The insect emperor's body is so small that it is impossible for such a small creature to have any intelligence according to the normal logic of existence.

However, the insect Emperor himself is a man of great powers. He used to be a master of taking thousands of mountains and shrinking the sun and the moon. So it's not surprising that with his efforts, such a pair of body has been formed.

Great powers, one flower, one world, one thought, one world. Although the body is small, the structure and space inside are not visible to the naked eye.

Chen Yang then used the method of "Da Lei Yin Pu Du".

Then he saw a golden light floating out of Chen Yang's brain, and then he got into the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu. The insect emperor's body was immediately bathed in this golden light.

Although the cultivation of the insect emperor is zero, his willpower and heart to the Tao are extremely firm.

However, Chen Yang's Da Lei Yin Pu Du method is still weak, so it takes a lot of effort to transform the insect king. However, the insect emperor let go of his mind. After a while, his body changed.

All over the body, like a layer of gold plating.

Chen Yang's heart was suddenly fixed. He could feel that the insect king had been changed.

Chen Yang then took back the big thunder sound and Purdue the golden light.

"Amitabha!" The insect emperor immediately devoutly uttered a Buddha chant. Chen Yang dares to be 100% sure that the insect king has been standardized. Before the insect emperor's words are right, Chen Yang's heart will be very clear whether they have been standardized or not.

This big thunder sound Purdue method is really powerful, as long as the opponent has been degree, from now on will be determined to follow the master. This is much more powerful than the brainwashing of MLM.

No matter how far the insect emperor develops, he will always be loyal.

Chen Yang gave a dry cough and said, "little bug, what do you want to tell me now?" "I used to be sinful. Thank you for your enlightenment. From then on, I will try my best to help you, so as to wash away my past sins."

"Good, good!" Chen Yang burst out laughing. He couldn't help thinking, if I knew it was so simple, what would I do with him?

Chen Yang had thought about using da Lei Yin Pudu method to transform the insect emperor, but he was not sure whether he could succeed. So, until the end, I didn't plan to use the great rein Purdue method.

Then Chen Yang said, "now tell me, what is your origin and origin?"

The insect emperor said: "yes, the poor monk is sinful. Naturally, he should not hide anything from the Taoist friends." He paused and said, "I come from the core of the earth, which is 4000 kilometers away from the surface of the earth. In the core of the earth, the poor monk absorbed the essence. Like flies, mosquitoes, they grow out of garbage. Poor monks are essentially different from them. The whole planet, all living things, grow by analogy. But the poor monk has only one companion since he was born. "

"You have another companion?" Chen Yang was surprised.

The insect emperor said, "heaven and earth are divided into yin and Yang, male and female, male and female. After the poor monk is born, there will naturally be Yin and Yang. Why are you so strange

Chen Yang said, "are you male or female?"

The insect emperor said, "I belong to the male."

Chen Yang suddenly slightly embarrassed, it seems that he said it is a mother and father is a bit impolite. Fortunately, at this moment, the insect emperor is not angry.

"But I haven't seen the female companion, so in order to evolve, I evolved a mother in my body, so I gave birth to many parasites." Said the insect king.

Chen Yang can't help but be a little stunned. He says in his heart, "Damn, it's like having no wife. Then he grows a wife and comes out, and..."

It seems that the picture is too beautiful to imagine.

"Why did the way of heaven deal with you instead of your companion?" What did Chen Yang think of? He asked.

The insect emperor was slightly stunned, and then he said: "Amitabha, I was greedy for profits and committed heinous crimes. I wanted to get the road and prove immortality. Only in this way can I be punished by the way of heaven. Now I think that I am guilty. Fortunately, I have the supervision of the way of heaven and the cultivation of Taoist friends. Otherwise, I will continue to sink in the sea of misery without knowing it. "

"Cough!" More and more, Chen Yang feels that this big thunder sound is so powerful that it can be called the first artifact of brainwashing!

He nodded and said, "well, I see what you mean. Maybe the female is not as bad as you, so it's not a big threat After a pause, he said, "according to you, you used to be very powerful. You must have a lot of skills for me now, right? "

The insect emperor said: "before I was punished by the way of heaven, I really practiced ten kinds of magical powers in the three thousand Avenue. They are big seal, big five elements, big destruction, earth crack, big sky collapse, big destiny, big flame, big origin, big sword light, big sky eye

"So many powers?" Chen Yang can't help talking. "Come on, teach me everything."

The insect emperor said, "I can't teach it to Taoist friends at present."

"Why?" Chen Yang was stunned.

The insect emperor said, "these supernatural powers can't be conveyed by language. Just like your great thunder sound Purdue method, you must have the source of power. Then you can practice it through the source in the day after tomorrow. In other words, every kind of magic power can not be refined by two people at the same time. Each source is a seed. Unless that person is willing to give you one of his own seeds, it is impossible for two people to practice the same power at the same time. ""I see." Chen Yang said: "it's like my da Lei Yin Pudu method. I have to use my origin to refine the golden seeds, and then other people can practice Da Lei Yin Pudu method. But in this way, my original power will be weakened, and my powers will also be weakened. "

"That's right!" The insect emperor said: "in the world of cultivation, it has always been extremely cruel. Few people are willing to give the original power to others. Because it not only weakens one's strength, but also deprives one's luck. "

Chen Yang said, "don't tell me. You don't have anything good left for me?"

The insect emperor said, "that's not true. Later, I left some magical sources in the secular world, and only I knew where to hide them. I still have a lot of wealth in the secular world. I will give it all to my friends in order to wash away my sins. "

Chen Yangxin immediately moved, said: "good good, so good."

He thought about it and said, "how much do you know about fairyland?"

The insect emperor said, "I have been to the fairyland. In the fairyland, it is the world of monks."

Chen Yang thought this was not surprising, and said, "what kind of structure is it?"

The insect emperor said, "the fairyland was originally a planet similar to the earth, but it is very far away from the earth, about 1400 light-years away."

"1400 light years?" Chen Yang can't help talking.

1400 light years? What's the concept?

One light year runs at the speed of light. This means that when you see the celestial planet from earth, the celestial world looks like it was 1400 years ago.

With the development of science and technology, it takes more than 20 million years for human beings to reach that planet.

Chen Yang said, "tell me in detail."

The insect emperor said, "that planet is called Kepler, which is 98% similar to the earth. But it existed 1.5 billion years before the earth. At the beginning, it was the species on Kepler that detected the earth and then came to the earth through mana. Later, the immortals of the earth arrived on Kepler. The immortals on earth are not pure human beings, they are the most noble race. After they arrived at Kepler, they conquered Kepler with supreme magic power, and established a sect. On the planet Kepler, there are many human beings who were taken from the earth by the immortals. At that time, the earth was frozen once, because of the magic war between the immortals. Many humans have been taken to the past. "

"On the planet Kepler, all the human vassals are kept in captivity by the immortals. They believe in the immortals and provide a lot of willpower for the immortals. There are countless vassals behind each Xiandao sect. The people of these vassals have to work every day, then believe and offer their wishes. It's the same as pig raising on earth, and then people eat pigs. "

Chen Yangting was shocked. This is a terrible biological chain!

The insect emperor said, "in the fairyland, the pure Yang immortals are full of power. Their mana level is incomparable on earth. However, the gate of fairyland is open, and some immortals on earth can also draw pure Yang immortal power through the gate of fairyland. But this kind of absorption, at least is the virtual fairyland master can absorb. That is to say, when the immortal comes to the earth, the level will be greatly reduced, but even if it is discounted, it is also terrible for the earth people. "

Chen Yang understood a little, he said: "Kepler planet is so far away from the earth, how to open the channel between the two?"

The insect emperor said, "you don't know, Daoyou. The speed of light is regarded as the fastest speed on earth, but it's not. The quickest is thought. When you are on Mars, your mind can reach the earth in an instant. Mind is mental power. When the spiritual strength is strong enough to a certain extent, it can form the spirit of emptiness. When the immortals arrive at Kepler, they do not cross the distance, but tear up the distance of time and space in this way. " He pauses and says: "at first, the immortals relied on the Kepler species to decipher the position of Kepler planet through their mental power in the brain domain. In this way, they finally crossed the space distance and arrived at Kepler planet. Later, opening the fairyland passage is another matter. "

"How did the species of Kepler get to earth?" Chen Yang asked.

The insect emperor said, "Daoyou, this I don't know very well. "

Chen Yang said: "in this way, the reason why Kepler was enslaved by the immortals is because of their curiosity. If they don't send species here, there will be no such thing."

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