Kepler is just like some science fiction movies of M country. People on earth are bored and send signals to aliens. Then the alien received the signal, and immediately thought, crouching trough, there are creatures here. Go and have a look, and then the earth is almost finished.

The difference is that the earth people in the movie can always guard the earth and beat back the aliens.

And in reality, Kepler is completely enslaved by immortals. Hundreds of millions of creatures are raised by immortals like mole ants.

That's a kind of unspeakable cruelty.

The insect king has a lot of knowledge, and Chen Yang knows in his heart that his trip to the parallel world is definitely fruitful. Although ling'er followed him and made her daughter unable to enjoy father's and mother's love there, in the end, the two ling'er merged into one, which was the best ending.

As for the parallel world, I only hope that my own mana can reach a certain level in the future and travel freely between the two worlds.

It's a harvest that ling'er has a chance to revive.

And I got the star master's hand, which is also a huge harvest.

Moreover, it seems that the insect emperor's plot has greatly accomplished his own cultivation in the end.

"Well, little bug, from now on, you will do it again Insects. The identity of the insect emperor no longer belongs to you. " Chen Yang admonishes the insect emperor.

Real Madrid said: "what Taoist friends say is that the poor monk is sinful. The name of the insect emperor can no longer be used. Please give me a Dharma name. "

Chen Yang touched his chin and said, "I think you come from the core of the earth. You are naturally nurtured and have unlimited aura. The name of the law is Linghui. "

The insect emperor was immediately overjoyed and said, "the word Linghui is very good. I will be Linghui monk after me."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "well, well, it's called monk Linghui."

Monk Linghui said: "however, Taoist friends, I have no physical body all the time. I always exist in this form. I really can't make progress. Then there is no way to help Daoyou in the fight against the enemy. If not, you'd better help me to have a body, so that I can defend the enemy with you. "

If there was no Da Lei Yin Pudu method, Chen Yang would have doubted that monk Linghui was harbouring evil intentions. But at this moment, he didn't worry about it. Big thunder sound Purdue golden light has thoroughly washed the soul of Linghui monk, which will never have any problems.

It should be said that in Chen Yang's brain, it is clear whether the opponent has been standardized. There will be things that can't be changed, but there will never be things that can be changed and turn back.

In the face of monk Linghui's request, Chen Yang knew in his heart that if he was such a strong helper, if he had been making it a worm, it would be a bit outrageous.

He said, "you mean I'll get you a body? "

Linghui monk said: "Amitabha, poor monk does not necessarily need physical body. What magic weapon do you have, Taoist friend? I can dominate your magic weapon! "

Chen Yang said, "Oh, I still have some magic weapons. What's suitable for you to lead?"

With that, he took out the Caulis, the dark mandala and the king's mirror.

But Linghui monk took a fancy to the big Luo xianteng.

He said with great joy, "Amitabha, what a good thing. Taoist friend, you still have such biological seeds, which are full of rich tree sap. If poor monk can integrate with these seeds, and then after some training, he will be promoted to be a lower grade Taoist instrument and a middle grade Taoist instrument, it's possible! "

Chen Yang said, "Tao Qi?"

Chen Yang had always thought that artifact was the most powerful magic weapon. But after reading the star master's handwriting, we know that there are Taoist artifacts above the artifact.

"In that case, you can come into my big luoxianteng." Chen Yang said.

"Linghui monk said:" but also trouble friends to use magic to help poor monks

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing. This hero, who has been around for thousands of years, is really miserable now. He immediately used his magic power to catch monk Linghui from the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu. Then he threw Linghui monk into the seed of Daluo xianteng.

Linghui monk didn't move much, so he didn't enter the seed directly.

Chen Yang then put away the emperor's mirror and the dark Mandala.

He could feel that Linghui monk had entered into Daluo xianteng, and immediately began to greedily absorb the green liquid of Daluo xianteng. Linghui monk's body quickly began to grow, it was gold, and soon became green, and became one with the great luoxianteng.

Chen Yang can feel that there are many roots growing on Linghui monk, which are fused with Daluo xianteng.

Gradually, Chen Yang could not see monk Linghui's body. He and Daluo xianteng have merged into one.

Chen Yang saw that the seeds of daluoxianteng grew bigger and bigger. It grew roots, four roots rooted on the ground, and then the shape of head and hand appeared.

It looks like a tree man."Amitabha, Taoist friends and poor monks are now integrated with this seed, and there will be infinite possibilities in the future. In the future, I will be able to work for Daoyou even more. " Linghui monk said.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "how strong can you be?"

Linghui monk said: "this seed is a good thing, but if you want to be strong, you still need to find a source of supernatural power. The source of that magical power is called the great spirit liquid skill. As long as I get the source of the great spirit liquid skill, I can strengthen this seed to the level of Taoist weapon in the future. "

Chen Yang said: "great spirit liquid skill? Do you know where to look? "

Linghui monk said: "I know it, but I didn't have to practice it before."

Chen Yang said, "OK." He then asked, "what's so special about my seed? Why do you seem to like it so much?"

Monk Linghui said, "don't you know, Daoyou?"

Chen Yang suddenly some embarrassment, said: "I am not very clear, from the hands of others."

Monk Linghui said, "I see. It's good luck that this seed can fall into the hands of Taoist friends. Those who are against Taoists are inexorable evils. "

"Cough!" Chen Yang said, "your logic That's good! "

, the wise and wise monk, continued: "this seed is the essence of the forest, and it should be condensed by the master of Aoki and Emperor. Although today's grade is not high, but the plasticity is very strong. "

"Emperor Qingmu?" Chen Yang murmured: "is it dongfangjing, the holy emperor of Kunlun? Not very likely. Emperor dongfangjing is not very old. Maybe it's because emperor Aoki is not the only one who cultivates his kung fu. "

When Chen Yang thought of something, he suddenly took out the star master's handwriting and used his magic power on the Wu character.

At once, the essence of martial arts rolled out.

A moment later, the essence formed the Taoist.

Chen Yang then said: "now I want to use big thunder sound Purdue golden light to measure you, you open your heart, don't resist my measure. Otherwise, don't blame me for killing you. "

Most people who practice Taoism are cunning and merciless.

Chen Yang is very clear in his heart, so he doesn't believe this Taoist at all. He thinks it is safest to use the big thunder sound Purdue method.

The Taoist changed his face immediately after hearing the speech.

"Why, don't you?" Chen Yang immediately tried to kill the Taoist.

The Taoist is weak now, but he doesn't dare. He said immediately: "I have no opinion."

Chen Yang said: "this is just like saying."

After that, Chen Yang successfully transformed this Taoist into a person.

"In the future, you will be called wudaoren." Chen Yang said.

After Chen Yangdu changed him, he was also very clever and said, "yes, I always listen to the arrangement of my friends."

"Go back." Chen Yang waves.

So the Taoist immediately returned to the star master's hand.

In the boundless depths of the universe, the meteorite array encircling the Shendi and his party is still attacking the Shendi and his party.

"Broken!" At this time, the divine light broke out in the eyes of the emperor.

The power of the emperor is infused into the body of all the gods.

The meteorite formation originally trapped Chen Ling, the great emperor of China, as well as the Shendi group. It was very difficult for them to break through. But after the demon emperor and his party joined, their strength was greatly enhanced.

God Emperor this break drink out, immediately, his golden magic seed burst out of infinite golden light.

These golden lights broke out in all directions and divided into thousands of golden lights. Thousands of golden lights are like thousands of golden dragons. These golden dragons finally converged into nine heavenly dragons.

Each dragon is thousands of feet long and hundreds of feet wide. At first glance, it looks like a golden mountain.

Nine heavenly dragons surround the crowd and form the infinite Heavenly Dragon array!

There are hundreds of millions of tons of meteorites in the void, and they kill them in black.

When the black meteorite comes into contact with Tianlong formation, it is immediately blocked!

All the meteorites that came into contact with Tianlong burst apart in an instant.

Waves of black meteorite powder, like a fierce sea tide, surged out. Between heaven and earth, gold and black formed a sharp contrast. The golden wave and the black wave fight fiercely in the air, just like hundreds of millions of troops hanging each other.


Finally, all the meteorites were broken, and black waves scattered everywhere.

The Golden Dragon roared and finally turned into golden light and returned to the golden seed of the God Emperor.

Gathered the power of several great powers, they finally broke the terrible meteorite array.

"Go The crowd quickly left the spot without further delay.

"Amitabha!" After the group left, in the original place of meteorite formation, a monk appeared in the void.

The monk stepped on Xiangyun. He looked very young and his face was very ordinary, like All monks in the world are like this.The monk was wearing a white robe. After chanting a Buddha's name, he said, "the fairyland has also been stirred in. It's inconvenient for me to trap you any more."

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