen Yang continued to turn the page, which still records a lot of things, all about the world. There are also some magic powers. One of them is the great rein Purdue method.

There is a Buddha statue in the Da Lei Yin Pudu Dharma. The Buddha statue is kind and vivid.

At a glance, I feel that this Buddha is the origin of Buddhism.

Any sin or evil will feel ashamed before this Buddha statue.

Chen Yang was slightly surprised that there were no such skills as how to practice the great lein Pudu method. Then he saw some strange words under the statue. These words are twisted and twisted, and seem to be ancient Chinese characters. Chen Yang obviously doesn't know each other.

"Well?" Chen Yang suddenly felt strange. He could feel the words as if they were spiritual. So he immediately turned the mana on.

"Get up!" Chen Yang gave a soft drink.

So those words immediately fly up, instantly entangled together, changed into a golden light. The golden light came to Chen Yang's brain. Chen Yang instinctively felt that if there was no danger, there would be no stop.

The golden light floated into Chen Yang's brain, and Chen Yang immediately felt the information of a syllable in his brain.

The sound of this syllable is very mysterious.

He couldn't help but pronounce according to the syllables, and at the same time, he was absorbed.

This wonderful syllable is like some kind of heaven and earth code, breaking some rules.

Later, the Buddha on the note also changed rapidly, making a golden glow, flashing into Chen Yang's brain.

"I see!" All of a sudden, Chen Yang understood this method.

This great thunder Bodhisattva can absorb faith and form pure willpower. And then they spread the golden light of their wishes to the world.

It seems to be universal, but it can also be regarded as a kind of evil skill of brainwashing, which can make the brainwashed thoroughly used by themselves, and it is also the kind of selfless dedication.

"It's good to control people, but there is still too little pure will in it. I have to find a lot of people to worship Da Lei Yin Pudu Buddha sincerely. In this way, this skill will become more and more powerful. It would be enough for me to use this method to help ordinary people or experts. But if you use it to educate the powerful master, you will despise convenience. But it seems that there is another way, that is to let the other side open their hearts to accept my Purdue. " Chen Yang said in secret: "how to increase my willpower is what I will do in the future. All in all, this universal law is a good thing. "

At this time, Chen Yang also felt the treasure of the star master's hand. This is absolutely a treasure!

Later, Chen Yang continued to turn the page. Later, there are some miscellaneous notes of the star master, but one thing is mentioned in the middle. That's 3000 Avenue!

Three thousand worlds, each world has a road!

Every avenue to the extreme, will have the supreme power. Among the three thousand avenues, the top 30 Taoist Arts are earth shaking.

For example, big seal ranked 15th.

There are also great Yin and Yang, great decrees and great wishes!

And the general principle of three thousand Avenue is Big destiny!

Chen Yang touched his nose. At this moment, he felt the power of the four words "king of destiny" again.

It seems that unconsciously, many good things have already been sent to their own hands.

It's sad that I can't give full play to its power!

There is also a description in the star master's hand. When the three thousand Avenue is practiced in one person, all the laws in the world will collapse. That is when the world is destroyed.

When the world is destroyed and heaven and earth decline, the door of eternal life will appear.

The door of immortality appears. As long as you enter the door of immortality, you will get immortality.

Chen Yang was shocked, but the star master also said that no one has ever practiced more than 30 kinds of roads, so it is basically impossible for anyone to build 3000 roads.In addition, the star master has a description.

When the earth was formed, the earth was a vast ocean. Under the sunshine, the boundless chaotic air was formed on the sea.

In the air of chaos, there are countless laws and worlds.

There are three thousand in the world, so there are three thousand avenues.

So Yuanyuan spread the following saying: if you have three thousand roads, you can become an immortal.

The number of three thousand, the number of nine nine to one, and the number of nine to five all have a special position in the eight trigrams of the book of changes.

In ancient times, the emperor was the supreme one in the ninth five year plan. Later, he was killed by the great power of ancient times and became the supreme one in the ninth five year plan.

"Great destiny, I have got Baoshan. I still don't know. It seems that I still have to take a good look at this great fate. " Chen Yang thought.

The last page of the star master's notebook attracts Chen Yang's attention.

Because the last page records the legend of shanhaizhu.

"The magic weapon in the world, even the highest artifact, is only the magic weapon of mortals. Only Dao is the real magic weapon of immortal. In order to activate the Taoist instrument, it needs the power of pure Yang in the fairyland. Taoist utensils can be divided into inferior, medium and top quality. In the secular world, a piece of inferior ware has the power to stir up the world. However, in the secular world, without the power of the pure Yang of the fairyland, it is impossible to open the Taoist vessels. Only when the Taoist weapon is in the hands of a real master can it exert all its power. In the fairyland, Yu used to build a top-quality Taoist vessel, named shanhaizhu, with the help of Zaohua immortal stove. After more than 3000 years, Yu gradually abandoned the beads in the secular world

"Is this black pearl really a mountain sea pearl?" Chen Yang took out the black beads and looked at them carefully.

"In addition, the star master's hand records the mountain and sea pearls. But shouldn't shanhaizhu be round? Is it true that the master of the stars is Yuanjue? " Chen Yang is extremely curious.

"I forgot to ask the star master if he knew this mountain and sea pearl. It's really wrong. It's better for me to ask the star master directly than I can't guess here Chen Yang said in secret.

Through these contacts, Chen Yang feels that the star master does not seem to be a terrible schemer.

Of course, this is just Chen Yang's feeling. The star Lord is always covered with a mysterious veil. Chen Yang doesn't know what the star master's purpose is.

There are only so many records in the star master's handwriting, but these are also a great wealth for Chen Yang. He included the star master's notes in the commandment of Xumi.

After receiving the star master's notes, Chen Yang went to the star hall. He asked to see the star master!

But the priest in black, who guarded the first Hall of the stars, said, "the star Lord is not here. If it wasn't for the high priest Hu Zhan, through some means of contact, no one would see the star Lord."

Chen Yang frowned slightly.

But he didn't want to go to the huzhan high priest.

"Forget it, I can't understand it. Take your time." Chen Yang's secret way.

Then Chen Yang went to the other side of the pavilion and stood for a while. He can only look at the spirit lying in such a distance.

After a long time of melancholy, Chen Yang returned to Tingtao Pavilion.

At present, he is subject to the hall of stars, but he is not free. It's hard to get out of here. He couldn't do without Mars himself.

After all, the mana is limited.

In tingtaoxuan, Chen Yang shut himself in his bedroom and continued to practice hard.

In a parallel world, he got one more thing.

That's the evolution of the body.

It can evolve the body into an almost undead body, just as strong as the Moro. But the difference is, Moro is really immortal. However, Chen Yang's head is still fragile. If his head is broken, he will die.

But even so, it's very strong.

It is also possible for Chen Yang to evolve into a parallel world.

It's just He has one more thing to do.

This thing is to thoroughly refine Insect king.

When he thought about it, a sense of panic came out of his brain.

"You know that?" The insect emperor's voice was really frightened.

Chen Yang sits cross knee and communicates with the insect emperor inside.

"I've known your purpose since I began to evolve. You have done so many false moves, just want to use me to return to this world. What's more, you came that day on purpose to let me kill you. Because you're afraid I'll be suspicious. You want me to think you're really dead. So you can always lurk in my mind, as long as I continue to evolve, sooner or later, you can really occupy my body. You not only want to return to this world, but also have a desire for my body. This plan is perfect. " Chen Yang said.

The insect emperor was shocked and couldn't recover for a long time. Later, his voice was full of frustration and said, "but I was cheated by you after all. It turns out that you know everything."

Chen Yang said: "I have never exposed or even thought about this problem in order to hide it from you. Smoothly catch your main body, and then bring it back here to hand in this task. " The insect emperor said, "OK, you win."Chen Yang said, "now in my brain, I have powerful mana. With your weak body, I can't resist my spiritual refining. "

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